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Lottery Winner !


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Hi ya'll,

got a question that might not have been asked on here before.

Can foriegners claim winning lottery tickets? (above ground government lottery that is)

and also whats the minimum age to claim them?

Good question.

Did you win? Lucky guy.

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I remember in high school stats that the rough odds for one of the multistate US lotteries (don't recall if we calculated it for Power Ball or Mega whatever...) was winning the prize once every twenty thousand years or so, even playing X hundred $ for each and every drawing, considering 8-10 drawings a month. And that's on TOP of the benefit of having those lotteries audited by reputable firms, something you don't have here.


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One of my friend's won 100k on some lottery about 6 months back. No-idea where he collected it from. I bumped into him later and he said something about foreigners being able to collect a maximum of 1mil.

A limit?? I wouldnt be surprised at all.

Guess its best for the misses to claim.

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It's my understanding--I don't know for sure--but large winnings must be collected by depositing them in a bank account. Since you have to have a WP (in theory) to have a bank account, this would make it a little difficult for big winners.

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I occasionally used to buy a few tickets just for fun. Only times I won it was just a lousy couple of thousand maximum. Never found out how to claim the prize money though, the missus used to relieve me of that chore. :D

Some girl working in a fave drinking haunt of mine once asked me to give her a few auspicious numbers for lottery tickets. I gave a few random numbers off the top of my head and she later won about 15k! :o

She was pretty good about it and stood up drinks all round, bless 'er. :D

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