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Exit Poll Results Show PPP Wins


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At the moment factoring in all the events over the last 10 days, what is on the surface should not be the focus, but the back room stuff. Reading that Pojaman wants to meet Prem sends up warning flags. I don't know if that meeting will happen, and if it does it could rub a lot of people the wrong way and cause suspicion directed at Prem. The fact that the PM told the police to be on alert for EC protesters. This is beginning to sound like potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur being mixed.

Are you forgetting they have met before just after th coup?

Why is the meeting now more likely to send up warning flags?

"Privy Council president Prem Tinsulanonda landed himself in hot water yesterday for allowing the wife of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to meet him at his residence, as many observers saw the meeting as inappropriate. General Oud Buengbon, Prem's close aide who is member of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA), sent his Mercedes-Benz sedan for Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra and her brother Bhanapot Damapong to see Prem at his residence in the morning. Pojaman and Bhanapot spent 15 minutes at Prem's house before leaving without giving any interview."

From "The Nation" October 2006

PS: how are we getting on with the proof of Cyber Tower ownership - any important updates we should know about?

Realised who Charoen and Capitland are yet?

Over the many years I have been here virtually every politician has spent time at Gen. Prem's residence especially during times of crisis. I dont really need to point out who Gen Prem works for, but enough to say in times of crisis avenues are kept open. Of course PPP or whoever, are going to talk to him whatver Samak or the white dove sympathisers say, and by th eway in this it does expose an ideological split between pragmatists and shall we say the more revolutuonary wing in the alliance that Mr. T has put together called PPP. However, these potential big differences will not surface until a much later date as now the they are united in a common stance.

By the way. Gen Oud is according to the grapevine a potetial candidate for defence minister under the PPP. Sorry to bring rumor up but sometimes it adds interest. As always though please regard it as rumour only.

The Old Power starts to make inroads.

The approval of the transfer of Thaksin's close ally and classmate Police-General Jumpol Manmai from the PM Office back to the headquarters of the police yesterday by the Police Commission, chaired by Khun Surayud, has raised a lot of eyebrows as it paves the way for his promotion to police chief under a PPP government.

Have deals already been struck?

I really do not care who the next prime minister will be , or who gets to appoint the next government.

At the end of the day, they are all corrupt crooks, milking the system , as it has been perpetuated for as long as I have been here ( 20 years).

Yes indeed - but the johnny come lately's some of who rolled up 3 years ago and are now experts and old hands just can not see this as their perspective is so short.

They even have the audacity to call others newbies and tellthem to read up on politcs when they had no clue who Charoen was even though they partake in his products regularly I would wager.

Amazing Thailand

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On another front I came across a story Thursday that suggest Thaksin may be running out of available cash.


If that is the case it makes you wonder how much he spent on buying votes in Isaan.

It also begs the question of how Manchester City are heavily linked to two of Marseilles stars in the current transfer window if Mr. T is about to run out of dosh, which I doubt. The wealthy also have acess to huge credit lines both officially and unofficially through networks.

When I was looking at that late last night I put it up as is. But now with more though I can see your point and I agree with you totally. That leaves it to be Thaksin has for the moment completely forgot about his team because at the moment he does not need them, and that is not to unusual for Thaksin. The other thought the story is a plant by Thaksin.

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New Parliament may be built on army land in Nonthaburi

This from today's Nation:

The new Parliament may be built on a plot of the Royal Thai Army's Ordance Department in Nonthaburi if the new House of Representatives approves it.

Pithoon Poomhiran, secretary-general of House of Representatives, said his committee, which has been assigned to consider a new location for Parliament, has chosen the 265-rai plot in Nonthaburi.

If the new House approves the plan, the government will have to pay a compenstation worth Bt1 billion to the Army.

The Nation

Looks like the deals are underway!

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Pojamarn just met some PPP members and they complained about Samak. They want someone else to be the PM and give Samak speaker post.

Poor kids, can't decide anything themselves.

Watch their outrage if their party is declared a nominee and dissolved.


I really do not care who the next prime minister will be , or who gets to appoint the next government.

At the end of the day, they are all corrupt crooks, milking the system , as it has been perpetuated for as long as I have been here ( 20 years).

Appoint the next government? Slip of the tongue, perhaps, or is it genuine indifference?

