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Can Any Thais Be Trusted?


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Even In Australia they say never trust a Thai.

After 2 weeks here as a tourist I can not trust any Thais and will treat them all as thieves.

Even if you treat them with respect and warmth they will still rob you I have experienced.

Im not talking about sex workers, I mean shopkeepers bar owners and stall owners and anyone alse you tend to come in contact with as a tourist.

The latest ploy, or maybe not so latest to you locals,is after a few drinks at their bar or restaurant, when one is not feeling tooo alert,comes time to pay,and on settling the account after placing a large portion of cash on the counter to pay the account, the host will distract you in different ways, and just like magic,it seems there is 1,000 B or so short during the final count.

As I are usually trusting [stupid me] or a bit pissed,you tend to think you have made a mistake and add more money to the amount.

This is twice now,so I have learnt my lesson.

Dont trust any fuc_ker here.

As well us that is the the usual overcharging if you do not go to the trouble of just about slapping the price out of them before a purchase,as for a BBQ chicken at a road side stall etc where I had nothing smaller than a 1,000 B note and thought the vendor was honest,but on checking my change later I find I paid about 300B for the BBQ chicken.

So much for trusting these fuc_ks.

They love to pull the usual stupid "I dont Understand routine" when you try to get a price for something..

fuc_k em all!!

They have lost all my respect in this cesspool of a town.

Lets hope Bangkok is a bit better.

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That kind of stuff almost never happens to me here, or anywhere, but I probably give off a vibe of don't mess with me that way ...

The truth is most of the Thai people here are not from here, and those working with tourists are mostly not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, so opportunistic larceny is quite often ready and waiting to happen. You need to put your guard up. Like in America.

Edited by Jingthing
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Even In Australia they say never trust a Thai.

After 2 weeks here as a tourist I can not trust any Thais and will treat them all as thieves.

Even if you treat them with respect and warmth they will still rob you I have experienced.

Im not talking about sex workers, I mean shopkeepers bar owners and stall owners and anyone alse you tend to come in contact with as a tourist.

The latest ploy, or maybe not so latest to you locals,is after a few drinks at their bar or restaurant, when one is not feeling tooo alert,comes time to pay,and on settling the account after placing a large portion of cash on the counter to pay the account, the host will distract you in different ways, and just like magic,it seems there is 1,000 B or so short during the final count.

As I are usually trusting [stupid me] or a bit pissed,you tend to think you have made a mistake and add more money to the amount.

This is twice now,so I have learnt my lesson.

Dont trust any fuc_ker here.

As well us that is the the usual overcharging if you do not go to the trouble of just about slapping the price out of them before a purchase,as for a BBQ chicken at a road side stall etc where I had nothing smaller than a 1,000 B note and thought the vendor was honest,but on checking my change later I find I paid about 300B for the BBQ chicken.

So much for trusting these fuc_ks.

They love to pull the usual stupid "I dont Understand routine" when you try to get a price for something..

fuc_k em all!!

They have lost all my respect in this cesspool of a town.

Lets hope Bangkok is a bit better.

Please change your username.

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Even In Australia they say never trust a Thai.

After 2 weeks here as a tourist I can not trust any Thais and will treat them all as thieves.

Even if you treat them with respect and warmth they will still rob you I have experienced.

Im not talking about sex workers, I mean shopkeepers bar owners and stall owners and anyone alse you tend to come in contact with as a tourist.

The latest ploy, or maybe not so latest to you locals,is after a few drinks at their bar or restaurant, when one is not feeling tooo alert,comes time to pay,and on settling the account after placing a large portion of cash on the counter to pay the account, the host will distract you in different ways, and just like magic,it seems there is 1,000 B or so short during the final count.

As I are usually trusting [stupid me] or a bit pissed,you tend to think you have made a mistake and add more money to the amount.

This is twice now,so I have learnt my lesson.

Dont trust any fuc_ker here.

As well us that is the the usual overcharging if you do not go to the trouble of just about slapping the price out of them before a purchase,as for a BBQ chicken at a road side stall etc where I had nothing smaller than a 1,000 B note and thought the vendor was honest,but on checking my change later I find I paid about 300B for the BBQ chicken.

So much for trusting these fuc_ks.

They love to pull the usual stupid "I dont Understand routine" when you try to get a price for something..

fuc_k em all!!

They have lost all my respect in this cesspool of a town.

Lets hope Bangkok is a bit better.

Please change your username.

i think you drink to much ,dont drink and be alert ...........

