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Exit Poll Results Show PPP Wins


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Council of State confirms Matchima red card

The 12-member Council of State yesterday confirmed the red card issued against Matchima Thipataya Party candidate Sunthorn Wilawan from Prachin Buri.

"The disqualification of Sunthorn followed every prescribed step to ensure fairness by allowing the defence to adequately rebut the charges," said council deputy secretary general Atchaporn Charuchinda.

Sunthorn's victory was denied because of incriminating evidence about him paying money in exchange for votes, Atchaporn


After the vote-buying case came to light, an aide to Sunthorn's daughter tried to convince police to drop the charges by arguing that Sunthorn paid less than his rivals, he said, noting that the remarks further implicated him in the offence.

* Now there's a rather unique defense, problem is...it helps the prosecution side * :o

In regard to the three other red cards issued to two Chart Thai Party candidates from Chai Nat and a People Power Party candidate from Udon Thani, the Council has scheduled to its review for Friday.

The Council is expected to complete the appellate review on every red card before the convening of Parliament on Monday.

In a related development, the Election Commission (EC) yesterday endorsed seven winning candidates in by-elections, four from the People Power Party, two from Puea Pandin and one from Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana.

Three of the four PPP candidates had stood in the December 23 election in Nakhon Ratchasima, but their victories were nullified by the EC because of irregularities. The by-elections were held on Sunday.

- The Nation

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ok, some of the specifics come out... but they seem to only raise more questions

Vote-buying video a set-up, says Yongyuth

Yongyuth Tiyapairat, Deputy Leader of the PPP, says the video he watched yesterday that purports to show him buying votes is an attempt to frame him. He insisted he would seek justice from the EC and take legal action against those who made the VCD. The EC suspects Yongyuth may have bought votes in the Dec 23 poll and has not endorsed his victory. Yongyuth turned up at EC headquarters in Bangkok yesterday to watch the VCD recording. After viewing the VCD, Yongyuth told reporters that it had been created to frame him. He said the VCD was made on Oct 25, last year but the alleged meeting was supposed to have taken place on Oct 28. He added that the van that transported the tambon chiefs from Suvarnabhumi airport to the hotel was claimed to belong to the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry but in fact it was a rented van. Yongyuth was Natural Resources and Environment Minister under the Thaksin government. Wichit Yodsuwan, Chart Thai's candidate in Chiang Rai, filed the vote-buying complaint against Yongyuth, but Wichit withdrew his complaint on Monday amid a report that Chart Thai would announce it was joining a PPP-led coalition government. Election Commissioner Sumet Uppanisakorn said the case against Yongyuth would proceed despite the complaint's withdrawal. The proceedings could not be dropped because the alleged crime was against the national interest. It has been widely expected that a red card handed to Yongyuth would provoke PPP supporters in Chiang Rai to stage a protest rally. Authorities were already rehearsing security procedures in the province. Monthol Suthathanachote, another Chart Thai poll candidate from Chiang Rai said there may have been pressure from outside the party which resulted in the withdrawal of the complaint. Monthol declined to reveal the source of the pressure. "There is no collusion going on. Wichit's wife is a government official and does not want to face any influential threat. His mother is 84 years old and his child is still young. Their family is in trouble and is concerned about his safety."

Continued here:



1. What is the basis for Yongyuth claiming it was made on Oct. 25th? Is it from a date stamp on the video or something more definitive than that?

2. Even if it was the 25th, what is the relevance of whether it was the 25th or 28th?

3. Who is claiming that the van was from the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry?

4. What is the relevance of whether it was or not? He hasn't been the Natural Resources and Environment Minister in ages.

5. Does Yongyuth have any other specifics regarding the alleged "frame-up" that are substantial? Such as so and so is lying on the video.. OR the audio on the video was doctored as I never said those things... OR at no time on the video is money exchanged... OR the package I gave the tambon chiefs was not money, but wedding invitations for my niece... OR anything along the lines of a substantial and significant deviation from what actually transpired... something that would entail what might normally be considered as "doctoring" evidence or creating a "frame-up"


Interesting comments from the complainant's fellow Chart Thai candidate. He doesn't seem to buying into this "goodwill gesture" BS, either.


A welcomed and definitive statement from the EC stating that even if the complainant withdraws his accusation, the investigation will continue as, indeed, the allegation is so significant that is a crime against national interests.

