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"thai Women Vs Farang Women"


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I also dont understand the "obvious reasons" why you wouldnt touch a western girl in Thailand. Regardless, they may just be as highly uninterested in you as dating material as they are to you. No idea where "homebase" is. America? Anyway..if so, America (or any other one country) is only a small percentage of the worlds western women. Comparing a few Thailand based western female friends/acquaintances personalities to an entire country (or the entire western world) just seems a tad extreme. :o

Homebase for a western girl is the western world. Generaly speaking about western girls (or actually western people). Not particulary the ones from America. I meet them all both in Thailand and before all over the westernworld and i feel there is a difference.

And im also saying that there is a difference in my own behavior. Living here for 2 years has deffinatly affected me in a good way, i think people that know me would agree on that. I actually know the do because they tell me.

But anyway: we are all different and like different things and have different oppinions. Isn´t it great? :D

I also dont understand the "obvious reasons" why you wouldnt touch a western girl in Thailand.

Well. Im sure it comes to you eventually. :D

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So OK jump forward a few years.

You have your Thai girl,married,maybe a child,move back to the motherland.

Passed the visa requirements so what does she do 'back home'? How does she fit in? Unless you've signed your life away on the yak ranch what are you doing there? If she is not overseas educated and in a good financial position what can she do to support you?

Youth and life passes quickly femininty gives way to old age.Will you throw her over for another dash to the 'Promised Land?'

I like your way of thinking......great quote too! :o

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Who makes a rule like that anyway?? Rude and degrading talk towards anything else is aloud but not towards women? There is the western girl for you right there. What kind of odds do i get on the fact that the rulemaker is a feminist?

Didn't realise George is 1) a girl 2) a western girl or 3)a feminist? Don't like the rules mattias then take it up witht he male admin & owners of this site.

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Off track back to the OP.

It doesn't matter about the size,shape whatever.It takes all kinds to make a smoothie.

Actually there is no 'US' and 'THEM' syndrome when referring to farang women vs Thais.But definitely beware and nobody has answered my question about what happens when they get 'back home'.

Well , 12 years later , I'm still happily married with 2 great kids. My wife works at the local Hospital and contributes nicely to our family economy.

My Brother has had 3 failed marriages to English women who were very career minded , I always had the feeling they looked down their noses at my family set-up when they came to visit.

I also have many friends who have happy marriages to British ladies and a few mates who have been burned by inter-racial dalliances.

If there is any point to my post, I'm not sure , but unlike some I am not that interested in other peoples success or failures, I'm too busy enjoying my own family daily dramas.

Hope that answers a smidgeon of your question.


Edited by chonabot
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Who makes a rule like that anyway?? Rude and degrading talk towards anything else is aloud but not towards women? There is the western girl for you right there. What kind of odds do i get on the fact that the rulemaker is a feminist?

Didn't realise George is 1) a girl 2) a western girl or 3)a feminist? Don't like the rules mattias then take it up witht he male admin & owners of this site.

Just an FYI......1) If I was, I be one dam_n ugley one, 2) I'm from the West, so you get 1/2 a point, and 3) I'm just a good 'ol "male-in-ist, who thinks that there is nothing wrong with " to each is own! :o

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Well, apropos western women, I'm currently sojourning in Melbourne and I'm well impressed with the Aussie women.

They're self assured, outgoing, good company and don't seem to have noticed that the cream of Aussie manhood is off to SE Asia in search of Miss Right.

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Well, apropos western women, I'm currently sojourning in Melbourne and I'm well impressed with the Aussie women.

They're self assured, outgoing, good company and don't seem to have noticed that the cream of Aussie manhood is off to SE Asia in search of Miss Right.

Thats to you, possibly an "exotic euro" to a lot of locals they are self appointed, overbearing, fair company and yes many complain of a man drought. :o

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Now as someone who has sort of promoted western women on here as they have been the biggest influences on my life I am going to point out an observation.

I do find that some, not all, western women seem to feel the need to "Compete" with the Asian woman (or girl-woman some seem to think they are). I see and read this in web forums, this and other ones including Singapore.

I have seen it at work and have been embarrassed in a presentation one time.

I liken it to the western girls who just feel they have to dance in Go Go Bar's to "Show them we are just as good".

There is no need to feel the need to compete - forget the Suzy wong syndrome.

If power can be gained by, "Divide and rule" then those men who feel like that must be smirking as they have "their" enemy squabling with each other! :o

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Well, apropos western women, I'm currently sojourning in Melbourne and I'm well impressed with the Aussie women.