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Of the last 3 weeks I’ve had to send many bills back (approx 10), four of which for corrections of over 1000 baht. Two of those places were night clubs, the other two places were restaurants.

In one of the restaurants I’d taken 2 bottles of wine, only opened one but was charged corkage for both - Understandable mistake on the bill. In the same restaurant, after making our orders I was told that mine was not available, so I reordered but my original order remained on the bill along with the new order - Again understandable. I had to send the bill back twice for these corrections.

In a club I was charged for 1 bottle of whiskey, 15 sodas, 7 cokes, 3 Ice. This seemed excessive so I asked for a list of the ‘Chits’ I’d signed… the real tally was 1 whiskey, 7 soda’s 4 cokes and 2 ice. This bill was corrected immediately without question but also needed two corrections before I was satisfied.

Where as I think these could have been genuine mistakes and give the benefit of doubt to the staff, my girlfriend points out that it’s a common attempt at fleecing someone. It’s not specifically aimed at westerners or foreigners, many of my Thai friends also have very similar comments and are careful when paying bills or handling money.

Its common, the sad thing is that it’s also accepted as the norm. Watch Thai’s in the restaurants, they’re all double checking their bills and in the clubs the bill seems to automatically be passed onto the most sober or organized one for checking and correcting…

The thing to do is to just try to make a habit of checking the bills and not be embarrassed that you may be being un-polite by doing so.

I thought this kind of stuff never happened to me and I’d kind of switched off to it until I was advised to get into the habit of checking every bill. It’s quite amazing how many ‘mistakes’ are made that add an extra 30 B, 50 B, 100 B to the bill. These mistakes are never less than the true bill… uncanny that ! This is no big deal financially, but in principle it’s irritating, 30 B, 50 B, 100 B is the thin end of the wedge, I can attest that attempts to overcharge 1000 B are not uncommon - its just another thing to watch out for.

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Yes. I used to think it funny when my wife scrutinised EVERY bill...................but then she told me because i am a farang husband.....they do try to "pad out " the bill.

I let her deal with all that stuff now. She has a very sharp tongue when things are not quite what they seem on a bill. :o

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Let me remind you folks of a couple of the forum rules that you agrred to abide by when you signed up here:

"2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.

Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them.

3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated."

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Even In Australia they say never trust a Thai.
After 2 weeks here as a tourist I can not trust any Thais and will treat them all as thieves


Dont trust any fuc_ker here.
So much for trusting these fuc_ks.
They love to pull the usual stupid "I dont Understand routine"
fuc_k em all!!
They have lost all my respect in this cesspool of a town.

Your post says a lot more about you than it does about the Thai people.

Lets hope Bangkok is a bit better.

With your attitude, i doubt it will be.

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Lived in Thailand for years and only times I have been ripped off etc is when I was drunk or the likes. Being firm with people in Thailand is not the same as in New York / UK or the likes.... The message is the same but you do it with a smile (jai yen yen) before things get ugly.

Also if you can even learn 4 or 5 phrases in Thai and the numbers (easily achievable on a long haul flight) then you will have much less trouble when buying something, like your 300 baht chicken or whatever :D

Also Pattaya is a tourist playground with many unscrupulous people, both Thai & foreigners alike. In Bangkok it is easier to integrate and be treated less like a naive tourist and more like a local.

I don't know you at all but with your attitude right now I wouldn't say that Bangkok is the best destination for you. That city will fray the nerves of the steadiest of us !! I know coz I spent years there :o

WHY NOT (and I'm not being condescending) go and chill out in a laid back place in Thailand like Mae Hong Son, Chiang Rai or whatever and focus. Going to BKK in a rage at Thai people and the world in general could lead to serious blowing of the fuses.

Well thats my 50 pence,


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Thanks for a reminder about the rules Endure - particularly trolling. Trolls by OPs often seem to originate from new posters who seem to have a good understanding of how the board works (if you get my drift).

(In accordance with board rules, I am not going to speak to moderation issues.)

Edit: omission

Edited by Ping
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Pattaya is certainly not the real Thailand in fact far from it. I agree thoroughly learn a little Thai especially the numbers I know of very few countries where a drunk tourist will not get ripped off when they make no attempt to speak the language

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I had a camera stollen in Taiwan, had a camera stollen in China, I have yet to have a camera stollen in Thailand. Had my heart stollen in many locations...

Ti's life, get over it.

My wife also combs through the bills. Me... heck, it aint going to kill me if some one bends me over 40 baht. Life is too short to worry about such things. I have to be honest, every time I think a Thai is going to rob me blind, they instead did the opposite.