Edited by sriracha john
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ok, some of the specifics come out... but they seem to only raise more questions

Vote-buying video a set-up, says Yongyuth

Yongyuth Tiyapairat, Deputy Leader of the PPP, says the video he watched yesterday that purports to show him buying votes is an attempt to frame him. He insisted he would seek justice from the EC and take legal action against those who made the VCD. The EC suspects Yongyuth may have bought votes in the Dec 23 poll and has not endorsed his victory. Yongyuth turned up at EC headquarters in Bangkok yesterday to watch the VCD recording. After viewing the VCD, Yongyuth told reporters that it had been created to frame him. He said the VCD was made on Oct 25, last year but the alleged meeting was supposed to have taken place on Oct 28. He added that the van that transported the tambon chiefs from Suvarnabhumi airport to the hotel was claimed to belong to the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry but in fact it was a rented van. Yongyuth was Natural Resources and Environment Minister under the Thaksin government. Wichit Yodsuwan, Chart Thai's candidate in Chiang Rai, filed the vote-buying complaint against Yongyuth, but Wichit withdrew his complaint on Monday amid a report that Chart Thai would announce it was joining a PPP-led coalition government. Election Commissioner Sumet Uppanisakorn said the case against Yongyuth would proceed despite the complaint's withdrawal. The proceedings could not be dropped because the alleged crime was against the national interest. It has been widely expected that a red card handed to Yongyuth would provoke PPP supporters in Chiang Rai to stage a protest rally. Authorities were already rehearsing security procedures in the province. Monthol Suthathanachote, another Chart Thai poll candidate from Chiang Rai said there may have been pressure from outside the party which resulted in the withdrawal of the complaint. Monthol declined to reveal the source of the pressure. "There is no collusion going on. Wichit's wife is a government official and does not want to face any influential threat. His mother is 84 years old and his child is still young. Their family is in trouble and is concerned about his safety."

Continued here:



1. What is the basis for Yongyuth claiming it was made on Oct. 25th? Is it from a date stamp on the video or something more definitive than that?

2. Even if it was the 25th, what is the relevance of whether it was the 25th or 28th?

3. Who is claiming that the van was from the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry?

4. What is the relevance of whether it was or not? He hasn't been the Natural Resources and Environment Minister in ages.

5. Does Yongyuth have any other specifics regarding the alleged "frame-up" that are substantial? Such as so and so is lying on the video.. OR the audio on the video was doctored as I never said those things... OR at no time on the video is money exchanged... OR the package I gave the tambon chiefs was not money, but wedding invitations for my niece... OR anything along the lines of a substantial and significant deviation from what actually transpired... something that would entail what might normally be considered as "doctoring" evidence or creating a "frame-up"


Interesting comments from the complainant's fellow Chart Thai candidate. He doesn't seem to buying into this "goodwill gesture" BS, either.


A welcomed and definitive statement from the EC stating that even if the complainant withdraws his accusation, the investigation will continue as, indeed, the allegation is so significant that is a crime against national interests.

Both allegations- the allegations against Yongyuth- and his allegations against two military men who he claims have pumped big millions into framing him. This has GOT to be pursued. But with the quality of investigative reporting- hel_l- just simple reporting- even if it is pursued we will probably be left with a dog's breakfast of contradictory statements and loose ends.

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Anyone giving any form of evidence against Yuth while still in Thailand would have to be totally insane or incredibly brave. That they stayed in Chaing Rai is even more dangerous. Maybe they can reappear with a changed story and then continue to lead a relatively normal life.

If this guy is so dangerous, why does the EC allow him to run for a political position, and why do the voting public give him even more power when they can withold it from him at the ballot box?

Like giving a madman a loaded gun in my book....

That is the nature of Thai politcs. There are many many dodgy characters with dubious backgrounds who can run and be elected and who will never probably even see the inside of a court house. Yuth is one of the more extreme of these to say the least. Lets see how long before witnesses start withdrawing or changing testimony and disappearing (one rumour already). It is just like the sotries we read so often of how a relative of a powerful person killed someone and then all the evidence and witnesses mysteriously are gone.

While worth pointing out little is likely to change. After all the powerful people are the ones running the country.

