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Roller Skates Needed

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My 8 year old daughter really wants roller skates for Christmas (with four wheels) and I have been everywhere in Pattaya today looking for them and I can not find any, does anyone know where I can buy roller skates in Pattaya?

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Every now and then, one of the broads working at Carrefour skates by... maybe you could ask them, if you haven't passed out from the heat in there, due to lack of air conditioning.

And I would strongly advise you NOT to use roller skates in Pattaya... first, are there any sidewalks where there is an area more than about 1 meter, where there aren't giant potholes and other hazards? Unless you have your own rink, I think this is a bad idea. I don't have any children, (I've been "out of commission" for quite some time now), but IF I had an 8 year old daughter, I would buy her a lifetime pass to the Ripley's "museum", or maybe an electric mixer, so you can teach her how to bake cakes and stuff. That might be fun.

I mean really, where on earth could you possibly roller skate in Pattaya? Oh, I have another idea for you... how about, .... hummmmmmm.... maybe, ..... how about like a small fish aquarium? Of course you could forget the whole Christmas gift thing, and explain to your daughter that Christmas has become very commercialized, and you don't want to just give her some materialistic gift... instead, take her to church, and sit there all day and pray. i'm sure she would really appreciate the true meaning of Christmas this way.


Who says she is going to use these skates in the middle of Pattaya??

Maybe she lives in a park or village where they have good roads.

Maybe a good idea to think twice before you say something.

Btw everyone has the right to have christmas the way they like it.

I believe toys'r us has them.. Not sure but i think can remember seeing them.

Who says she is going to use these skates in the middle of Pattaya??

Maybe she lives in a park or village where they have good roads.

Maybe a good idea to think twice before you say something.

Btw everyone has the right to have christmas the way they like it.

I believe toys'r us has them.. Not sure but i think can remember seeing them.

Please provide a list of all the parks you mention, in Pattaya. Are any suitable for roller skating? Maybe a better question would be are there any parks in Pattaya?

And you have assumed the that OP is a "she"... but I see no clue as to their gender. Maybe YOU should "think twice", or maybe even THREE times before you write something.

And neither the OP nor I made any reference to using the skates in the "middle of Pattaya"... but I would suggest if the OP insists on going the roller skate route, despite my suggestion that it may be a bad idea here, I admit they probably would be better off in the "middle of Pattaya", than on the outskirts, as it would be quicker for an ambulance to get there in case of a skating injury.

And I agree, everyone has a "right" to "celebrate" "Christmas" however they like, or not to "celebrate" it, if they choose. I was simply suggesting one alternative is not to buy into the materialistic gift-giving thing, where people are at the point where they EXPECT gifts.


Because i know she is a lady!! So once again maybe think twice before you say something.

As i can see.. Emcross lives in Pong. Where do the Farangs live in Pong??

Exactly in nice villages(Sp village, siam country club, lake view villa's, just to name a few!!) with good roads only used by the few residents who live in the village.. So couldn't be more safe.

Because i know she is a lady!! So once again maybe think twice before you say something.

As i can see.. Emcross lives in Pong. Where do the Farangs live in Pong??

Exactly in nice villages(Sp village, siam country club, lake view villa's, just to name a few!!) with good roads only used by the few residents who live in the village.. So couldn't be more safe.

"She's a lady, woooo, woooo, woooo, she's a lady...I'm talking about the lady.... and the lady is... (fill in the blank)"

I've never heard of Pong, and I wouldn't assume that all farangs there live in "nice villages", and I wouldn't assume that villages there have "good roads"... roads that might be fine for cars, but maybe not for roller skaters. But I disagree... it COULD be "more safe": skating in a real skating rink, with medical personnel on standby... maybe there's a reason it's impossible to find roller skates here... you really shoudln't encourage people to do things that really aren't done here. I'm sure the parent in the OP appreciates my good advice, and will discard you dangerous carefree attitude of "just skate anywhere". I've NEVER seen anyone roller skate here, other than at Carrefour. Maybe there's a reason.


I know all the Farangs in Pong live in villages with good roads because i live there aswell. So think twice before you say something.

Roads fine fore the few cars using it, fine for small children to play on, and absolutly perfect for rolerskating.

