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"Yesterday, I stepped out on my doorstep and a 1,000,000 ton asteroid came down on me and vaporized me- boy, did THAT hurt!"

Pudgi: "Right there was your first mistake. You should KNOW that when you leave your front door, giant asteroids could come down on you and vaporize you- heck, you walk out into a sh*thole like 'the world' and you deserve everything you get, because any intelligent human being would know better!"

[i'm imagining him here speaking in the voice of the "moral brigade" member Harrison Ford's Bladerunner character pretended to be to investigate the "exploited" gogo girl dancer]

Of course, it's also Pudgi's fault that he was abused as a waiter, and of course it's his fault that no one on any forum takes him seriously.

Kringle, the rule is- accept no drink unless it comes directly from the bartender's hand- then, it doesn't leave your hand until you're finished with it (even if the drink isn't completely drunk). Otherwise, start carrying around those little testing strips they have in the states now.


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nowhere has the OP said that he is in Nana everynight getting shitfaced!

He said, "Last night,..."

He posted on Monday, that means "last night" was Sunday.

He also said, "I've been going to Nana for over two years..."

So while you're right, he did not explicitly say that he was going to Nana "every night". However, if he is going to Nana on a Sunday night (doesn't he have to work?)--and if he's been going to Nana regularly for the past two years--then it's a fair bet that he goes to Nana FREQUENTLY.

There, does that make your narrow, literallistic mind happy??

Whether he goes to Nana daily, weekly or monthly is irrelevent. It's a s--thole and anyone who walks in there is asking to be abused, robbed, f--ked-with, cheated, and mistreated.

Nothing "end-of-the-worldish" about that. I'm sure lots of people go to Nana and nothing bad ever happens to them. But the point is, it's a s--thole, and bad things DO happen there. So WHY would you put yourself in a place where bad things can happen? There are plenty of nice bars and clubs in town where you can meet lots of nice, willing girls. WHY would you bother with that festering boil on the ass of Bangkok??

Whether he goes to Nana daily, weekly or monthly is irrelevent. It's a s--thole and anyone who walks in there is asking to be abused, robbed, f--ked-with, cheated, and mistreated.

And you know this based, naturally, on your intimate experience of Nana Plaza? Well, since you're obviously the expert, I guess we should all concur! What percentage of the times you were there were YOU abused in this fashion (for statistical value, of course!)


"Yesterday, I stepped out on my doorstep and a 1,000,000 ton asteroid came down on me and vaporized me- boy, did THAT hurt!"

Pudgi: "Right there was your first mistake. You should KNOW that when you leave your front door, giant asteroids could come down on you and vaporize you- heck, you walk out into a sh*thole like 'the world' and you deserve everything you get, because any intelligent human being would know better!"

Please point out the post where I said something about asteroids falling on someone's head. I never said that.

You're intentionally overstating what I said, but that is not the same thing as proving me wrong.

"Walking out your front door" is NOT the same as "Walking into a sh-tty dive bar". There is an order of magnitude difference in risk there.

Likewise, I never made a claim that people are somehow responsible for every misfortune that happens in their life. That too is a gross misunderstanding (probably intentional) of what I said.

If someone makes a decision to drive to work, and they get in a car accident, that's not their fault. S--t happens. But if someone makes a decision to speed recklessly and run redlights on their way to work, then an accident WOULD be their fault (at least partly).

There is a huge difference between living a normal life and intentionally putting yourself in situations where "bad things happen".


Somehow it seems to me that walking into a legal bar and purchasing a legal drink is not exactly begging for trouble like flagrantly breaking the law (driving recklessly), but I guess some folks are more vindictive than I am- and it gives them reason to vent and release whatever grotesque psychological steam requires them to do so! Yes, that's Pudgi- "I'm compassionate as long as you realize it was your fault! Unless it happened to me- then it's your fault, too!"



pudgimelon, I guess this to mean that that is what you are, short and fat and I could give a rats a$$ what you think. I said I had been going to Nana for over two years and also stated that I don't normally go there on ANY kind of regular basis. I don't even go into Bangkok itself on a regular basis. You can stick the world up your A$$ as far as I'm concerned and wish the same thing that happened to me happens to you. If you would like to meet me, :o just name the place you FVCKWIT. :D

I guess you're all too young to remember Charles Sobhraj.

Does it mean I am too old??

