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Clearly, this topic only applies to you guys who have Thai GFs/wives who are NOT BGs! (And apologies for those guys with BG GFs who are offended by this topic :o )

On 2 recent occasions when visiting hotels, my GF has been mistaken for a BG, and this has upset her (and angered me).

Both events happened in Phuket.

On the 1st occasion, we stayed together for 2 nights at the Novotel, Kalim Bay. On the 3rd day, she had to fly to BKK for business, whilst I stayed on for a further day for Phuket business. The receptionist therefore advised me (in full hearing of my GF and all other guests), that I would have to pay 1000 baht to bring a different woman back to my room that night!

Great customer service Novotel! - Thanks

On the 2nd occasion, we stayed together at another Phuket hotel, and walked down to the beach one evening for a meal. On our return, the security guard refused to let either of us into the hotel grounds, with the excuse that sex tourists were not allowed in the hotel. After a heated discussion, and calls to the manager, we were both finally allowed back to our rooms.

Although I was angered on both occasions, I think the worse effect was on my GF, who was greatly upset (and angry), for being assumed to be a BG. Like it or not, BGs do not feature high on the social ladder in Thai society. My GF is not 'big-faced', but being mistaken for a prostitute is not likely to put smiles on her face.

Have other members had similar problems? And what did you do at the time? And how did your GF/wife react?

And for those of you with BG GFs, was your GF ever mistaken for a hi-so girl? Were you/her angry, upset etc :D (Sorry! couldn't resist to ask this question!)

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Fraid that this is quite normal in Thailand

Staying at the Montien one time, they made her wait in reception and said that they would telephone the room to check with me. They Just left her sitting there and didn't bother to call me. Made me angry and checked out. Only seem to get this problem at the more expensive hotels.


I think it was the Ambassodor Hotel in Bangkok when my wife and I were stopped very rudely and publicly on the way to our room. "Have to pay to take lady to the loom" he said holding his hand out, "this is my wife" i said whilst we showed him our matching wedding rings, with a stupid smirk on his face (obviously thought we were bullsihtting) "you pay money and she give ID card" I ignored him and pulled my wife into the lift, "hey man you comeback" i think i replied with that great english word "<deleted>" I'm not an impolite person and respect that this is'nt my country but this was very rude, my wife also had a go at him and asked for the manager.


thai people look suspiciously when they see a foreign man in the company of a thai woman. this is particularly true when the man is in his sixties, and the woman is quite young... a description of davethailand & madame davethailand perhaps :o

a thai automatically perceives the young woman to be a prostitute, and, of course, she may be. however, this perception is generally extended to all thai women who are accompanied by foreign men, which is most unfortunate. not only is this unfair to thai women, but it is unfair to foreign men as well...

so who is responsible for this? perhaps it's that for years foreign tourists, have come to thailand for the sole purpose of finding sexual adventures...

'sword of truth & shield of fair play'...


Maybe I could understand if I was 60 years old, fat and bald, but I'm a sophisticated 45 year old with my own hair (a little), and a body to die for :o


It's not just the locals mistaking your wives for bargirls, I'd imagine that many sex tourists probably do so from time to time as well if you're not accompanying your significant other. The gals won't report these incidents to you because of the ol' don't ask, don't tell thing. It's a shame they are stereotyped just for being in an interracial relationship, having a certain look, or lack of fashion sense. Plenty of regular girls probably get propositioned as well, just for being Thai.


The receptionist therefore advised me (in full hearing of my GF and all other guests), that I would have to pay 1000 baht to bring a different woman back to my room that night!


In feel sorry for you Simon.

In one of your previous threads people think your gay and now some receptionist thinks your a stud.

The expression "I don't give a <deleted>" might help you in future.

On a lighter note I remember I took my ex-hooker once to Bangkok Regent for "high tea". We got a few strange looks but all in all we spent a nice afternoon and nobody bothered us.

Clearly, this topic only applies to you guys who have Thai GFs/wives who are NOT BGs!

I just want to say that if there are guys whose GF/wife is a BG then they have a problem. :o

If a guy has a GF/wife that is an EX BG then they could still find the situation you have talked about embarrasing and upsetting, and still be angry.

totster :D


My wife is a good little middle class Bangkokian . But, she has a tattoe on her shoulder and this means we get the usual stares from tourist Falangs at the beach including your average fat sex tourist who think she is fair game . Kinda pisses me off as i am 30 and she 27 . The good news is , never had any problem with Thais at all :o


I'd have to say that if this happend to me I would create merry ######.(In a nice way of course)That's the only way they will learn. I would certainly call the GM of the Hotel and ask for an apology. Any GM worth his salt should at least comp the room.If this did not work, I would go to every discussion board that I could find and tell my story.(Making sure that I had my facts 100% correct)

There is a little, somewhat evil part of me that would want this to happen...just to see the wifes face...and the reaction.Christ it would be priceless.I'd have to try really hard not to laugh though. :o


I tell you a story and if my wife finds out I told you, she will shoot me.