Some Thais think in a similar vein. Are people really interested in their opinions? Not really.

So if some farang expressed the same attitude - there's nothing to say, at least he wasn't abusive.

Actually it would be quite a fit if they manage to put a government together and return to milking the country, it's been over two weeks and there's little progress and even more obstacles ahead.

Yesterday some of Chat Thai MPs threatened to resign if Banharn joins PPP government. They say it goes against their voters wishes. I don't see mass exodus but PPP led govt won't be able to keep its coalition together if it starts pushing pro-Thaksin agenda. Not until public mood turns in Thaksin's favour, which is a very remote possibility.

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Pojamarn just met some PPP members and they complained about Samak. They want someone else to be the PM and give Samak speaker post.

Poor kids, can't decide anything themselves.

Watch their outrage if their party is declared a nominee and dissolved.


Someday I'm looking forward to seeing from the Nation: "Well informed source reports that XXX is planning to sue YYY. The source also reported that she hopes to have the toilets in the editors lounge unplugged by noon."

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Let's see how the story gets worded tomorrow.

Today there's a source, there's the news, it gets published on the Net, it might be changed or deleted forever. The Nation has done it several times.

When it comes to rumors they are far more professional than "academics" like Andrew Walker.

"Coup by stealth that is going on now" - the Nation (or BP) would never ever allow unsubstantiated crap like that to be published under their own name but in "academic" circles it is known as freedom of expression. It looks more like freedom from responsibility for your own words to me.

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Pojamarn just met some PPP members and they complained about Samak. They want someone else to be the PM and give Samak speaker post.

Poor kids, can't decide anything themselves.

Watch their outrage if their party is declared a nominee and dissolved.

Gotta wonder- what the <deleted> does she have to do with it?? Why would she need to know anything?

Just goes to show how dirty this whole scenario is and who is really at the helm of the PPP.

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New Parliament may be built on army land in Nonthaburi

This from today's Nation:

The new Parliament may be built on a plot of the Royal Thai Army's Ordance Department in Nonthaburi if the new House of Representatives approves it.

Pithoon Poomhiran, secretary-general of House of Representatives, said his committee, which has been assigned to consider a new location for Parliament, has chosen the 265-rai plot in Nonthaburi.

If the new House approves the plan, the government will have to pay a compenstation worth Bt1 billion to the Army.

The Nation

Looks like the deals are underway!

Pojaman's furious that they aren't building the new parliament on her property.

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PPP dissolved? Not a problem.... Thaksin's gang-o-thugs has perfected freeze-dried political parties... just add water, stir... and PRESTO .... a new political party.

PPP can set up new party if dissolved: Chalerm

People Power Party MP Chalerm Yoobamrung said Friday that his party was not afraid of lawsuits seeking its dissolution.

He said if the party lot in the cases, the dissolution would take time and the PPP would be able to find a new party or set up a new party in time for its MPs to join.

- The Nation

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Why here's a fresh cup getting ready to be brewed right now...

PPP eyes Palang Pandin Thai as new vehicle if party dissolved

Leading members of the People Power Party are eying the Palang Pandin Thai of Somsak Worakhamin if the PPP is dissolved, a well-informed source said.

The source said if the PPP is dissolved for either breaking the election or party laws, its MPs would switch to join the party of Somsak.

- The Nation


And if that's not tasty enough, they could go for a nice cupper of The Utopia Party...

Utopia Party

Established 25 September B.E. 2550 (2007)

Number of members: 22

Number of branches: - Address: 162, Moo 4, Rat Phatthana Road, Bangpakok, Rat Burana, Bangkok 10140

Tel: (662) 872 2090 Fax: (662) 872 2092

oh... and there's enough of the freeze-dried mix to go through all 65 political parties....


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I really do not care who the next prime minister will be , or who gets to appoint the next government.

At the end of the day, they are all corrupt crooks, milking the system , as it has been perpetuated for as long as I have been here ( 20 years).

I do believe you and agree :o

wow, 20 years is enough time to get sufficient experience to say what you said !

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And don't forget to ban them for 5 years. Otherwise they just switch party and continue.

Some MP's will run out of family members to run for them real quick. :D

yeah, right ! :D

let remain only oh so "CLEAN", pure and honest Democrats :D

and give them Banharn to help with "national reconciliation" ! :D

and then ....

let the party begin !


oh, the fun of milking the country without any obstacles, all by themselves - as they did before 2001 !

well, with generals getting good share of course !

