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An Airbus For Thaksin


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I seriously doubt it's a billion dollar plane. The list price is like $35 milllion USD. I don't think they put $965 million in options on it. More likely they got a special promotional deal on the plane (as it's pretty good advertising/PR).

Yeah, telecoms service is expensive here. After all, we're not communists.


he pay 35mil, and the rest he put it in his pocket,

he do thing that benifit him first and the public second, aren't it suppose to be the other way around,

i don't mind he buy the plane for the government to use, but why is he the only PM that did this, nobody in the past have done so, because they know better, before the 97 thailand have ton of money, but nobody ever thought of buying one, cause they know better not too.

absolute power absolute corrupt.

wake up and smell the coffee my friend,

by the way im not farang so don't put that love crap TOX on me

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Yeah, apparently some people have no idea how much things cost, instead focusing childish dislike on Thaksin for whatever silly reason.

I'm actually not pro-Thaksin, but I'm pro status quo. It's ridiculous to think that ANY leader will change the status quo anytime soon. So keep on whinging till the buffaloes come home, kids.


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For the cost, it's been a baht versus dollar miscommunication.

For the dissatisfaction, it's been pretty resoundingly negative and rightly so as the purchase is indefensible and reprehensible.

For the telecoms, it's been Thaksin-driven gouging...

Google can help you there.

So who's dissatisfied other than a handful of foreigners and a few local academics? Anyone of significance?

One man's price gouging is another man's profit margin. Surely you can think of a few other high margin businesses in the world.


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Yeah, apparently some people have no idea how much things cost, instead focusing childish dislike on Thaksin for whatever silly reason.

I'm actually not pro-Thaksin, but I'm pro status quo. It's ridiculous to think that ANY leader will change the status quo anytime soon. So keep on whinging till the buffaloes come home, kids.


You cannot seriously believe that Thaksin has not "changed the status quo"???

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No offense but are you seriously comparing Thailand with the likes of Japan, Germany and France? I mean, those are members of the G7 (G8) richest countries of the world. Maybe I got it all wrong and Thailand is a member also?

Madsere, no offense seen.

Let me put it that way, a plane at the disposal of the prime minister, premier, chancellor or president is part of the package that comes with the job, very similar to the luxury car that goes with the job of a company-manager, never mind if the company is affluent or close to bankruptcy. Mind you T. wants to be a CEO.

Talking about this, G7 (8) or not, Germany is IMHO close to bankruptcy and still the chancellor is using an A 310 (VIP) besides a Challenger CL 601 and helicopter Cougar AS 532, why not as long as he does not send his wife for shopping tours?

If we forget for a moment Thaksin or any other name in the job, let's give them some adequate transportation and let's hope anybody using such does use it to make the best efforts for the country and it's 62 million people.

Which, of course, goes for any country rich or poor. I hope, but do not know, that Thailand has a control-authoritiy effectively checking the use of govrnment-money. Back home I saw many ministers losing their jobs for having used government planes for private functions. Off they went, or have been charged for the airtime used.

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Thai Airforce 21 Picture

Its a beautiful plane, Airbus A319 Corporate Jet.  It belongs to the RTAF , not the PM.  What is all the fuss about ?

It has a civilian registration HS-TYR. However a Google of the rego comes up with a few pages, one of which claims it belongs to Thai Air Force, but why the civial rego?

The A319 CJ , seems to have two rego designations HS-TYR & 60221 (look at the rudder)

It is the same with the other Airbus A310 executive transport, Pic

Which has the civilian rego HS-TYQ & 44-444 (on the rudder)

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Yeah, apparently some people have no idea how much things cost, instead focusing childish dislike on Thaksin for whatever silly reason.

I'm actually not pro-Thaksin, but I'm pro status quo.  It's ridiculous to think that ANY leader will change the status quo anytime soon.  So keep on whinging till the buffaloes come home, kids.   


You cannot seriously believe that Thaksin has not "changed the status quo"???

I have no doubt that the status quo CAN change, and yes, things do change.... but I do not believe he is personally responsible for it. What do you feel he has changed?


