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Tot Speed Down To 10 Kpbs...what The F**k Is Going On! :(

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I've posted numerous times but still no answer...

So I'll keep posting every few days in the hope that someone will eventually know what is going on with TOT or if there is any hope at all?

I'm thinking of moving out because of this TOT problem, has anyone any rumors as to what is causing this insane slow down of international speed or if there is any hope at all that they will EVER fix it?


I think there is no hope that a "Privatised" former Public Thai entity will ever get it together. ToT in Surin upgraded me to 1.5 G Down/512K up. The only time I ever saw anything close to that was the 15 Minutes the Tech was here. For the last three days, I couldn't even hold a Skype connection. The typical speed in the past two weeks has been less than 200 Kbps in Thailand, thaiadsl speed test. and less than 30kbps through the gateway, frontier.net speed test...New York.

The international issue is that ToT elected to avoid investment, so they lease BW on CAT's gateway. It is very limited...since it is one of only two Gateway servers out of Thailand.

I give up. There is NO Internet service in Thailand... :o


you mention CAT. We actually have a CAT office in sakaeo and they do supply an internet service. Anybody have experience of them? could they be better?

I also spoke to the owner of a computer shop next door to me ( actually sounds like a large business supplying corporate intra/internet in spite of the unassuming location) and he swears that TOT GoldCyber (or is it CyberGold!) works perfectly well every day!!! I now have an idea and will go test out his speed on international connections as I suspect he may just be using email and thai sites.


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The last tech at ToT asked me to do the speed test with the Bangkok server


Correct, TOT (and other providers) guarantee you the local speed ... the speed to

their server in Bangkok ....


The last tech at ToT asked me to do the speed test with the Bangkok server


Correct, TOT (and other providers) guarantee you the local speed ... the speed to

their server in Bangkok ....

Today, after a weekend of NO service, Techs arrived to test lines again and again...They finally said...OK..call the Office and have them change your plan to 1024 Down/512 Up for 590 Baht/Mo. Since they left, I now have Down speed at adslthailand.com speed test of 29 kbps. Sure happy they fixed it! :o The wonderful thing is I live 2 blocks from the Central Office in Surin. So distance is not a factor, just ToT incompetance. I repeat my earlier statement. There is no reason to expect decent service from ToT.



The last tech at ToT asked me to do the speed test with the Bangkok server


Correct, TOT (and other providers) guarantee you the local speed ... the speed to

their server in Bangkok ....

Today, after a weekend of NO service, Techs arrived to test lines again and again...They finally said...OK..call the Office and have them change your plan to 1024 Down/512 Up for 590 Baht/Mo. Since they left, I now have Down speed at adslthailand.com speed test of 29 kbps. Sure happy they fixed it! :o The wonderful thing is I live 2 blocks from the Central Office in Surin. So distance is not a factor, just ToT incompetance. I repeat my earlier statement. There is no reason to expect decent service from ToT.


Is there no government agency charged with overseeing the abominably poor performance of communication service companies in Thailand?



Speed Test in Sukhumvit, near Prompong. Why is the up speed so dramatically higher than download speed? And if this can be reversed by router / modem setting?


Speeds were higher a couple weeks ago, not much, looks like anywhere near Sukhumvit is overloaded with users.


Speed Test in Sukhumvit, near Prompong. Why is the up speed so dramatically higher than download speed?

Too many people downloading, of course. :o

Suddenly torrents on Maxnet are screaming along today and yesterday. "Heroes" episode 4 came down very quickly. Up to 3 days ago download speeds were appalling. I guess they've fixed a rubber band somewhere :D .

both telcos need a new slogan "TOTal shiTTT"

found out today that the brain donor pretending to work at TTT didn't log my last payment into their computer so TOT have disconnected my landline... however the maxnet still works...kinda!!


This article may provide some insight into ToT and their issues. <a href="http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article-southeastasia.asp?parentid=77235" target="_blank">http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article-sout...?parentid=77235</a>


Excellent article!! One could only wish it would be translated to Thai and published prominently in the Thai press. Corruption, Nepotism, Insider deals, amazing what keeps the Thai people from uprising and do something about their government and government institutions!

both telcos need a new slogan "TOTal shiTTT"

found out today that the brain donor pretending to work at TTT didn't log my last payment into their computer so TOT have disconnected my landline... however the maxnet still works...kinda!!