He was recently in the news again, still in jail, either India or Nepal, not sure anymore.


A drug called ROHYPNOL simular to diazepam (valium) was ofteen used in Nana and other nightclub a few years ago. The girls mixed the drugs in your drink and if you are very drunk you will wake up like you. In Marine Bar (Pattaya) same thing happend to me some years ago, I start feel dissy and take a taxi home.

I remember I have big problem to get out of the Taxi. I wake up on the floor with problem to remember whats happend. I remember I came home (alone), but I don't remember I tried to make food. The kitchen look like I had 100 guest for dinner. Lucky I was not robbed, but I carry a lot of money and that was probably the bait for the robbers.

I just sit with two "nice girls" and I have no idea who done it.

After the pharmacy stop selling the drugs, I only heard about this kind of robbery in Koh Phangan during fullmoon party.

Keep on drinking and let girl get you a beer, but don't bring " the bait" with you.

You can stick the world up your A$$ as far as I'm concerned and wish the same thing that happened to me happens to you. If you would like to meet me, :o just name the place you FVCKWIT. :D


You're making me cry with your threats and your angry emoticons. Stop it you big meanie![/sarcasm]

There are plenty of nice bars and clubs in town where you can meet lots of nice, willing girls. WHY would you bother with that festering boil on the ass of Bangkok??

Kindly enlighten us where you prefer to blow off steam, meet interesting people and get laid?

Somehow it seems to me that walking into a legal bar and purchasing a legal drink is not exactly begging for trouble like flagrantly breaking the law (driving recklessly), but I guess some folks are more vindictive than I am- and it gives them reason to vent and release whatever grotesque psychological steam requires them to do so! Yes, that's Pudgi- "I'm compassionate as long as you realize it was your fault! Unless it happened to me- then it's your fault, too!"

Oh don't give me that crap. I never questioned the "legality" of those bars.

But if you're honestly going to try to suggest that Nana Plaza is staffed by the finest, most upstanding citizens who only have our best interests in mind, you can go peddle your bulls--t somewhere else, because I ain't buying it.

The legality of the bars isn't in question, sure they are legal bars. Legal, sh-tty bars.

If you're so hard up for a legal beer, why choose that sh-thole?? There are hundreds of other places to get sh-tfaced in, why pick Nana?

Oh.... there's another reason??

WITHOUT getting into the right/wrong of the prostitution industry, you cannot deny the FACT that it is a FRINGE industry. It exists in a legal/social grey area on the outskirts of society. Sure, lots of people "visit" there, but few want to "live" there. Why? Because places like Nana are full of bad, evil people who don't care about the social niceties like "thou shall not steal" that prevent normal people from drugging and robbing you.

So while you may just be a "tourist" to the Social Fringe, those people LIVE there. And when you surround yourself with people who live outside the bounds of normal society, then you're pretty much asking them to f'ck you over.


It seems to me that you are one of those people that have the rare ability to see wrong as right because basically what you're saying is that somebody who get robbed in a girly bar deserves it while somebody who get robbed outside Mc Donalds or whatever does not deserve it. So you would give a medal to the first robber while shooting the second robber.



feel sorry to hear that from you kringle ...

hoping that you are ok now :D

and for this one :


You're making me cry with your threats and your angry emoticons. Stop it you big meanie![/sarcasm]

I would like that the same happens to you ... dirty mind! :o

anyone living in LOS for a time knows that it happened in the trains sometime before ...

as it can happen almost anywhere ...

for sure some places are a bit more dangerous than others, but as far as I know, nana is not the worst place to go ... there a lot of sh1t place worst than this ...

to the narrow minded and sacarstic posts ;

may be you think that you are so smart that this will never happen to you ?

just be careful, this could happen to you tomorrow!

times are getting harder for anyone living in LOS ... Thais and foreigners ..

some thinks that they can get easy profit from the others ...

kringle, as some said, report it to the police!

this kind of crap thing should never happen.


ps; a lot of replies made me jump!

how can you joke and say things in such ways?

some posters really disgust me :D


Nana is one of the big tourist attractions in Thailand and is popular with ex-pats as well. I’ve sat and watched the world go by many times there but luckily I’ve not had a drink spiked. I would certainly prefer to sit and have a drink there than go to the plastic up market drinking holes. Lots of ex-pats go to bars in Nana just to have a drink and meet people and have a chat, not all go for sex.

