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She Says She Is Pregnant!


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What a thriller!

May i ask you what you intend to do if she is indeed pregnant and she does indeed give birth to a child which turns out to be yours?

I would like put chlorine in that particular gene pool. Let's hope that somebody obtains a court order to prevent them reproducing. :o

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Some of you guys sound as though you have never had unprotected sex in your lives, and that you would of gladly have stepped up to face whatever responsibility was needed. Is this the church forum? Are you guys pure and without sin? Always be careful of the holier than thou.

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Some of you guys sound as though you have never had unprotected sex in your lives, and that you would of gladly have stepped up to face whatever responsibility was needed. Is this the church forum? Are you guys pure and without sin? Always be careful of the holier than thou.

And it was not even unprotected sex. They had tests for STDs, and then they were to use birth control pills which have a higher rate of prevention than condoms.

That is the whole point here. I don't think he would have a problem if the birth control failed. I would tell him to just man up and do the right thing. But that is not the case here. This was a deliberate deceitful act on her part to get pregnant. Nothing to do with the birth control failing.

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Some of you guys sound as though you have never had unprotected sex in your lives, and that you would of gladly have stepped up to face whatever responsibility was needed. Is this the church forum? Are you guys pure and without sin? Always be careful of the holier than thou.

Never had unprotected sex with a woman that I would not support her raising MY child. Never had unprotected sex with a woman I would not want to be with... I ain't the smartest, but having unprotected sex (without a condom) is going way beyond "I trust you took your pill," it is puting your life on the line. In this day and age, that is A LOT OF TRUST. The type of trust that is not gained in a relationship where the guy has flings on the side, and the partner is well aware of it. The wind blows in many different directions.

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Some of you guys sound as though you have never had unprotected sex in your lives, and that you would of gladly have stepped up to face whatever responsibility was needed. Is this the church forum? Are you guys pure and without sin? Always be careful of the holier than thou.

Well ive had sex plenty on times without the glove, Some occasions if she was pregnant i wouldnt know if it was mine or one of my mates :o especially when I was younger.

These days i dont because im married and i dont have to worry because she dont want kids now and has a professional career here in sydney and nearly makes more then me which is starting to worry me.

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At this point ..it is... what it is... If she is pregnant and wont give it up or have an abortion you should help with the baby-- even try to be a part of the baby's life. Legal issues aside, you wouldn't want your son or daughter in harms way in Thailand. Its all about the baby now.. not who tricked whom.. not who is insane. What you are compelled to do by law is more than likely minimal, and avoiding (whatever it is) is more than likely very easily done. You did not want a moral argument, so I wont give you one. If I was in your shoes, I would be looking at the best ways to generate the money so that you can do what needs to be done.

Take the emotion out of it man... it is what it is.

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Take the emotion out of it man... it is what it is.

Yup- it is what it is. A (possible) pregnancy.

No form of birth control is 100% guaranteed effective. The only 100% guaranteed effective form is abstinence.

Onionman, you say that you would not be upset if the birth control failed. I don't see the difference.

By entering into a sexual relationship with the woman, regardless of birth control, who poked a hole in the condom, who stopped taking the pill, or whatever.... a pregnancy was always a possibility. By not abstaining, you accepted this and the possible consequences.

I think Bambina's plan and suggested method is best. Do a test immediately. Hold the test stick tightly in your teeth so that you can clearly see the blue dot show up while she pisses all over your face!

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You don't see the difference? She deliberately tricked and used him. HUGE difference. Betrayal is not the same as an accident.


Hear hear, I know it's not fair, if a women tries to make a bait.

However, if she gets pregnant with your sperm, you HAVE TO support her too.

Life is not fair sometimes, i know very well.

but hey, you had shagged her and u had the great orgasms. So you have to take a responsibilty too.

ps. u is not you ,DamianMavis

Edited by BambinA
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You don't see the difference? She deliberately tricked and used him. HUGE difference. Betrayal is not the same as an accident.


I only see one side of the story. But i guess i,m not judgemental like you.

His version must be true.............he is a farang right?

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You don't see the difference? She deliberately tricked and used him. HUGE difference. Betrayal is not the same as an accident.


I only see one side of the story. But i guess i,m not judgemental like you.

His version must be true.............he is a farang right?

Good point.

A farang says she tricked him and we all jump on his side. The fact that within his own post he also comes across as a bit of a kn*bhead says it all really.

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You don't see the difference? She deliberately tricked and used him. HUGE difference. Betrayal is not the same as an accident.


I only see one side of the story. But i guess i,m not judgemental like you.

His version must be true.............he is a farang right?

