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At One With The Thai Culture.?


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The wife and I were at Hang Dong yesterday and stopped in the resturant at the wood carving village for lunch. There were about 5 French tourists about 23 years old at the next table. As they left they all turned to the waitress waied and said 'Sawdee khup' and then they all went 'oommmmmmm'[you know that sound some people make when meditating] for about 10 seconds! One of the stupidist things i have ever seen in my life! My wife asked me why they are making that noise,i said because they are french.

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I have to piont out that Thai people have a sense of humour, they have probably been told that it is a traditional greeting in a resturant!!!! If they called the waitress "nom yai" they have met my friend whoi is a tour guide!!!!!

He does things like this all the time!!!!!

you have to admit, it is quite funny!!!

I also worked with a translator who is very nice, but when a US movie star treated her like shit, she got her own back!! He after everything he said in thai he would add "Ka" the whole movie had to be re dubbed!!!!!!!

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It's pronounced AUMMMM... I'm sure that is what they meant, also, I am sure they meant no harm, hearing them at a restaurant Aummmmm...still it would have put a smile on my face as well.

The sound au within the name of God is the same sound around the world. We find au in Allah, Krishna, Jehovah and Ra, for a few examples.

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