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Bible Thumpers


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Has anyone any idea what ever happened to the bible thumpers that were down walking street ?

Did they ever manage to convert anyone ? or did it have the opposite effect :o

I remember seeing them and then they just sorta disappeared, did they move to a better, more fertile location (where is it ?)

Did they give up on walking street as a lost cause ?

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Has anyone any idea what ever happened to the bible thumpers that were down walking street ?

Did they ever manage to convert anyone ? or did it have the opposite effect :o

I remember seeing them and then they just sorta disappeared, did they move to a better, more fertile location (where is it ?)

Did they give up on walking street as a lost cause ?

they discover something new probebly !! gay bar pattaya land............new feeling...........

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As it is written: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14), we are still around preaching the gospel all over Thailand and other parts of the world. It has been a few months since we have preached on Walking Street in Pattaya, but we will be back down there again soon by the grace and will of God. And no, it is not a lost cause on Walking Street to preach the gospel as all of those who hear us preaching the gospel of the kingdom are witnessed to as saith the scriptures. And no, it is not against Thai law to preach the gospel in publick. Thank you for asking about us, and we are sorry for not preaching down in Pattaya for the past few months. By the grace and will of God, we will see you there soon.

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I think the best prospects for conversion are down Yala way. Yala, Pattani and Si Sakhon badly need converted to a new religion. You must spread the word where it is most needed.

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As it is written: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14), we are still around preaching the gospel all over Thailand and other parts of the world. It has been a few months since we have preached on Walking Street in Pattaya, but we will be back down there again soon by the grace and will of God. And no, it is not a lost cause on Walking Street to preach the gospel as all of those who hear us preaching the gospel of the kingdom are witnessed to as saith the scriptures. And no, it is not against Thai law to preach the gospel in publick. Thank you for asking about us, and we are sorry for not preaching down in Pattaya for the past few months. By the grace and will of God, we will see you there soon.

Please stay away! This is a Buddhist land, It is the height of arrogance to try to stuff your alien religion down people's throats here. I left the west to get away from people like you. Your book which you worship is a bunch of fairy tales. Think for yourself, why don't you? I think it is great if you take care of poor children, as long as you don't bugger them like the famous Catholic priests, but please don't poison them with your hocus pocus superstitions. That is immoral, but I know you don't care.

Edited by Jingthing
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As it is written: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14), we are still around preaching the gospel all over Thailand and other parts of the world. It has been a few months since we have preached on Walking Street in Pattaya, but we will be back down there again soon by the grace and will of God. And no, it is not a lost cause on Walking Street to preach the gospel as all of those who hear us preaching the gospel of the kingdom are witnessed to as saith the scriptures. And no, it is not against Thai law to preach the gospel in publick. Thank you for asking about us, and we are sorry for not preaching down in Pattaya for the past few months. By the grace and will of God, we will see you there soon.

Brother T,

"And no, it is not against Thai law to preach the gospel in publick." I am sure this is a typo and no explanation nessesary.

But can you tell me about your methods of preaching in public? I watched your youtube video and was impressed. You preaching in English in public to falangs in bar areas. But have you ever preached in Thai language to Thais in Thailand in public? How about other countrys with thier native people in thier native language? How did that turn out?



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As it is written: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14), we are still around preaching the gospel all over Thailand and other parts of the world. It has been a few months since we have preached on Walking Street in Pattaya, but we will be back down there again soon by the grace and will of God. And no, it is not a lost cause on Walking Street to preach the gospel as all of those who hear us preaching the gospel of the kingdom are witnessed to as saith the scriptures. And no, it is not against Thai law to preach the gospel in publick. Thank you for asking about us, and we are sorry for not preaching down in Pattaya for the past few months. By the grace and will of God, we will see you there soon.

I really hope not, I dont follow an religeon, show me a religeon and I'll show you trouble and probably a war or 2, there is not a religeon in the world that HASNT caused a war, or been fought over, Every religeous book was written many years after the event and it is only zealots and preachers who interpret them any way,

If I wanted ANY religeon, there are plenty of Mosques, Temples, Churches, and other places I can visit, I really dont need it shoving down my throat and I dont really know what religeon you preach or practice

I am not going to slate ANY religeon, but I dont follow any religeon, others may need the crutch or feel the need to beleive in something, but sorry, I dont need anything like a religeon in my life

The only reason I asked was, it was just unusual to see preachers in walking street, but I think you blended in quite well with the rest of the fruit loops who go there

But dont slate the devil, when your on your death bed, its no time to start making enemies', :D old people tend to go to church, temples, and mosques and other places of worship,rather than younger people, as they are usually cramming for their finals :o

Now if you REALLY want to preach to the masses, may I suggest you trot along to Iraq or Afghanisstan and try and convert those to whatever religeon you support, you could even ask them to build you a church next to the local mosque, I'm sure they will be very accomodating :D:D

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And no, it is not against Thai law to preach the gospel in publick.

Hopefully Thailand will soon follow its neighbors and make it illegal.

I dont know where I got the idea about Bible thumping in Public against Thai Law (infered from a Christian). I dont think BrotherT has preached to anybody but falangs in English. If he was directing his preaching toward Thais in Thai language in Public then it might be different.

Cant wait to hear his reply!

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As it is written: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14), yes, I do preach the gospel; for it is written: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." (Romans 1:16); and again, it is written: "...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15); in the Thai tongue as well. I only speak three tongues: the English tongue, the Thai tongue, and unknown tongues; so I do preach the gospel in both the English tongue and the Thai tongue in publick.

