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Do You Have A Thai Wife Or Girlfriend?


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Why would a Thai lady want a farang anyway? Well if around here is anything to go by. Someone who is more faithful than a Thai husband. Almost every week I get invited to go to massage parlour wher the Thai men go for their extras. I know more Thai men in my mu ban who have mia nois, than I knew people in my village in England who had a "bit on the side".

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well, all the farang I know around here don't have bar-girls as GF, not the hi-so university types either, but decent woman, who have nothing in common with bar-girls .... so my impression is that hardly any farang have bar-girls for GF's, but that's only because I don't hang out in bars myself

if you have a quick visit here you're not going to meet me or any of my friends, but the dirty old guys, drunken losers, tattoo Joe etc, because the tourists don't come where we live, but they do go to the bars themselves ... that's where they get the idea from

so, it says more about them then about us !

Well said You can pick them out on the flight here, its not to difficult. Its just a shame thay dont see the real Thialand and meet the good honest Thia lady looking for a better life

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Allow me to put a spanner in the works here and be brutally honest.

I'm in Asia for one reason. I reached my use-by-date back at home.

In most cases the back home people are correct in their assessment.

I don't care what back home people think.

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Why would a Thai lady want a farang anyway? Well if around here is anything to go by. Someone who is more faithful than a Thai husband. Almost every week I get invited to go to massage parlour wher the Thai men go for their extras. I know more Thai men in my mu ban who have mia nois, than I knew people in my village in England who had a "bit on the side".

Well now we see the Messianic values of all the desperate men , who come here .. Sorry couldn't help>no pun intended,

But to answer you : well every nationality men deserve their women, & vice versa ! Esp. in Thailand. Or how would you get 60 million of the most racialy homogenous thais ! Btw. it IS one of Asean's most racialy homogenous nations ! ( with probable exception of Lao) . Our "Messianic couples" won't make even 1% of population ! The secret is in the easy going attitudes of thais, & ease of entering & leaving relationships,mariages.. Well an actual good thai lady would seriously think twice before going out with foreigner, due to peer pressure, family reputation etc. some of ethnic chinese, indians could be slightly more open minded due to their own background. But real 'traditional/patriotic' thais wouldn't give a toss about that hairy/horny (or well intended) weirdos, with whom they cannot even hold a proper conversation & who comes from completely different cultural background, which thais are so fevereshly proud of from birth to grave

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That is what many folk back home may be thinking of us guys out here.

I have been in LOS for a few years. I make the occasional phone call back to 'the folks'. I am used to gentle inuendo.... harmless jokes based on the usual stereotypes regarding Thai chicks. Harmless. I go with it and have a laugh.

However I have just finished a phone call with a certain fammily member who i have never realy got with too great. Enquiring about my GF, who i have been with for almost 3 years, the line of questioning was more intense than the usual harmless banter;

'Did you like, pay for her?'

'Was she from a bar?'

'How young is she?'

'Does she speak English, or are you not bothered about that as long as she holds fort in the sacks?'

'I guess she does all your ironing, cooking, cleaning... is she like a maid?'

Gut instinct was to kick off to high hel_l and shut this <deleted> up. I found myself at a loss and just for the laugh of it, I answerd yes to every question that was asked. To my suprise, there conclusion was;

'Ahhh.... thats ok, good on you! Nothing wrong with that, and thats what we figured'


My GF is one year older than me, so thats that particular stereotype nailed. i didnt meet her in a bar. She had her own business. She has her own money. And i am not a huge pile of lard with a wig. Im an average looking bloke.

But if my GF was 20 years younger than me, straight out of Pussy Galore in Patong... who cares?

I speak to westerners every day on the phone through my job. Occasionaly i get asked 'you live in Thailand.... ahh... you have a girly then?' I usualy just laugh it off.

Now im thinking....