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I have no doubt that the status quo CAN change, and yes, things do change.... but I do not believe he is personally responsible for it.    What do you feel he has changed? 


Curtailment of civil liberties and freedom of the press (2500 uninvestigated killings last year during HIS drug war; firing employees of ITV and sacking of Post editor). He has completely blurred the line with conflicts of interest (loans to Burma to buy his satellite). He has repeatedly lowered the opinion of Thailand in the eyes of the world (bird flu lies and decrying human rights reports critical of his policies). His cronyism is unmatched. His plethora of lame "hub" ideas has made Thailand the laughing stock of Asia. Ludicrous Elite Card schemes, uneven "social order" campaigns and infantile Culture Ministry initiatives, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

It's amazing that anyone living in Thailand today is unaware of his many, many changes or if they are aware fails to see how detrimental they have become. Come out of your tower once in awhile and try to walk at street level sometime. I'm sorry if you think these are, as you say, "silly reasons" for being against Thaksin, but they are not "silly" to the people of Thailand.

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And therefore less terrible? Right, stick your head in the sand (or any other place where rays of revealing light can't penetrate) and pretend it's not that bad. Sure, people are afraid to disagree in this country, but that doesn't mean what's happening in the backrooms it isn't real.

Life must be one big joyous happening, being blissfully unaware of reality. Sleep tight!

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OPINION: ‘Air Force One’ sequel promises to be a real nail-biter

Published on Sep 14, 2004

The following is a work of fiction, inspired by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s remarks over the weekend that Thai journalists have been fantasising more than they have been providing facts and evidence. All names, characters and events are the product of my own imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or incidents is coincidental.

This conversation takes place at Government House in an unnamed country. The prime minister has summoned his top adviser for a solution to a political crisis. The leader has bought a Boeing for himself and his Cabinet, using state funds. When the purchase was approved, there wasn’t much of a fuss, because of his relatively high popularity ratings, but the aircraft has been delivered at a very bad time and is fast becoming the world’s hottest political potato:

Prime minister: I’m running out of time. What options do I have?

Adviser: There are a few, sir, but I have to admit, none of them is perfect.

Prime minister: Go on.

Adviser: Your Advisory Council figures you have two major problems. First, the plane was delivered days ago, but the city’s mayoral election meant we could not unveil it. Now we have to figure out a way to tell the public nicely that what we spent a large amount of their tax money on has arrived.

The second problem is a bit tougher and related to the first. You’re scheduled to fly on the plane soon. How can you step on board without your popularity taking another big hit? And how can you use the aircraft without an official public announcement of its arrival?

Prime minister: That’s what I’m asking you.

Adviser: The first option is to sit on it and buy time, sir. Perhaps you could consider cancelling your plans to fly the plane next month to the regional meeting.

We can leak the news that there are some minor technical problems, and the aircraft is not ready for use. We wait until your ratings climb a bit and then make the announcement.

Prime minister: So what’s the risk with that?

Adviser: It may take. . .errr. . .no offence, sir. . .quite a bit of time before your ratings can be restored. In fact, some of us fear your enemies are trying to make sure that will never happen.

Prime minister: We have money. Pump more cash into the villages!

Adviser: Errr. . .With all due respect, sir, we haven’t much left. And that damned thing we just bought cost a lot.

Prime minister: Watch your language, pal!

Adviser: Sorry, sir. Well, the second option is to try to “glorify” the plane. By this I mean we bring in that Hollywood blockbuster, “Air Force One”, and broadcast it on all free television stations. This might make the common man understand the merits of your aircraft. We can unveil your Boeing one day after the film is screened.

Prime minister: Umm. . .Is this the movie about a US president getting abducted in

his own plane, and it crashes at the end?

Adviser: Yes, sir.

Prime minister: That’s not a very good omen, is it? But, well, it might work. Are there any serious flaws with this plan?

Adviser: You’re not a bad-looking man, sir, but you’re no Harrison Ford, either. And the bloke inherited his plane. You bought yours. He wanted to defend democracy, but you said democracy is not your friend. He. . . .

Prime minister: Cut the nonsense. We’re talking about real life here. Is there any other option?

