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Living Costs

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Been trying to think of things that are 5-10 times cheaper here, heres a few of my thoughts

Labour, cigaretts, sang som,rice, any fruit in season, eating in reateraunts(not falang ones), lorry loads of earth :D ,fake clothes,watches ect, copy DVD's/games, prostitutes (or would that come under labour :o ), water thats about all I can think of for now.

Things that are cheaper but not 5-10 times

Gas, electricity, housing, petrol, just about everything not mentoned above or below.

Things more expensive or about the same,

Potatos, cheese, european cars, cows, milk, butter, mobile phones, beer(when bought in bars) women (when married not rented), internet, lamb, any imported food/drink ect

It obviously depends on what part of "falangland" you are from and where in thailand you live, Its cheaper to live here, but I dont think 5-10 times, and belive me I live quite cheap. The ave wage of about 7000bht a month sounds about right to me, I know very few thais that are on 25 plus

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It will take some time, but I can start now before I’m away to the swim club here in Phuket for a couple of hours.

The lunch today include ice tea, and yes she is cheap the local lady, have known here for years, clean and always fresh food. 25 baht. Home you get a coke and hot dog for. Maybe 240 Baht. That`s not food in the long run if you ask me!

Entrance swim club that’s 40Baht if you not are a member. Home the same entrance cost minimum 200 Baht, but usually more near 300...

I take with me a bottle with Gatorade (sports drink) to 20, - Baht. Home it was this summer 150 baht.

I use the car to the swim club. It’s less than 10Km t/r but let say I use one litre with gasoline, I filled up yesterday, but really forget, is it 21Baht now? Well home it was 66 Baht this summer, but they said it should increase!

I guess and usually when back from the swim club I stop at a well-known noodle restaurant and the plate I usually eat with something to drink is 50 Baht. I am full after that simple but good meal. Home it will at least cost 300-400Baht if they had it on the menu.

In the evening my better half is home from work and Thursdays we often goes to the cinema. Two people 240 Baht. Home 900-1200 for two. (Depends on location)

Last Saturday we shared a dinner with 8 friends on "Lemon Grass" restaurant in Phuket.

The bill was on me this time and the total was 2200, - Baht. A Few beers, sodawater were the drinks.

Home this summer we celebrated the anniversary to a family member out on medium good outdoor restaurant and we was total 10 people. After the party I calculated the price pr. person and it was 1800Baht. The drinks was soft drinks, a few beers and soda water

Okay off for a swim. Coming with more later.


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[QUOTE Average income in Thailand 2003 was US 7400, -

Which is approximately 307,000, - Baht. Divide that with twelve months and you get around 25500, - Baht.


As most Thais (probably as much as 90%) don't pay tax, there is actually no record of what their earnings are. Any statistics can only be made up from details of people working for tax paying companies and guesswork.

I can only vouch for what I know for a fact and the facts are that people up country would think that they had won the lottery to have this much money.

I stay in a village 50km from Phrae and have previously stayed in Isaan. In these areas people working on a day to day basis as required get about 100Baht per day. Admittedly, you don't get a lot of work out of them for that sort of money. People keeping and selling pigs usually make around 200 Baht per day. Those who go into the forests for illegal logging net about 400 Baht per day, for this though, they are risking being involved in a gun fight, or having transport and equipment confiscated, hence the higher earnings.

A teacher earns around 12 to 15000 Baht per month and is taxed at 7%

A doctor is on around 20 to 25000 Baht per month.

The normal wage for a university graduate will start at around 7000 Baht per month.

In the tourists areas wages are higher but then a bar girl is usually only earning less than 10Baht per hour. Obviously, without extras it is impossible for them to survive. Hotel cleaners and waitresses are often only earning 100Baht per day, maybe with accomodation thrown in. Again they have to rely on tips to give them enough to get by and send money home. Often they even have to buy uniforms from their bosses at inflated prices.

I would estimate that across Thailand the average income is 4 or 5000Baht per month.

I know of plenty of families surviving on less than this and many single parent families (2 Kids) on 2000 Baht. Note I used the word surviving.

The good thing in Thailand is that noone needs to go hungry, there is plenty of food to be gathered for free and if you visit people, they will always offer food.

Anyway, this thread has gone wildly astray.

Back to the oriiginal posting

Been reading the Min wage postings and wondering if any expats are willing to give me a ball park number as to monthly living costs over there with or without G/F

Obviously everyone has different ideas of the minimum standard of living that they will expect.