Do those dickheads back home assume i am here just to land myself an 18 year old munchkin with pigtails, who can project ping pong balls into the gulf of Thailand quicker than you can say 'how much for a fortnight'?

fark'em anyway. Couldnt give a toss what there perceptions are. Im just intrigued.... I always thought the stereotype was a cliche?

Or do guys back home realy think this way?

Im not bothered. Couldnt give a bugger. Just asking the question....

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Ho Ho! along with his good buddies - Dr Naam & Zuki-Suzuki. I think they all live in Flowery <deleted>!

No i live in watery fowls, Dr Naam lives in Fatty owls and Zuki Suzuki lives in Flay otters.

Where do you live, Farty towels?

Spot on there! your memory is far better than mine!! long live the awkward squad!

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i think its a british thing

I think you might be right on that. During our two years in Italy we experienced only one incident of someone making a derogatory comment - and that was an English woman.

While I'm very pro Britain I'll not deny that spite and evny is a national trate in the UK. (we see plenty of incidences of this Spite and Envy here on TV) - So I also don't think the comments are limitted to having an Asian wife, I think for the British anything different or beyond expectations is the stuff of S&E.


Dude. You really can't see the hypochrisy in your posts can you? Get rid of that chip on your shoulder about the Brits, and get on with your life man. Have read several of your posts and you always want to pick up them up. Same prejudice the OP refers to, just different country.

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Let it not be said that racism is dead, it is unfortunately still here , throughout the world. Those who have the need to feel racially superior are at the least, inferior; they are the losers as history has shown countless times.

What has this thread got to do with racism? Can't you find another thread to pollute?

It's very much to do with race, if you don't see that then your a baffoon.

Baffoon - explanation please??

Wasnt he a hairdresser ? vidal baffoon ! :o
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Let it not be said that racism is dead, it is unfortunately still here , throughout the world. Those who have the need to feel racially superior are at the least, inferior; they are the losers as history has shown countless times.

What has this thread got to do with racism? Can't you find another thread to pollute?

It's very much to do with race, if you don't see that then your a baffoon.

Baffoon - explanation please??

Monkey that swings in the trees. Posts on TV in his freetime.

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my favorite topic.

like i said in another post. the reputation re thai gurls is basically true.

most guys cum here for one thing.

not mut else going on here that is not avai;able in yr home cuntry.

Cum on, jus out wit it. There re safty in numburs for u Blizzard. Ur not alone. Or r u one of thos guys "who r diffrent" and here 4 otha reesons. :o

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my favorite topic.

like i said in another post. the reputation re thai gurls is basically true.

most guys cum here for one thing.

not mut else going on here that is not avai;able in yr home cuntry.

Cum on, jus out wit it. There re safty in numburs for u Blizzard. Ur not alone. Or r u one of thos guys "who r diffrent" and here 4 otha reesons. :o

hOOkED oN PhonICs WERkeD FeR mE!

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Never had an issue in the UK. Then again we only spend a couple of weeks at Xmas and people are in good moods anyway :o . No-one during these visits has ever seen my wife for anything other than the lovely lady she is.

In Thailand we sometimes come across the stereotyping. It's not just limited to my wife either, but any female I happen to be out alone with. Some of the girls in the office are sometimes shy to be seen out with a farang alone. Then again some are confident enough and don't care.

There are some stigmas here between foreigners and Thais. On the whole my view is the prejudice/racism towards foreigners is more prevalent in Asia, than in say UK. However, it is rarely violent or threatening in Asia. In the UK it is rarer/less common, but for the few racists, when it does happen it is much stronger, more intense and is more likely to be threatening. i.e if someone dislikes your race or colour in UK you really know about it, and with these people you can't avoid it by just minding your own business. Here in Thailand although more common, it's much milder, and generally harmless. Just mind your own business and there'll be no trouble. You're not going to change the way it is, so just treat others how you'd like to be treated, and that's as much as you can control.

If in a mixed marriage or wanting any sort of friendship/relationship with a female in Thailand, you just learn to live with it. Not a big part of life really. Occasionally it can be annoying if your having a bad day generally, in the way the little things in life sometimes irritate. Otherwise easily brushed off unless you choose/want to make an issue of it.

