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since u have lung problems u might want to check out cardiovacular stuff (left hand, early warnng heart attack signs... not saying it is, but twice i've been with people that had peculiar feelings in left arm/hand and they found out they had had heart attacks... ); on the other hand it could be basic circulation problem, a nerve pinch/pressed problem....neurological problem....

side affects from your meds (i presume u are getting meds ?)...

.... you are coming into an inheritance.... (itchy palm,-tingly fingers- but no need to be fussy huh?)...



it's an injured ulnar nerve - often in elbow or in the neck, in it's root. Can be an early sing of a tennis elbow (overuse). Happens after injections to the arm or intra venial needle pressing on the nerv. The best is not to use it (immobilise).


I have the exact same thing, left hand, last two fingers, progressed from tingling to numbness, about six months now.

Doc has it down to two things (after ruling out carpal tunnel which usually affects the thumb, and diabetes),

A pinched nerve below the neck or neuropathy, the later may have many causes including heavy drinking,

It hasn't progressed so I'm keeping an eye on it but if you start to lose strength in your hand do have it checked out.

Here's a link on similar in a previous thread,



Well how interesting chaps thanks, i think it might be from my TB drugs but all your suggestions are very interesting too ... yes Cobra some of the drugs I'm on cause 'peripheral neuropathy' I think so I am supposed to take vit B to stop that... but it's still happening


You might try a google search under "dermatome pattern", which will show you what nerve exists the neck and travels down the back of the arm into the two small fingers specifically. Numbness there usually suggests a nerve root compromise at the point where the nerve root exists the intervetebral canal. My guess is the Ulanar nerve, but no time to research for you. The nerve root compression can come from tight muscles or a bony growth or a form of arthritis. You might try flexing your neck or rotating it to see if it affects your symptoms.



Be careful with this.

I had a similar complaint/problem a few years ago, (but closer to my forefinger/thumb) ...tingling, numbness...an orthopedic doctor recommended by my main doctor diagnosed it as a pinched (impinged) nerve in my arthritic shoulder. Did some PT and it seemed to improve. Went on my way...

About a year later, the numbness became pain, (as in ice pick stabbing through my hand). I returned to the doctor, did some more shoulder PT with no improvement, and then had MRIs of shoulder and cervical spine (c-spine at my request). MRI indicated badly herniated disc in my c-spine with 50 percent spinal cord compression. After checking with seven doctors, (orthopedic specialists and two neurosurgeons), my only option was to have surgery...they removed the bad disc, fused the two vertebrae (C5/6), and screwed it all together with a titanium plate.

Hand still hurts, but at least now my head will not fall off...(not kidding here).

When dealing with a neurological problem it might be better to rule out the worse case scenario, (a possible compressed spinal cord), as this is a dangerous condition to live with.



Seonai, could indeed be peripheral neuropathy from your TB meds, contact your TB doctor.

If it is not that, then a trapped nerve, for which you need to see a hand specialist. (I know an excellent one in Thailand but I think you're still in the UK??)

It could be a sign of MS.

it can be parkinsons as well - but don't panic, it's only a very small chance. Oven stroke is a far fetched diagnisis


I had tingling in the two fingers of my left hand farthest from my thumb. I was worried it was a sign of heart problems or diabetes. When I did research on it I saw a lot of info saying if it's just the two fingers it's likely to be ulnar nerve damage. After about 4-5 weeks the tingling stopped and hasn't returned. That was about 4 months ago. But if you have circulation problems it's worth getting a check up.


I know what you're talking about. Last year just before leaving Thailand I developed the same symptoms. I let it go for a few days but then I started getting the same sensation in my left leg. After three days of stumbling, dragging my foot, literally falling to the ground on a couple of occasions, I decided to check it out at Bumrungrad.

The first doc I saw referred me to a neurologist there. He was very worried and thought I may sufferring a stroke. They did an mra/mrt and concluded that looked good and further tests may reveal the problem. I told him I was scheduled to leave for U.S. in a couple of days so I would just wait until I got there.

My personal friend, and also a physician, referred me to a neurologist. After several more tests, he informed me I had (forgive me here because I can't remember exactly) multi-plexus-neurosis. He explained it probably was brought on by my diabetes and it could possibly just go away in time. That's been about 6 months ago now and my leg is fine. However, I still do have the "tingling" in the last two fingers of my left hand.

Hope your ailments are as minor as what mine turned out to be!


I think it could be carpal tunnel syndrome.

I had the same symptoms last year and went to the DR. It is related (for me anyway) to how you lay your wrist when you type on your computer. The vein is squashed and you get the tingling sensations. There is a corrective procedure, where they actually move the vein and place it in another location, although i just changed my desk and chair and now I dont have the desk squashing my vein. I have no problem since.

Obviously I am not a Dr and you should get it checked out, but I also thought I might have heart problems / stroke symptoms and it was a great relief to know that it was just an easy fix.

good luck.


After reading the whole thread, there seems to be the same symptoms, the the last two fingers on the left hand.. I would take a guess it is carpal tunnel syndrome, which is becoming a real "computer problem"..

If you are spending many hours at a desk, please make sure you have an ergonomic chair and a keyboard rest, that stops these types of ailments.


