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Former Thai Army Chief Refuses To Rule Out Another Coup


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they did not organise a coup a year ago to that fast resign from their position of power and priviliges. Still, there is a lot money to be made in assosiated businesses, as well as corruption, smuggling and drugs.

untill there is a strong political upheaval against the junta they are going to be at power for many, many years - unfortunately, popular understanding how the system works is low in the thai society

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they did not organise a coup a year ago to that fast resign from their position of power and priviliges. Still, there is a lot money to be made in assosiated businesses, as well as corruption, smuggling and drugs.

untill there is a strong political upheaval against the junta they are going to be at power for many, many years - unfortunately, popular understanding how the system works is low in the thai society

I think the Thais know exactly how the system works- the starry eyed foreigners who really believed that this coup would restore democracy might not- but the Thais do. One of the English papers last week quoted an academic who referred to studies showing that 85 percent of Thais would accept dictatorship willingly- providing they were making money.

So, statistically, those who are making money right now- are probably not too worried about another coup. They don't care.

And this coup has been so relatively benign- on the surface anyway- that whatever residual terror of coups lingered from the previous one, has been washed away.

And I doubt I'm saying one thing here that Sonthi isn't fully aware of.

But shouldn't this be in the News Clippings section?

Edited by blaze
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This guy Sonthi is totally out to lunch, as are the people who he takes orders from.

It's just very sad, that nobody seems to expect the army to be taking orders FROM an elected government, not the army giving orders (or taking out) a democratically elected government.

If any political party had any spine they'd not go along with this charade.. But then again the system does provide for politicians getting a piece of the cake too.. It's COMPLETELY corrupt and bogus, and the "Democrat" party is among the worst of them, as shown by their election boycott that paved the way for the coup, and their opportunity to get back at the trough..

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No suprise really. Sonthi has no intention of going gracefully.

sonthi is going no where ,the election is only for show .....

Yeah, I think so. If he doesn't get the result in the election that he wants, the tanks will be back out on the streets. :o

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