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Ever Seen A Ghost In Thailand?


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Firstly: are you familiar with the taste, or more accurately – the smell – of ozone?

Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people, that stops bright ideas from penetrating.

The Bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

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By the way everyone, it's not a great idea to sleep on your back... much easier for sleep paralysis

AFAIK it's the best position for a good deep sleep, also it's required to sleep in this position while in march in some special forces.

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I have a few suggestions for those of you that believe in Ghost;

1- Get off the suds.

2- Stop watching Casper the Ghost movies.

3- A visit to your local Funny Farm might be in order. There will be plenty of people there who believe in Ghost & a lot more. :o

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I have a few suggestions for those of you that believe in Ghost;

1- Get off the suds.

2- Stop watching Casper the Ghost movies.

3- A visit to your local Funny Farm might be in order. There will be plenty of people there who believe in Ghost & a lot more. :D

I dont drink laundry detergent

I have never seen a Casper movie

And what does a retirement home for jaded ex comedians such as yourself have to do with it


Edited by gburns57au
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Ghost In Thailand........

Heard many stories from the Thai's in the Ubon Ratchathani / อุบลราชธานregion and I'll clue you in, about 85% were very convincing. Most would talk about riding down a road at night and the feeling of something or someone was behind you. Well, if you stop on the side of the road to pee or other, just remember to say " Lord Budda move over, I have to pee". Thai Ghost don't like to get wet without warning. :o

And you do think you see something, just say " I will make my departure out your gate, thank you" . :D

So now, believe half of what you see, and none of what was told. Thai Ghost have there place too..... :D

Have a great time in Siam................ :D

Edited by MarkTSpalding
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dam_n right. Such extra-terrestial beliefs pander to people's innate need to believe that there is more to life than there in fact is. But this is it, folks. We're born and then we live and then we die. For most civilisations, this is rather alarming, hence the need to focus on other worlds etc.

I find it extraordinary that after centuries of belief about ghosts, decades of belief about other things such as Big Foot or Nessie and UFOs there is a complete lack of credible imperical data to prove their existence.

Phi am experiences? Heartburn or wind, more like.

Spot on Bendix

As my old Ma used to say "Why worry about the dead, There's far more people ALIVE that can hurt you". and she always insisted she could see spirits all her life. I just drink 'em :D

It always makes me laugh why every 'reallity' ghost show on TV, is held in the dark. If all it takes is a light switch to scare the 'Evil Forces' away, they must be really lightweight. :o:D


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Actually the sheer volume of people who have seen ghosts through the centuries puts the onus on the disbelievers such as yourself to prove that they dont exist....give me a scientific explanation for my experiences.....

So you are telling me more than 50% of people who ever lived have seen a ghost?

Scientific explanation is................. your nuts!!

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Has anyone ever seen a ghost?

I believe in ghosts and have felt the presence of them. There are many ghosts where I come from in Scotland - I used to live near Crathes castle which is famous for "the green lady".

The Scottish ones are usually harmless but the Thai ones are nasty and can cause a lot of pain.


Some people have told me that because I had some food stick in my throat, that a "pee pret" may have entered my body :D and maybe I should get exorcised.

Anyone ever been exorcised? If so, is it painful? Where do I get it done? :o

What are you smoking these days or is it the magic mushrooms?

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Ghost In Thailand Part Two.

Never did say I believe the stories of Ghost in Thailand. Found about 60 - 80% of the stories interesting. :D

The other % , I could have done better. :D

Say this, never looked back while driving at night in the [/b]Ubon Ratchathani area. Was to dang busy watching out for living things in the road that was hard to see. Care less about Ghost at that point. :o

So if there was, I missed it again... :D

Oh, don't indulge in drugs of the mind either. Thank You. :D

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What are you smoking these days or is it the magic mushrooms?

Nothing that cool. More like Ya Ba.

Haven't touched any magic mushrooms since Koh Pa Ngan in 1993.

Are you saying that only people who take drugs see ghosts? Nonsense.

One summer in Drumnadrochit I saw the Loch Ness monster - now drugs and good local whisky may have been influential but regarding ghosts, I've experienced them many times sober as a judge.