My minimum standard is a clean, reasonably comfortable home. Good Thai food cooked by my girlfriend. A few beers, cigs and the odd day out. Get around on a motorbike, no car or pickup. Use public transport for lomger trips.

To take care of my gf and her 2 kids (and me of course) to the above standard sets me back around 15000 Baht per month.

I don't pay rent in the village as it is my gf House. It was in a state when I first came here, but have been improving. I don't give my gf an extra allowance. The time I am back in UK I leave gf with 6000 Baht per month. I am probably lucky with my gf, if I give her 1000Baht to go buy clothes, she actually gives me back the change.

I spend an extra 15000 Baht per month. With this I'm paying for house improvements, bought new fridge, microwave, TVetc. And it covers the odd trip to Pattaya to catch up with friends.

This is the lifestyle that suits me and costs stay comfortably within my 30000 budget that I set myself. It may well cost me a little more if I were to stay in a tourist area permanently, but this does not appeal. I've done it

before and the magic wears off.

When I used to stay in Pattaya, large room and utilities cost 6000Baht, I used fan tho, not air con. Eating Thai food and doing the bars 3 times a week and taking a girl 2 or 3 times a week I still managed to get by on 30,000 per month. Nights that I didn't do the bars I sat drinking beer with friends either my place or theirs or at a little Thai place, Large Singha beer 50Baht. If I had a regular gf more like 45,000 per month. It is usually definitely cheaper to rent a girl as you want one instead of having one permanently in tow.

As I said previously in this thread, I can live happily on 30,000 per month and when I have bought everything I need will be more like 20,000.

Robby nz started this posting and it must be very confusing for him to read some of the figures spouted in this thread.

If I didn't know better and read that people reckoned on 100,000 plus I would never come to Thailand in the first place.

While in England (house paid for, no mortgage) I only spend about 500 Pounds per month so why on earth would I need to spend more in Thailand.

Robby, whatever your budget, if it is at least 30,000 per month. Then this is what it will cost you to stay in Thailand. Whether it will be enough for your style of living is the crucial point. Some people consider 30,000 plenty while others obviously can't get by on less than 100,000. This applies in every country in the world. I can live in UK on 500 Pounds a month whereas others would consider this to be living on the poverty line.

I know of plenty of Farangs who are quite happy on 30,000 and they live in Pattaya.

All I can say is try it for a few months, don't fall for any bull from the girls and you will find how much you need for you to live comfortably.

Good luck

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Exactly where, and on what planet, do you live?

“You can so say!” :o

However I shall admit that to say everything is 5-10 times less expensive in Thailand than in the west not always will hold stand, because its also a great price range in many western countries.

But my personal experience from Thailand for near eight years is that I up to this day not have found one simple thing which is near the cost of what the same thing cost in my home country and most thing I use daily,monthly is around five times less expensive here than home, and sometimes up to ten times

That includes food, drinks, water, electricity, apartment, transport, and gasoline and many more things++

BTW. I did not post because I live from 30000, - Baht a month. No unfortunately not. But I know people who do and they are not local Thais.


Some things are cheaper and some more expensive. Beer and Liquor are far more expensive here than in the USA as are most grocery items. Variety is not the spice of life here either. I can buy clothing and electronics cheaper in the states and no doubt autos. OK so a bus ride, rent and water are cheaper but not electric. If it were not for rent, life here would be more expensive than USA. I cannot speak for UK. I suspect UK is wildly expensive

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Been trying to think of things that are 5-10 times cheaper here, heres a few of my thoughts

Labour, cigaretts, sang som,rice, any fruit in season, eating in reateraunts(not falang ones), lorry loads of earth :D ,fake clothes,watches ect, copy DVD's/games, prostitutes (or would that come under labour :o ), water thats about all I can think of for now.

Things that are cheaper but not 5-10 times

Gas, electricity, housing, petrol, just about everything not mentoned above or below.

Things more expensive or about the same,

Potatos, cheese, european cars, cows, milk, butter, mobile phones, beer(when bought in bars) women (when married not rented), internet, lamb, any imported food/drink ect

It obviously depends on what part of "falangland" you are from and where in thailand you live, Its cheaper to live here, but I dont think 5-10 times, and belive me I live quite cheap. The ave wage of about 7000bht a month sounds about right to me, I know very few thais that are on 25 plus

All I can say about most of those cheaper items is you get what you pay for

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It will take some time, but I can start now before I’m away to the swim club here in Phuket for a couple of hours.

