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Ass*ole Next Door Party


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I am thinking about throwing a free party with food and alcohol for any and all takers in my room at 6AM...date to be determined.

Reason for Celebration: New ASS*ole moved into the room next door and decided that it is 'OK' to play loud music, pound on tables, move furniture, turn up TV volume, torture sex workers, slam doors, and rotate girls on the hour until his bedtime arrives at about 5:30AM.

So, my idea is to offer a free party for as many beer drinking, obnoxious folks that would like to give my new neighbor a friendly welcome to Pattaya and perhaps, introduce him to a dose of his own medicine. I am tired of packing up and moving every time a new freak moves in. Also, I am running out of tea money for the BIB to establish peace and quiet.

Is this a good strategy to fight back at the new ASS*hole?? Or, do you think he will simply join the party?

Edited by innovator
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I understand very well !

When I stay in noisy hotels, I normally use ear-plugs (not to hear music. Something to seal ear against noise. My brand :OHROPAX- CLASSIC). I can realy recommend it. In the beginning, it feels uncomfortable (you hear your blood !) but after some time you get used to it.

"do you think he will simply join the party?" This can really happen !


You can try to speak with this axxhxxx. If I get really angry in the middle of the night, because I cant sleep, it most time works for me. I think, the guys get the message right: I am ready to fight ...with my fists !


you can make some comments, if you meet him next day:

"Did you loose your strength, because the night before, the lady was screaming much more"


"Last night you did it only one time ! How comes ...?"



Overdose Of Impotence Drug

give advice to take 5 blue pills all at a time, to get the ultimati performance ....


How much tea-money do I need for the police:

because last time, I make a complaint about a karaoke bar, because of the loud music, the police man just asked me: " Have you been in Pattaya before ? What do you expect, when you stay here? Do you expect to sleep in the night ?"

good luck !

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It has often been said, "You can choose your friends but you can't choose your neighbours."

In every block of apartments and in every neighbourhood there is always an inconsiderate ass*ole who just doesn't give two hoots about who he upsets.

Group pressure from other similarly affected neighbours may force him to change his ways...but don't hold your breath.

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Apartment or a hotel?

If he does this often, and his activities anger many of you in the building, you can all go to the management and let them know that it is one tennant or many to be leaving.

I have lived in apartments here and the management has told people to stop making noise after midnight. I may have been fortunate.

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I had a neighbor with a similar attitude. I put my radio to the window and cranked it full blast. It was a war without words and I eventually won in the sense that the music toned down. I was also once in a shared room at the hospital in the recovery unit and my roommates were so noisy at the joy of their newborn that I could not rest and relax. I finally started singing at the top of the my lungs (like that scene in "Ghost" with Patrick Swayze/Whoopi Goldberg) until I was moved or committed to the asylum, whichever comes first. Fight fire with fire. Whatever you do, you can't let your neighbor know you're starting trouble or he could lash out at you. With other noisy neighbors, I've had a polite word with them to no avail. Once must take heavier measures sometimes.

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The party is set. I went down to beach road and rounded up 15 people that have been down there for ages and invited them for a shower, KFC/beer chugging event in my room. Each person promised to bring along mama, papa, boyfriend, girlfriend, uncle, sister, Thai man, brother, cousin, neighbor, buffalo,

friend, lover, and anyone else that they can round up for free chicken and beer. This ought to be a real HOE DOWN, finger lickin, stompin good time. I will download the Charlie Daniels Band and any other good old country music that will surely drive any man INSANE for a good old fashion square dance and hoe festival. I hope to start this HOE Down at NOON and keep it runnin til the neighbors head for the hills......

It's time for the Devil in the House of the rising sun.....Any southerners are welcome to join in the fun. Let's show these boys what the 'Good Old Boys' can do. Yee Ha

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you can make some comments, if you meet him next day:

"Did you loose your strength, because the night before, the lady was screaming much more"


"Last night you did it only one time ! How comes ...?"