They're self assured, outgoing, good company and don't seem to have noticed that the cream of Aussie manhood is off to SE Asia in search of Miss Right.

Thats to you, possibly an "exotic euro" to a lot of locals they are self appointed, overbearing, fair company and yes many complain of a man drought. :o

I'm an expat in Germany and just another Pom to the Aussies but at least those women have something to say - and from where I sit, there are lots of fine looking, intelligent ladies here in Melbourne and if they want to talk to me at least I know it's not my "satang" that they're after.

I can say the same in favour of German women too.

Really, most Thai women leave me cold with their stereotyped good looks and preconceived false notions of farang men so they are not my motivation to holiday in Thailand, there's much more to the place than just available women.

Face it guys, if they weren't so attractive you'd throw rocks at them because most of them couldn't answer question #1 in a general knowledge quiz.

We make jokes about dumb blondes, I wonder what the Thai equivalent is.

BTW, this is not Thai bashing, I don't know enough Thais outside of the tourist scene to be able to offer opinions on the population at large.

Edited by qwertz
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"Really, most Thai women leave me cold with their stereotyped good looks and preconceived false notions of farang men so they are not my motivation to holiday in Thailand, there's much more to the place than just available women.

Face it guys, if they weren't so attractive you'd throw rocks at them because most of them couldn't answer question #1 in a general knowledge quiz"

Brilliant - ROFL

I must admit to being shallow though - those sterotyped good looks just get to me.

There was a girl at Orchard road MRT though the other night though that would have blown any Thai girl out of the water in that department - the Chinese are coming!

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Gotta love this thread.

Really though, you miss the point if you think it's all about money. It's not. Took me a while to realize this, but the reason why people enjoyed "the girlfriend experience" a decade ago and why it seems Thai girls are losing their charm today is because of the influx of Western programming.

Like it or not, men are biologically programmed to like women who are nuturing. They make better mothers for our children. You can listen to all the Western propaganda you want and media programming saying strong, independent women are sexy, but the reality is, men want to marry women who are nuturing. Most men can't even articulate this, and they certainly can't understand why they find western women so unnattractive.

Western women for their part, also subconciously realize something is wrong, but they can't really understand it either. Western society doesn't allow for this kind of thought. Western ideas really started to infiltrate Thailand after the Vietnam war. The Thai women who were born in the early 80's, are very different from the generation before. They are very western. These are also the girls making up the new crop of comfort women. Not surprisingly, you hear alot fewer people these days talking about the great "girlfriend experience". As a rule, the older the girl and the less wealthy her family was during childhood, the closer the girl is to someone you want to marry. There are exceptions, but anecdotal evidence seems to favor this theory.

The girlfriend experience occurs naturally between any man and a nuturing woman, nationality aside. It does not happen between a man and a strong, independent woman. Sex might, but that is different. The more western Thai girls become, the less the distinction between them and their farang counterparts. Thai prostitutes may still be physically more appealing than their western counterparts, but even that will change soon.

If the OP is really tired of hearing this, all he has to do is wait 1 more decade. By that time, Western cultural influences will be so pervasive in Thailand that any distinction will be gone. Instead, we'll have a new board with a bunch of men claiming how they can't stand Thai women in favor of Laotian/Burmese/etc. women who have not yet lost their femininity.

Farang women are just as much a victim in the screwed up culture of the West as the men. It's not fair to criticize them. However, any Western woman who wants to be happy, can do so simply by abandoning the strong/independent mindset and adopting a nuturing personality, so it's within her power to change if she wants. Society won't help with this however.

That's the real distinction. It's not economics, and there is a huge difference between traditional Eastern culturals and the modern, diseased culture of the West.

I agree, though I would not call all of Western culture diseased.

People who are so shocked that a well educated, relatively well-off Western man will run of with a poor Isaan girl , who in many cases may have worked in the bar industry, are looking at the wrong side of the equation. They should be asking themselves why woman from these circumstances can attract such a man so easily, and in some cases get him to leave his wife and support her and her whole family. So ask yourself, what are the Thai woman doing right, and what are Western woman doing wrong that this happens so often.

Personally, I like the femininity with a brain, good education, good job and family with the means of supporting itself all in one package. You can find the first one in Thailand very easily, though the rest is out there if you put in some effort. The same cannot be said of the US; finding a woman with all sides of the equation is tough going.

Edited by Furbie
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...who are directly influencing the Thai ladies in a allegedly negative way? Who is creating this "western women attitude". Somehow i doubt it comes from western women.