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On another front I came across a story Thursday that suggest Thaksin may be running out of available cash.


If that is the case it makes you wonder how much he spent on buying votes in Isaan.

It also begs the question of how Manchester City are heavily linked to two of Marseilles stars in the current transfer window if Mr. T is about to run out of dosh, which I doubt. The wealthy also have acess to huge credit lines both officially and unofficially through networks.

When I was looking at that late last night I put it up as is. But now with more though I can see your point and I agree with you totally. That leaves it to be Thaksin has for the moment completely forgot about his team because at the moment he does not need them, and that is not to unusual for Thaksin. The other thought the story is a plant by Thaksin.

Not content with making a booboo regarding TCC Land you now consider yoursefl an expert in the English Premier League and its ownership structure and management style?

When in hole stop digging as you are depriving some village of an idiot.

Do you really think the owners of EPL teams are constantly at their side?

Are you aware of the ownership patterns of the EPL and the time many of the oversea#s owners actually spend at the club?

Do you think the EPL club is the primary focus of all owners?

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People Power Party-list MP Chalerm Yoobamrung, left, and Party Leader Samak Sundaravej accompany Luang Phor Khoon, a prominent monk in Nakhon Ratchasima, during a rally to encourage people to vote for its candidates in tomorrow’s re-election in the province.

The Nation

and for a bit of past history...

Luang Pho Khoon has encouraged PM to continue his role

The well-known abbot of the Ban Rai Temple, Luang Pho Khoon, has encouraged Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to continue his role.

This afternoon, the premier had a discussion with Luang Pho Khoon at Suthajinda Temple, where the press members were allowed to hear the discussion and to question about the current political situation.

Luang Pho Khoon said that Dr. Thaksin is a good man who devotes himself for the country.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 15 March 2006

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Clock ticking for EC

MP will have to be endorsed if investigation is not completed by Tuesday

The Election Commission (EC) will have to endorse People Power Party (PPP) Deputy Leader Yongyuth Tiyapairat as an MP if it cannot complete the investigation of electoral fraud allegedly involving him by Tuesday, EC member Sodsri Satayathum said yesterday.

The EC postponed ruling on the case after it appointed an ad-hoc panel of five members yesterday. Former Constitution Court judge Suwit Thirapong leads the panel, which will probe the case.

"If the panel cannot conclude the case by Tuesday, the EC will endorse Yongyuth as an MP," Sodsri said.

If he is found guilty in any further legal process, however, he will forfeit his seat, she said.

The EC has endorsed about 420 of 480 MPs-elect. Sonsri believed that by Tuesday the EC could approve more winning candidates to take the number to 456, or 95 per cent, the figure legally needed to convene the first House session.

The Panel's members will go to Chiang Rai, the home province of Yongyuth, to renew the process of interrogating witnesses, Sodsri said.

The EC will show Yongyuth a video clip that allegedly shows his involvement, she said.

Yongyuth says he is being framed to annul his victory as a party-list candidate in Zone 1 and disband the PPP as a penalty. He says the video clip linking him to fraud has mysteriously disappeared since he asked that experts be allowed to determine if it had been doctored.

He says electoral officials told him the clip was in the hands of the Special Branch investigators in charge of the case but he was unable to locate it because they refused to answer his telephone calls. Meanwhile, Maj-General Chaiya Siriamphankul of the Special Branch handed the video disc with the controversial clip to the EC.

The EC yesterday disqualified two candidates from the PPP and Democrat parties.

Chalermchart Karun, PPP candidate for Sakon Nakhon's Constituency 1, and Charnchai Issarasenarak, Democrat candidate for Nakhon Nayok's Constituency 1, were given yellow cards by the EC for poll violations.

The EC said it needed more investigation in Sakon Nakhon's Constituency 1 and had to have the result in seven days.

The EC also endorsed three PPP candidates in Kalasin's Constituency 1, Boonruen Sritharet, Weerawat Osathanu-kroh and Khomdej Chaisiwamongkol, and Vichien Udomsak in Amnat Charoen's Constituency 1.

As of yesterday 424 members of Parliament had been endorsed.

