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Nice Try On The T-shirts


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And we are ok as long as we wear our lucky tie or have the right crucifix/star of David/whatever.

So the point of your thread is what?

This may come as a revelation to you but nobody is forcing you or anyone to wear any colour Tshirt so why not leave those people who CHOOSE to do so, wear what they want just the same as they allow you. It is called cultural sensitivity - you may wish to google it and learn something new.


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I think the colors of the week?








As stated, government works are either required to or highly suggested to wear yellow on Mondays. Heck it even spilled over to suggesting to wear yellow polos on Tuesday. Light blue or Lanna style on Friday is the other suggestion.

Edited by BlackArtemis
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We're all OK so long as we wear the right color.

A bit desparate isn't it?

The thread is growing and no-one seems to know what it's all about.

Good one - jomama! Jokes on us !

Keep it up fellows this is a terrific run on nothing ! - or am I a bit slow ?

Like a McDonalds - "I'm loving it".


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And we are ok as long as we wear our lucky tie or have the right crucifix/star of David/whatever.

So the point of your thread is what?

This may come as a revelation to you but nobody is forcing you or anyone to wear any colour Tshirt so why not leave those people who CHOOSE to do so, wear what they want just the same as they allow you. It is called cultural sensitivity - you may wish to google it and learn something new.


too right Crowie,

nice new avatar btw

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Well, just to get the thread moving (probably on it's way to being closed), let me just add that the colors absolutely drive me nuts. No matter what color shirt I wear, somebody will say, "oh, that's the wrong color, it's ......day, not .....day!" Like I care. Just once, only once, I wish somebody would say, oh you look nice, or oh, you like crap today. Not, it's the wrong color!

Now, just to make my life easier. I am printing out the colors for the appropriate day--yes, after nearly 20 years, I still can't remember them--I am posting them on my closet and I will ALWAYS wear the right color. Unless, of course, in my dementia, I forget what day it is!

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Positively. Though I still also don't get the relevance to anything else in the known universe. What's this topic about?

"mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways" Oscar Wilde

jomama has realised that the peoples of Chang Mai speak not only in tongues but in colour, and then when coded can have a powerful effect on the community.

Colour light energy affects all living cells. Used in the right way, colour can have a profound and healing effect on all creation, human or otherwise. It is a well known scientific fact that everything has a vibration, that is to say that all things have their own vibration/frequency, and that includes US !!

Beware !

This thread has possibly escaped from Bedlam

Edited by LeungKen
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