We have both now... missing AND withdrawing... guess nobody wants to end up like a Yongyuth refrigerator... :o

Complaint against PPP Deputy Leader is withdrawn

The Chart Thai Party candidate who lodged a complaint with the EC accusing First Deputy Leader of the People Power Party Yongyuth Tiyapairat of election fraud has withdrawn his complaint, which could have led to the PPP's dissolution. The withdrawal of the complaint triggered speculation that it could weaken the EC's vote-buying charge against Yongyuth. In the complaint lodged by Wijit Yordsuwan, a Chart Thai candidate in Chiang Rai, Yongyuth was accused of arranging for a group of tambon and village heads from Chiang Rai to be flown to Bangkok for a meeting. At the meeting, Yongyuth allegedly solicited their help in campaigning for PPP candidates in Chiang Rai. The case could have resulted in a red card for Yongyuth and the dissolution of the PPP, since Yongyuth is a key executive of the party. Mr Wijit withdrew the complaint late yesterday morning. However, Chiang Rai election director Amornpong Wichitakul insisted that the EC could continue its investigation against Yongyuth because it earlier resolved to receive the case. National EC chairman Apichart Sukhagganond said he had not yet received the request to withdraw the complaint. However, he said, a meeting of the five members of the EC would make a decision on how to deal with the withdrawal. A source said Wijit withdrew the complaint following the visit of Chart Thai Secretary-General Praphat Phothasuthon to Chiang Rai early this month.

Continued here:


OR nobody wants to take the rap for what could very well be a botched frame-up.

If Yongyuth is going to either be in power or have influence over a huge amount of people in power, evidence and witnesses against his misdeeds are going to become very light very quickly. We are not talking about just some slightly dodgy potential MP here. We are talking about an extremely dangerous and extremely powerful (and also very arrogant) man with certain business interests that most would find abhorent but which also never see witnesses about. That is the nature of Thai politcs and the players in it. We could also talk about the machine gun attack he led on the Ayuthaya house but although that is an event beloved of the media it really doesnt show the level of abhorence this man actually achieves although I would be extremely surprised if even any foreign investigative journalist would risk a story on this guy let alone a local one.

To pursue the case they wanted against him which was probably a sting but real anyway imho the current lot needed an election where Yuths party didnt do so well. Now it is pretty much out of the question with the power pendulum swinging the other way. It is a shame that someone so odious will in all likelihood end up in a position of power again but that is for the Thai people to decide.

The fact that he is a disgusting individual will not exonerate those responsible for framing him- if it is found to be a frame-up (and not a sting)- and they know it. Yes he is an odious character- and yes he doesn't play by the rules- but the forces allied against him contain elements who also don't play by the rules- and if this case were to be pursued, ALL would be exposed- the truly guilty (in this instance) and the truly innocent (if only in this instance).

The EC played an interesting card: by stating that they would not rule on the video- (which they could have done, I think, without having to allow Y and his team to examine it)= but instead pushed the case to the courts- where Y's lawyers will be allowed to examine it for authenticity. And IF it is fake, then it would be wise of those pushing the claim against him to back off real quick.

You mean even the military is scared of this man? Was there really a VCD? Thaksin was powerful. So?

No- I mean that the military, if Yongyuth's accusations can be proven in court, will be seen as having gone well beyond meddling in the electoral process. And the penalties could ( but probably won't) be stiff.

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What, specifically, is Yongyuth accusing the "military" of and who is he accusing?

Yongyuth, a couple of weeks ago, claimed that two military men of high rank (but not general) poured a huge sum of money into setting him up. He claimed to know who these men were and has threatened to name them.

Edited by blaze
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Apparently he DID go and watch them.... so hopefully, this now precludes any further questioning as to the very existence of video evidence.


Yongyuth dares EC to carry on

Wants 'clean name' despite complaint being withdrawn

People Power Party Deputy Leader Yongyuth Tiyapairat yesterday challenged the Election Commission to continue investigating him even though Chart Thai candidate Wichit Yodsuwan has withdrawn his complaint.

Wichit had claimed that Yongyuth committed fraud to sway votes in Chiang Rai as a party-list candidate for Zone 1.

Yongyuth said the EC should continue its probe because he wanted to set the record straight. "Regardless of whether I'm red- or yellow-carded, I don't want this matter to be grey. I knew about two CDs, but how come there are eight now? I want to see all the CDs," he said.

The politician said he suspected the video recording had been doctored in a bid to frame him.