The media. They are all western women "values" dominated.

Even Thai soaps often show arrogant female characters.

Btw I do not expect vehicles to give me precedence when I cross a road. Only western women do that. You always think everyone owes you everything. Prepare for many delusions in life.

The vihicle thing is a old game between men and women all over the world. Guys stop the car to let a beutiful women pass, so we can look at her while she cross the street in front of our car. Is a nice thing, a small flirt that both parts enjoy, hahaha. :D

The REAL feminists dont go in front of a man in a car showing of there bare (sometimes hairy) legs. For 2 reasons. 1. its humiliating for them to be like a "sexy toy" that turns men on. 2. Usually the cars dont stop, hahaha.

Btw, i realy dont hate either women, western women, or feminists. Its just so funny to get them going. Sorry if overdo it sometimes, but take it for what it is.

And the thread make already 8 pages!! Wow. Lets see if it makes it to 10! :o

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The relationship between many western men and women started to go wrong around the mid 80s. women felt the need to show they were as good or better then men in life's challenges.

It started a rift. there was no need for this as most men knew women were as good and better at certain things anyway.

Problem was once this rift was started there was no going back. Today we have a society in the west were both sexes are hiding their true feeling's.

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The relationship between many western men and women started to go wrong around the mid 80s. women felt the need to show they were as good or better then men in life's challenges.

It started a rift. there was no need for this as most men knew women were as good and better at certain things anyway.

Problem was once this rift was started there was no going back. Today we have a society in the west were both sexes are hiding their true feeling's.

Couldn´t agree more. Excellent post.

Question is: is there ANY winner of this in the long run? If you speek to younger girls (and boys) in europe today many of them dont understand the whole feminism and that whole change in lifestyle where everybody is good at averything and the man vaccums and the woman change the tyres on the car, not because its the natural thing, but to prove how "equal" they are in there "fanstastic" relationship.

I think it started of pretty good, before i was born, with the "equal rights" and the fact that women should have the same salery for the same job and so on. Im not so sure it ended to good though. For either women or men. But i guess thats one of the reasons why many westerners prefer asia. I dont know... :o

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The relationship between many western men and women started to go wrong around the mid 80s. women felt the need to show they were as good or better then men in life's challenges.

It started a rift. there was no need for this as most men knew women were as good and better at certain things anyway.

Problem was once this rift was started there was no going back. Today we have a society in the west were both sexes are hiding their true feeling's.

So, can you explain to me then if that is true why the income disparity for women?

Women's earnings in 2006 were 76.9% of men's, leaving the wage gap statistically unchanged from last year, according to US Census statistics released in August 2007.

Wiki has an interesting article discussing all the assorted theories if anyone is interested in reading it


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The relationship between many western men and women started to go wrong around the mid 80s. women felt the need to show they were as good or better then men in life's challenges.

It started a rift. there was no need for this as most men knew women were as good and better at certain things anyway.

Problem was once this rift was started there was no going back. Today we have a society in the west were both sexes are hiding their true feeling's.

Why pick the mid-80's as a watershed?

What about the rise of the womens movement in the 60's and its consolidation in the 70's?

How about suffragettes wanting the vote in the 1920's?

It seems very arbitary to me your choosing the 80's - did you come of age then?

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The relationship between many western men and women started to go wrong around the mid 80s. women felt the need to show they were as good or better then men in life's challenges.

It started a rift. there was no need for this as most men knew women were as good and better at certain things anyway.

Problem was once this rift was started there was no going back. Today we have a society in the west were both sexes are hiding their true feeling's.

So, can you explain to me then if that is true why the income disparity for women?

Women's earnings in 2006 were 76.9% of men's, leaving the wage gap statistically unchanged from last year, according to US Census statistics released in August 2007.

Wiki has an interesting article discussing all the assorted theories if anyone is interested in reading it


Was equal pay for equal jobs ever made law in the USA? (sorry not time to read the article now?)

It was the 31st December 1975 when the full 1970 Equal Pay Act came into force if I remember correctly - I can remember my girlfriend and her mother vehemently disagreeing with it - good old fashioned pit wives you see :D

This from a UK site

"Women working full-time earn, on average, 17% less an hour than men working full-time. For women working part-time the gap is 38% an hour.

Two-fifths of women in employment in Britain work part-time, compared with 11% of men

9% of directors of the UK's top 100 companies are women

Employees in Britain work the longest hours of developed nations (more than 25% work more than 45 hours a week), with men working much longer hours on average than women, mainly due to women’s caring responsibilities"

A lot of the time though they are not comparing same jobs - as an example the site I got the above from compares a male car mechanic with a female child care worker.