Judgemental? What are you talking about? I was responding to someone who said they didnt see the difference between an accident and if she lied to him and tricked him into getting pregnant, even if the story is untrue, that statement is silly. By lying and tricking she can keep him involved in her life and paying her money for 18 years.... it's a serious scam and the biggest victim is going to be that kid.


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You don't see the difference? She deliberately tricked and used him. HUGE difference. Betrayal is not the same as an accident.


I only see one side of the story. But i guess i,m not judgemental like you.

His version must be true.............he is a farang right?

Judgemental? What are you talking about? I was responding to someone who said they didnt see the difference between an accident and if she lied to him and tricked him into getting pregnant, even if the story is untrue, that statement is silly. By lying and tricking she can keep him involved in her life and paying her money for 18 years.... it's a serious scam and the biggest victim is going to be that kid.


You don't see the difference? She deliberately tricked and used him. HUGE difference. Betrayal is not the same as an accident.

Those are your words Damien. No " if " there.

Serious scam?? Maybe.......IF its true.

You have to think a little bit that the OP is also a bit of a los*r too.

I always like to hear two sides of the story before passing comment

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It doesnt matter that the op gets overly defensive and angry and replies like a jerk to those who he feels attacked by, based on the info given, what she did is horrible. From his story, he did nothing to deserve it, whether he is likeable as a poster or not is irrelevant, his description of his treatment of her was nothing bad. I don't bother considering the op is lying because it doesnt matter, people should respond to a post based on the info given, not summarily decide if its true or not, just advise and give opinions on what they do know, not what they think is the truth or wish was the truth.

Bottom line is it is absolutely horrible to bring a new life into the world purposefully solely to trap and extort money from another person. This child will suffer due to his mothers greedy lying evil scheming for the rest of his life.

The reason I'm defending him a little is because he is a bit like me. I DO NOT LIE TO WOMEN TO GET THEM TO SLEEP WITH ME. I'm like one of the few that dont and I pride myself on that. Being honest should be rewarded, not punished. Sooooo many guys (Thai and farang) talk all kinds of crazy crap to get laid, I refuse to. They lie and pretend they love the girl, have sex and are GONE. Sure that means I won't hook up with as many girls possibly (if I were single) but I can have an easy conscience knowing that I didnt lie or trick anyone, make false promises or elude to giving them something I wasnt prepared to give. But yes many times I've been burned anyway no matter how honest I was... girls agreeing that we are just friends having sex and acting like everything is cool for months will suddenly freak out and go crazy acting like you tricked them and didnt deliver your promises of whatever they had in mind (marriage, long term relationship, commitment etc...) Like someone already said, women seem to believe only what they want to believe, not what you say.

I noticed some people on here get angry or judgemental about having casual sex with women and NOT paying for it or NOT lying to get it... STRANGE at the least! I think it is far better to have a sexual relationship based on mutual lust and attraction than to pay for it... CALL ME CRAZY! And I also think its much better to not lie and trick to get women into bed, to be honest and tell them exactly what you are prepared to give them in terms of commitment.


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I don't want to be a dick head preacher on a forum but all you guys were or are living in Thailand, don't you understand the people here? There is no sex for free in Thailand, forget it! This Thai girl behaves so stupid, lets herself pregnant just to catch a weekend sex partner(normal girls won't do such a thing).One of you said ''the guy is not deserve it, he did nothing bad to the girl'' please read between the line again he said

''she is not my girlfriend. I been dating her for almost a year. She lives in Hua Hin, I live in Bangkok. I she used to stay with me on weekends. Cooking, cleaning. Really sweet.

I "date" lots of girls. I don't go with prostitutes. I don't pay for sex. I don't give money to girls. The most I do is buy street food for them.''

So what you think? What a nice guy buys the girl who cooks, cleans and sleeps with him a street food. So she gives him back a masterpiece job to make him headache. Both of them fit perfect What does he expect? He dates a lots of girls, how many did make abortion or going to make abortion in the future because he is naive enough to believe that they take a pill. Don't want to chew him anylonger. Here is my advice, He has a choice, it depends on the good and the dark side in his heart

1.In Thailand to make abortion is illegal, because it is the life taking or killing.I don't think that his crazy chick can find the place so easy.

2. many thousand of children here in Thailand who their parent don't get marriage have no support from their fathers and the law can not do anything to get them paid. To make DNA test is very expensive for Thai and it is not an everyday job for the laboratory and I don't think that the girl can effort it.