The lunch today include ice tea, and yes she is cheap the local lady, have known here for years, clean and always fresh food. 25 baht. Home you get a coke and hot dog for. Maybe 240 Baht. That`s not food in the long run if you ask me!

Entrance swim club that’s 40Baht if you not are a member. Home the same entrance cost minimum 200 Baht, but usually more near 300...

I take with me a bottle with Gatorade (sports drink) to 20, - Baht. Home it was this summer 150 baht.

I use the car to the swim club. It’s less than 10Km t/r but let say I use one litre with gasoline, I filled up yesterday, but really forget, is it 21Baht now? Well home it was 66 Baht this summer, but they said it should increase!

I guess and usually when back from the swim club I stop at a well-known noodle restaurant and the plate I usually eat with something to drink is 50 Baht. I am full after that simple but good meal. Home it will at least cost 300-400Baht if they had it on the menu.

In the evening my better half is home from work and Thursdays we often goes to the cinema. Two people 240 Baht. Home 900-1200 for two. (Depends on location)

Last Saturday we shared a dinner with 8 friends on "Lemon Grass" restaurant in Phuket.

The bill was on me this time and the total was 2200, - Baht. A Few beers, sodawater were the drinks.

Home this summer we celebrated the anniversary to a family member out on medium good outdoor restaurant and we was total 10 people. After the party I calculated the price pr. person and it was 1800Baht. The drinks was soft drinks, a few beers and soda water

Okay off for a swim. Coming with more later.


For me in the USA, every item you mentioned is as cheap or cheaper. Gas, food, drink, movies and pool. It may not be done in the same way but it is cheaper

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[QUOTELoong lives on the dirt cheap. I don't think that more than 10% of farangs could get by on 30k/month ]

As I said everyone has different styles.

Personally I don't feel that I'm living dirt cheap.

I'm not what you could call extravagant, but then again I ain't no cheapskate either.

I actally set my budget and then found that I was more than comfortable living within it. If I had found that I couldn't stay in budget then I would have to spend less time in Los.

I guess I must be lucky to be one of the 10%

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For me in the USA, every item you mentioned is as cheap or cheaper. Gas, food, drink, movies and pool. It may not be done in the same way but it is cheaper
Relatives in USA tell me so every time they visit home
Some things are cheaper and some more expensive. Beer and Liquor are far more expensive here than in the USA

This things Is so cheap here compare to home that if it was like this home I think every citizen had been an alcoholic. :o

Also cars,motorbikes,electronics and sports equipment are near 50% of the price home.

Eks. The Honda Jazz top model. Is it around 660K here. Home it is 1.1 million :D and its similar with every other car brand, exept Benz and BMW.


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Well back from the Swim Club and today I stopped at Lotus for some small shopping and a " Burger instead of noodles"

The burger set was 80Baht. Home it is around 400 baht and up.

I also bought:

Bread 25 baht. Home it is from 70Baht up.

Milk 30 baht. Home 60 baht.

Yoghurt 10 Baht. Home 50 baht

Jam 30 baht. Home 80 baht.

Cornflakes 46 baht. Home 125 baht.

6pack Coke Light boxes 67 Baht.Home 400 Baht.

6pack Singha boxes 147 baht. Home 540 Baht.

Elle (magazin for Mrs.) 80 baht. Home 360 baht.

Potatochips 17 Baht. Home 120 Baht.

Well I shall admit that 10 times was overdue, but I feel safe if I keep it to around 5times.


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nothing to add to this thread except to say thanks for the input. will be moving to los next year my wife,s from the north east they live on thin air out there. we plan on living in huahin.i think the budget will have to be adjusted a fair amount although the property and motor will be payed for the standard of living will be higher than i anticipated.i want to work in the uk through the summer season to get the extra cash, concerned about updating the o visa when i,m not in the country though.this site as been a godsend to me and no doubt a few others too keep it up guys


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Well back from the Swim Club and today I stopped at Lotus for some small shopping and a " Burger instead of noodles"

The burger set was 80Baht. Home it is around 400 baht and up.

I also bought:

Bread 25 baht. Home it is from 70Baht up.

Milk 30 baht. Home 60 baht.