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kind of mindfu.cking how people can travel here so many times and even live here and have no grasp about real thailand.. just because of what you see and hear and experience when you hangout and live the bar scene lifestyle...does not make it a true reflection of thailand.. and i dont get it, when people talk about Thais here its like its not possible that a thai person can speak english.. oh well, guess i should know by now what to expect from a place like this forum. Oh well with the huge amount of garbage farang around it only makes real people like my self get a better review. keep going hard 'mates'! 5555!!!

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to the brit/euros whining about the brit-thai connection :

i think it obviously is a british thing. Its not a secret that the copious amounts of UK nationals who come here a lot, multiple times a year, and also start to relocate here by selling off property in the UK or just by using their savings or poundz, that out of all those people, your going to get a large number who are going to be bringing prostitutes back in the UK and thai women will start to be generalized or stereotyped with a much higher frequency. I think the UK is a place where this is very common to see and very well known to the citizens who live there.. just reading this thread it is pretty blatant.

If you want to bring a girl over who is half your age and used to who.re in thailand then that is up to you, a lot of people have great relationships with girls who used to work in bars. This is totally a decision that you can make and it will make you a lot more open for people to judge you for their own reasons. If thinking that they are jealous because you have a young nice looking dark Isaan girl on your arm makes you feel good then thats awesome. And in truth a lot of the situations where someone talks shit to you is because they are jealous. I think most people who are not in similar boats will find it funny or upsetting or disgusting at the mass exodus of thai girls coming over with men twice their age and all of that. Obviously this sucks because a lot of people are in relationships with large age discrepancies and the like even though it is an honestly forged relationship that is not dependent on partner A paying or having the money for partner B to receive.

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A friend of mine in Sweden spontaniously, without even thinking if it was rude or not, said his comment when i had my first thaigirlfriend some years ago " ohh, is she thai? so she is a hooker?".

I said, no she is not hooker, she is studying to become a civil-econom, and at "freetime" from school she is working for the government. Why would you ask if she is a hooker?"

He said. "they are hookers down there, everybody knows it"!!!

I give you a lot of credit for not responding by knocking that guy flat on his arse. Unbelievable how rude and stupid some people can be.

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'Did you like, pay for her?'

'Was she from a bar?'

'How young is she?'

'Does she speak English, or are you not bothered about that as long as she holds fort in the sacks?'

'I guess she does all your ironing, cooking, cleaning... is she like a maid?'

Gut instinct was to kick off to high hel_l and shut this <deleted> up. I found myself at a loss and just for the laugh of it, I answerd yes to every question that was asked. To my suprise, there conclusion was;

'Ahhh.... thats ok, good on you! Nothing wrong with that, and thats what we figured'


Even if I thought that to be the case, I can't imagine a scenerio where I would launch into a line of questioning such as this......even with a family member

Its a family member that i have never got on well with. Another one of her chestnuts is 'so are you still on the run'? (I had a small business in the UK, lost it, and came to Thailand. In her eyes, I am on the run. Pathetic)

Anyway.... just been thinking. Another ammusing stereotype is 'Buying your wife from the internet'. Yeh, i appreciate some guys meet there chicks on line but only after they have exchanged loads of emails etc. That is not my cup of tea - but each to his own. Its amazing though how some people, believe it or not, think that a Ferang/Thai relationship back in the West is litteraly a case of.... 'Purchased on line'. Like, quite litteraly picked a woman from a list of photos, sent over a load of money, and had the poor little thing shiped over to spend the rest of her days ironing and shagging, in a Glasgow council flat.

Its a mssive minority that assume this.... but there are some. Its laughable.

I have decided to play on it. Go with it, have a laugh. Ill introduce her as number 47 if i ever take her home for a holiday. No point in my getting wound up about it and it is only one person i am talking about, after all.

I was more highlighting the general stereotype.

