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Bad Experience At American Consulate In Cm

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Tues. morning drove to the American consulate in CM for ACS service, arrived a little after 11:00 AM. Just needed to drop off absentee ballot application at the APO for forwarding to the States, which according to their web site is ok to do..

Security guards on duty were Thai, and did not speak or understand a word of English. They would not let me in, ok fair enough since after official ACS hours, but just wanted to leave the letter with them, which the consulate personal said was ok to do, after the security guards had called inside to ask if was ok to do. The idiots still would not accept the letter and did not have a clue what to do, tried giving me information about Thais applying for an American Visa, to get rid of me which they assumed was the reason for my visit because of Thai friend with me..

Meanwhile the guards said go away come back tomorrow. Lost my temper with them. shouting "Look dam_n it! I'm an American Citizen" and this is MY Consulate. You don't tell me what to do here. I don't want information about American Visa for Thais" They seemed to get the message, Thai friend translated my tirade into Thai for them so there was no question that they did not understand.

I demanded they call inside again. This time I spoke with a rep (think he was a Thai employee) who spoke excellent English. I explained the situation to him and said he would explain to the chief guard in Thai which he did on the phone while I waited. well they finally accepted my letter. The chief guard seemed to explain matters to the other 3, who could have cared less turned their back to the chief guard while the chief gaurd was addresing them.

I plan on making an issue of this with a letter to the Consule General and Ambassidor in BKK.

How could Consulate possibly hire security guards at the entrance with zero English skills. The guards are located inside the security hut within the consulate compound and as such were on American soil, not Thai soil, and representing the American consulate, when dealing with visitors. Last time I looked, English, not Thai, is the primary language in America!!

Would not the consulate be much better off with US Marine Security personel to provide security services and interface in English with visitors.

if anything serious happened at the consulate I think the Thai security guards would probably be totally ineffective at controling anything, not so the US MArines.

Rant is over Feel better now :o:D :D :D :D

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I've also noticed that the red lines painetd on the curb stones on the road at the front of the consulate to stop people parking are usually blocked from view by parked cars. All that money spent on security and a car bomber could park a ton of TNT 5 metres from the entrance.


you are right, they should have US Marines guard the consulate. after all they do collect tax money from you although you are not living in America. am sure its pittance for them to bring in the Marines here. After all they have thousands of them in Iraq and Afghanistan. Am sure the Marines would enjoy the night life here in chiang mai after hours of hard work.

i truly understand your feelings and hope you take it up with the Consulate in Bangkok. After all its American soil we are talking about here. THere is no room here for incompetent Thai Guards. I recall going to the American Consulate in Kuala Lumpur once and all they had were Gurkha guards. They seem to speak some english.

all the best cm-happy. please report back to us in the event you get any reply from Bangkok.


Is a consulate regarded as foreign soil the same as an embassy......I'm not sure?

That's a good question. Many times consulates are just small offices in office buildings right along with the lawyers and accountants. I think it is probably not American soil.

. . . . . The guards are located inside the security hut within the consulate compound and as such were on American soil, not Thai soil . . . . .

A ten-minute Google search I just did produced some compelling evidence that embassies and consulates are in fact not the sovereign soil of the nations they represent. It seems that they have special status in the host nations in which they are located, but the soil they are on remains the sovereign soil of those nations.

I am not suggesting that this, even if true, has anything to do with the rights and wrongs of the rest of your post, but I thought you and others might be interested


The Thai guards said go away and come back tomorrow, which is probably the same thing that Marine guards would have said. However, if you yelled at the Marines like that they would have most likely kicked your butt, which is probably why we don't use them to guard the consulate.

Semper Fi! :o


Good move to get sorted out to vote for President in 2008. I think the expat vote here is mostly democratic and we need all the votes we can get. It's going to be closer than people think.

The Thai guards said go away and come back tomorrow, which is probably the same thing that Marine guards would have said. However, if you yelled at the Marines like that they would have most likely kicked your butt, which is probably why we don't use them to guard the consulate.

Semper Fi! :o

UG you're a Brit! So what do you know about it?? Stick to things you know, used books or Bake N Bite.