EC secretary-general Suthiphon Thaveechaiygarn said the commission had ruled to have its inquiry panel, chaired by Suwit Theerapong, decide whether to drop the case, as per the EC's directive number 42.

EC member Sumeth Upanisakorn said yesterday the agency would have to rule on whether a complaint of electoral fraud in Chiang Rai could be withdrawn.

"Normally the court would allow the cancellation of a case involving an individual crime, but not a crime against the state," he said.

Sumeth said the EC would factor in the report on the case from its investigative panel headed by former judge Suwit Theerapong, before drawing any conclusion.

"The probe is almost complete, with only one witness left to give a statement," he said, hinting that the outcome should be ready this week.

Chart Thai candidate Wichit initiated the investigation by complaining that Yongyuth had committed fraud to sway votes in Chiang Rai as a party-list candidate for Zone 1. But Wichit abruptly cancelled his complaint on Monday as a goodwill gesture because Chart Thai is about to join the coalition alliance led by People Power. Chart Thai Deputy Leader Nikorn Chamnong said the party had no involvement in Wichit's actions to complain and then drop charges against Yongyuth.

"Wichit acted in a personal capacity and was not representing the party's stance."

He denied the party had colluded with the PPP to cover up the electoral fraud in exchange for joining the coalition.

Democrat Party Secretary-General Suthep Thaugsuban said the EC was obliged to complete the investigation into the fraud allegedly involving Yongyuth. An unjustified dropping of charges might make the five EC members liable to a claim of negligence, he said. "The failure to do the job could cause the EC members to serve time in jail." Regardless of whether the original complaint remains intact, the investigation had already uncovered sufficient evidence to suspect wrongdoing and the EC must wrap up the case, he said.

Another Democrat, Deputy Secretary-General Thaworn Senniam, called on the EC to look into Wichit's about-turn.

- The Nation


I'm not sure what Yongyuth's bewilderment is all about.... it was reported days ago that there were 8 video discs.

Any substantiation or specifics to his "doctored video" proclamation?

As for Wichit's stated reason for wishing to drop charges.... well, that sounds a bit weak, especially with the Party big-wigs indicating that it wasn't a part of it.

This is one of the times that once you know the nature of the person, you almost don’t need to read the story to know what it contains. The first paragraph simply amounts to a threat. It certainly looks like he is pissed and hopes to intimidate the EC. Looks like the next few days will be very interesting.

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What, specifically, is Yongyuth accusing the "military" of and who is he accusing?

Yongyuth, a couple of weeks ago, claimed that two military men of high rank (but not general) poured a huge sum of money into setting him up. He claimed to know who these men were and has threatened to name them.

Whoop- got my specifics wrong (again)- he is accusing police- NOT military.

"He (Yongyuth) said he knew the mastermind behind the conspiracy was the same person who had ordered the throwing of a grenade into the office of the Thai Rath newspaper."

"Certain investigators were paid Bt35 million each to frame him, he said. Two senior police officers, known only as Maj-General "S" and Lt-General "Ch", were responsible for coercing witness statements against him, he said."

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What, specifically, is Yongyuth accusing the "military" of and who is he accusing?

Yongyuth, a couple of weeks ago, claimed that two military men of high rank (but not general) poured a huge sum of money into setting him up. He claimed to know who these men were and has threatened to name them.

Whoop- got my specifics wrong (again)- he is accusing police- NOT military.

"He (Yongyuth) said he knew the mastermind behind the conspiracy was the same person who had ordered the throwing of a grenade into the office of the Thai Rath newspaper."

"Certain investigators were paid Bt35 million each to frame him, he said. Two senior police officers, known only as Maj-General "S" and Lt-General "Ch", were responsible for coercing witness statements against him, he said."

Says a lot about him,

I know the guy you are looking for that .........

I also know the other guy that ......

Great company he keeps.

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Re Yuth. Maybe the simple way would be to asir all the VCDs on national TV. Then everyone could decide for themselves. However, as this is now more about politics, power and all that goes with it, it seems highly unlikely anything approaching truth will ever be known and even if there is an outcome we'll be left with half believing it and half not.

Quite a mess even if a few newspapers are calling for the EC to deal with it quickly, which puts them in a hideous predicament.