The Supreme Court yesterday dismissed an application by three disqualified candidates seeking to overturn their red cards in Buriram Constituency 1.

The court ruled it had no jurisdiction to launch an appellate review on red cards issued before the final endorsement of election results.

"The Election Commission has the mandate to disqualify any balloting results deemed fraudulent, and the judiciary has no purview to check on the supervision of the electoral process," it said, explaining that the judiciary could review an appeal only if the disqualification occurred after the endorsement of the outcome.

In the Buriram case, the commission issued the red cards and revoked voting rights for one year before the tallying of votes was endorsed, the ruling said. Those involved are Prakij Poldej, Pornchai Srisuriyanyothin and Rungroj Thongsri, all of the PPP. They declined to comment after hearing the ruling.

- The Nation


Interesting that another article points out that Yongyuth was given the opportunity to view the VCD, but he was too busy apparently and couldn't be bothered... which would take away a fair amount of his proclaimed self-righteous indignition...

EC: Time is on Yongyuth's side

Win may be endorsed if case not closed soon

The EC said it might be forced to endorse PPP candidate Yongyuth Tiyapairat first and deal with him later if its sub-committee looking into vote-buying allegations against him fails to wrap up its inquiry by Jan 15. However, EC member Sodsri Sattayatham said Yongyuth could be disqualified from being an MP later if the Supreme Court supervising election cases rules he is guilty after the EC's sub-panel's inquiry is complete. The sub-committee, headed by former Constitution Court judge Suwit Thirapong, was set up on Thursday to take over the poll fraud case against Yongyuth from the Special Branch Police. The first meeting of the Lower House must be held within 30 days of the election and at least 95% of the elected MPs must attend the first session. Mr Suwit said, ''We will do our best and submit the findings to the EC as soon as possible. We care more about accuracy than the time-frame,'' he said. He said he spent over an hour signing in the investigative file which contained seven folders and eight VCDs. Yongyuth did not turn up to view the VCDs yesterday. He was invited to watch them at 2 pm yesterday. The VCDs allegedly show him bribing local leaders in Chiang Rai to campaign for him and PPP candidates. Mr Suwit said the committee would fix a new meeting with Yongyuth as he had the right to see the evidence.

Continued here:



which follows standard Thaksin & TRT tactics during most AEC investigations this past year.... delay, delay, delay....

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Pojamarn just met some PPP members and they complained about Samak. They want someone else to be the PM and give Samak speaker post.

Poor kids, can't decide anything themselves.

Watch their outrage if their party is declared a nominee and dissolved.

Gotta wonder- what the <deleted> does she have to do with it?? Why would she need to know anything?

Surely she is the owner's new local-representative ?

Just goes to show how dirty this whole scenario is and who is really at the helm of signing the cheques at the PPP.

But surely the voters were told they would get, and cast their votes for, Samak as their next PM ? Where are the protests from defenders-of-democracy, at this blatant reassignment, of the votes of the masses ? Chart Thai MPs, at least some of them, seem to be able to understand this principle.

PPP dissolved? Not a problem.... Thaksin's gang-o-thugs has perfected freeze-dried political parties... just add water, stir... and PRESTO .... a new political party. They forgot to 'let it stand for 6 months' after preparing the mock-party.

PPP can set up new party if dissolved: Chalerm

People Power Party MP Chalerm Yoobamrung said Friday that his party was not afraid of lawsuits seeking its dissolution.

He said if the party lot in the cases, the dissolution would take time and the PPP would be able to find a new party or set up a new party in time for its MPs to join.

- The Nation

He seems to be missing the point. TRT was dissolved, for failing to stand up ("they are all just my helpers - they do what I say") to Thaksin, as sole-owner of the government. If PPP now gets dissolved, which I hope it won't be, then it will be for the same reason. The People's Power Party, like past or future re-incarnations, should be standing-up for policies which would help the poor, not just for its billionaire owner/paymaster. They didn't need all the nominee-of-Thaksin statements, or the millions of VCDs from him urging the voters to support PPP, all they needed was to stand for the election on policies which were affordable & good for the people. A lesson for the Democrats there too.

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sorry hammered... it doesn't look to be happening... too many pre-conditions...

Democrats 'turn down' Thaksin offer to join government

Close aide of ex-PM makes overtures on joining PPP govt: party source

The Democrat Party was contacted by a close aide of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra asking them to join a People Power Party (PPP) government last week but the Democrats declined the offer, a Democrat source said yesterday.

