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running from?? why would i be running from anything? i just don't want to go anywhere where its not safe, especially being a single female, i have no intention of going to areas where i hear there are problems, political and otherwise.

what the heck is so fishy about that?

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Hello Everyone,

i am 36 year old female. i would like to retire to thailand but i am not 50 years old yet as that is what seems to qualify people for the retirement visas.

Does anyone know if i can get any kind of retirement visa to stay in the country at least 1 year at a time at my age if i do not wish to work or set up a business? i have good funds to live on, so i don't need to work. i do not plan to work, and i do not plan to marry a thai person, just want to retire. i know if i invest 10 million baht, i can get a permanent visa which i can do but i wonder if there is a cheeper way of going about it.

please, any suggestions would be most welcomed.

thank you


Hey Amelia.

Thailand IS NOT the place for you to think about 'retiring' to. PERIOD!! Forget about it !

If you are adamant about spending a considerable length of time in an Asian country similar to Thainald, whay not have a look at Cambodia. Things are much better there in terms of visa etc.

With all that lovely dosh you say you have, you would live like a QUEEN there :o

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All you could really do is to join the ranks of people ducking and diving with Tourist Visas and 30 day entry stamps. If you read through some of the topics on here you will see that it is becomming more difficult to do this.

What a crock. I am 1 yr younger than the OP and have lived here quite legitimately for the last 2 years. Please don't be bitter that some of us whippersnappers have a bit more cash than you. I retired at 32 and do not intend to work again.

Hello Everyone,

i am 36 year old female. i would like to retire to thailand but i am not 50 years old yet as that is what seems to qualify people for the retirement visas.

Does anyone know if i can get any kind of retirement visa to stay in the country at least 1 year at a time at my age if i do not wish to work or set up a business? i have good funds to live on, so i don't need to work. i do not plan to work, and i do not plan to marry a thai person, just want to retire. i know if i invest 10 million baht, i can get a permanent visa which i can do but i wonder if there is a cheeper way of going about it.

please, any suggestions would be most welcomed.

thank you


You could become a student at the Walen School of Thai, not expensive, one year at a time stay ( you will need to make an extension every 90 days in the country), no need to do any visa runs, If you plan to retire here then learning Thai is always a good idea. Contact us if you need more information. \

Walen School, Mac

To Amelia,

You can have a non-O visa that will allow you to stay in the country for 15 months. You have to do 90 day border runs (I like to make them small holidays to neighbouring countries), and you will have to return home after 15 months to get a new visa. We are in the minority here, and all the 'old farts' seem to think we have something to hide, they don't understand that you don't have to work until 60/65 to secure your future.

Looked into the Elite scheme, I would recommend holding fire on that one for the next 6-12 months and see how the new government settles in, and if they are les xenophobic than the current Junta.

Good luck to you, this is the best place I can think of to spend my retirement.

//Edit: Removed libellous comment - Maestro

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To Mac Walen,

Hi Sir,

i wanted to know how much does the school costs per year to enroll and how long i can keep re- enrolling? and as well, is that a language school? and as well, if i am a terrible student and do not show up 99% of the time, can i still continue to be enrolled?

please let me know


I cant answer for Marc 100%.. But I understand no attendance = no extension.. Plus (as I understand it) you have to go personally to get an extension every 90 days anyway.. almost as much hassle as a visa run IMO without any of the nice travel upside.

You cannot be serious, extesion at the immigration takes about 15-30 min, max 1 hour, visa run couple of hours at best. Almost as much hassle? Don't think so. Buses to Cambodia are full of happy, smiling faces of enthusiastic tourists happy to do a visa run and almost everyone looks at the bright side of the visa run!

Walen Thai School, Mac

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thanks Maestro,

i will look into it. though i think i would hate to do the 90 day runs. i just want a quite place to live in some remote village and be left alone in piece to do my art and not have to worry about that kind of crap.

i think i will have to settle for another country with better visa requirements... its really funny, i can settle in europe faster and with less hassle...too bad europe does not have the tropical beaches that i love so much.... i wonder why thai gov is making it so hard for people under 50.... or they think anyone under 50 with some doe is automatically a criminal like cm-happy suspected me of being? i guess if your own people think like that, then i would imagine thai people could think that way as well....

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E. W,

Thank you for suggestion, although to be honest, i dont' know anything about cambodia at persent.

i would need to research it,..... does it have nice beaches like thailand, is there low crime? are americans treated allright?

any information would be greatly appreciated.


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so if i put the 10,000 million Baht into a government bank, is that a guarrantied way to stay in the country?

or is it iffy?


terribly iffy Amelia! thai banks don't accept monopoly money even if the amount is 10,000,000,000 :o

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To Mac Walen,

Hi Sir,

i wanted to know how much does the school costs per year to enroll and how long i can keep re- enrolling? and as well, is that a language school? and as well, if i am a terrible student and do not show up 99% of the time, can i still continue to be enrolled?

please let me know


I cant answer for Marc 100%.. But I understand no attendance = no extension.. Plus (as I understand it) you have to go personally to get an extension every 90 days anyway.. almost as much hassle as a visa run IMO without any of the nice travel upside.