Yoghurt 10 Baht. Home 50 baht

Jam 30 baht. Home 80 baht.

Cornflakes 46 baht. Home 125 baht.

6pack Coke Light boxes 67 Baht.Home 400 Baht.

6pack Singha boxes 147 baht. Home 540 Baht.

Elle (magazin for Mrs.) 80 baht. Home 360 baht.

Potatochips 17 Baht. Home 120 Baht.

Well I shall admit that 10 times was overdue, but I feel safe if I keep it to around 5times.


Every single item you mentioned is cheaper in the US of A

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For me in the USA, every item you mentioned is as cheap or cheaper. Gas, food, drink, movies and pool. It may not be done in the same way but it is cheaper

Relatives in USA tell me so every time they visit home

Some things are cheaper and some more expensive. Beer and Liquor are far more expensive here than in the USA
This things Is so cheap here compare to home that if it was like this home I think every citizen had been an alcoholic. :o

Also cars,motorbikes,electronics and sports equipment are near 50% of the price home.

Eks. The Honda Jazz top model. Is it around 660K here. Home it is 1.1 million :D and its similar with every other car brand, exept Benz and BMW.


Enter a Supermarket in the states and you will have 100 times the variety at a fraction of the cost of a Tesco Lotus. If I based living in Thailand on the cost of groceries, electronics and automobiles, I'd be living in the states. I certainly am not here for the "cheap" Tesco, Big C, Carre Four, Food Land and Tops items nor the variety. I wish I could have the cheapness of the US and the mass variety of goods over here. Unfortunately it is not the case so I shell out tons extra cash to get what I want. I see the concept of a six pack of beer has just recently hit store shelves, how amazing. I wonder when you'll see 12-packs, 18's, suits (24's), and 30's. I know 1 thing, thailand does not like imported beer sold here. That beer's got to be brewed here or it'll cost you over 100 baht in the store. And you better be buying that rot gut liquor made in LOS cause imports will cost you huge. Ever want to buy a large pack of some food product? one size fits all. You can't even go into a supermarket and find something like a bottle of pickles or a jar of salsa. When you do, it'll cost you large. But dont worry, you can buy all those lovely fish chips in the bag you need. I think 1/2 of tesco is boxes of that crap. In short, cheapness is no reason to live here, at least not on said items. There are a multitude of reasons to be here that not being one of them

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In short, cheapness is no reason to live here, at least not on said items. There are a multitude of reasons to be here that not being one of them

Agree with you that its not a reason alone, but it absolutely help.

But of course as earlier mention. We all have different reasons to be here and most of us not one reason alone.

My own personal experience is that if I lived here permanently and only took a few holidays in the region a year. Well then my living costs would be cheap.

I`m home at least two times a year, plus at least 1-2 trips in this region a year so totally I end up with a budget which is very near the living cost in a high cost country in the west.


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Average income in Thailand 2003 was US 7400, -

Which is approximately 307,000, - Baht. Divide that with twelve months and you get around 25500, - Baht.

If your budget is 30,000, - Baht you are almost 20% over the average income so

You should manage it.

In comparison the average income in many western countries is around US 30-38000, -

The expenses are also 5-10 times higher than in Thailand. Can people live from

US 30-38000, -  in a western country annually + 20%? Sure they can.

But if the bills go up here I guess the difference is the way we live and spend money here and how we spend it home. It’s costly both here and in the west if on a long, long holiday.


It is very easy to talk about what Thais make and how farangs can just live off that. However a Thais lifestyle is radically different from farang. Such as having multiple family members living in a single room apt and having no furnishings among other things we have never experienced. Now a few farangs can handle this life style but I'd say not many

Exactly what I was referring to when talking about Farang "living like a Thai". It would probably be a curse for some soft, pampered, arrogant westerners who may not be accustomed to say, sitting on a grass mat on the floor to eat dinner...

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Didn't realise I would get all this attention, thanks again , some good info in all these replies.

looking at HH as the place to be but will do another month over there next year before making any decision

Have no problem with the 800K or the 50+ and reckon without all the self employed business costs I have here I probably live (alone) on the equivelant of B30k so it shouldn't be a problem over there. Don't drink, smoke of gamble, no ambition to own a car over there but a bike ? Shouldn't need mant flash clothes... unless Thanksin invites me on his plane

Found I could get a good farang feed in HH for under B200 and get by on under B100 for Thai

Seems it will depend on finding the right accommodation and how often I want to do the B/G thing

Wondered how ozzies got on for sex over there without sheep, buffalows would be a bit high off the ground but I did see a goat on Koh Tao.

