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Devastated- Dumped by my beautiful TGF


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Can you tell me why you put quotation marks around your "name". Is that what you teach your students?

Careful Falong, if you have a laugh with Steven, he complains to the Admin.

Sad, but true. :o

Thanks Begs for the warning better play nice with him :D

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You've been scammed fella. It's a business.

On my billionth time as a free tour guide taking visiting friends on the obligatory trip to Patpong to "see a show" I got chatting with a bored BG. It was a slow night and she started describing the essence of the business to me.

On one hand she had one ring, on the other hand she had another ring.

Holding up her left hand and showing the ring on that hand she said "This is from Mr Belgium". Then she held up her right hand and showed the other and said "This is from Mr England. When Mr Belgium runs out of money I give Mr England a lovely email and he gives me money".

Both though they were in exclusive relationships and that their GF wasn't working anymore. I pissed myself laughing and she smiled knowingly.

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Something to think about next time you pay for the taxi, eh? Messed me around as I had previously always considered them charity cases.

Not to say they are not. Rich charity cases maybe.

So how much are taxi-drivers making a month?

My brother in law is one!

See how accurate your statements are! :o

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The least well off had a general monthly income of 350 000 baht from working three days out of seven.

In other words, Baht 350K for 12-13 working days a month.

Well below 30 K a day.

Now we have to divide by ST/LT, sponsor ship, which should be the main part

and participation on drinks.

Can't do it, my calculator too old.

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The least well off had a general monthly income of 350 000 baht from working three days out of seven.

More Bullshit!

Could it simply be that you read the last two zeros as bht and not satang. That would make 3500bht, which if came in every month could be the basic bar salary.

on the other hand.

If she was a gogo girl working for 3000bht a jump, that would be 3.8 shags a day every day.

If she was a bar girl working for 700bht a jump, that would be 16.6 shags a day every day. Deary me that would be 499 shags a month.

Nee wonder they shuffle their feet along. :o

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LOL - those figures are unreal!

I guess the original poster added one too many zeros to the figure, 35k sounds a lot more reasonable and the BG's i know pull about that much, depending on season.

Of course, i never contribute to their earnings, immoral i tell you, immoral :o

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gees I might become a bar girl .....350,000 a month x 12 = 4,200,000 per year .......3 days out of 7........so 52 weeks a year x 3 = 156 days working

so divide 4,200,000 by 156 = 26,923 per day


@ maybe 1500 per punter ......makes about 17 + punters a day..........short term is say 2 hours....unless they do BJ's behind the sheds.......but at 2 hours per go.....thats 34 hours a day ! Hard work !!


and to the original psoter.......wake up...ya living !! Stay where you are and just come here for holidays....

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Could it simply be that you read the last two zeros as bht and not satang. That would make 3500bht, which if came in every month could be the basic bar salary.


Are there really farangs that stupid? Or is it something to do with the beer?

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If she had:-

4 people sending her 20,000bht a month = 80,000

Wages/lady drinks = 10,000

works 13 days/month 20 shaggs a day@1000 =260,000

(3 out of 7 days)

total =350,000

Yea sure :o

How do they only get away with working 3 days out of 7, I thought most girls get fined if they dont show up for work.

Baa lou bow

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Most of the bar girls I know (actually, all of the bar girls I know) make upwards of 350 000 baht a month.

I think that's one zero to many?

Nope, and I can completely understand your disbelief. First time I saw a bankstatement I immediately asked to see another..and another...and another..

The industry as a whole has alot more money in it than I ever first imagined, too. Something that surprised me was being told by the Mamasan at a bar in Nana that her female boss had to pay 10m baht just for the property (the walls and roof, literally) due to its location. I haven't confirmed that amount though (and I remain seriously sceptical) whereas I have seen many a wealthy BG bankstatement.

This is a smallish bar too. Owner is only 22!

Oxford Shill

Youre completely out of your mind-and all of your other aliases.





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It'll be three thousand five hundred 3,500.00 baht per month. That seems to be the ballpark figure for any girl l've ever spoken to about what they get paid by the bar, plus tips, drinks, barfines etc.

Ten million for the cost of the bar, sure, l can believe that but there is no way that 8 girls in a small bar will all be getting 350k per month. One would be hard to believe, 8 impossible.

Oxford, PM some people here with the name of the bar and see if there opinion changes. Understand that you may not want to post the name of the bar but really, you have made a big mistake if you think 8 girls could possibly be earning 350k each.

Just go to the bar before they start work to see what they arrive in. If they're earning the money you say then some or all will be turning up in a Mercedes or BMW.

