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"Police that are not police..but are dressed like police..."

This is what my maid told me about today.

Background: I live near Villa Market on Phahonyothin (Saphan Kwai / Ari area) and there is the roti lady there that my wife likes to get roti from. Our maid went to her yesterday and the roti lady told my maid about how everyday these people who dress like the police come to her and every other person running a food stall in that area and require her to give them 50 baht plus all the free food they ask for (otherwise they threaten them). So, she was complaining because now they're asking for 70 baht + the free food and when she sees them coming, she has to move her cart and lose business so as not to have to deal with this police-dressed-mafia.

Anyway...is this something new going on in the ever-corrupt Thailand...or have people heard of this going on before? It just pisses me off....I mean, a roti is 7 baht....she's not exactly rolling in the dough (no pun intended).


The people you are talking about are officers from the Tessakit, or BMA (Bangkok Metropolitan Administration). They are responsible for, among other things, policing street vendors. It is common for vendors to be required to pay a monthly "street cleaning fee" to the Tessakit in return for being allowed to use BMA property (i.e., the pavements) to conduct business. Nothing unusual.


Thailand is not too bad, infact I think it is a pleasure to bribe a police officer in my province as they are quite polite about it. Where I am working just now in the last few weeks the Police have found a better way of earning money from us westerners.

On the way home from the pub or dinner they would stop you, grab your girlfriend (always local girls) bundle her into a police car leave you with a slip of paper with the stations telephone number and take off.

By the time you found out where they were keeping her and arrived to collect her the Police had already bargained with our work agency for the cost of her release. Usually US$300-500, This has happened to 7 of my work mates and their girlfriends in the last 2 weeks.

One of the guys picked his girlfriend (NOT bar girl) up from the police station and her nose was broken, her dress had been ripped off and they dragged her out of the cell on the floor to throw her down at his feet all the while the 10 or so cops were laughing at them both. (Do I need to actually say what had happened to her whilst in the cell?).

At least the police in Thailand are restrained, here they are the worst pigs/scum/filth ever to have seen the light of day.


Just be thankful it is not any worse here in Thailand guys.


What's there to complain about? Would you expect to be able to set up a stand on public property in your own country, carry on business, and not pay any taxes on the revenues? Of course not.

Here, the "Thai way" insures that street vendors are able to operate even where they should, technically, be prohibited -- while kicking some overheads up the system. Ask your roti vendor which way she'd rather have it.

One of the guys picked his girlfriend (NOT bar girl)

I don't get it I seen this on many threads Not all Thai Girls are Bar Girls do you have to add That she is Not a Bargirl?

Where I am working just now in the last few weeks the Police have found a better way of earning money from us westerners.

where are you working just now?


One of the guys picked his girlfriend (NOT bar girl)

I don't get it I seen this on many threads Not all Thai Girls are Bar Girls do you have to add That she is Not a Bargirl?

Unfortunately yes, people do feel the need for this as there are some narrow minded bigots / feminazis that assume all white guys with thai women got them from bars.


PvtDick, thanks a lot for the reply. You are indeed correct. Asking around at my workplace, I got this info too. As usual...you are a wealth of information. Thanks a lot everyone.


One of the guys picked his girlfriend (NOT bar girl)

I don't get it I seen this on many threads Not all Thai Girls are Bar Girls do you have to add That she is Not a Bargirl?

Unfortunately yes, people do feel the need for this as there are some narrow minded bigots / feminazis that assume all white guys with thai women got them from bars.

OK I understand now, I asked my wife about it She's Thai She said that thai people when they see farang with thai girl They think he is customer to her, She says it should not be this way but unfortunately it is.

Dosen't Surprise me Someone would try this But to get money from food vendors C'mon That's Low

Do you honestly think the Police would attempt extortion from someone that could fight back or is higher status?

Sad but true.

Where I am working just now in the last few weeks the Police have found a better way of earning money from us westerners.

where are you working just now?

Azerbaijan. :o

Thailand is not too bad, infact I think it is a pleasure to bribe a police officer in my province as they are quite polite about it. Where I am working just now in the last few weeks the Police have found a better way of earning money from us westerners.

On the way home from the pub or dinner they would stop you, grab your girlfriend (always local girls) bundle her into a police car leave you with a slip of paper with the stations telephone number and take off.

By the time you found out where they were keeping her and arrived to collect her the Police had already bargained with our work agency for the cost of her release. Usually US$300-500, This has happened to 7 of my work mates and their girlfriends in the last 2 weeks.

One of the guys picked his girlfriend (NOT bar girl) up from the police station and her nose was broken, her dress had been ripped off and they dragged her out of the cell on the floor to throw her down at his feet all the while the 10 or so cops were laughing at them both. (Do I need to actually say what had happened to her whilst in the cell?).

At least the police in Thailand are restrained, here they are the worst pigs/scum/filth ever to have seen the light of day.


Just be thankful it is not any worse here in Thailand guys.

My god... this makes me feel sick.... :D


One night a few years back, I was in outside Pata Pinklao when I was sitting outside drinking beer, and was pretty drunk. I threw a cigarette on the sidewalk, when suddenly 4 or 5 guys in uniform started asking me for 2000 baht. I soon realized that they were only Pata security guards and told them where to go. If I had been a tourist, I probably wouldn't have known they weren't real police.

Some in that area are over eager to rip off us whiteys.

One night a few years back, I was in  outside Pata Pinklao when I was sitting outside drinking beer, and was pretty drunk. I threw a cigarette on the sidewalk, when suddenly 4 or 5 guys in uniform started asking me for 2000 baht. I soon realized that they were  only Pata security guards and told them where to go. If I had been a tourist, I probably wouldn't have known they weren't real police.

Some in that area are over eager to rip off us whiteys.

Don't forget that many real police moonlight as security guards...

My rule is, 'no gun, no money'


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