Found a Thai phrase that means the same in English.......Mai tsjorb krap


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after you get an apartment and buy all the basics like frig, tv, etc. it doesn't cost much to live in thailand.

I live on about 20k baht a month. which is about 1/5 the amount I spent when I lived in the usa.

my studio apartment costs me about 7k baht a month. eletricity, water, phone - all included.

I have a dedicated phone line for internet, a playstation2, and cable tv.

I cook a lot at home, but I go out now and then to eat.

I take the 4 baht buses most of the time to get around town. there are times when I wait a while, but then, I'm in no hurry to get anywhere. I just look at the "scenery", and smell the roses when I do. hehehe.

currently, a typical day for me includes going to the gym for a workout, maybe seeing a movie, drinking a cup of java at starbucks/reading the paper, window shopping at the malls, bowling, thai massage sometimes, and of course, hanging out with friends.

some people tell me I live a boring life, but I'm content with it for now.

the best thing I like about my routine is that I don't work. so, I wake up when I wake up, and I sleep when I get tired. no stress.

yes, if I work and make more money, I can enjoy life a little more. I could get a bigger house, the latest car, the newest cell phone, go eat at the best restaurants. ..but for some reason, I don't value those things. ...I value a long happy life more.

to me, the more you want, the more you suffer.

the above is what I get for 20k baht a month.

sometimes I feel like I want to spend more, it's normal. but then, I look around me, and see all the people who are less fortunate than me, and realize I shouldn't be complaining.

check out the following website for a study done regarding retirement vs. longevity.


just sharing my opinion. so, if it's not your cup of tea, don't get upset. everybody needs to make their own decisions in life.

happy memories...

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It will take some time, but I can start now before I’m away to the swim club here in Phuket for a couple of hours.

The lunch today include ice tea, and yes she is cheap the local lady, have known here for years, clean and always fresh food. 25 baht. Home you get a coke and hot dog for. Maybe 240 Baht. That`s not food in the long run if you ask me!

Entrance swim club that’s 40Baht if you not are a member. Home the same entrance cost minimum 200 Baht, but usually more near 300...

I take with me a bottle with Gatorade (sports drink) to 20, - Baht. Home it was this summer 150 baht.

I use the car to the swim club. It’s less than 10Km t/r but let say I use one litre with gasoline, I filled up yesterday, but really forget, is it 21Baht now? Well home it was 66 Baht this summer, but they said it should increase!

I guess and usually when back from the swim club I stop at a well-known noodle restaurant and the plate I usually eat with something to drink is 50 Baht. I am full after that simple but good meal. Home it will at least cost 300-400Baht if they had it on the menu.

In the evening my better half is home from work and Thursdays we often goes to the cinema. Two people 240 Baht. Home 900-1200 for two. (Depends on location)

Last Saturday we shared a dinner with 8 friends on "Lemon Grass" restaurant in Phuket.

The bill was on me this time and the total was 2200, - Baht.  A Few beers, sodawater were the drinks.

Home this summer we celebrated the anniversary to a family member out on medium good outdoor restaurant and we was total 10 people. After the party I calculated the price pr. person and it was 1800Baht. The drinks was soft drinks, a few beers and soda water

Okay off for a swim. Coming with more later.


For me in the USA, every item you mentioned is as cheap or cheaper. Gas, food, drink, movies and pool. It may not be done in the same way but it is cheaper

I very much doubt that. The last time I was in the US (1999) a loaf of bread was between 1.5 and 4 dollars. The only things that are relatively expensive in the LOS are beer (bars) and second hand cars, as well as imported food and liquor, of course.

Maybe you can find items that may match Thai prices, because you've lived there and know all the cheap places, but I'm sure that's not the norm.

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after you get an apartment and buy all the basics like frig, tv, etc. it doesn't cost much to live in thailand.

I live on about 20k baht a month. which is about 1/5 the amount I spent when I lived in the usa.

my studio apartment costs me about 7k baht a month. eletricity, water, phone - all included.

I have a dedicated phone line for internet, a playstation2, and cable tv.

I cook a lot at home, but I go out now and then to eat.