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Sorry Will but that is utter exaggeration , you're talking about £5,000 equivalent.

This may be feasible for the odd " Superstar " , but maybe you hang with some very "speshun" BG's....

To avoid confusion, I (off the top of my head) have viewed the bankstatements (or bank 'books') of 13 separate bargirls. 8 of them work in the same bar, then 2 in another and 2 'freelance' and one japanese club girl. The least well off had a general monthly income of 350 000 baht from working three days out of seven.

If you cannot imagine how, I am not going to give the game away! (but it's not rocket science.)

Believe me or not, up to you of course :o I am sure there are many bargirls who earn much less, but the facts I have seen would seem to suggest not -that- many.

I am quite 'speshun' though, yes.

Please give me the address of those bars. After showing my Gf here (who never worked in bars before) we decided she will start working right away in that bar and i do agree withc her 100% i am sure i can take it for a year waw 350K a month and I thought I made alot of money damm.

Does anyone know what those sex operations cost???? sign me up.

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350,000 Baht a month ??

Well at first I thought Oxfordman was pulling our leg.

And I still do not believe the part about 8 girls in one bar.

But I do know high end girls who can command 5KB/night

and often go on weekly vacations at that rate.

A girl this skilled and obviously DDG, could get the homeward

bound BF to send 10-20KBaht /month and if she racks up 7 of these

fellows over a year or so, that is 140KB/month before she

is working. Add the 90-150KB/month for a top girl's earnings and

we are well within the ballpark of 300KB/month.

A good friend has a TGF he fools around with who has

had European BFs send her 100KB at a clip.

I just don't believe the part about 8 girls in the same bar

accomplishing this. One or two maybe. But 8, 13 overall ???

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Just go to the bar before they start work to see what they arrive in. If they're earning the money you say then some or all will be turning up in a Mercedes or BMW.

Actually the girls will have their chauffers drop them off around the corner. From there they get a m/c taxi to the bar giving the punters the impression that they're poor. Remember, the punters are the ones helping them maintain a monthly salary of 350,000 by sending money to the girls when they return back to Farangland.

These bargirls will go to great lengths to pull off the 'Poor Little Isaan Girl Scam' (P.L.I.G.S. to those of us in the know). They'll even go as far as sharing a closet-sized apartment with 4-5 other girls, wear imitation Moschino apparel, wear cheap and gaudy make-up, eat 15 baht pig-on-a-stick meals, and will go as far as doing their own laundry when a punter visits their dwelling. All to give the impression that they are destitute.

My investigative reporter, Oxford Will, has now blown this scam wide open. Remember, you read this exclusive scoop here first!

He's presently on assignment to try and expose Tata Young in her real occupation as a fully qualified pig castrater. Stay tuned.

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And the broken down old houses that the family live are all just props as well, i suppose the Mansion is kept out of sight and the old wooden shack is just bought out for when a Farang visits the Village.

What a load of crap, you smug bastards never cease to amaze me. <deleted>!

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And the broken down old houses that the family live are all just props as well, i suppose the Mansion is kept out of sight and the old wooden shack is just bought out for when a Farang visits the Village.

What a load of crap, you smug bastards never cease to amaze me. <deleted>!

Sarcasim is your strong point then bully?

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money number 1,first rule,money number1,second rule,my friend whos a bg has 3 farang sending money over 90,000baht every month fact,shes bright,funny,beautiful,and does her job very well,because she works the day shift they keep on paying,love only one darling,another girl in the same bar earns more she says,i seen this girl short time 4 guys in one day, :D ,i have heard here on the phone saying only ###### darling,but i love you,and then,laughing after shes put the phone down :D they get what they want, :o the girls get what they want the money,good luck to the girls,then some poor girls belive they are going to meet nice man,and get hurt over and over,dont blame the girls you dont understand them,and you should look at yourself more,sorry fact :D

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money number 1,first rule,money number1,second rule,my friend whos a bg has 3 farang sending money over 90,000baht every month fact,shes bright,funny,beautiful,and does her job very well,because she works the day shift they keep on paying,love only one darling,another girl in the same bar earns more she says,i seen this girl short time 4 guys in one day, :D ,i have heard here on the phone saying only ###### darling,but i love you,and then,laughing after shes put the phone down :D they get what they want, :o the girls get what they want the money,good luck to the girls,then some poor girls belive they are going to meet nice man,and get hurt over and over,dont blame the girls you dont understand them,and you should look at yourself more,sorry fact :D

Do you speak English ? :D

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