Now I work in a mostly female department - probably about 90++ % are women. My boss is a woman, two out of my three favourite ever bosses have been women, my worst ever boss has been a woman and I probably produce my best work working for a woman - probably the alphamale thing - I would have to beat a bloke.

It does not happen here in Asia as the wmen work very long hours and I piss off gome when the air con goes off but if it was back in the UK and the blokes were putting in the hours I would expect more money for them :o

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Actually, I was responding to pop3's assertion :

It started a rift. there was no need for this as most men knew women were as good and better at certain things anyway.

So, female-oriented jobs are generally very low paying and women in general make less than men. How does this make it obvious that men knew women were as good?

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Actually, I was responding to pop3's assertion :
It started a rift. there was no need for this as most men knew women were as good and better at certain things anyway.

So, female-oriented jobs are generally very low paying and women in general make less than men. How does this make it obvious that men knew women were as good?

cooking, nurturing and cleaning the house :o

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Gosh SBK you can add to that skin colour.Along with homosexuals,ladyboys,prostitutes,pornography,discriminatrion,sexpats,

RACISM doesn't exist in Thailand.A masters degree trained Thai would earn considerably less than the farang counterpart.TIT.And a farang woman in the same position as the western guy would earn less to.

Off topic sorry.

Edited by Momo8
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I also dont understand the "obvious reasons" why you wouldnt touch a western girl in Thailand.

If she were offering herself on Beach Road for 500 baht , I surely would.

Try some old fashioned charm, Ed - you might even touch for a freebie.

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Gosh SBK you can add to that skin colour.Along with homosexuals,ladyboys,prostitutes,pornography,discriminatrion,sexpats,

RACISM doesn't exist in Thailand.A masters degree trained Thai would earn considerably less than the farang counterpart.TIT.And a farang woman in the same position as the western guy would earn less to.

Off topic sorry.

The MSc alone is not indicator - what about skills, hard and soft plus experience etc


I could probably say the Ang Moh with the MSc gets more than the local in Singapore too :o

I know nobody local has the same exact skill set as I do in the IT position I am in - I can say that with confidence as some of the systems I manage are division never mind company specific.

However, when I leave and a local or someone else from the region takes my place it is 99% likely they will get less than I do I have to admit (and I think is wrong)

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"Rude and degrading comments towards women is not aloud on this forum"

Who makes a rule like that anyway?? Rude and degrading talk towards anything else is aloud but not towards women? There is the western girl for you right there. What kind of odds do i get on the fact that the rulemaker is a feminist?

There are two rules that in their full form read:

Please respect fellow members!


3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

Thai Visa forum is open to all irrespective of race, religion, creed, or gender. We promote open discussion but within the guidelines of being respectfull to others. If members occassionally forget that we will step in to remind them.

I didn't write the rules but I agree with them and will enforce them when required - if that makes me a feminist then I am happy to be so labelled. Personally I prefer to think that I am mature enough to recognise the equality of all and to accept it.


Crow Boy

Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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Iminthailand –

Your logic is faulty. It starts right from the beginning:

“If a somewhat educated man goes to a small town in the hills in Kentucky where finishing High school is an accomplishment he will be treated the same as a somewhat educated man that dates the village girls from thailand.”

If some beauty exists in a small town in Kentucky, then that beauty will be married or paired off by the time any “somewhat educated man” rolls into town. So no, the man will not be “quite popular” in this situation. Furthermore, almost no foreigner walks into a small Thai village and starts dating Thai women. The foreigner may meet Thai women from a small village in Bangkok, Pattaya, or Phuket – and start dating them there. So the proper analogy would be for the girl from the small town in Kentucky migrating to say New York City for a job as a cocktail waitress. If this woman is young and attractive, she will be far more desirable than an ugly woman of the same age who grew up in a wealthy family in San Francisco and is now working for a hedge fund in New York City – no matter how “cultured and educated” the woman is.

Basically, you are taking the Western female point of view. Your post implies that Western women just want to find men with a comparable socio-economic background. Any American man would know this is nonsense, as most American women prefer someone who earns more than they do.

Your Western, social engineering philosophy that only people from similar socio-economic backgrounds should marry and that female beauty is primarily based on how cultured and educated women are goes nowhere in Thailand – and thank God for that.

In general, I can safely say that I will never marry a Western woman. If that bothers anyone, then too bad.


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