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) or Median Neuropathy at the Wrist is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist, leading to pain, paresthesias, and muscle weakness in the forearm and hand.[1] A form of compressive neuropathy, CTS is more common in women than it is in men, and, though it can occur at any age, has a peak incidence around age 42.[2] The lifetime risk for CTS is around 10% of the adult population.[3].

Most cases of CTS are idiopathic - without known cause. Repetitive activities are often blamed for the development of CTS, along with several other possible causes. However, the correlation is often unclear.

It is a multi-faceted problem and can therefore be challenging to treat. Still, there is a multitude of possible treatments, e.g. treating any possible underlying disease or condition, immobilizing braces, physiotherapy, medication, prioritizing hand activities and ergonomics. Ultimately, carpal tunnel release surgery may be required, in which outcomes are generally good.

The condition was first noted in the medical literature in the early 1900s.

For about a week I have had tingling in the two fingers on the edge of my left hand. Anyone any ideas?

If it persists, get it checked out by an orthopedist or neurologist (preferred). If you have no history of orthopedic injury (elbow dislocation, popped biceps tendon, etc.) the etiology is probably neurological ... compression of the ulnar nerve. An EMG is probably needed to pinpoint the origin which may be anywhere along the pathway stemming from the nerve root in the cervical vertebrae to the site of tingling itself. Arthritic changes in the C-spine can lead to this symptom. As others have suggested, it may be caused by problems with blood vessels as well; but, this is a less likely cause, but still reason enough to have it diagnosed. By chance, have you been sleeping on your arm?? ... this can produce the symptoms as well.

Years ago I developed this symptom following elbow dislocation. I needed to have the ulnar nerve transposed (moved out of elbow notch) in the elbow vicinity. The neurosurgeon placed the ulnar nerve in a plastic 'sleeve,' and it's been fine since.

:o Funnily enough Lancealot I do always sleep lying on my left arm - I hope it's that and not any of the other things in this thread... it's bad enought having TB :D

I am relatively new to Thaivisa and don't post much. I feel compelled to ask why would anyone ask for advice on health problems on this forum ??? The members are nice and well meaning - but this really could be a serious matter. Please see a doctor. I have the same symptoms and just recently been diagnosed with serious bone degeneration in the neck and lower back. Nevertheless, the tingling may be just a pinched nerve....

I can understand your concerns with TB - I recently have been diagnosed with the MAC disease (Mycobacterium avium Complex) which is related to TB but not contagious. Sometimes soon I'll be starting drug treatment for 18 months.

Forget about self diagnoses with Google, let the professionals tell you what's wrong.

Good Luck.



I just haven't posted much but will be glad to post anytime.

My symptoms in my right hand included tingling, and loss of use for many easy tasks. It's difficult to write- one word at a time and rest for 3 seconds. If the cashier give me coins for change, i will certainly drop them. No big problem - just annoying. Originally I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve in the neck and bone degeneration in the discs in my neck affecting my left side down to my leg muscles. The pinched nerve in the neck affects the night arm only.

New MRI's 2 weeks ago show severe extensive degeneration in the neck and lower back. Doctor now doesn't by off on previous diagnosis of pinched nerve. Oh well. At least I get some relief from bone degeneration from tramadol but nothing helps the numbness in my right arm and the tingling sensation in my right hand.

I too have a lung disease and will some day start the medication similar to your TB medication. For 18 months I'll be taking this horrible medication and not sure I'll get to thailand this year.

Let me know if any more info is needed. I ask some more questions about TB on the TB thread.



I had, still have, the same numbness , left hand, from pinkie to middle finger, numbness from pinkie to mid was 90%-60%-30%. More than a year later, maybe two years, I' d say it's now about 20%-5%-0%.

I'm pretty sure it was caused by constantly having my left elbow getting too much pressure from resting it on my desk top, feeling uncomfortable at times but not bothering to change position. I've been using one of those gel pads found at computer stores and it seems to have solved the problem so far.

I had, still have, the same numbness , left hand, from pinkie to middle finger, numbness from pinkie to mid was 90%-60%-30%. More than a year later, maybe two years, I' d say it's now about 20%-5%-0%.

I'm pretty sure it was caused by constantly having my left elbow getting too much pressure from resting it on my desk top, feeling uncomfortable at times but not bothering to change position. I've been using one of those gel pads found at computer stores and it seems to have solved the problem so far.

Yes that is what it is IMHO. I did the same, I went out and bought a better chair and desk and it is nearly 100% again.

It seem this thread is filled with all sorts of what ifs and maybes - why doesnt the poster go to the doctor and let him tell her the same thing and then come back and put this all to rest?

It is such a common problem now and it really is not a huge problem at all. If it is Carpel Tunnel Syndrome..?? GO TO THE DOCTOR!

For about a week I have had tingling in the two fingers on the edge of my left hand. Anyone any ideas?

Identical thing with me 2 years ago. Went to see a doctor (Tokyo). He listened to me and before saying anything, he sent me to xray my neck.

Back with the image, he said it's a common thing among office and other sitting workers, pointed at something in my neck that cause that feeling.

Other than trying to walk around the floor every hour, he said I could do nothing unless I change my job. Oh, he said 1 thing - to alternate my PC mouse from left and right hand.

When I go on holidays, the numbness feeling disappears in a day, returns a week after I am back.

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