The OP should report the incident to the police


I met a Aussie a the embassy about three weeks ago that had the same thing happen to him on his first night in bangkok Lost every thing a thai women found him the next morning with only his boxer shorts and took a liking to him and took him in. I forgot where he said it happened

Now I know why my wife doesn,t let me go to Nana or Soi cowboy alone it must be for my own safety

pudgimelon QUOTE : So while you're right, he did not explicitly say that he was going to Nana "every night". However, if he is going to Nana on a Sunday night (doesn't he have to work?)--and if he's been going to Nana regularly for the past two years--then it's a fair bet that he goes to Nana FREQUENTLY.

pudgimelon, I went there on a Sunday night so what the fVuck does that have to do with it. I'm a DAV and draw a pension so what, I don't work. I did not mean any idle threats either. I'm not drugged now and think it's a "fair bet" even for me being an older guy I could handle your sorry a$$.

I shouldn't have said that I wish this on anyone else and do appologise to the rest of the forum for this. I just can't understand how people can think the way they do sometimes. I'm feeling better and the wife is taking care of the burns on my back. I made the mistake of not watching everything in a place that I do not know and do not frequent. I have gone to Nana Plaza many times (mostly when I first got here) in the 2 and 1/2 years that I have been in Thailand but since married, don't go anywhere frequently. I do appreciate the kind words from most of you but this was not my intention to get. I only posted this for everyone to be aware that this stuff does happen.

Take care, Kringle

Put my response in the Quote box.



Sorry to hear about your encounter and glad you made it out with your life anyway.

Ignor the worthless <deleted> that condemn you for going out for a drink. I'm in complete agreement that this was criminal and not typical of Thailand or NEP for that matter.

If there is ANYWAY you could re-trace your steps a bit and remember what bar you were in it would be a great service to the rest of us. I know that sounds selfish, especially since I'll be there in four weeks! But it would be a step in the right direction to prevent this happenning to the next guy. A bar owner who finds out one of his girls/service staff is up to no good will likely act quickly to solve the problem.


.. Last night I was in Nana Plaza around nine pm (at least that's the last I remember). Did the regular bit of checking out some of the bars and went into one of the places on the second floor with the curtains hanging down on the right hand side and then everything else I can't remember.

Most likely the G-Spot or Fantasia, both have the typical curtained entrance.

Another possibility is you may have been drugged at a prior stop and it just started kicking in at the last stop you remember. You'll probably never know.

Another area you want to be weary of is the stairwell on the left side, there's always a clutch of touts, easy to get pick pocketed. (it's also a good barometer of how much I've been drinking, if I can't negotiate a flight of stairs then I'm too F-ed up to be out and about).

Bottom line, glad your OK, and thanx for the Post as it reflects that even though the LOS is fairly safe, shi--t still happens.


Can anyone name me one bar that does NOT have a curtained entrance in Nana (not counting the beer bars) ? :D

But anyway, second floor right hand side.. There are only 3 or so there correct?

Anyway I think Pudgimelon opened my eyes and will only go to Cowboy from now on. Oh wait.. :o Actually I'm not at all sure that the same couldn't happen at RCA or any other nightlife place. For sure all of them, also outside the Farang-nightlife areas have their fair share of shady characters.

Thanks for posting Kringle....... Good to get a reminder to be careful out there once in a while. And yes I have on so many times walked away from my beer to go to the bathroom in some bar, AND I've accepted home-brewn Sato drinks from the staff at some... Does it get more careless I wonder.



pudgimelon, I guess this to mean that that is what you are, short and fat and I could give a rats a$$ what you think. I said I had been going to Nana for over two years and also stated that I don't normally go there on ANY kind of regular basis. I don't even go into Bangkok itself on a regular basis. You can stick the world up your A$$ as far as I'm concerned and wish the same thing that happened to me happens to you. If you would like to meet me, :o just name the place you FVCKWIT. :D

Good lad! :D

Kindly enlighten us where you prefer to blow off steam, meet interesting people and get laid?

Blow off steam?

Taking a nice long run, going for a swim, playing cards with my friends, getting in a nice Aikido workout in, heading over to the Ministry of Public Health or Wat Pho for a herbal and/or foot massage, or going to see a movie.

I don't go to a bar to "blow off steam". Did that when I was a kid, but have since grown up.

Meet interesting people?

