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I recall reading in the not too distant past an article referring to how the Thai Newspapers were "cleaning up their act" as to what would be printed in text and photos in their respective papers, and how there would be a effort made to improve Thai Journalism and their practices. There would be a new standard of ethics.

In yesterday's Chiang Mai Newpaper, front page there was printed a photo of a man, taken from perhaps a distance of a metre, frontal, obviously dead by hanging, with the rope still around his askew neck. There would be a good chance that this man does have family that, I'm sure wouldn't be favourably impressed with this photo.

These lurid, distasteful photos appear again and again. Is this what the journalistic group means by the new ethics in media???

Just a month or two ago, there was a front page, close-up photo of an individual, dead with a large knife buried in his chest up to the hilt.

Some months ago, the photo of, I believe a Canadian girl, dead by hanging, suspended from a closet door.

These types of photos disappeared in the west many years ago, with perhaps the exception of the Supermarket Scum Magazines.

I personally find these types of photos and type of journalism very distasteful and those who admit the photographers; the photographers; the editors; the publishers associated with these wannabe rags, lower than whales**t. And thats about as low as it gets.

Aren't these tragic sites, either crime or investigation scenes? I'm sure no fine upstanding law enforcement officer would call the photogs or accept a fee for letting someone into the investigation scene, would they ???

What does the new code of ethics in Thai Journalism cover, if anything. Perhaps it means a new and improved marketing program by the newspapers... Trash and Scum Sells.


It seem many hard topic to be posted for members, not involve hooker or beer. Also expat killing or suicide and naughty passport dutchman etc.

Maybe ask about Expat journalist ethic.. then many comment for hang or chop or kill. Never mind. One day many people will read forum when it is found in glacier and say "my this people have funny name and not sure of clever things to say but talk about silly tiny thing like foreigner with bar girl and other such intelligentness.

I think Thai journalist have ethic for what dopey reader wants. Expat jouirnalist is writing anything that come to his plate except that he is quite stupid and so is many of his friend, then all go to Loi Kroh and have hooker and beer cheap because he write about their bar.

I think that expat read what expat journalist write since expat reader not really smart as expat reader thinking he is.

Sorry for wrong English. It is not my first mother language but I am think you get a idea of meaning of what I am to saying to you no?


I must admit to being somewhat shocked myself by the way the media report and picture death scenes, but they have always done it, like many things in LOS we have to accept this is normal and totally acceptable here both in newspapers and on TV. I can remember watching two bomb disposal experts being blown up in the south during the troubles, that shocked me as well, and then capturing the aftermath of the explosion on camera and showing it to the nation (body parts all over the place).

Fact is we have no alternative but to accept it as it is the Thai way.


I work with a sensationalist newspaper in HK. I recall a few years back when a young female dismembered torso was found in a rubbish skip in Kowloon. Next day an arm was found. The newspaper then carried a pic. of the torso with the arm in place and a dotted line around the other missing limbs.

Next day a leg, pic appears again, then another arm. Each day pic appears with new discovery in place of dotted line.

Then the head was found and it was realised that this young girl was someone's daughter and perhaps, after all, was in bad taste and the pic was dropped.

However, a macabre fascination by the readers of such newspapers does increase circulation.

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