You cannot be serious, extesion at the immigration takes about 15-30 min, max 1 hour, visa run couple of hours at best. Almost as much hassle? Don't think so. Buses to Cambodia are full of happy, smiling faces of enthusiastic tourists happy to do a visa run and almost everyone looks at the bright side of the visa run!

Walen Thai School, Mac

Not all of us live in the Big (stink :o ) Mango.

A visa run can be done by me in 6 or 7 hours if I try hard by land or even less if I just fly direct to sing and come back on the next plane (have done this before, 40 mins in Sing on Silk air).. OK I can drive to Phuket town and do the whole extension thing in a few hours..

Either way its still a most of a day job v a whole day job..

As I say I tend to travel anyway, this last year I only had to remember 1 visa run, I sailed to langkawi once, I took part in a charity tuktuk race for 2000 kms across india during monsoon for another :D, I am just back from a month on Bali.. I used to see visa runs as a hassle job I had to do, but these days I just enjoy hopping about for pleasure and hence almost never have to consider my expiry.

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thanks Maestro,

i will look into it. though i think i would hate to do the 90 day runs. i just want a quite place to live in some remote village and be left alone in piece to do my art and not have to worry about that kind of crap.

As you havent lived here let me say that if your not a little flexible to unusual inconveniences you will go mad long before you need to visa run

Secondly living in a remote village isnt everyones idea of fun, I couldnt handle being out in the sticks, no / little social contact, no western amenities, no western goods or foodstuffs, little working internet or services.. Etc etc.

It sounds like it wouldnt be bad, its what I thought I would do, but no way in hel_l I could do it now I know. Try coming here for an extended period first and let the initial enthusiasm fade, then you can make an more objective descision and have not laid out any substantial amounts of money. Staying here isnt so hard if you have some funds and are flexible.

Edited by LivinLOS
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regarding malaysia, if you go on internet and do a search on current conditions, talk of kidnappings is what comes up.

i can even send you links of talk of kidnappings in southern part of Thailand of americans because of large muslim population.... if that is a mistake that it would be good to know.

it's not a mistake Amelia. it is a well known fact that Muslims have nothing else on their minds than kidnapping Americans and roast them for dinner. the only safe time for Americans in a muslim environment is during their fasting month Ramadan. but then only between sunrise and sunset. when it's dark you have no chance. best that can happen is that they convert you to Islam, extradite you to the next U.S. embassy or consulate (where they claim you are a trained member of al-Qaeda) and off you go to Guantanamo where you be held incommunicado as a combattant and where they will serve you 'halal' food and give you a Qr'an to read.

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E. W,

Thank you for suggestion, although to be honest, i dont' know anything about cambodia at persent.

i would need to research it,..... does it have nice beaches like thailand, is there low crime? are americans treated allright?

any information would be greatly appreciated.



Kampuchea/Cambodia is fast becoming the next 'Thailand' . The government is hungry for foreign investmenet after the Pol Pot years. There are MANY Americans and europeans settled there, as the visa requirement are not anyway near as strict as Thainald's.

As for beaches, take your pick! Cambodia has LOSTS of unspoilt beaches and islands along its southern coast to satisfy your needs!

From what I've seen on Kampuchea t.v, and from other posters on this forum, it seems like a good place to at least consider.

Try it for a few weeks and see for yourself. You've nothing to lose ! :o

Good luck, and happy hunting!

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are you trying to insult me by suggesting that the only money i have is monopoly money? if so, that seems to be silly on your part. why would you even bother? do you have a lot of time on your hands you need to kill so you feel you need to insult people that are just trying to find out what the thai visa rules are? apparently so.... what is with this site anyways? there are lots of nice people on here with good advice and then there are jerks being suspicious for no reason or trying to insult for no apparent reason?

i know a lot of weirdos, sex perverts, pedofiles and such settle in thailand... but come on give a girl a brake.... i am not rude to anyone, just trying to ask questions about visa, that is all, no need to take your claws out for no reason.

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are you trying to insult me by suggesting that the only money i have is monopoly money? if so, that seems to be silly on your part. why would you even bother? do you have a lot of time on your hands you need to kill so you feel you need to insult people that are just trying to find out what the thai visa rules are? apparently so.... what is with this site anyways? there are lots of nice people on here with good advice and then there are jerks being suspicious for no reason or trying to insult for no apparent reason?

i know a lot of weirdos, sex perverts, pedofiles and such settle in thailand... but come on give a girl a brake.... i am not rude to anyone, just trying to ask questions about visa, that is all, no need to take your claws out for no reason.

In case you missed it you claimed you had 10 000 million baht for the special investor visa..