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Re Yuth. Maybe the simple way would be to asir all the VCDs on national TV. Then everyone could decide for themselves. However, as this is now more about politics, power and all that goes with it, it seems highly unlikely anything approaching truth will ever be known and even if there is an outcome we'll be left with half believing it and half not.

Quite a mess even if a few newspapers are calling for the EC to deal with it quickly, which puts them in a hideous predicament.

The Post editorial this morning echoes your view -which is also mine. A bloody shambles. With messy consequences.

Mind you- I think the press reporting has been typically useless here too. We all talk about the need for transparency- but even with the most transparent activities in the world, the citizen requires a professional media to serve as a conduit. And unless the Thai papers have a lot better reporters than the English ones, the citizens are getting shafted.

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Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana has yet considered ministerial positions within coalition

Secretary-General of the Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana Party Pradit Pattaraprasit (ประดิษฐ์ ภัทรประสิทธิ์) affirmed that his party has not yet considered ministerial positions within the tentative coalition government. Mr. Pradit said that his party has not discussed the matter and that it has not yet set any plans to convene on the issue with other coalition parties including the Pracharat (ประชาราช) party, Matchima Thipathai (มัชฌิมาธิปไตย) and coalition leaders the People’s Power Party.

The Secretary-General commented that the parties feel it is not yet the appropriate time to discuss the matter of ministerial positions considering the nations political situation. Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana will wait until there is more stability before it calls on other parties to address the issue.

Mr. Pradit declined to comment on rumors that his party is considering leaving the alliance to form the coalition. He stated that he is not ready to answer such questions at the moment.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 January 2008

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EC approves 7 more winning MPs

The Election Commission (EC) approves seven more winning candidates for members of the parliament from the People Power party (PPP), the Puea Pan Din party, and the Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana party.

Four of the candidates are from PPP, two from the Puea Pan Din, and one from the Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana.

EC says it will review election fraud complaints until January 17. 431 acting MPs have been approved so far by the commission, 25 are needed for a parliamentary meeting on January 22.

The 2007 Constitution requires 456 MPs or 95% of the total parliamentary seats for a parliamentary meeting.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 January 2008

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PPP affirms Mr Samak to become PM

Secretary-General of the People Power party (PPP), Surapong Suebwonglee (สุรพงษ์ สืบวงศ์ลี), affirms the party does not approach anyone to be prime minister of a coalition government instead of party leader Samak Sundaravej (สมัคร สุนทรเวช).

Mr Surapong says if PPP successfully forms a government, Mr Samak will definitely be the party’s representative competing for the premier post. As for the rumor that the party will not let Mr Samak to be the prime minister, the secretary-general speculates that the rumor has been spread by people outside the party who have an intention to create confusion.

Mr Surapong adds that the party will hold a news conference with the Chart Thai and the Puea Pan Din parties, expectedly on January 17 or 18, to announce progress of the coalition formation. He says the three parties will discuss ministerial posts within this month.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 January 2008

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Ties between Chart Thai and For the Motherland changed

The For the Motherland Party chief adviser, Pol. Gen. Pracha Promnok (ประชา พรหมนอก), says the relationship between his party and the Chart Thai Party has changed, following the arrival of deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra (ทักษิณ ชินวัตร)’s wife, Khunying Potjaman (พจมาน) Shinawatra.

Pol. Gen. Pracha says the For the Motherland Party no longer counts on the decision of the Chart Thai Party leader, Mr. Banharn Silpa-archa (บรรหาร ศิลปอาชา). He says both sides have not held intimate talks as often as in the past. He also says he is unsure whether the arrival of Khunying Potjaman as changed Mr. Banharn’s stance.

However, Pol. Gen. Pracha says the For the Motherland Party is not surprised over this issue, adding that the standpoint of his party would depend on its role in the new government.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 January 2008

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Sounds like we are seeing coalition foramtion at its most hideous level of stab in the back, demand, manipulate and then there's always money..........

Back to the good ole days of Thai democracy......... :o

In deed! The Puea Pandin has accepted to join the PPP. Can we expect that Samak has accepted the 5 principles or that the Pua Puendin has sold out?

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Sounds like we are seeing coalition foramtion at its most hideous level of stab in the back, demand, manipulate and then there's always money..........

Back to the good ole days of Thai democracy......... :o

In deed! The Puea Pandin has accepted to join the PPP. Can we expect that Samak has accepted the 5 principles or that the Pua Puendin has sold out?