So I hope when I do finally get rooked, I remember the good rather than focus all on one occassion.

Its only money.....

I hope.

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I had a camera stollen in Taiwan, had a camera stollen in China, I have yet to have a camera stollen in Thailand. Had my heart stollen in many locations...

Ti's life, get over it.

My wife also combs through the bills. Me... heck, it aint going to kill me if some one bends me over 40 baht. Life is too short to worry about such things. I have to be honest, every time I think a Thai is going to rob me blind, they instead did the opposite.

So I hope when I do finally get rooked, I remember the good rather than focus all on one occassion.

Its only money.....

I hope.

No.....it has turned into a land of smiling thieves, liars and cheats....sort of like American, come to think of it.

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The latest ploy, or maybe not so latest to you locals,is after a few drinks at their bar or restaurant, when one is not feeling tooo alert,comes time to pay,and on settling the account after placing a large portion of cash on the counter to pay the account, the host will distract you in different ways, and just like magic,it seems there is 1,000 B or so short during the final count.

As I are usually trusting [stupid me] or a bit pissed,you tend to think you have made a mistake and add more money to the amount.

I've not come across this one but have a queston. Why do you place a "large portion of cash on the counter"? My M.O. is keep my cash in my wallet in my pocket until I see the bill and am reasonably happy it is correct. Then I remove said wallet from pocket and count out the money to the nearest denomination in excess of the bill. When they bring the change I either take all or some of it or add to it depending on the amount, the quality of service and my current mood of generosity. :D

As for the odd 30 - 100 Baht ripoffs, if you are worried about those amounts I'd stick to the Khao San road if I were you. They are good, clean living, honest people there. :o

PS good luck with Bangkok, you'll need it. :D

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Unfortunately, problems with bills are a problem. They range (in my experience) from honest mistakes to theft. I am hopeless at adding, but generally I am accompanied by a few Thai friends who insist on going through the bill carefully.

It's something you have to get used to here.

Best of luck. Caution is advised and you'll have a good time.

And yes, Pattaya is a tourist destination with plenty of rip-offs (I still love the place though).

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It is generally accepted among the street level business people in the Pattaya area, not just Thais, that any group of people stupid enough to wire their money to a hooker they have known for 10 minutes can afford to be ripped off. Yeah, we are steriotyped just as they are.

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That kind of stuff almost never happens to me here, or anywhere, but I probably give off a vibe of don't mess with me that way ...

The truth is most of the Thai people here are not from here, and those working with tourists are mostly not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, so opportunistic larceny is quite often ready and waiting to happen. You need to put your guard up. Like in America.

Carry small notes and be on your guard anywhere you travel around the world, not just in LOS. It's a jungle out there and when you go on safari, you carry a BIG stick. :o

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.. never trust a Thai.

I can not trust any Thais and will treat them all as thieves.

Even if you treat them with respect and warmth they will still rob you

Dont trust any fuc_ker here.

So much for trusting these fuc_ks.

fuc_k em all!!

this cesspool of a town.

I may be wrong, but I think this forum rule was tailored-made for posts such as this

3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated

Edited by sriracha john
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Unfortunately, problems with bills are a problem.


Anyway I have been to bed and sobered up now, so no flaming.

I love these guys who say their wives/ g/f's check their bins, I have yet to meet a Thai with sound mental arithmetic skills. Most Thais will need a calculator to work out your change from 500, on a 400 bill.

When I am in a strange bar I do my '5 second challenge', which is flashing through the chits and giving my bill estimate within 5 seconds. This puts it on a humorous level, and they are generally amazed that I am usually spot on or within a few baht.

To quote the old cliche, if you don't like it then go home - ha. Seriously there are more important things to worry about than a few baht in a bar where you have obviously enjoyed yourself.

To the OP, buying the girls a drink, or leaving a tip occassionally will probably prevent this from happening - maybe they are just adding on what they think you should have spent?

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Like most places you visit, it's about attitude and common sense. As per a previous poster, learn a few words of Thai, say things with a smile and carry some smaller change for the munchie runs on the way home.

Pattaya is not really indicative of other places in Thailand, it's the exception rather than the norm. Farangs are all bundled up into 1 category and you'll be treated as such. However, great place for a hol if you don't take it too seriously!

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Even In Australia they say never trust a Thai.

What nonsense. Do you really think Australians are more honest? If you do, you're dreaming.

You're obviously not a very savvy traveller, and as one member put it, you should change your username.

I didn't think anyone would actually go to a street vendor with 1000 baht notes.

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