And in the video clip that was produced on youtube.com (

) of us preaching, in one part of the clip, you can hear me preaching the gospel in Thai. In fact, if you listen closely, I am preaching: "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" (Hebrews 9:27) in Thai in that short video clip.

To answer your other question of the reaction of the hearers, it is the same the world over: they are witnessed to; therefore, they are without excuse in the day of judgment; for the way of salvation has been preached to them: Jesus Christ. For it is written: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6). And again, it is written: "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;" (I Timothy 2:5). For it is written: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12). For again, it is written: "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10:13-14).

There may be many religions in the world today; but in reality, there are only two ways as it is written: "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth to life, and few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:13-14). We care; therefore, we preach Christ Jesus to all who will hear so that you can repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. For it is written: "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (II Peter 3:9).

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for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction...

after consuming a bottle of Port all gates i pass seem to be quite narrow. however i don't recall having seen or experienced any destruction after passing gates.

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To answer your other question of the reaction of the hearers, it is the same the world over: they are witnessed to; therefore, they are without excuse in the day of judgment; for the way of salvation has been preached to them

Scare em in to church. Convert or burn in hel_l.

How about NOT preaching to them...then they will have NOT been exposed to the way of salvation....and will be judged as innocent. Seems to me you enjoy condemning the majority of souls you meet.....not exactly merciful behavior.

Shut up and let the innocent stay innocent.

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I am sorry, but there is no one innocent in the eyes of God; for it is written: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" (Romans 3:23); but it is written: "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. For it is written: "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." (I Timothy 1:15). Though we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, God sent his only begotten Son into this sinful world to save sinners. And the gospel of Christ is preached to you that you can have a chance to hear the gospel and be saved if you repent and believe.

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Another anti-religious bigotry thread. :o:D

These posters are as narrow-minded as those they intend to criticize.

Sorry but you are wrong, the only thing that is narrow minded is taking the word of some book to be the absolute say all and end all. People that can only think by reciting quotes from a book they have no way to verify are not healthy. If you want to be a Christian then fine,no problem, but don’t go and try and make everyone else one because YOU think there is no other acceptable way in life, that is narrow minded.

Edited by madjbs
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Jeeze (and i am sure that is probably blasphemous in this context) how you have demonstrated the fragility of your cause Bro Tony -

why do you "bible thumpers" have to quote the scriptures in every line and every sentence... IF you had an independent mind and you could argue with logic then people might just listen - by quoting this verse and that chapter you demonstrate that you are a brain washed zealot.

I did watch you tube (well at least the first 45 seconds) and like others here have spent a lifetime trying to get away from you guys ... I was brought up in a household where my mother would not even stitch clothes on a Sunday because "to do such work on Sunday was to put a needle in the eye of our Lord". Now I love my mum (god rest her soul - whichever god is applicable) and that is what she believed because some bible thumping non conformist hypocrite told her. ....... you shout down any discussion, you shout down any dissention, you shout down any criticism ....

and i have to tell you your You Tube is a demonstration of one of the worst marketing and promotional campaigns I have ever witnessed - wrong message to the wrong audience in the wrong language at the wrong time ... and come on Brother this is what you are about isn't it.... this is not about saving my soul or the souls of the "poor" drunks and ladies of the night on walking street .. the more you convert, the more holy kudos you get for saving souls, and the more chance you have of a better seat in heaven!!

MLM – multi level marketing - has no room for doubters, has no room for dissention, follows a rigid formula, promises (financial) salvation, and has been brought to you, the punter, to save you from yourself. Well, how many thousands of MLM deals have been proved to be a scam… and the longest MLM in history has a big manual, had an initial sponsor, 12 first line “Diamond distributors”, and has now a network rivaling Amway …. At least Amway pays out in this lifetime!!

Get real Brother ... this is about you; religion as you preach is about power and possession; you are power hungry ....

My two peneth .... and no dount I will be correcred by the S'criptiures"

Your religin is newer than amny others ...

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I didnt start this thread to start a bust up, OR to allow Brother bloody Tony to preach in here, you have your religeon, Bother or is it Mother, now keep it to yourself, YOU wont find many converts in here (we are all beyond saving, unless its saving to go to the pub)

This book you keep qouting from, WHO wrote it and when was it written ?

Ask the Aztecs and Incas if they have a fondness for Catholics,

Ask the Muslims if they have any love for Christians, Jews, in fact anyone who isnt a Muslim

The only religeon that dont go on about it is the heathans or Devil worshippers, they just get on with virgins and sacrifice, and they have some great parties, shame its only limited to 13

Just what are you ? mormons, Jehova Witnesses, some secret sect, or just plain old pain in the bums

If this dam God you keep spouting on about was any good, he wouldnt allow the suffering in this world, nope all you keep on about is fire and brimstone and how we are alll condemned to hel_l, if thats so, there isnt much point in shooting off to church for a bit of salvation is there, I mean if my place is booked by the fire, why waste my time in a church, nah, I reckon I'll take up a bit of devil worship, just need a virgin and a chicken (1 is plentiful, the other VERY hard to find in Pattaya, you work it out), I mean if God aint going to be my best mate, I may as well make the other guy me best mate (he does seem to have a better time of it and he dont have anyone going on about him)

Just give me an ounce of proof that your god is still knocking about, and dont give me the old b**locks about he is everywhere and he has no need to prove his presence, I mean there is a lost soul here that needs saving

Give us a rest from your preaching, just start putting your point across with the dam book all the time, or are you lost without it ?

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