3. Be a man take responsibility for what he did.

4. Next time if he doesn't love the girl he should take condom or better go to prostitutes he may pay a bit more than food from the street, he may get a bit of sexual desease, but they won't bring him a baby issue

Hope that he can get out of this shit and doesn't get him trap again, Farang. Good luck and sawadee kha

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I don't want to be a dick head preacher on a forum but all you guys were or are living in Thailand, don't you understand the people here? There is no sex for free in Thailand, forget it! This Thai girl behaves so stupid, lets herself pregnant just to catch a weekend sex partner(normal girls won't do such a thing).One of you said ''the guy is not deserve it, he did nothing bad to the girl'' please read between the line again he said

''she is not my girlfriend. I been dating her for almost a year. She lives in Hua Hin, I live in Bangkok. I she used to stay with me on weekends. Cooking, cleaning. Really sweet.

I "date" lots of girls. I don't go with prostitutes. I don't pay for sex. I don't give money to girls. The most I do is buy street food for them.''

So what you think? What a nice guy buys the girl who cooks, cleans and sleeps with him a street food. So she gives him back a masterpiece job to make him headache. Both of them fit perfect What does he expect? He dates a lots of girls, how many did make abortion or going to make abortion in the future because he is naive enough to believe that they take a pill. Don't want to chew him anylonger. Here is my advice, He has a choice, it depends on the good and the dark side in his heart

1.In Thailand to make abortion is illegal, because it is the life taking or killing.I don't think that his crazy chick can find the place so easy.

2. many thousand of children here in Thailand who their parent don't get marriage have no support from their fathers and the law can not do anything to get them paid. To make DNA test is very expensive for Thai and it is not an everyday job for the laboratory and I don't think that the girl can effort it.

3. Be a man take responsibility for what he did.

4. Next time if he doesn't love the girl he should take condom or better go to prostitutes he may pay a bit more than food from the street, he may get a bit of sexual desease, but they won't bring him a baby issue

Hope that he can get out of this shit and doesn't get him trap again, Farang. Good luck and sawadee kha

Thing is, Thaifellow na khrap, our Onionman thought he could score his cheap w/end lays for the price of the odd bowl of noodles, not have to bother with a johnnie, get his pad cleaned, food cooked and dick wiped by a "sweet and caring girl", without the responsibility of any payback for the services received. Now, it turns out it wasn't so free after all, he's squealing like a stuck pig about the unfairness of it all and how he's become a victim of this "crazy girl". Sad thing is, he actually gets sympathy from some, even though he now seems to be spouting one lie after another to the poor girl to avoid his responsibility to her/the baby. Seems to be a serial liar now his balls are on the line. :o

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hey ok, didnt read more then the first page of this thread but this is easily the best solution..

Onionman i dunno if you smoked way to much BC hyrdo or what but heres the gameplan : If your in Thailand, go see her, get her to prove her pregnancy, then take her to get an abortion. Search for the word on this forum and you will find lots of information on the where and what. Obviously your gonna have to get her on board to pull this off you you will just have to pay her out. A one time payout is a lot better then 18 years of paying, being a father when you obviously dont want to, or living with the fact that you have been a coward and ran from a child that may be yours.

Now remember when your doing the payout.. it doesnt have to be much, i think, especially because i get the impression that this women is a sexworker that you should try Thai Gold and new mobile phones, that combo should do the trick with ease. Remember what Don King said " 30 grand in a bag looks a lot better then a cheque for 100 thousand" or something along those lines.. anyways a trip to the gold store and the telephone shop should do wonders. Anyways this shit is laughable, remember drinking beer is lame and having unprotected sex with prostitutes is a major no-no !

best of luck and stay off the dro over in vancouver mango.

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So Onionman what are the updates? Is she or isn't she? It takes two hands to clap.

This girl you feel tricked and betrayed you probably is in love with you as someone else said and more than likely knows about the other girls you are bonking at the same time.So she is feeling insecure and dissatisfied with the realtionship is my guess and wants a bit more commitment.What are you talking about BETRAYAL? Aren't YOU betraying her too?Not everyone is all about money.This is an attention grabbing plot.It's not the first time someone has delibertely fallen pregnant to get marriage/commitment you're freaking out and calling her a psycho but hey man you're a player so you probably really suit each other.But she does sound like a nice girl.

Fact is she also offered to take some 'medicine' to make it all go away (if she is indeed pregnant) so hey,what if she ends up really sick can you live with that?Hurry up and get the tests done and take it from there.Getting all freaked out and emotional,both of you is not helping you come any closer to a solution and the clock is ticking away.

Updates please.....and hope in the meantime you are not bonking unprotected.

Edited by Momo8
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What does he expect? He dates a lots of girls, how many did make abortion or going to make abortion in the future because he is naive enough to believe that they take a pill.