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Remember Matter=Energy?

Would it be right to argue then, if we can't see this, it isn't so, Quarks, Atoms and Molecules don't exist...and Einstein was wrong, I think this isn't rational, it's ignorant!

i dont think you should be slinging labels like ignorant around.

scientists might not be able see individual quarks or atoms with the naked eye, but they can detect them and measure their properties. they conduct experiments which are peer reviewed and can be repeated by other scientists around the world, under the same conditions, and achieve the same results.

name one experiment which detected the presence of anything supernatural, that was peer reviewed, and that could be repeated under the same conditions by a different group of researchers.

this is the standard for scientific research. religion and superstition is about as irrational as you can get.

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Actually the sheer volume of people who have seen ghosts through the centuries puts the onus on the disbelievers such as yourself to prove that they dont exist....give me a scientific explanation for my experiences.....

firstly, the onus is definitely on those making the claim. however, i'll make a stab at it.

the human brain is a very complex organ which is very powerful but also fallible. take optical illusions for example. our brain can be easily tricked into seeing things which are not there. memory recall is also not as precise as we would like to think. what you thought you saw at the time and what you think you saw now, are likely very different things. then you have hallucinations, which are not only caused by psychoactive drugs. sleep deprivation, psychosis or neurological illness can also cause powerful hallucinations.

thats just for starters. try reading Richard Dawkins - "The God Delusion" or Carl Sagan - "The Demon Haunted World". Plenty of scientific rebuttals of supernatural claims.

// edit typo

Edited by tom yum goong
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Tachyons are hypothetical particles which always travel faster than light. They exhibit reversed causality (negative time) compared to ordinary particles, and some of them are capable of moving at infinite speed. It is by virtue of their reversed causility, however, that tachyons (predicted by Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity) are the most important of theoretical particles being sought by physicsts, since they potentially offer us humans the means by which we may at last explain the nature of quantum gravity in an empirical way; that is, the way that best fits experiment and observation.

Additionally, tachyonics (the study of tachyons) carried out on an hypothetical basis today could lead to theoretical advances of tomorrow so profound as to be unimaginable at our present state of technological development. Tachyonics, in fact, hands us the possibility of obtaining instantaneous communications capabilities, spanning unlimited reaches of space; the certainty of finding a practical means of breaking the lightspeed barrier to spaceflight; and the aweful prospect of weapons so powerful as to make atomic bombs and even the most advanced weapons systems of today seem trivial by comparison.

Mathematically, a tachyonic mass Tm can be viewed as the superluminal analog of a sublight mass Sm, where some operator similar to the imaginary unit [ i = (-1)^(1/2) ; i^2 = -1 ] transforms Sm into Tm, just like the imaginary unit (i) transforms any real number (y) into an imaginary number (iy; as found in a complex number of the form; z = x + iy, where z is the complex number, x is the real-number part of z, and y is the imaginary-number part of z). In this case, however, multiplication by the new imaginary unit, call it the "imagination" unit (denoted, say, by "i^i") does not imply the standard transformation (such as a rotation about an axis, as is common for the standard imaginary unit, i), but implies transposition of specifications relating to the speed at which Sm travels through space. Hence, if Sm is the mass of a real particle in ordinary spacetime, then the equation Tm = (i^i)Sm defines Tm as a tachyonic analog of Sm, where the particle whose mass is Tm is treated like an imaginary entity.

Superluminal Quantum Gravitation:

There are several attributes which the virtual-exchange particle responsible for gravitation must exhibit without question, and a great many other characteristics that such particles may exhibit.

(1) The overall effect of gravity must be the imparting of warpage to spacetime; curvature of space as measured according to some specification related to the passing of time, where the curvature corresponds to that described in the field equations of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. That is, General Relativity must hold for any model that purports to explain gravity at the quantum level (subatomic scale), using a virtual-particle (gauge field) scenario. Correspondingly, the exchange must cause an attraction between all masses, regardless of the type of masses involved, and must therefore involve a representation that conforms to (or, at least, does not contradict) Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, defined; given a mass M1 exerting a force F1 of attraction on another mass M2, then F1 = G[(M1xM2)/(r^2)], where F1 is the magnitude of the attractive force, r is the distance between the masses, and G is Newton's constant {6.67x[10^(-8)] m/[(kg)(s^2)]}. [Note: M2 exerts a like force on M1.]