All my life I have been waiting for that special moment when I can shriek, " YOU CAN"T DO THAT ! I -YAM - AN -A - MERICAN CITIZEN !"

Never mind that I'm an Aussie. The aliens won't know, will they ... ?


Lets all register to vote. I just used this link and it generates an official form which you have to mail to your old county election office. It fills in the form for you based on your responses and it knows what your specific old state requires to fill in the form properly. It helps you ask for what you want in a specific way, for example, do you want to vote in primaries? Highly recommended site! Major kudos!


Hillary Rodham Clinton: the best choice for expats

Tues. morning drove to the American consulate in CM for ACS service, arrived a little after 11:00 AM. Just needed to drop off absentee ballot application at the APO for forwarding to the States, which according to their web site is ok to do..

Security guards on duty were Thai, and did not speak or understand a word of English. They would not let me in, ok fair enough since after official ACS hours, but just wanted to leave the letter with them, which the consulate personal said was ok to do, after the security guards had called inside to ask if was ok to do. The idiots still would not accept the letter and did not have a clue what to do, tried giving me information about Thais applying for an American Visa, to get rid of me which they assumed was the reason for my visit because of Thai friend with me..

Meanwhile the guards said go away come back tomorrow. Lost my temper with them. shouting "Look dam_n it! I'm an American Citizen" and this is MY Consulate. You don't tell me what to do here. I don't want information about American Visa for Thais" They seemed to get the message, Thai friend translated my tirade into Thai for them so there was no question that they did not understand.

I demanded they call inside again. This time I spoke with a rep (think he was a Thai employee) who spoke excellent English. I explained the situation to him and said he would explain to the chief guard in Thai which he did on the phone while I waited. well they finally accepted my letter. The chief guard seemed to explain matters to the other 3, who could have cared less turned their back to the chief guard while the chief gaurd was addresing them.

I plan on making an issue of this with a letter to the Consule General and Ambassidor in BKK.

How could Consulate possibly hire security guards at the entrance with zero English skills. The guards are located inside the security hut within the consulate compound and as such were on American soil, not Thai soil, and representing the American consulate, when dealing with visitors. Last time I looked, English, not Thai, is the primary language in America!!

Would not the consulate be much better off with US Marine Security personel to provide security services and interface in English with visitors.

if anything serious happened at the consulate I think the Thai security guards would probably be totally ineffective at controling anything, not so the US MArines.

Rant is over Feel better now :o:D :D :D :D

okay I have to bite? a ballot for what election? was this really time sensitive? Hey its SEA. Nothing is really time sensitive except maybe your Thai visa expiration.

The first time I went to the US consulate in CM it was not a working day... friday I think and they gave me a piece of paper with the proper hours and came back at regular hours and first rate service.. Even had a nice place to sit as opposed to standing out on the street for the Thai consulate... in sweltering heat of Kuala Lumpur.


I seem to recall picking up some papers that the consular affairs employee left at the guard station for me, once. But I've never left anything there, after hours, or tried to. I've been treated quite well by embassy and consular staff in BKK and Chiang Mai, maybe ten times in less than five years. No complaints about service from this American.

Added: also, good service from the passport issuing agency in Houston (twice, in person), and from the consulate at Shanghai (additional pages in passport, free). No complaints.

They would not let me in, ok fair enough since after official ACS hours, Well, go back when it is open

Lost my temper with them. shouting "Look dam_n it! I'm an American Citizen" and this is MY Consulate. You don't tell me what to do here. I don't want information about American Visa for Thais" How very civil of you. The consulate was closed, you were outside - on Thai soil

How could Consulate possibly hire security guards at the entrance with zero English skills. How could your government allow people with zero social skills a passport?

Please remember - you catch more flies with sugar than you do with vinegar!


remember that scene in the 'wizard of oz' where, after a long trek along the yellow brick road, dorothy and friends are denied entry to the city of oz, but after dorothy starts to cry the guard lets them all in?

did you try that?