Obviously the OP is young and stupid. Living in Thailand has checks and balances. Gorgeous available women willing to fratanise with Western men (try India or Korea), your a stud and have done well. As we know, don't touch adult Thai's on the head. Don't raise your feet above acceptable levels or put them on a coffee table to relax. Well the OP has just learnt a new lesson. Do not believe that a pill or a Thai female will prevent a pregnancy. There are various possibilities here. The girl may have said she stopped taking the pill, but may have done from lack of understanding of how it works, and I think only one in a 1000 really understand the pill properly. 95% of Thai girls I know do not and do not want to take the pill. It is either condom or dont deposit. The OP still does not believe he was a part the culpability of this.... I beg to disagree. With your obvious good look, charm and magic way with women, you should have been smart enough to know that there is risk of pregnancy whether she is on the pill or not, whether she is telling you she is on the pill or not. In Thailand, the surest way is no sex, the second is condom, pill and blow outside every time............. if you dont deposit, it's wrapped up and trashed, all is wiped clear then she would not be pregnant..... so dont complain!

Legally, your in Thailand, take it from Thai guys.......... if you dont want it, walk away, she will find another farang that will become daddy for your unwanted junior. If your as handsome as we believe from your stud status, this kid may even end up in movies, could be a little bonus in future for the new step-daddy......

Therefor legal obligations = none if you leave sleeping dogs lie, if you persue it through the courts you will end up with a legal obligations. This is how it is normally handled. Girls accept there fate, moms and aunties take care of junior, the girl gets a good job if she can or turns to the trade for tricks...........

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What does he expect? He dates a lots of girls, how many did make abortion or going to make abortion in the future because he is naive enough to believe that they take a pill.

Obviously the OP is young and stupid. Living in Thailand has checks and balances. Gorgeous available women willing to fratanise with Western men (try India or Korea), your a stud and have done well. As we know, don't touch adult Thai's on the head. Don't raise your feet above acceptable levels or put them on a coffee table to relax. Well the OP has just learnt a new lesson. Do not believe that a pill or a Thai female will prevent a pregnancy. There are various possibilities here. The girl may have said she stopped taking the pill, but may have done from lack of understanding of how it works, and I think only one in a 1000 really understand the pill properly. 95% of Thai girls I know do not and do not want to take the pill. It is either condom or dont deposit. The OP still does not believe he was a part the culpability of this.... I beg to disagree. With your obvious good look, charm and magic way with women, you should have been smart enough to know that there is risk of pregnancy whether she is on the pill or not, whether she is telling you she is on the pill or not. In Thailand, the surest way is no sex, the second is condom, pill and blow outside every time............. if you dont deposit, it's wrapped up and trashed, all is wiped clear then she would not be pregnant..... so dont complain!

Legally, your in Thailand, take it from Thai guys.......... if you dont want it, walk away, she will find another farang that will become daddy for your unwanted junior. If your as handsome as we believe from your stud status, this kid may even end up in movies, could be a little bonus in future for the new step-daddy......

Therefor legal obligations = none if you leave sleeping dogs lie, if you persue it through the courts you will end up with a legal obligations. This is how it is normally handled. Girls accept there fate, moms and aunties take care of junior, the girl gets a good job if she can or turns to the trade for tricks...........

Wow that was uplifting. You should be a motivational speaker. You have tallent.

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I'm a Farang guy. My Thai girl just told me she was only pretending to take the birth control pills and now is pregnant.

I am not sure if this is some crazy lie or not. She is definitely capable of getting all emotional and making up a story to see my reaction. I also wouldn't put it past her to stop taking the pill.

Either way, she is totally crazy and I definitely don't want a baby with this psycho. I want an abortion. I think she wants to keep it. I say "think" because she didn't answer any of my questions. I was screaming at her on the phone and she might just change her number and contact me in 9 months with her hands out. I don't want to reward this irrational behavoir and give her money for 18 years. But, of course, poor kid would be a victim. Forking out the cash would be a huge expense for me.

Whether or not I would give this crazy woman money, I tried to make her believe I would disappear, leave Thailand, just so she wouldn't keep the kid as a way to get money.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is I don't know what the hel_l to do. I have no control in this situation. If she ducks out and starts asking for money in a year, am I legally obligated? If my income is coming from a Thai company, does she get a cut?

I would appreciate any advice or sympathy. But do not get on my case about this. I don't need some dick head preacher on a forum chewing me out for my lack of discretion or morals.

Buy a pregnancy test, take the piss and find out if she really is pregnant or not.

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uhhhh......... where is this free sex u sppek of sir

should i stop petting thai gurls on tthe head..........lol. didnt know its against the law.

actually abortion might be the best in this case. the kid has no chance in life with its given parents.

Edited by blizzard
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