(2) A mass must act like the source of a monopole field of emitted gravity-exchange particles, making the gravitational field the only naturally occurring monopole field, since all other energy fields known exhibit bipolar and multipolar characteristics. In particular, gravity is one-dimensional, the electro-weak field of an atom is two-dimensional (i.e. the electric and magnetic fields are two aspects of the same field), and the chromodynamic field of atomic nuclei must be represented using three or more dimensions (involving color-based charge labels). Thus, the gravitational field must be radiative in nature, much like the field of particles emitted from a radioactive substance. Otherwise, it cannot be construed as a true monopole.

(3) Any proposed quantum of gravity must be of such a character as to explain why physicists have been unable to detect it on subatomic scales, and why it has eluded detection for so long when all other particles needed for a unification have been found or implied from repeatable experiments and/or empirical observations. Though gravity was the first fundamental force to be investigated scientifically, the quantum of gravity remains an enigma to this day.

A study of all hypothetical particles proposed as the quantum of gravity reveals only one which fits all of the requirements for conformity with exprimental evidence, and that particle is the tachyon. Thus, gravity is faster than light.

The hypothesis that gravity is the result of radiating tachyons, which bring about universal attractions between all masses (due to their reversed causality) and impart curvature to space (according to Einstein's field equations), also explains why we have been unable to detect gravity at subatomic distances. Gravitation is caused by an imaginary particle.

The Physics of the Gods:

Tachyons can be used to represent the substantive nature of all spirit entities, including angels, demons, gods, demi-gods, ghosts, fairies, and all manner of other non-physical creatures reported in myth, religion, and folk-lore. Consequently, it is no longer possible for scientists to speak of such entities as figments of people's imaginations, nor can fundamentalist religionists say that aliens do not exist; for they are the same thing. Angels are a type of space-alien, though such a revelation cannot be used as an excuse to impose atheism on religious people. To the contrary, this realization ultimately forces hardcore atheists to reconsider their stance, while, at the same time, also forcing spiritual-minded individuals to modify their mental picture of non-physical lifeforms. We can no longer say that things are one way or another, since they are both simultaneously.

The reality is that alternate-dimensional lifeforms do exist, whether we have been calling them aliens, angels, or whatever, and those we have named exhibit characteristics we attribute to them, but they are not what we thought they were, regardless of the standpoint from which we have been defining them.

The most accurate concept of angels, therefore, is neither scientific nor religious, but something else altogether. And to make the mind work its way around this idea, we merely have to consult the arts. This mental triad -- physics, spirituality, and the arts -- allows us to put our perceptions of reality on a more all-inclusive footing; coincident both with controlled experiment and with metaphysical philosophies; meaning, we cannot reject ideas from different disciplines out of hand.

Thus, the physics of angels can be comprehended only by bringing scientific, religious, and artistic points of view together in a composite understanding. From science (notably, theoretical physics), we obtain an hypothetical particle, the tachyon, which puts the nature of spirit forms in a mathematically empirical setting. We can think of them as holy beings or as an alien species if you like, it makes no difference. They are the same. From metaphysics, we must look to mythology, religion, and folk-lore for descriptions of their interactions with humans. And the arts gives us the tools whereby we can put forth viable descriptions.

The logic goes like this. If there is a non-zero probability of life existing elsewhere in the universe besides on Earth, then there is the possibility that some such lifeforms are alternate-dimensional in nature, which means that some portion of those may be just like the gods, angels, demons, fairies, and other non-physical or pseudo-physical entities reported throughout history in every culture, in every land, in every epoch; to one extent or another. Consequently, we must view angels as a type of alien, or allow that certain aliens resemble angels, and that they are actually creatures made-up of tachyons, regardless of how we view them on a personal level, for they remain, despite our new understanding, quite beyond our reckoning.