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Let it not be said that racism is dead, it is unfortunately still here , throughout the world. Those who have the need to feel racially superior are at the least, inferior; they are the losers as history has shown countless times.

What has this thread got to do with racism? Can't you find another thread to pollute?

It's very much to do with race, if you don't see that then your a baffoon.

It has nothing at all to do with race, however if you wish to flame me for being dumb, then at least you should spell correctly? Right?

"your" should read "you are" or "you're"

"baffoon" should read "buffoon".

What does this make you?:o:cheesy:

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Anyway.... just been thinking. Another ammusing stereotype is 'Buying your wife from the internet'. Yeh, i appreciate some guys meet there chicks on line but only after they have exchanged loads of emails etc. That is not my cup of tea - but each to his own. Its amazing though how some people, believe it or not, think that a Ferang/Thai relationship back in the West is litteraly a case of.... 'Purchased on line'. Like, quite litteraly picked a woman from a list of photos, sent over a load of money, and had the poor little thing shiped over to spend the rest of her days ironing and shagging, in a Glasgow council flat.

Based on what seems like thousands of online dating services in the west, I doubt that it is something originated by farangs trying to pick up Thai girls.

In the US, I doubt the average person knows Thailand from Taiwan....In terms of appearance, the average person would probably guess "Chinese" if asked what they thought the nationality of an Asian person. Unfortunately, the only time they typically hear about Thailand is when some high profile pedophile is arrested. As virtually all media coverage about SE Asia centers on the child sex trade, they typically only choose to run stories that reinforce this.

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Actually the former premier of NSW in Australia has a asian wife (i cant remember where she is from) and the opposition was caught saying " I hope hes happy with his mail order bride "

Well lets say that he had to resign and it was a shame as he was looking like he would be the next premier and blew it all because of his stupid stereotyping

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nicley put I am 67 and my lady is 39 I was living on my own in the UK so joined a dateing site and met my lady friend in March

I spent 2 months in Thialand returned to UK for 17 days went back to bring her back to the UK she is at the moment in the UK But it looks like its going to be a better option to return to Thialand for all the reasions you have pointed out AND the Thia people dont look at you like your a pervert

As for my lady and probably most others I am sure its 90% money based, having said that I do belive she cares about me (or am I being totally stupid ) anyway who cares if I can live out my life with her and she takes care of me, She can throw my ashes in the river RIP

And why should you not enjoy what is left of your life ? You have earned that right. What the Thai companions have not earned however is the right to all you have after you have gone, nor all you have whilst you are still alive.

You may choose to leave them with a stipend and if you are married, then I believe she will be eligible for a pension on your contributions and a share of any occupational or private pension.

I think what narks some people is seeing their inheritance walking away. Kids do have a right not to get screwed over in mid life when for 20+ years they have been expecting to receive something upon their parents death and now they see that inheritance going west or in this case east to a woman they may never have met, may not like and who may only know their father for a short time before he shuffles off to the great beer bar in the sky.

By all means make some provision but remember that those who were with you for the first 30/40/50/60+ years are important as well.

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A friend of mine in Sweden spontaniously, without even thinking if it was rude or not, said his comment when i had my first thaigirlfriend some years ago " ohh, is she thai? so she is a hooker?".

I said, no she is not hooker, she is studying to become a civil-econom, and at "freetime" from school she is working for the government. Why would you ask if she is a hooker?"

He said. "they are hookers down there, everybody knows it"!!!

I give you a lot of credit for not responding by knocking that guy flat on his arse. Unbelievable how rude and stupid some people can be.

Unfortunately, there are vacuous, knuckledraggers crowding the planet and wasting oxygen everywhere .

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In my experience, people in the states (#1) don't know anything about Thailand and don't seem to care either. Can't see any benefit in telling them much. I just spend the winters and July in Thailand so I go to Thailand mainly for the weather :o . GF of 5 years is a tad over half my age, maybe time to find a younger lass.

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