Adviser: You bite the bullet and try to ride out the storm, sir. Call the media, announce the plane’s arrival, say it’s going to take you to the regional meeting and then hope for the best. A big movie star may die, and that’s two weeks of headlines gone.

Prime minister: If nobody dies, I probably will. Some columnists have been all over me already. Do you honestly believe the opposition won’t put that photo of me waving from the plane in their election posters?

Adviser: Then don’t wave, sir. I know the first time it’ll be tough, but we have to do something. We can’t leave the thing there to rust and become the most expensive political waste material in the history of mankind.

Prime minister: With advisers like you lot, I’ll be junk myself. How come nobody ever warned me about this problem?

Adviser: You took like 10 seconds to decide, sir. We didn’t stand a chance.

Prime minister: Oh, knock it off! Get out of here. You people are worse than useless.

Adviser: We’re sorry, sir. This is the best we can do. One last thing, sir. When critics open their mouths on this one, you can say whatever you like, except for one thing.

Prime minister: And what would that be?

Adviser: Don’t call them “stupid”, sir.


Tulsathit Taptim is managing editor of The Nation.

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Thai Airforce 21 Picture

Its a beautiful plane, Airbus A319 Corporate Jet.  It belongs to the RTAF , not the PM.  What is all the fuss about ?

It has an ordinary Thai civil aircraft registration ... NOT a RTAF service registration

I responded to this in a post above, but here again is a possible explanation.

The A319 CJ , seems to have two rego designations(civilian & military) HS-TYR & 60221 (look at the rudder)

It is the same with the other Airbus A310 executive transport, Picture

Which has the civilian & military rego HS-TYQ & 44-444 (on the rudder)

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‘Airforce 1’ shunned for PM’s Europe trip

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has decided not to use the brandnew Airbus dubbed Thailand’s Airforce I for his upcoming trip to Italy and Sweden in a bid to evade charges of extravagance.

The same article as well says, the plane was paid for with money from the Defence Ministry’s budget, and the anointment ceremony was in the presence of Air Force commanderinchief Air Chief Marshal Kongsak Vantana.

More is here including chicken for planes :o :


Btw: Looking forward to T's forgiveness award he can pick up in Italy to having treated drug abusers so nicely. LOL

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‘Airforce 1’ shunned for PM’s Europe trip

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has decided not to use the brandnew Airbus dubbed Thailand’s Airforce I for his upcoming trip to Italy and Sweden in a bid to evade charges of extravagance.

The same article as well says, the plane was paid for with money from the Defence Ministry’s budget, and the anointment ceremony was in the presence of Air Force commanderinchief Air Chief Marshal Kongsak Vantana.

More is here including chicken for planes :o :


Btw: Looking forward to T's forgiveness award he can pick up in Italy to having treated drug abusers so nicely. LOL

Wasn't that the 9mm rule Axel ?

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‘Airforce 1’ shunned for PM’s Europe trip

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has decided not to use the brandnew Airbus dubbed Thailand’s Airforce I for his upcoming trip to Italy and Sweden in a bid to evade charges of extravagance.

The same article as well says, the plane was paid for with money from the Defence Ministry’s budget, and the anointment ceremony was in the presence of Air Force commanderinchief Air Chief Marshal Kongsak Vantana.

More is here including chicken for planes  :o :


Btw: Looking forward to T's forgiveness award he can pick up in Italy to having treated drug abusers so nicely. LOL

Wasn't that the 9mm rule Axel ?

Whats cheaper in reality?

Traveling first class on thai airways pretty much anywhere has always been friends,family,hanger on of the thai generals and other cronies.

Maybe better to put them in their own plane.

I travelled bkk syd two years back in first class on their was me and one minor royal in the cabin.

I felt like they even wanted to downgrade me so this little creep cld have the whole first class to himself.

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Wasn't that the 9mm rule Axel ?

Ah Dr., the mysteries of Siam.

Thought I read in the printed copy this morning, that the government is still trying to obtain more information.

Slug(ish) I say.

You are truly at your sharpest best Axel. Dr T is to be awarded the Beretta 9mm Parabellum Award for Police marksmanship.

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