Magic and the Unseen Forces of Existence:

An investigation into the nature of actual magic, including its beginnings, what it is, what it can and can't do, the deep secrets of magic, and how it can be put to use in modern times, reveals that it is nothing more than the ability to manipulate certain forces, traditionally referred to as "unseen" forces, which are actually tachyonic in nature. That is, magic is tachyonic; which means magic, mysticism, psychic phenomenon, and other supernatural activities are different uses of energies comprised of virtual particles that move faster than light, and which cannot, therefore, be directly detected by instruments that science presently devises.

Some humans can use certain tachyonic energies more readily than others, though all of us tap into the unseen forces in one way or another. Thought itself probably originates from a tachyonic field of force, with the result that electrochemical activity on the physical level takes place in the human brain. And the life-force of all living things is likely another interrelated field (likewise invisible). Doctors can generally tell when a person's life-force has gone and cannot be returned, and when a person's brain has ceased to function in a normal way after being damaged, though the person's body lives on. Yet, there are stories from every culture, spanning all of history (and into modern times), of individuals reported to possess the ability to bring others back from the dead, or heal the sick, and even restore lost brain functionality. And whether such events are considered magical or miraculous, the possibility that such events are true cannot now be called into question in every recorded case.

If it should be shown eventually that gravity is tachyonic, then gravity itself will stand as the first example of how unseen superluminal forces can have direct affects on detectable materials. It remains only for our scientists to find a method of detecting tachyons for such hypotheses to be substantiated or refuted. Then is when we begin learning the full truth about tachyons and their relation to gravity, metaphysics, angelic aliens, and unexplained phenomena, including magic and the unseen forces of existence.


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Did they not teach about Tachyonic Metaphysics at your school?

Probably not but taught some rubbish like Darwin's theaory of evolution.

no they didn't, for which i am eternally grateful.

a quick search reveals a number of websites such as www.mysticalwonders.org, www.love-god.com and reiki.meetup.com, plenty of scientific rigour going on in these websites for sure.

Tachyonic Metaphysics is described as: Using tachyons to explain quantum gravity, the substance of angels, and actual magic, among many previously unexplained phenomena.

The substance of angels??? :o

where's the i laughed so hard i almost threw up smiley?

Edited by tom yum goong
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Actually I remember when i was about 16 years old (about 10 years ago :o )

me and my friends were smoking pot in this creek in a park at night, we were really rat faced and laughing our asses off at anything.

Then we saw this misty thing, kind of looked like smoke just floating towards us, we sh t ourselfs and ran like crazy.

The thing is we all saw it so it couldnt of been just one of us seeing stuff.

But it maybe was just normal mist that was floating through the air

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a common experience among my friends (and just about everyone else i've spoken to) who were into the clubbing scene in the UK, was to see glasses on everyones faces. i would occassionally see sofas on the dance floor where there were none. whenever i pointed these out to ppl around me, they would see the same thing. tricks of the light caused by massively dilated pupils and misspent youth.

ever heard about the about the miracle of the sun?



thousands of ppl claimed to have witnessed the sun fall from the sky. :o

The sun was then reported to have careened towards the earth in a zigzag pattern,[2] frightening some of those present who thought it meant the end of the world.[3] Witnesses reported that the ground and their previously wet clothes became completely dry.

Estimates of the number of witnesses range from 30,000-40,000 by Avelino de Almeida, writing for the Portuguese newspaper O Século,[5] to 100,000, estimated by Dr. Joseph Garrett, professor of natural sciences at the University of Coimbra,[6] both of whom were present that day.[7]

just because other people thought they saw the same thing as you doesn't make what you imagined you saw real.

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I think I have seen something similar and am pretty sure few of my friends saw it too or so they claimed. The sun melted and disappeared leaving the sky layered horizontally by all the colours of the prism. This was in the early morning hours and it didn't rain at all though. That made us think of something very Godly, but I'm not sure what we were feeling at the time. I guess it was pretty cold.

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