Later, Thaksin's close aide contacted them again proposing another option - to let the Democrats form the government on the condition they help Thaksin with his legal cases.

The Democrats also turned down this offer, said the source.

"If the Democrats accepted such a condition, it would be pressured by society and its voter base in the city, who would certainly not let the government compromise with Thaksin," the source said.

"The only possibility is that it must wait for the Election Commission's ruling on red and yellow cards, as well as cases related to the People Power dissolution. This is mainly why it did not compete in the formation of the government."

A source close to the People Power Party yesterday confirmed the report, and said that because the negotiations had failed, the former prime minister had ordered the PPP to announce the forming of the government.

He believed the number of red and yellow cards would not impact on the party house seats.

Another source from PPP confirmed that it was trying to form the government.

However, that source said, if they succeeded it would only be for a short term in order to free the 111 banned executives of Thai Rak Thai and to remove the Assets Examination Committee.

It would then dissolve Parliament and call for a new election.

"It will not use the amnesty laws. The PPP plans to remove the Constitution Court judges too. It will nullify the Council for National Security's appointment of the judges, saying it was unlawful," the source said. "It will say any resolution by the judges is unlawful including the Thai Rak Thai's dissolution."

It would then transfer Thaksin's legal cases to the National Counter-Corruption Commission instead, the source said. At the same time, it would reboot its popularity through populism policies so that it could gain an overwhelming victory after the election.

The source said ousted Prime Minister Thaksin has tried to talk to Privy Council President General Prem Tinsulanonda and Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont asking for reconciliation.

According to this source, Thaksin offered to leave politics and wanted the government to transfer his legal cases from the Assets Examination Committee to the National Counter-Corruption Commission, but Thaksin's proposal was rejected.

"The government can only let Thaksin return to Thailand to defend the charges against him, but Thaksin is unwilling to do this because he knows that when he returns the authorities would ban him from leaving the country as his wife has discovered," the source said.

Pojaman, wife of Thaksin, returned to Thailand on Tuesday to defend herself against corruption charges.

The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) released her on bail and banned her from leaving the country without permission.

- The Nation

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Looks like some deals on the cards right now imho. Guess we will be seeing a PPP government formed fairly soon without Samak at the helm and with Yuth in parliament and the PPP controlling the police and the military controlled by a nice compromise candidate.

The interesting thing here may not be what the PPP gave up to get the deal done and the red card assault halted, but what deal the elite do and how that will negatively affect their standing amongst all those who voted against PPP, and of course their standing with PPP supporters wont go up! To save their own necks they will agree to Banharn and a lot of dropped charges that wont go down well at all with those who didnt vote for PPP. The elite and military could come out of this with very few friends, allies or supporters. That would make coups difficult to carry out in the future. Things are changing in Thailand. The Dems too may learn a lesson about who to ally yourself with. Sonthi L's interview where he criticised the Junta and their geriatric government as abandoning people could prove to actually be one of the prescient things he actually said in amongst all the ......... Maybe not exactly in the way he meant it though. All in all it is still possible that in the medium to long term the democratic development of Thailand could be taking a step forward.

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"But surely the voters were told they would get, and cast their votes for, Samak as their next PM ? Where are the protests from defenders-of-democracy, at this blatant reassignment, of the votes of the masses ? Chart Thai MPs, at least some of them, seem to be able to understand this principle."

Samak as PM - Were they told that though? - I do not know!

How doesw it work in Thailand as opposed to the UK say where the voters expect the head of the party with a outright majority to be PM (does not stop the change of PM ie head of party without another general election though).

In a coalition system it might be different - is the head of the largest party *always* the PM?

What is the precedent and expectation in Thailand?

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sorry hammered... it doesn't look to be happening... too many pre-conditions...

Democrats 'turn down' Thaksin offer to join government

Close aide of ex-PM makes overtures on joining PPP govt: party source

The Democrat Party was contacted by a close aide of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra asking them to join a People Power Party (PPP) government last week but the Democrats declined the offer, a Democrat source said yesterday.

Later, Thaksin's close aide contacted them again proposing another option - to let the Democrats form the government on the condition they help Thaksin with his legal cases.