In this area we have child friendly roads.. Where peole drive max 10-15 km an hour.

Btw it's not impossible to find rolerskates.

We are talking about a 8 year old girl rollerskating in her village.. Not driving a moterbike on Sukhumvit.

Cant imagine Emcross can appriciate your shitty advice.

What a crap!!


I'm pretty sure she has already abandoned your dangerous idea... easy for you to encourage someone else to engage in dangerous activity for their child. Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame.

And have you really done some census taking, that you can make the statement that "ALL" farangs in Pong live in villages? Are you that all-knowing?

Is there anything you don't know? Wow, must be great to be you...


I am afraid Jareddiving is correct Weho!

I am a lady I do live in Pong in a very nice walled village with good safe roads and a large driveway ideal for my daughter to skate on (her own private skating rink), don't worry we will get some protective wear for knees and elbows as well!

Weho you have totally missed the mark on this one so admit defeat and butt out I think is the expression!

Thank you I will look in Toys-R-us today for the skates.


I have also seen them this morning in the big sports-shop in the outlet-mall.

The one next to Tesco.

They had one pair and costed 2.450 Baht and the other model costed 3.850 Baht.

Good luck!!

I am afraid Jareddiving is correct Weho!

I am a lady I do live in Pong in a very nice walled village with good safe roads and a large driveway ideal for my daughter to skate on (her own private skating rink), don't worry we will get some protective wear for knees and elbows as well!

Weho you have totally missed the mark on this one so admit defeat and butt out I think is the expression!

Thank you I will look in Toys-R-us today for the skates.

Weho is not used to "missing the mark"... but I'm glad to know you have now confirmed that you life in a place with "good safe roads and a large driveway"... and you sound responsible that you will get some protective wear for knees and elbows... but I wonder where they sell that... I hope all goes well, but in the unlikely event of an injury, it comes down to your responsibility, as a parent, who authorizes and supervises this risky behavior. Now over in that minor nation of the U.S. and A., I've heard rumors that some people, in case of accident, might actually SUE the manufacturer of the skates, or SUE the seller of the skates, or even SUE the village for not banning this kind of risky activity.

So, in case it comes to that point, I took the liberty of doing a quick search on that internet thing... the link below are a list of so-called "experts", who you can pay to testify in any kind of court case... basically, they will testify whatever you want them to say, as long as you pay them. Their speciality is ROLLER SKATING ACCIDENTS. I hope you don't need their services, and I would strongly encourage you to supervise this highly dangerous activity, like a hawk:


I can't personally vouch for any of these "experts", I'm only providing the link in case you need their services.

Regardless, I've got my fingers crossed that all goes well. I would also suggest getting headgear, like a bicycle helmet, in addition to the knee pads and elbow pads. Also, get a mouth/teeth guard, and if there is some kind of chin guard too, that would be useful. And big thick gloves to protect the hands/fingers too. And be sure to clear any possible hazards in the area.

Good luck!

And i'm trying hard to find the humor in Weho's post.. But i give up.

Did you think my advice to assure that a mother carefully supervise her young daughter's risky roller skating was intended to be comical? If so, please point out which part/parts you thought were meant to be humorous. Sorry you find it "useless" that child roller skarters should be carefully monitored.


Thank you jareddiving your input is much appreciated.

weho I do have to say that I feel I am responsible enough to look after my own children, but thanks anyway!


What makes you think Emcross has no brains.

And where did i say that you shouldnt watch your kids when they are roller skating?? Exactly i didnt.

Keep twisting things around.. Only makes you look more stupid with every post you make.

I was just reading your posts in this thread again and noticed each post contained more bullshit then the last one.

Don't try to win this discussion, you lost allready even before you posted your first reply full off crap.

What makes you think Emcross has no brains.

And where did i say that you shouldnt watch your kids when they are roller skating?? Exactly i didnt.

Keep twisting things around.. Only makes you look more stupid with every post you make.

I was just reading your posts in this thread again and noticed each post contained more bullshit then the last one.

Don't try to win this discussion, you lost allready even before you posted your first reply full off crap.

