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I Was Beaten Up By Two Gangsters At Jomtien Last Night


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dont take it to heart.this happens all around pattaya and other thai towns but probably not as often.those young thai drunks would probably cause trouble with anyone walking along on there own as they are just plain stupid and worse when drunk.

they were in nice clothes because they work at some bar/karaoke so dont think they are nice people because of this.

im afraid the police here just arent interested in your case as you werent killed and they couldnt make any money out of you......if you offered 10-20k baht to help he might have took a slight interest.im afriad this is the problem with the corruption here.....if you got money then you could easily have them sorted anyway you wanted.

it is a shame that they have no interest in helping visitors here...in most tourist places in the world they at least make an effort to help tourists...not here,they dont care if you never come back or talk bad about the place.the only people that they are interested in helping is themselves,police or anyone else in pattaya.they only just about tolerate us and would prefer we just send money to the country and not actually even come here.

as to your am i same as a street dog..........in a way yes,but in the way that it is dog eat dog here...everyone for themselves....police think you should have fought back.....he dont worry if they have a knife or kill someone as it wasnt his problem...it was yours.he doesnt think its his job to serve and protect the public.hes workin to collect bribed and such like and make his way up the ladder but helping a farang doesnt help him in his plan.

i wouldnt let it put you off here but you have to realise a few things....police here are not going to help you,there are some dangerous places off limit to walk that late,avoid any drunk thais whenever possible..you cant reason with a monkey brain.

ps less problems when u go everywhere on a motorbike and get some pepper spray or suchlike for any occasions like this as most young thais do carry a knife so in a way you were lucky it was not worse!!!

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