The Democrats also turned down this offer, said the source.

"If the Democrats accepted such a condition, it would be pressured by society and its voter base in the city, who would certainly not let the government compromise with Thaksin," the source said.

"The only possibility is that it must wait for the Election Commission's ruling on red and yellow cards, as well as cases related to the People Power dissolution. This is mainly why it did not compete in the formation of the government."

A source close to the People Power Party yesterday confirmed the report, and said that because the negotiations had failed, the former prime minister had ordered the PPP to announce the forming of the government.

He believed the number of red and yellow cards would not impact on the party house seats.

Another source from PPP confirmed that it was trying to form the government.

However, that source said, if they succeeded it would only be for a short term in order to free the 111 banned executives of Thai Rak Thai and to remove the Assets Examination Committee.

It would then dissolve Parliament and call for a new election.

"It will not use the amnesty laws. The PPP plans to remove the Constitution Court judges too. It will nullify the Council for National Security's appointment of the judges, saying it was unlawful," the source said. "It will say any resolution by the judges is unlawful including the Thai Rak Thai's dissolution."

It would then transfer Thaksin's legal cases to the National Counter-Corruption Commission instead, the source said. At the same time, it would reboot its popularity through populism policies so that it could gain an overwhelming victory after the election.

The source said ousted Prime Minister Thaksin has tried to talk to Privy Council President General Prem Tinsulanonda and Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont asking for reconciliation.

According to this source, Thaksin offered to leave politics and wanted the government to transfer his legal cases from the Assets Examination Committee to the National Counter-Corruption Commission, but Thaksin's proposal was rejected.

"The government can only let Thaksin return to Thailand to defend the charges against him, but Thaksin is unwilling to do this because he knows that when he returns the authorities would ban him from leaving the country as his wife has discovered," the source said.

Pojaman, wife of Thaksin, returned to Thailand on Tuesday to defend herself against corruption charges.

The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) released her on bail and banned her from leaving the country without permission.

- The Nation

This makes for depressing reading as it indicates all out war by both sides (Thaksin/PPP and elite) with no willingness for compromise. Lets hope it is an outlier report. It certainly quotes a lot of "sources" with no names.

I never really held out much hope for a PPP-Dem coalition but always thought that was the best way ahead for true national reconcilliation if anyone really wants that. Kudos to PPP for offering. Personally I hope that it is still possible with morer negotiation.

I dont really want to list the alternatives again as they are all quite dangerous, or maybe and hopefully I am very wrong :o

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"But surely the voters were told they would get, and cast their votes for, Samak as their next PM ? Where are the protests from defenders-of-democracy, at this blatant reassignment, of the votes of the masses ? Chart Thai MPs, at least some of them, seem to be able to understand this principle."

Samak as PM - Were they told that though? - I do not know!

How doesw it work in Thailand as opposed to the UK say where the voters expect the head of the party with a outright majority to be PM (does not stop the change of PM ie head of party without another general election though).

In a coalition system it might be different - is the head of the largest party *always* the PM?

What is the precedent and expectation in Thailand?

Thailand doesnt really even have precedent in the legal system as I understand. That aside the head of the largest party in a coalition normally gets to be PM: Thaksin, Chuan, Chavalit, Banharn all followed this route. Obviously as in virtually every parliamentary system there is room for that not to be the case. And iirc I think ML Kukrit assumed the PMship from a small party ( I stand to be corrected on this)

Samak made it clear before the election that if PPP won he would be PM, so he certainly has a claim based on an election where this was common knowledge, and following broad democratic principles. However, in the Byzantine world of Thai politcs anything at all could happen.

Edited to add: Of course Samaks inability to carry many PPP seats in Bangkok has probably also undermined his position. Funny that the influenceof the Bangkok constituency always hangs over Thai politcs even in apart based mostly in the North and North East.

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The Pee Pee Party isn't the only one that may be looking at those 65 political parties in the link provided earlier... :o

Is end in sight for stricken Chart Thai?

The Chart Thai Party could face dissolution after one of its executives was issued a red card.

Monthien Songprachai and his sister Nanthana, both winning canidates in Chai Nat, were disqualified by the Election Commission (EC) last week for electoral fraud.

The two lodged an appeal on Wednesday with the Council of State seeking to overturn their red cards.

