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Does Anyone Know What This Is? "- Hacked By Taiwkhbo3c157"


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My Internet Explorer title bar now has "- Hacked by TAIWKHBO3C157" at the end.

For example, my Internet Expolorer title bar right now is: Thailand Forum -> Posting New Topic - Hacked by TAIWKHBO3C157

And my home page is now: about:blank - Hacked by TAIWKHBO3C157

Does anyone know what this is?

How might it have gotten on my computer?

How do I get rid of it?

What effects does it have on my computer's security?

I think it happened while my girlfriend was using the computer.

I'm guessing that it came through a website or from her USB flash drive.

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Google search wasn't very helpful for that particular...Hacked by TAIWKHBO3C157

Try doing a search for 'free browser hijack removers' - there should be a few available. Spybot Search and Destroy would be worth a try or Hijack This or Adaware - all free versions. Windows Defender is also a free download from Microsoft (if your OS is legitimate).

Personally I'd be very worried about security. Update your antivirus, get a firewall (Comodo has a free one that is good), and run Adaware etc on a regular basis.

You could always try going back to a previous 'Restore Point' , assuming you have XP.

Hope this helps :o

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Its a version of Hacked by godzilla. Do a search through this forum or on the net for a fix.

I just checked a previous fix and found it has been updated to version 5. The fix download is located at www.my-jiraw.com/web/index.php?topic=10.0

The author has made this download available only to members so you may have to register. The site is all in Thai.

Edited by Farma
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Turning off autorun doesn't totally protect you from this kind of threat, spread via removable flash drives. Reason being that even if the virus isn't auto-executed when the flash drive is inserted, it will still be executed when you double-click on the drive to open (which executes autorun). Only if you single-click on the drive in the folders listing or type in the drive will you not execute autorun.

The virus is easily altered to change the message displayed in IE, or to not display a message at all. That's why you'll see various messages, even though it's the same virus.

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