In the language of politics there is no such thing as "sold out" or accepting ultimatums from potential allies/opponents. Its not a matter of compromise either. Its rather a matter of using careful language to disguise the actual truth of the matter without technically telling a blatant lie. Politicians the world over do it all the time and can actually go back 180 degrees on an election promise while making it seem like they haven't changed their original stance at all. I doubt Thai politicians are any different from those the world over when it comes to personal ethics, just they have less checks and balances than we do in the west.

Some criticisms in the press for a day or a week wont change things much.

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Chaturon urges PPP not to bow to junta's pressure

Banned TRT party leader Chaturon Chaisang on Wednesday urged the People Power Party to nominate its leader Samak Sundaravej as prime minister without heeding the junta's opposition.

"Although the Council for National Security has hinted that Samak is unacceptable for the job, I think People Power should not waver in its stand in order to uphold the campaign pledge on leadership," he said.

Should the party compromise and relace Samak, this will erode the public trust, he said.

He said he opposed any attempts by military leaders to meddle in the naming of the prime minister and the Cabinet members.

He argued that he had no personal interest in supporting Samak but wanted to uphold the democratic principles, including the precedents for the winning party leader to lead the coalition.

He went on to call on the Election Commission to endorse the balloting outcome of all 480 House seats instead of a partial endorsement of 95 per cent, accounting for 456 seats, a minimum number required for the convening of Parliament scheduled for Monday.

Most of 24 unendorsed seats belong to MPselect from People Power and this might distort on the majority votes to elect the prime minister, he said.

The Nation

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Re Yuth. Maybe the simple way would be to asir all the VCDs on national TV. Then everyone could decide for themselves. However, as this is now more about politics, power and all that goes with it, it seems highly unlikely anything approaching truth will ever be known and even if there is an outcome we'll be left with half believing it and half not.

Quite a mess even if a few newspapers are calling for the EC to deal with it quickly, which puts them in a hideous predicament.

The Post editorial this morning echoes your view -which is also mine. A bloody shambles. With messy consequences.

Mind you- I think the press reporting has been typically useless here too. We all talk about the need for transparency- but even with the most transparent activities in the world, the citizen requires a professional media to serve as a conduit. And unless the Thai papers have a lot better reporters than the English ones, the citizens are getting shafted.

Agreed - Jonathan Head's reports from the BBC should be (truthfully and literally) translated - and required reading for ALL Thais from Issan to Yala. OK? Cause to translate the Nation reports would be a joke.

Edited by thaigene2
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Yongyuth's VCD claim denied

The Election Commission did not produce or edit video discs allegedly showing People Power Party deputy leader Yongyuth Tiyapairat attempting to secure party-list votes in Chiang Rai, commission chairman Apichart Sukhagganond said yesterday.

Yongyuth had said he would employ technicians to determine if the disc the commission obtained from Special Branch police had been doctored.

Apichart said the commission did not make or edit the discs. "We only have a duty to look at the content in the video and not to determine if they were edited,'' he said.

He said Yongyuth was allowed to bring in technicians to view eight discs in the presence of commission members. The discs will not be allowed to leave the commission.

Apichart has instructed all provincial commission offices to submit challenge decisions by 9am on January 21. "If the Parliament session starts in the afternoon, then it is possible,'' he said.

He said Article 93 of the Constitution stipulated Parliament could convene if 95 per cent of elected seats were filled.

Chart Thai candidate Wichit Yodsuwan has withdrawn a complaint against Yongyuth. However, it is up to the commission if the matter is dropped, he said.

Commission member Sumeth Ubanisakorn said a sub-committee that probed allegations against Yongyuth would have to wrap up its investigation with a decision even, if the case was dropped.

He said the commission had no time frame for the sub-committee to reach a decision.

Commission secretary-general Suthiphon Thaveechaiygarn allayed fears it would be taken to court if it allowed the case against Yongyuth to be dropped. He said if the commission did its job with integrity, it would be protected by the law.

Meanwhile, Suthiphon said the Council of State had upheld the commission's decision to disqualify Prachin Buri Matchima Thipataya Party candidate Sunthorn Vilawal, revoke his election rights for one year and fine him for the by-election, set for January 27.

The commission has asked its registrar to examine the possibility of dissolving Matchima Thipataya Party, because Sunthorn is a party executive member. Under new electoral rules, a political party is accountable for any electoral offence involving party executives.