Geesh, just about anywhere. Part of the reason I came to Thailand is that I find people so very familiar and yet so very different (sometimes frustratingly so). Though I have gotten over my "newbie" phase where I'd strike up a conversation with every street vendor and taxi driver I met, because those conversations are usually a boring repetition of the same five questions. Nowadays I stick to chatting with interesting people I meet through work and friends.

Get laid?

At home. Where else?

The fact that you're a grown man and you still need to "go out" to get laid is PATHETIC. Teenagers and twenty-something losers do that, but by now you should have dropped the adjective from "young adult" and figured out that it's better to spend a lifetime with one decent woman, than spend a lifetime trolling bars.

Speaking of which, why is this guy going to Nana if he has a wife? And don't give me any "for the atmosphere" crap. That's a line of horsesh-t and everyone knows it.

A married man should be at home keeping his wife happy or going out with his wife and keeping her happy. A married man should not be "going solo" to go-go bars.

It's bad karma, and from the looks of it, karma has already bitten him on the ass. He should take the hint, grow up, and STAY HOME with his WIFE.

Then he wouldn't have to worry about somebody spiking his drinks, would he?


even if you get knocked out, a person should be able to remember the last place they were in.

so, what bar was it?

I don't hang out much at nanaplaza anymore. but I enjoy the change once in a while.

variety is the spice of life.

not all the people in nanaplaza are bad people. many are hard working individuals just trying to make a living. some with families with many mouths to feed.

in every group, there are some rotten apples, whether it be in nanaplaza, in the police force, in a big corporation, or in politics.

to condemn all the people in a group for the actions of a few is in my mind, criminal. ...possibly racist. definitely discriminatory to anybody thinking about it rationally.

the people at the bar where the scene happened should be prosecuted.

...to not do so will leave the impression to everybody that ALL the bars at nanaplaza are bad, and that they should ALL be closed.

is that your intention?

when you have a rotten apple, you need to take it out of the basket to protect the healthy ones. right?

remember the japanese lady who cried rape?

It seems to me that you are one of those people that have the rare ability to see wrong as right because basically what you're saying is that somebody who get robbed in a girly bar deserves it while somebody who get robbed outside Mc Donalds or whatever does not deserve it. So you would give a medal to the first robber while shooting the second robber.

No, I am not saying the robber was "right".

Geesh, I swear some of you people seem incapable of seeing the world in "shades of grey". Your view of the world is entirely "black and white".

If one person is right, then the other person MUST be wrong? And if one person is wrong then the other person MUST be right? Since when is that ever universally true??

You know, it IS possible for two people to be "wrong" at the same time. It happens. Really, it does.

So I'm sorry if your polarized brain has difficulty grasping a "subtle" concept like this, but I wasn't commenting on the robber at all. But if you'd like me to, I will: OF COURSE the robber is a very bad person and completely 100% WRONG!! I'd never give any robber a "medal" for doing what they did to this guy. It's horrible what they did, and they should be caught and punished for it.

All I'm saying is that if you don't want that kind of crap to happen, a good way to reduce the ODDS of it happening would be to AVOID places where robbers work!!

Nana is one of those places where people on the "social fringe" hang-out and work. People on the social fringe tend to ignore those social norms like: "Don't drug and rob people". So if you want to go to a place on the social fringe and surround yourself with people who lack any moral/ethical fiber, then you deserve what you get.

A grown adult should know better by now.

Lots of ex-pats go to bars in Nana just to have a drink and meet people and have a chat, not all go for sex.

Yah right. You're trying to tell me that you go to Nana solely for "people watching" and the "atmosphere". Please........ phftt...... go shovel that horse manure somewhere else.

If you want to people-watch, go to the Mall. If you want atmosphere, go to an underground punk club.

But don't try to tell me that there are "lots" of ex-pats who go to Nana with purely innocent intentions. There's a difference between not picking up a girl because you're just "people-watching" and not picking up a girl because you can't afford the barfine that particular night.

Besides, even if you were just going there for an "innocent chat", the fact that you're in a go-go bar means that the kind of people you "meet", may not have your best intentions in mind.

And what kind of conversations are you going to have? How interesting is it to talk to bargirl #175 about the same things you talked to bargirl #174 the night before?? How interesting is it to talk to ex-pat #401 about the same tired culture-shock stories you heard from ex-pats #400 and #399???

Sounds really boring to me.

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