I take the 4 baht buses most of the time to get around town. there are times when I wait a while, but then, I'm in no hurry to get anywhere. I just look at the "scenery", and smell the roses when I do. hehehe.

currently, a typical day for me includes going to the gym for a workout, maybe seeing a movie, drinking a cup of java at starbucks/reading the paper, window shopping at the malls, bowling, thai massage sometimes, and of course, hanging out with friends.

some people tell me I live a boring life, but I'm content with it for now.

the best thing I like about my routine is that I don't work. so, I wake up when I wake up, and I sleep when I get tired. no stress.

yes, if I work and make more money, I can enjoy life a little more. I could get a bigger house, the latest car, the newest cell phone, go eat at the best restaurants. ..but for some reason, I don't value those things. ...I value a long happy life more.

to me, the more you want, the more you suffer.

the above is what I get for 20k baht a month.

sometimes I feel like I want to spend more, it's normal. but then, I look around me, and see all the people who are less fortunate than me, and realize I shouldn't be complaining.

check out the following website for a study done regarding retirement vs. longevity.


just sharing my opinion. so, if it's not your cup of tea, don't get upset. everybody needs to make their own decisions in life.

happy memories...

With your typical day expenses add up to a lot more than 20k. starbucks and bowling alone would have to run you 6k a month. 20k a month cant be done when your pad is 7k unless you do nothing but sit around and eat rice all day

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Some people cite a price but fail to say where. The current supermarket price for just about everything available in the USA at probably the most expensive shopping area (Orange County, CA) is available http://www.albertsons.com/store/?market=11

Remember to compare size sold as well as price. And just wish you had the selection here.

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Eks. The Honda Jazz top model. Is it around 660K here. Home it is 1.1 million :o  and its similar with every other car brand, exept Benz and BMW.


I have a Camry and a Granvia (minivan)... both cost more here (1.4 and 2.9 mil.) than they would in the US (I think 15-20% was the figure last time I checked).

However labor costs here are almost nothing so that makes car maintainence here much cheaper. I dare say you could even hire a personal mechanic to live on your property and take care of your cars here for the same salary as a driver (6-10k Baht a month)... no way in the west.


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I wish I could have the cheapness of the US and the mass variety of goods over here. Unfortunately it is not the case so I shell out tons extra cash to get what I want. I see the concept of a six pack of beer has just recently hit store shelves, how amazing. I wonder when you'll see 12-packs, 18's, suits (24's), and 30's. I know 1 thing, thailand does not like imported beer sold here. That beer's got to be brewed here or it'll cost you over 100 baht in the store. And you better be buying that rot gut liquor made in LOS cause imports will cost you huge. Ever want to buy a large pack of some food product? one size fits all. You can't even go into a supermarket and find something like a bottle of pickles or a jar of salsa. When you do, it'll cost you large. But dont worry, you can buy all those lovely fish chips in the bag you need. I think 1/2 of tesco is boxes of that crap. In short, cheapness is no reason to live here, at least not on said items. There are a multitude of reasons to be here that not being one of them

Recommend shopping for groceries at Villa Market and at the top floor of Emporium. A rather decent variety of imported items. It costs more, but it will cost you less in food preparation. (same as the car labor vs. cars thing). There's no need to ever cook here (which can be as much as 1 hour of your time per day... who knows how much that is worth in terms of productivity if you're a buisness owner), just delegate the work to a maid. Thus, food issues CAN cost less.


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I have just had a look at http://www.albertsons.com/store/?market=11

and you are absolutely right. Which not surprise me.

I cannot find anything cheaper in USA than in Thailand.

However you will still get better out of it, than in some European countries. I have visit family in Seattle and also had a couple of holidays to Florida, Los Angeles and New York and the things which have been considerably more reasonable in USA compare to home is cars, sports equipment, brand clothes, meat, beef, beer, liquer and cigarettes.

Other products have been almost the same.


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Seems it will depend on finding the right accommodation and how often I want to do the B/G thing

Just delete "thing"

Wondered how ozzies got on for sex over there without sheep, buffalows would be a bit high off the ground but I did see a goat on Koh Tao.


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Some people cite a price but fail to say where. The current supermarket price for just about everything available in the USA at probably the most expensive shopping area (Orange County, CA) is available http://www.albertsons.com/store/?market=11

Remember to compare size sold as well as price. And just wish you had the selection here.

great job, lop, now we can truly make proper comparison

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