- The Nation

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Samak pressed on name

The Democrats yesterday challenged People Power Party leader Samak Sundaravej to name the person he accused of being behind an alleged plot to have the PPP dissolved.

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said Samak's remark would not boost people's confidence in the country. If such a person existed, Samak should speak out and disclose the facts. However, it would be better if he concentrated on how to solve the country's problems on the basis of unity.

"I want to see the person who is intent on forming the government say something to encourage people about what he is going to do to solve economic problems and what should be done to move the country forward instead of complaining about such issues. Speaking like this makes the situation remain vague and it hurts the country's economy," Abhisit said.

The Democrats' chief adviser Chuan Leekpai said Samak should make clear his concerns, otherwise, people will assume the identity of the person he is referring to, and a senior person may thus be misunderstood. Those who follow politics will be able to assume who Samak is referring to, but they could be wrong.

Samak has said there is an attempt by an "invisible hand" or a "dirty hand" to prevent the PPP from forming a government.

- The Nation

Edited by sriracha john
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Yongyuth's VCD claim denied

The Election Commission did not produce or edit video discs allegedly showing People Power Party deputy leader Yongyuth Tiyapairat attempting to secure party-list votes in Chiang Rai, commission chairman Apichart Sukhagganond said yesterday.

Yongyuth had said he would employ technicians to determine if the disc the commission obtained from Special Branch police had been doctored.

Apichart said the commission did not make or edit the discs. "We only have a duty to look at the content in the video and not to determine if they were edited,'' he said.

He said Yongyuth was allowed to bring in technicians to view eight discs in the presence of commission members. The discs will not be allowed to leave the commission.

Apichart has instructed all provincial commission offices to submit challenge decisions by 9am on January 21. "If the Parliament session starts in the afternoon, then it is possible,'' he said.

He said Article 93 of the Constitution stipulated Parliament could convene if 95 per cent of elected seats were filled.

Chart Thai candidate Wichit Yodsuwan has withdrawn a complaint against Yongyuth. However, it is up to the commission if the matter is dropped, he said.

Commission member Sumeth Ubanisakorn said a sub-committee that probed allegations against Yongyuth would have to wrap up its investigation with a decision even, if the case was dropped.

He said the commission had no time frame for the sub-committee to reach a decision.

Commission secretary-general Suthiphon Thaveechaiygarn allayed fears it would be taken to court if it allowed the case against Yongyuth to be dropped. He said if the commission did its job with integrity, it would be protected by the law.

Meanwhile, Suthiphon said the Council of State had upheld the commission's decision to disqualify Prachin Buri Matchima Thipataya Party candidate Sunthorn Vilawal, revoke his election rights for one year and fine him for the by-election, set for January 27.

The commission has asked its registrar to examine the possibility of dissolving Matchima Thipataya Party, because Sunthorn is a party executive member. Under new electoral rules, a political party is accountable for any electoral offence involving party executives.

- The Nation

Yongyuth already knows what he did, he is just looking to get someone credible to say he did not. Not a good time to be a technician I would say. :o

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Buriram implements measures to secure by-election

Police and other responsible authorities of Buriram province in constituency 1 have implemented safeguards throughout the region to secure a transparent and fair by-election.

Checkpoints have been setup on various roads in the constituency to protect from the smuggling of vote buying money and other contraband that may be used to disrupt the by-election. Police have been asked to be stringent in their inspections along the checkpoints.

Special investigators have also been dispatched to monitor movements of ill-wishers in the constituency and crowd control units have also been prepared to assist major voting booths.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 17 January 2008

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Alliance for Democracy urges EC give personal notes

An alliance of reform opposing groups led by Prateep Uengsongtham-Hata (ประทีป อึ้งทรงธรรม ฮาตะ) has submitted a request to the Election Commission (EC) through EC member Sumet Upanisakorn (สุเมธ อุปนิสากร) asking that the EC attach personal notes to all red and yellow card case decisions.

The alliance stated that the EC should submit personal notes of each EC member for all conclusions made on red and yellow card cases as to insure transparency and accountability. The alliance has also asked the EC to clarify recent statements made by member Sodsri Sattayatham which it says conflicts with comments made by the Council for National Security (CNS) on the same matter.