This article may provide some insight into ToT and their issues. <a href="http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article-southeastasia.asp?parentid=77235" target="_blank">http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article-sout...?parentid=77235</a>


Excellent article!! One could only wish it would be translated to Thai and published prominently in the Thai press. Corruption, Nepotism, Insider deals, amazing what keeps the Thai people from uprising and do something about their government and government institutions!

After reading this article I find it amazing that my DSL line works at all.


I just got off the phone to a friend who now works at NTT, It appears that NTT have shut off two high speed links to Thailand for non payment this week. These links are usually reserved for high priority traffic which is now being given priority on other links - hence the reduced service.

This guy is usually reliable in his info. So perhaps this is the answer to the 10kbs link issue the op is seeing. Then again it could be the usual telecoms engineer to engineer rumour mill.

After living in Thailand for five years and seeing up close how screwed up the system is for releasing money on a timely basis from government entities, this is the most logical explanation thus far!


With regard to speedtest.net, how did you get the preferred server setting to stick? I have cookies enabled, but something else is preventing the change for a test to, say, Los Angeles, CA.

Any ideas?


Since down here in Pattaya my internet has just been disgracefully slow , I think TOT carry MAXNET TT&T, is this the reason Maxnet are so low down here in Pattaya, my net has just been crawling so much recently. and me with 2050/512 premier account.

its just discouraging for this country really. there is no reason internet cannot be improved. one gormless problem after another with internet down here in Pattaya. This time last year internet was perfect on 1029 speed. phone over net great. 1 year later it is a disaster. Maybe Taskhin pulled out a plug somewhere on his year off back packing around the world! ;-)

Will it ever improve, or what is the outlook on this? (asked seriously, anyone have an ideas?)

Since down here in Pattaya my internet has just been disgracefully slow , I think TOT carry MAXNET TT&T, is this the reason Maxnet are so low down here in Pattaya, my net has just been crawling so much recently. and me with 2050/512 premier account.

its just discouraging for this country really. there is no reason internet cannot be improved. one gormless problem after another with internet down here in Pattaya. This time last year internet was perfect on 1029 speed. phone over net great. 1 year later it is a disaster. Maybe Taskhin pulled out a plug somewhere on his year off back packing around the world! ;-)

Will it ever improve, or what is the outlook on this? (asked seriously, anyone have an ideas?)

What I see happening is that these ISP's will begin to track how much each accoun t dowloads in a month. Then i think they'll make all these people who ball up the system dowloading porn and movies and TV shows pay for the extra bandwidth they use, which others cant then use. i'll be all for it.

What I see happening is that these ISP's will begin to track how much each accoun t dowloads in a month. Then i think they'll make all these people who ball up the system dowloading porn and movies and TV shows pay for the extra bandwidth they use, which others cant then use. i'll be all for it.

LOL! Last year when the net was good. I just got in a new router with Wifi which was really nice, as 3pm on to abut 5pm I used to work side on notebook wifi , good voip call strength to Europe etc. made for a very nice few hours work.

One morning the net was down, back then it went down for few hours in total here and there a week, no big deal, I used to work around the crashes. So net down one morning and thai lady who lives across the road came over looking all inconvenienced like a bulldog chewing a wasp look on her face, demanding to know when "Internet Open Soon When??" then I realized she and i d imagine more, who had notebooks were all riding for free off me WIFI!! password went on immediate!!

With regard to speedtest.net, how did you get the preferred server setting to stick? I have cookies enabled, but something else is preventing the change for a test to, say, Los Angeles, CA.

Any ideas?

Strange. Mine always starts off with Bangkok coming up as the "Recommended Server", but after clicking on the "Select a Region" map on the right, you can then select any server world-wide.

When the test is finished, you can click the "Test Again" icon and go back to the same region of servers. But if I leave the web site and go back later, it always goes back to Bangkok as the "recommended server".

I was going to check New York again but just realised I'm downloading "Heroes" series 2 episode 5 at about 90-100 kB/s!! :o


If you want to permanently change your "Preferred Server", click on My Results at the top of the page. There will be some drop down selection boxes where you can change settings including your preferred server. When you've finished selecting, click save on the far right of the screen to save your selections.


Heard from the manager at the Pattaya TOT office that this fiasco could be solved by mid November, the 15th or 16th apparently....