Wow, you're so bitter... I LOVE IT! I had no idea this was a contest to try to "win" a discussion, but thanks for advising me... I guess with your wit and charm, I'm no match for you... but thanks for all the attention, and re-reading all the posts again... but how could I "lose", "even before you posted your first reply full of crap"? Is that possible? I can't help it if I'm so beloved... and now I must jump into my pool, al buffo... if you know what I mean...


You should consider inline skates. They are not more difficult to use than the old fashion 4 wheelers. They are actually better on most surfaces you will find in Pattaya. They have a selection at the sports store at the outlet mall at the Theprasit/Sukhumvit crossing. They also have a good selection of pads and helmets that she will also need.

Well you made it look like this yourself.

And indeed you are no match for me :o I know you wished you were.

Al buffo means with some big rocks around your neck i hope.

Actually, I didn't wish I simply MATCHED you, I was really hoping to SURPASS you... but with the comedy you demonstrated in your posting about the rocks around my neck, well, that was just really clever, cutting-edge material. I neither surpassed, nor matched you. I feel you could really be one of those comedy writers, like on that Jay Leno show that's on CNBC, or maybe you could write for that show "THE VIEW", with all those yentas. Quite frankly, we're lucky to have you here.

You really think so??

Thank you!!! Thats so kind of you.

But still i think you are a sucker!

Well everyone has the right to their own opinion, dont they..

Sucker :o

My, you're up late... did the bars close? If you want to read about suckers, read the thread about my pool boy and his vacuum hose that sucks real good. But I think you're losing your touch... this reply wasn't as witty as your other. Even still, I stand by my statement that we're pretty lucky to have you around here with this kind of material to entertain us. You've put me in a very giving mood, so I'm attaching a photo here of screen legend Barbara Streisand outside her home, yelling at some contractors:


Why would i wanna go to a bar when i have a beautiful wife at home...

And read your thread about your pool boy??

I really do believe i've seen enough of your bullshit.

I don't believe you've really seen enough... you reply to everything I post... now what does that say about you?

Congratulations on the beautiful wife "at home", whatever that means... I hope you stay together a very long time, or at least as long as you both think it's a good idea...


I got inline skates for my own 8yo daughter at Toys R us (in Bangkok, but would imagine the shop in Pattaya would have similar stock).

They were simply the first ones I found that were her shoe size.

1,500 baht for a starter set including helmet, knee, elbow and hand pads. So far she's only used them in the house, in the driveway, and in the road beside the house in the moobaan. The only thing she doesn't like is the padded "socks" she has to put her feet in, as it makes her feet sweaty.

I got inline skates for my own 8yo daughter at Toys R us (in Bangkok, but would imagine the shop in Pattaya would have similar stock).

They were simply the first ones I found that were her shoe size.

1,500 baht for a starter set including helmet, knee, elbow and hand pads. So far she's only used them in the house, in the driveway, and in the road beside the house in the moobaan. The only thing she doesn't like is the padded "socks" she has to put her feet in, as it makes her feet sweaty.

This is how it starts... people think, "i don't like the thick safe socks, so i'll wear this thin improfitting socks..." Then, it's "I don't like these pads, they are uncomfortable..." Then it graduates to "if I don't have the pads, why do i need the helmet..." And on and on, until the ambulance arrives... then it changes to "why couldn't she just take up reading for Christmas"...

I have nothing against responsible parents encouraging their children to take up healthy sporty activities, but roller skating, and inline skating are not reasonable choices for Thailand.

Well you made it look like this yourself.

And indeed you are no match for me :o I know you wished you were.

Al buffo means with some big rocks around your neck i hope.

In your dreams!!!


First, didn't you write this gem, not too long ago: so why are you still interested in what I post? I thought you had seen enough... I guess not...

I really do believe i've seen enough of your bullshit.

And second, I just KNEW I could convince someone to side with me... that was my goal all along, (after trying to get people to carefully consider everything before getting their child involved in some potentially dangerous behavior)... Yep, I snagged that "Westener"... I really tricked him/her into some serious butt-kissing..., didn't I...

BTW, I'm going to be "lunching" today at Fuji, at the BIG C on Sukumvit shortly, I would say around 12:30pm... look for me, drop by and say "howdy".

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