Mrs. Sodsri recently responded to allegations of bias when her daughter assumed an assistant position for the CNS. The alliance alleged that the event created a relationship between the EC and CNS that would lead to bias and that the two organizations did not respond in congruent terms to the matter.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 17 January 2008

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For the Motherland unanimously agrees to join coalition led by PPP

The For the Motherland Party leader, Mr. Suvit Khunkitti (สุวิทย์ คุณกิตติ), says his party has unanimously agreed to join the People Power Party (PPP)'s coalition government to soften the political stance in the country.

Mr. Suvit says after a meeting of the party executives and acting MPs that the party decided to work with PPP to create reconciliation in the country and will discuss the formation of the new government with the Chart Thai Party again.

Sources say the For the Motherland Party and the Chart Thai Party will jointly hold a news conference today (January 17th) to officially announce their decision to join the coalition. Mr. Suvit expresses confidence that there will be no problem during three parties’ negotiation on the formation of the government and dismisses rumors that he has negotiated for a deputy prime minister post.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 17 January 2008

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Govt is all but formed

Puea Pandin sides with PPP, Banharn also set to seal deal

A six-party coalition government is in the making with the People Power Party (PPP) dominating the Cabinet with 23 ministerial posts including that of the prime minister, PPP sources said yesterday.

The latest development came after the Puea Pandin Party confirmed yesterday it would join a PPP-led coalition and Chart Thai Party leader Banharn Silapa-archa told reporters he would unveil "good news" today at a press conference.

Both Puea Pandin and Chart Thai are middle-sized political parties. PPP would get 23 Cabinet seats while giving 13 others to its coalition partners, according to the sources.

In addition to the PM seat, the coalition leader would also get coveted portfolios like Interior, Finance, Foreign Affairs, and Tourism and Sport, as well as Justice, Energy, Public Health, and Natural Resources and Environ-ment.

Many of the PPP's Cabinet members will be those close or loyal to ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Of the Cabinet seats to be allocated to smaller coalition partners, Chart Thai and Puea Pandin would each obtain four, Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana and Matchima Thipataya would get two each, and Pracharaj one, the sources said.

While most other Cabinet seats would be filled with senior PPP figures, no candidates for finance minister have emerged as the experts approached have turned down the offer, according to the sources.

PPP key figure Chalerm Yoo-bamrung would become interior minister and Somchai Wongsawat, Thaksin's brother-in-law, would be justice minister, said the sources.

Party secretary-general Surapong Suebwonglee would get either public health or the ICT portfolio; PPP deputy leader General Ruengroj Mahasaranond would become deputy PM in charge of security affairs; another deputy leader Mingkwan Sangsuwan was likely to become minister of commerce or tourism, or a deputy PM in charge of economic affairs.

As for the defence minister's seat, former Army chief Gen Prawit Wongsuwan and ACM Kongsak Wanthana, who served as interior minister in Thaksin's government, are among the leading candidates, according to the sources.

Noppadon Pattama, PPP deputy secretary-general and legal adviser to Thaksin's family, would "definitely get a deputy minister's seat", one of the sources said.

The PPP was likely to nominate deputy leader Sompong Amornwiwat as speaker of the House of Representatives, contrary to earlier speculation that embattled deputy leader Yongyuth Tiyapairat was the leading candidate, said the sources.

Yesterday was the first time that Puea Pandin officially announced that it would join a PPP-led coalition. Earlier, key members could not agree whether to join.

Puea Pandin leader Suwit Khunkitti said after the party executive meeting yesterday that his party had agreed to join the PPP-led coalition. "I will inform the Chart Thai Party in order to plan a joint announcement to formally seal the coalition deal," he said.

However, Chart Thai leader Banharn did not confirm a joint announcement but said he would hold a press conference tonight. "What I can tell you now is that it's good news. I will tell you in a press conference at Park Nailert Hotel at 8pm," he told reporters.

At the Puea Pandin meeting yesterday, executives and ranking members present included party chairman Vatana Asavahame, chief adviser Pracha Phromnok and secretary-general Vachara Phanchet.

Suwit did not say he would support PPP leader Samak Sundaravej as prime minister. "This issue will be discussed with other coalition parties," he said.

EC secretary-general Suthiphon Thaveechaigarn said endorsement of 456 of 480 House seats to enable Parliament to sit would be finished before Monday's deadline.

Source: The Nation - 17 January 2008

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