Can anyone ask TOT when they expect things to get fixed if ever, a Thai man that owns an internet cafe also confirmed that rumor.

If anybody gets the same answer please post it here or any other answer as to when there is even hope that this will get resolved....

I'm pretty sure Maxnet runs pretty fast, seen it at 1200 international with my own eyes at 3 pm and the Falangs in the TT&T office at Carrefour are not fuming angry like the ones at the TOT office....

Cat Telecom seems to work fine also, SO THERE MUST BE A WAY for TOT to fix this.

Any reason, reply from TOT or expectancy of normal service resolvation welcome.


I'm in Chiang Mai on Maxnet Indy 1024/512. Torrents and ftp are useless as of a week and a 1/2 ago. I contacted TTT and they claim I need to upgrade because my service doesn't have enough bandwidth. I responded by telling them they're completely full if sh*t because when my service was half the current bandwidth I had no problems with ftp and torrents. Gee TTT, thanks for the "free" speed upgrade last month. bogus!

SUUUUUPER annoying that I have to go to internet cafes to do simple updates to my pathetic little website. I refuse to pay more for yet another "upgrade"

Good ol' Thai "customer service".

If you want to permanently change your "Preferred Server", click on My Results at the top of the page. There will be some drop down selection boxes where you can change settings including your preferred server. When you've finished selecting, click save on the far right of the screen to save your selections.

Thanks for the info. :o There's a lot you can configure on this web site.


We live near Rayong and have the Gold Cyber account. Our internet has been anything BUT Gold . . . or Cyber.

It's a good thing we have Airplus for a back-up.

I cannot imagine trying to do schoolwork or run a business dependent on the poor internet quality we get.


I've posted numerous times but still no answer...

So I'll keep posting every few days in the hope that someone will eventually know what is going on with TOT or if there is any hope at all?

I'm thinking of moving out because of this TOT problem, has anyone any rumors as to what is causing this insane slow down of international speed or if there is any hope at all that they will EVER fix it?


thats why i changed to ttnt .....


TT&T Maxnet in pattaya here, this past 3 months if not longer, the net has been a disaster.

as I said this time last year 1029 was excellent and voip great. now 2050 premier is a joke... rarely is it above 1000 ish on speedtest (i test dublin to bkk).

crashes, slow, dragging, unreliable, its a joke. what should in this day and age be a simple part of modern infrastructure is a joke.

I had better internet when I lived last year up in Nong Ki, Burriram.

the USA should tell them to get the internet act together!!! or no more hands out!!!


I am in Pattaya with TOT Na Jomitine, close to the old sharky restraunt. speeds have been reallly bad, in fact I get faster with edge from my moble phone on internatinal sites.....has anyone tryed CCLOGINFO, or thters with a TOT line?? I am to the pont of just cancelling and useing dialup since on my last few test to the USA I am only getting 50, to 100 kps....that reallly sucks and is crazy for us to exscept....I have complained and complaned.....I stay in Bangkok most of the time and when I come to my hourse in Pattaya I need the interent for work. I am only here a maybe 1 week per month so do not feel like I should spend a lot....I am on the gold cyber 1meg down, 512 up, it has not changed as some have reported being upgraded, but I checked the modem status and sitll on that plan.........it is crazy when one has to ay more for a basic internet service then ones rent for a house or condo....total crazy!!!!



I’m quick to complain when the speeds are really poor from TOT.

As of Wednesday October 31st, my Chiang Mai, Hang Dong, GoldCyber 2mb/512k Internet has finally recovered to the speeds I use to get before the big upgrade.

At 12:30pm today I tested using http://www.speakeasy.net/speed and got a speed of 990 to New York and 1,230 Seattle.

I really believe the TOT speeds are starting to Improve. I would like to hear from other TV members who posted on this thread and were complaining. Are the speeds slowly getting better for you as well? How about the TT&T people who were also complaining about slow speeds, any improvement noticed?


still very very bad in Pattaya, my speeds are to San francisco on speakeasey are 100 to 200 kps, I would love to get 900 or 1,200, I would be happy with 500 at this point.....150 kps does at 1,000 THB is crazy, thhinking of trying the CAT hiNet, heard it will be in my area soon and read many good things about it on the pattya fourm...I hate to pay 2,600 THB, but guess I have to

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