Overdose Of Impotence Drug

give advice to take 5 blue pills all at a time, to get the ultimati performance ....

classic dieter1! :o

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The party is set. I went down to beach road and rounded up 15 people that have been down there for ages and invited them for a shower, KFC/beer chugging event in my room. Each person promised to bring along mama, papa, boyfriend, girlfriend, uncle, sister, Thai man, brother, cousin, neighbor, buffalo,

friend, lover, and anyone else that they can round up for free chicken and beer. This ought to be a real HOE DOWN, finger lickin, stompin good time. I will download the Charlie Daniels Band and any other good old country music that will surely drive any man INSANE for a good old fashion square dance and hoe festival. I hope to start this HOE Down at NOON and keep it runnin til the neighbors head for the hills......

It's time for the Devil in the House of the rising sun.....Any southerners are welcome to join in the fun. Let's show these boys what the 'Good Old Boys' can do. Yee Ha

If you have another one in two weeks, count me in.

(I was hoping to get some ideas here about what to do about the stupid neighborhood dog, but nothing yet.)

Edited by hiromj
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and rotate girls on the hour until his bedtime arrives at about 5:30AM.

Barfine a girl yourself and sneak her into his party. Get her to put enough laxatives in his beer, that for the next two weeks he'll be scared of moving more than 3 feet from the comfort of his own toilet seat. :o

Caveat. Side effects are, that it may get a bit smelly in there but at least you'll be able to sleep.

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I understand very well !

When I stay in noisy hotels, I normally use ear-plugs (not to hear music. Something to seal ear against noise. My brand :OHROPAX- CLASSIC).

Can you buy these in Thailand? I also have a bumhole next door with loud TV on until 5 AM. I think the issue might be lack of sound-proofing in these new Thai apartments.

Edited by edwardandtubs
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I am thinking about throwing a free party with food and alcohol for any and all takers in my room at 6AM...date to be determined.

Reason for Celebration: New ASS*ole moved into the room next door and decided that it is 'OK' to play loud music, pound on tables, move furniture, turn up TV volume, torture sex workers, slam doors, and rotate girls on the hour until his bedtime arrives at about 5:30AM.

So, my idea is to offer a free party for as many beer drinking, obnoxious folks that would like to give my new neighbor a friendly welcome to Pattaya and perhaps, introduce him to a dose of his own medicine. I am tired of packing up and moving every time a new freak moves in. Also, I am running out of tea money for the BIB to establish peace and quiet.

Is this a good strategy to fight back at the new ASS*hole?? Or, do you think he will simply join the party?

I would speak to the guy and explain the problem if this fails I'd go to plan B that being wait till he's asleep then turn your stereo speakers to his wall put on some Thai music crank up the volume and go out for the day :o good luck Bob

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I understand very well !

When I stay in noisy hotels, I normally use ear-plugs (not to hear music. Something to seal ear against noise. My brand :OHROPAX- CLASSIC).

Can you buy these in Thailand? I also have a bumhole next door with loud TV on until 5 AM. I think the issue might be lack of sound-proofing in these new Thai apartments.

Hello edwardandtube

It may be difficult to by OHROPAX_CLASSIC in Thailand. It did buy a similar English brand someyears before in London.

Try your local pharmacy. If unsuccessful, I would be able to buy it for you, before´ll come back to Thailand in December.

Send me a note, if you are interested . ;-)

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Case closed. I moved to a new apartment with nobody around. First night: Absolutely NO Noise!!!! First night of real sleep for over 3 weeks.

Thanks for all of the great advise. I will keep this information for future ASSH*les that move into my new apartment building.

Good luck to all of the people with loud neighbors. If you can't beat them then leave them.....easy enough.

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The noisy A** (Thai or Farang) next door can indeed be a serious problem in LOS apt houses. I've heard many such horror stories from Farang buddies. But it all depends on the management enforcing or not strict good-tenant conduct policies. The only remedy when you're living next to high-decibel lover idiots is to move until you find a well-run place. Retaliating, especially against a local, can bring nasty blowbacks. I remember a Farang who complained about a Thai neighbor's loud boombox and then found human feces smeared over his door. He moved out immediately. In Pattaya I have an apt in a small Soi off Pattaya 3. This type of obnoxious A** would be warned once and kicked out the second time. The same goes for my main apt in Soi 22 in BKK.

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First, I am curious to know why you put the asterisk to cover up the letter "h", rather than cover up one of the "s's", which would make more sense to me.