The case of Monthien could have repercussions for the party, because of his executive position. Chart Thai could be dissolved if he is found guilty of electoral fraud.

The People Power and Matchima Thipataya parties also face dissolution. People Power Party deputy leader Yongyuth Tiyaphairat was allegedly involved in buying votes in Chiang Rai. His victory in the general election has not yet been endorsed because his case is still under investigation by the EC.

Matchima Thipataya Party Deputy Leader Sunthorn Wilawan was issued a red card, which puts the party at risk of dissolution.

Chart Thai's legal chief Kasem Sorasak-kasem said earlier that the party had asked all candidates not to break the electoral rules. Therefore, any candidates found guilty of wrongdoing should not be linked to the party. He said the party would have prevented any candidate from breaking the rules if it had known about it beforehand.

- The Nation

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The Pee Pee Party isn't the only one that may be looking at those 65 political parties in the link provided earlier... :o

Is end in sight for stricken Chart Thai?

The Chart Thai Party could face dissolution after one of its executives was issued a red card.

Monthien Songprachai and his sister Nanthana, both winning canidates in Chai Nat, were disqualified by the Election Commission (EC) last week for electoral fraud.

The two lodged an appeal on Wednesday with the Council of State seeking to overturn their red cards.

The case of Monthien could have repercussions for the party, because of his executive position. Chart Thai could be dissolved if he is found guilty of electoral fraud.

The People Power and Matchima Thipataya parties also face dissolution. People Power Party deputy leader Yongyuth Tiyaphairat was allegedly involved in buying votes in Chiang Rai. His victory in the general election has not yet been endorsed because his case is still under investigation by the EC.

Matchima Thipataya Party Deputy Leader Sunthorn Wilawan was issued a red card, which puts the party at risk of dissolution.

Chart Thai's legal chief Kasem Sorasak-kasem said earlier that the party had asked all candidates not to break the electoral rules. Therefore, any candidates found guilty of wrongdoing should not be linked to the party. He said the party would have prevented any candidate from breaking the rules if it had known about it beforehand.

- The Nation

One upside of this election is seeing not only the pathetic underperformance of the whore parties but also all the problems they are getting into over their electoral manipulations. Kudos to the EC for investigating these. By the way the PPP will stand a reasonable chance of pick ups in the Chart Thai cheat zones.

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Not to say it was not expected.

Going back to post 883 on page 36 you will see.....

They said any coalition leader they would join must agree to their conditions: reverence for the monarchy, respect for Privy Council president Prem Tinsulanonda, no revenge against political foes, no interference into the judicial process against ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra, and no dissolution of the Assets Examination Committee.

That set up a wonderful show by Samak pretending to be whatever about this.

Now they have approached the democrats with

The Democrat Party was contacted by a close aide of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra asking them to join a People Power Party (PPP) government last week but the Democrats declined the offer, a Democrat source said yesterday.

Later, Thaksin's close aide contacted them again proposing another option - to let the Democrats form the government on the condition they help Thaksin with his legal cases.

The Democrats also turned down this offer, said the source.

In other news posts it seems the PPP has already concluded that they will be dissolved.

PPP eyes Palang Pandin Thai as new vehicle if party dissolved

Leading members of the People Power Party are eying the Palang Pandin Thai of Somsak Worakhamin if the PPP is dissolved, a well-informed source said.

The source said if the PPP is dissolved for either breaking the election or party laws, its MPs would switch to join the party of Somsak.

The tone of their comments strongly suggest they know what will be found. Add to that Thaksin changing his flag to another party (thus making easy to see what party will be dissolved next by the poison touch of Thaksin) says he sees it too. Knowing what will be found indicated foreknowledge and guilt.

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And don't forget to ban them for 5 years. Otherwise they just switch party and continue.

Some MP's will run out of family members to run for them real quick. :D

yeah, right ! :D

let remain only oh so "CLEAN", pure and honest Democrats :D

and give them Banharn to help with "national reconciliation" ! :D

and then ....

let the party begin !


oh, the fun of milking the country without any obstacles, all by themselves - as they did before 2001 !

well, with generals getting good share of course !

Why not just let the junta carry on like Myanma and <deleted> democracy?

I bet farangs would be queuing up from everywhere in the world to come and live in thailand.

Afterall that was a good junta and a nice coup.

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