So if your really looking to tie up 10 000 000 000 baht or about 330 million USD then I suspect that the visa situation may get sorted for you.

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So if your really looking to tie up 10 000 000 000 baht or about 330 million USD then I suspect that the visa situation may get sorted for you.

i think for the paltry sum of 20,000 dollars my wife's thai driver will marry her, i.e. no visa runs but my wife will lose a good driver :o

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All you could really do is to join the ranks of people ducking and diving with Tourist Visas and 30 day entry stamps. If you read through some of the topics on here you will see that it is becomming more difficult to do this.

What a crock. I am 1 yr younger than the OP and have lived here quite legitimately for the last 2 years. Please don't be bitter that some of us whippersnappers have a bit more cash than you. I retired at 32 and do not intend to work again.

To be honest I could not give a stuff what you do or don`t do. I was just telling the Lady the facts as they are. Unlike you who are giving her false information.

On what grounds do you think she could obtain a Multi Entry Non O Visa ?

Edited by Lite Beer
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All you could really do is to join the ranks of people ducking and diving with Tourist Visas and 30 day entry stamps. If you read through some of the topics on here you will see that it is becomming more difficult to do this.

What a crock. I am 1 yr younger than the OP and have lived here quite legitimately for the last 2 years. Please don't be bitter that some of us whippersnappers have a bit more cash than you. I retired at 32 and do not intend to work again.

To be honest I could not give a stuff what you do or don`t do. I was just telling the Lady the facts as they are. Unlike you who are giving her false information.

On what grounds do you think she could obtain a Multi Entry Non O Visa ?

On the basis of "visiting friends and family" is acceptable in many Thai consuls worldwide. Secondly many of these will issue them to any nationality for walk ins, so you just have to get off your ass to go get one is all. I fail to see why so many people keep trying to use tourist visa's to stay long term when this option is far tidier and much more accepted.

One day consuls may not issue these, but for now they do. Its not false information.

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i lived on a remote island off of the cost of honduras in the last year by myself with a couple of other people. i loved it. i was completely alone, as i rented the time on the insland from a Canadian who owns it. My time ran out and he didn't want to extend the lease because he is getting married and wanted the island for himself and his wife for a while.

so i know what its like to live a lone and in the sticks. i lived on rice, fish and coconuts for most of the time and took a boat out to get other supplies once a month to the mainland. i just loved it. i am a bit of a loner anyways, i don't get lonely much, and i prefer animals to people so i would be fine in the sticks.... its the visa runs that bother me.

anyways, thanks a lot for all the information.

bestest regards,


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i lived on a remote island off of the cost of honduras in the last year by myself with a couple of other people. i loved it. i was completely alone, as i rented the time on the insland from a Canadian who owns it. My time ran out and he didn't want to extend the lease because he is getting married and wanted the island for himself and his wife for a while.

so i know what its like to live a lone and in the sticks. i lived on rice, fish and coconuts for most of the time and took a boat out to get other supplies once a month to the mainland. i just loved it. i am a bit of a loner anyways, i don't get lonely much, and i prefer animals to people so i would be fine in the sticks.... its the visa runs that bother me.

anyways, thanks a lot for all the information.

bestest regards,


Well fair play.. Often people see the ideal of villiage life and think it would be great for them (I was similar) but the reality would have me spare in a short while.

I really think your over thinking it. Get a 1 year non imm O, just do your 90 day visa runs, its a break from the routine, its 4 days out of your year.. Just try that for the first year / 15 months and see how life suits you.. Its that 4 days work or 1m baht for the elite and still finding your nearest immigration for 90 day reporting anyway.

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i didn't say " i was trying" to put money anywhere at this point. The whole point of my question was to ask if there was a way to AVOID doing that. so if you would of actually bothered to read, you would know that instead of making useless remarks. but then again if you find your suggestions amusing, then at least someone is getting some pleasure out of it, so carry on.

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1 US DOLLAR today = 33 baht.

so then 10 mil baht = 303,000. 00 thousand US dollars.

i got the calculator right here.

how do you figure 10 mil baht is 330 million USD?????

Sheesh.. I really have to explain this..

You said

so if i put the 10,000 million Baht into a government bank, is that a guarrantied way to stay in the country?

or is it iffy? has anyone done that? as well, are thai government banks safe and secure? or i can loose my money rather easily?

With me now ???

People were then just ribbing you.. Seems your either not quick on the uptake or not much of a joking sort.. Either way it wasnt important.

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so then 10 mil baht = 303,000. 00 thousand US dollars.

that's is correct my dear Amelia. but you talked about 10,000 million (TEN-THOUSAND MILLION) which in most countries (mind you, not in all!) of this planet translates into 10,000,000,000 (TEN BILLION) which again have the value of more than 300,000,000 (THREE-HUNDRED MILLION) Dollars (currency of The Greatest Nation on Earth™).


p.s. please send one €URo by e-mail attachment or Private Message for this maths lesson.

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