Now, I sympathize with you. It is my believe that the law, both government, and condo board/housing community law, should be that no one can make ANY noise that can be heard outside their rented/owned premesis. The enforcement should come from the community, rather than making you have to be in the position of changing your life, due to some creep next door that clearly has no respect for anyone else.

In a perfect world, if my plan was used, the first violation would be a warning. If another violation occurs after that warning, the fine is now 50 baht. The next fine is 5,000 baht. The next fine and all future fines are 50,000 baht.

It should be in the property contract, and there should be an escrow fund of at least 50,000 baht which can quickly be taken from the violator.

But this is Thailand... I saw get one of those mega SUB-WOOFERS they sell, about 2,500 baht... get yourself a powerful stereo, and press "play". And get some earplugs, which is what many people do, if you want to get any sleep. I would start the stereo about 6 AM, right after the neighbor has been asleep for only 30 minutes.

And if any other neighbors complain, just suggest they move.

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I understand very well !

When I stay in noisy hotels, I normally use ear-plugs (not to hear music. Something to seal ear against noise. My brand :OHROPAX- CLASSIC).

Can you buy these in Thailand? I also have a bumhole next door with loud TV on until 5 AM. I think the issue might be lack of sound-proofing in these new Thai apartments.

Hello edwardandtube

It may be difficult to by OHROPAX_CLASSIC in Thailand. It did buy a similar English brand someyears before in London.

Try your local pharmacy. If unsuccessful, I would be able to buy it for you, before´ll come back to Thailand in December.

Send me a note, if you are interested . ;-)

Thanks. I got some silicon earplugs from Fascinos. They fit in flat which I like because I hate the idea of sticking something right in my ear canal.

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First, I am curious to know why you put the asterisk to cover up the letter "h", rather than cover up one of the "s's", which would make more sense to me.

But this is Thailand... I saw get one of those mega SUB-WOOFERS they sell, about 2,500 baht... get yourself a powerful stereo, and press "play". And get some earplugs, which is what many people do, if you want to get any sleep. I would start the stereo about 6 AM, right after the neighbor has been asleep for only 30 minutes.

And if any other neighbors complain, just suggest they move.

I agree fully with you Weho!

I had some neighbors in the U.S. that would start their shwanky drum practice at 3 am . I play a bass & love music , But 10 pm is Hawaii's noise ordinance so I opted to switch my 600 watt amp to (2) 600 watt amps till they complained, they couldn't hear their drums cause my music was too loud. the neighbors liked me & We all ganged up on the jerks via fighting fire with fire & they were soon sent packing their bags to a new barrio to disrupt that neighborhood. Plan B was for 12 of the neighbors including the owner to kick the bejesus out of them. I was able to switch back to a single amp & observe the noise ordinance as well as sleep. Drums get a little loud & these jokers were pure amateur's at that. 3 am is a little late 10pm- 12 or 1am they could have probably slid in our neighborhood!


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Unfortunately the earplugs don't work too well. Noise from next door is the sort of vibrations that will reach your ear drum regardless of ear plugs. In fact ear plugs make it worse by blocking out white noise from the aircon. I don't want to complain because it's a thin wall issue and my neighbour is a Thai man who works the night shift. I'm going to have to move too.

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I had a former neighbor who had completely opposite hours than I did... she he would START blasting his stereo at 11 PM, and turn it off around 6 AM. So I decided to get ear plugs, and then I blasted MY louder stereo, starting at 6:01 AM. And then he came over, and asked me to turn it down... I said i would if he stopped his stereo... And his reaction was: WHAT??? you mean you can hear MY stereo? The neighbor couldn't comprehend that if he could hear MY music, I could hear HIS bad music.

The solution is ANY disturbance you create that goes beyond YOUR walls, should be illegal, and fined... that includes drifting cigarette smoke from open windows, music, cooking smells, etc.

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Unfortunately the earplugs don't work too well. Noise from next door is the sort of vibrations that will reach your ear drum regardless of ear plugs. In fact ear plugs make it worse by blocking out white noise from the aircon. I don't want to complain because it's a thin wall issue and my neighbour is a Thai man who works the night shift. I'm going to have to move too.

I have to agree: If the frequency of noise if very low (like bass drums, engines like water pumps) ears-plugs don´t help.

This low frequency noise does not need the air in your ear-channel, to go to your drumskin! This kind of noise goes through/via the bone of your head !

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