Welcome to the world of international terrorism, post-World Trade Center. Even without US Marine guards, the Thai guard-staff has far more important things on their mind regarding the bombing of an embassy or consulate, than whether one American didn't get exactly what he needed after hours. Remember Jim Croce's song? You don't step on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, and you don't mess with big bad Leroy Brown, even if he goes by the name of Somchai.


I am appalled at this letter and I would certainly file a complaint in writing to the chief or who ever the hel_l is in charge there. You are correct as you are an American and should be treated better. Make an appointment get in there and voice both this issue and your situation.


Tues. morning drove to the American consulate in CM for ACS service, arrived a little after 11:00 AM. Just needed to drop off absentee ballot application at the APO for forwarding to the States, which according to their web site is ok to do..

Security guards on duty were Thai, and did not speak or understand aIto do, tried giving me information about Thais applying for an American Visa, to get rid of me which they assumed was the reason for my visit because of Thai friend with me..

Meanwhile the guards said go away come back tomorrow. Lost my temper with them. shouting "Look dam_n it! I'm an American Citizen" and this is MY Consulate. You don't tell me what to do here. I don't want information about American Visa for Thais" They seemed to get the message, Thai friend translated my tirade into Thai for them so there was no question that they did not understand.

I demanded they call inside again. This time I spoke with a rep (think he was a Thai employee) who spoke excellent English. I explained the situation to him and said he would explain to the chief guard in Thai which he did on the phone while I waited. well they finally accepted my letter. The chief guard seemed to explain matters to the other 3, who could have cared less turned their back to the chief guard while the chief gaurd was addresing them.

I plan on making an issue of this with a letter to the Consule General and Ambassidor in BKK.

How could Consulate possibly hire security guards at the entrance with zero English skills. The guards are located inside the security hut within the consulate compound and as such were on American soil, not Thai soil, and representing the American consulate, when dealing with visitors. Last time I looked, English, not Thai, is the primary language in America!!

Would not the consulate be much better off with US Marine Security personel to provide security services and interface in English with visitors.

if anything serious happened at the consulate I think the Thai security guards would probably be totally ineffective at controling anything, not so the US MArines.

Rant is over Feel better now :o:D :D :D :D

All my life I have been waiting for that special moment when I can shriek, " YOU CAN"T DO THAT ! I -YAM - AN -A - MERICAN CITIZEN !"

Never mind that I'm an Aussie. The aliens won't know, will they ... ?

I think that you need have little concern about your ability to play the role convincingly.

The Thai guards said go away and come back tomorrow, which is probably the same thing that Marine guards would have said. However, if you yelled at the Marines like that they would have most likely kicked your butt, which is probably why we don't use them to guard the consulate.

Semper Fi! :D

UG you're a Brit! So what do you know about it?? Stick to things you know, used books or Bake N Bite.



Put the blame on "Reaganomics", as it was he who cut budgets to overseas embassies and consulates...charging outrageous fees for services that were free. now costs $30 for notary stamp.

. . . . . The guards are located inside the security hut within the consulate compound and as such were on American soil, not Thai soil . . . . .

A ten-minute Google search I just did produced some compelling evidence that embassies and consulates are in fact not the sovereign soil of the nations they represent. It seems that they have special status in the host nations in which they are located, but the soil they are on remains the sovereign soil of those nations.

I am not suggesting that this, even if true, has anything to do with the rights and wrongs of the rest of your post, but I thought you and others might be interested

Rasseru--You may very well be correct. I'm not 100% sure just made an assumption bassed upon what made sense to me.

I also did a bit of google search on the matter and did come acoss some things that support your hypothesis.

Got onto the US dept of State site looking for a definitive answere. Nothing to be found there, however I did e-mail them with the question about sovereinty of embassies and consulates. Am awaiting their reply. When they reply will pass it on.

Thinking about it raises some other questions possibly werthy of another thread.

A crime committed in a foreign embassy or consulate. Whose laws are the perpetrator subject to? The country of the embassy or consulate or the host country.

Going a step further, how about international travel on foreign flag carriers. If flying on a Us flagged carrier, UK flagged carrier or whatever. On board the plane am I on the flagged carriers sovereign ground? Or does it depend upon whose air space the plane happens to be in at the time of the crime.

Anybody know??

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