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Bedlam Need 500+ Posts To Access


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I want to be able to access bedlam. however I only have about 380 posts to my credit. If I just reply to each post or thread with a smiley or something like that rather than contributing anything useful, will my post count increase? a good idea or bad idea to rapidly increase my post count so I can access bedlam

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I want to be able to access bedlam. however I only have about 380 posts to my credit. If I just reply to each post or thread with a smiley or something like that rather than contributing anything useful, will my post count increase? a good idea or bad idea to rapidly increase my post count so I can access bedlam


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I never been there, just heard gruesome tales from those who came back limping, mumbling something of the living death roaming there past sundown...

May the power be with you to withstand the dark temptations.... :o

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"Lewis come and say something"..........

.."The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo: she succeeded in getting its body tucked away, comfortably enough, under her arm, with its legs hanging down, but generally, just as she had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the hedgehog a blow with its head, it WOULD twist itself round and look up in her face, with such a puzzled expression that she could not help bursting out laughing: and when she had got its head down, and was going to begin again, it was very provoking to find that the hedgehog had unrolled itself, and was in the act of crawling away: besides all this, there was generally a ridge or furrow in the way wherever she wanted to send the hedgehog to, and, as the doubled-up soldiers were always getting up and walking off to other parts of the ground, Alice soon came to the conclusion that it was a very difficult game indeed."

.."Thank you Lewis"

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I think some of you have been made a joke of, there is no bedlam, nope, no such place here in thaivisa but if there was there would be rules about discussing the place outside of that place....... that doens't exist. :D

A bit like the rules of fight club....the first rule of bedlam is..... :o

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Bedlam? It's a cruel joke of long standing (calculated to get you to raise your post count). Good luck with those smilies :o

Are you folks serious? It doesn't exist? I thought it would be somewhere you could flame away at all the bitter folks here on ThaiVisa with no rules and no posts deleted or closed. Tell me you're not serious. Please.


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'I'm in with the in crowd, I go where the in crowd goes..'

Farking pathetic. I could not give less than two shits about getting into some forum when the only memberhip requirement is posting 500 "how much sin sod should I pay" posts on a forum that is more moderated than a US baptist science class.

OP seriously needs to get a life.

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There is an entry requirement...... Think of it as a TV IQ test.

Depending on your score, merit badges will be awarded & you may only view posts of a certain level determined by the rest of the bedlam members.

Just kidding! :o

AFAIK there is no such place around here...

Edited by soundman
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Bedlam? It's a cruel joke of long standing (calculated to get you to raise your post count). Good luck with those smilies :o

Are you folks serious? It doesn't exist? I thought it would be somewhere you could flame away at all the bitter folks here on ThaiVisa with no rules and no posts deleted or closed. Tell me you're not serious. Please.


the rules in "buttlamb" if it existed would be the same as in here if not worse!

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Bedlam? It's a cruel joke of long standing (calculated to get you to raise your post count). Good luck with those smilies :D

I thought it would be somewhere you could flame away at all the bitter folks here on ThaiVisa with no rules and no posts deleted or closed. Tell me you're not serious. Please.


Boy, are you in for a dose of reality. (If, indeed, the place was actually real) :o

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