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Evaluate My Photo


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This photo is probably not that special except that it was taken with a P&S camera. :o Was standing outside and noticed how clear the sky was and brightness of the moon. Thought, 'wonder if I can get a reasonable photo'. The camera, Canon S5 IS - 12X zoom lens. Took several tries and variations of settings to get one right. Autofocus was having problems due to the extreme contrast and solved it by taking it off full auto. The results surprised me.

I never use the digital zoom, but in this case it helped a lot by filling the lcd screen more and the auto exposure system. Set to full zoom, optical & digital for a total of 48X. Also surprising was the ISO was 160 and speed 1/400th of a second. The below is the unedited full image that was taken, only downsized in photoshop. Due to this new forum, I've been finding myself looking at things to photograph now in a different light (sorry for the pun). :D


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