Stayed in the Grand Hotel in Taipei, that's the one, built by Mdm Chiang Kai Chek and any Mama-san will tell you, absolutley no girls allowed.

Came back from late dinner and decided for a night cap in the bar. Signed the bill and went to the elevators. Some guy, no uniform, "she knows, she not allowed".Me: "Who are you?".

"I am manager"

Me goes over to the front desk and ask for the manager. (May be a bit loud)

Everybody gets silent, the guy, no uniform, is there, front desk girl, very afraid:

"S ssir, he manager"

Me to him" "He not manager, he behaves like a Japanese low class tourist"

Sorted out the story, "husband and wife can go to loom"

Manager angry, "you could have told me, she your wife".

Next morning I called the bellhop (sorry, concierge). Top service, within 3 (three) minutes got seven (7) people in the room, counting toweles, glasses, bed sheets, TV-set and what have you.

They made me angry, I fukced the night manager, he tried to <deleted> me.

Me wife still angry,

Ah, that story really happened, 25 years ago but....

Wife, still the same, angry, may be not so much for mistaken BG, but for me to make terror.


We only get angry if they are rude. Otherwise we just co-operate understanding that they are just carrying out their duty to ensure our safety. No need to be angry, just explain and everything is OK.

We only get angry if they are rude. Otherwise we just co-operate understanding that they are just carrying out their duty to ensure our safety. No need to be angry, just explain and everything is OK.

Ok they are ensuring our safety - - Why the extra charge of 800 or 1000 Baht?

The room is alraedy paid for. In Thailand you pay for the room, not per person, so why need to pay again?

We only get angry if they are rude. Otherwise we just co-operate understanding that they are just carrying out their duty to ensure our safety. No need to be angry, just explain and everything is OK.

Ok they are ensuring our safety - - Why the extra charge of 800 or 1000 Baht?

The room is alraedy paid for. In Thailand you pay for the room, not per person, so why need to pay again?

You wouldn't have to pay anything for a guest in the room if you stayed at the Phuket Palace Resort at Patong beach Phuket.

Nice friendly and polite staff treats your companion as they do any other hotel guests.

We only get angry if they are rude. Otherwise we just co-operate understanding that they are just carrying out their duty to ensure our safety. No need to be angry, just explain and everything is OK.

Can't agree there.They are ensuring that they get their exta dosh. To talk out loud and to say to a bloke and his GF that if he were to bring another women back to his room would be an extra THB1000 is inexcusable. Novatel is an International Hotel and presumably they have regular staff training.Safety is one thing,but there is no need to be rude.This goes for asians and farung alike.

this is particularly true when the man is in his sixties, and the woman is quite young... a description of davethailand & madame davethailand perhaps :o

You clearly haven't looked at any of their wedding photos. It was quite easy to find one that someone else had posted on the net, though it's a bit trickier now, as he hasn't mentioned the name of his place for months.

Clearly, this topic only applies to you guys who have Thai GFs/wives who are NOT BGs! (And apologies for those guys with BG GFs who are offended by this topic :D )

On 2 recent occasions when visiting hotels, my GF has been mistaken for a BG, and this has upset her (and angered me).

Both events happened in Phuket.

On the 1st occasion, we stayed together for 2 nights at the Novotel, Kalim Bay. On the 3rd day, she had to fly to BKK for business, whilst I stayed on for a further day for Phuket business. The receptionist therefore advised me (in full hearing of my GF and all other guests), that I would have to pay 1000 baht to bring a different woman back to my room that night!

Great customer service Novotel! - Thanks

On the 2nd occasion, we stayed together at another Phuket hotel, and walked down to the beach one evening for a meal. On our return, the security guard refused to let either of us into the hotel grounds, with the excuse that sex tourists were not allowed in the hotel. After a heated discussion, and calls to the manager, we were both finally allowed back to our rooms.

Although I was angered on both occasions, I think the worse effect was on my GF, who was greatly upset (and angry), for being assumed to be a BG. Like it or not, BGs do not feature high on the social ladder in Thai society. My GF is not 'big-faced', but being mistaken for a prostitute is not likely to put smiles on her face.

Have other members had similar problems? And what did you do at the time? And how did your GF/wife react?

And for those of you with BG GFs, was your GF ever mistaken for a hi-so girl? Were you/her angry, upset etc :D (Sorry! couldn't resist to ask this question!)

Let's see, the short version.

I'm 53 married for 5 years to a nice Thai/Chinese girl form Samuts Sakorn 19 years my junior.

She comes from a fairly well to do family. Managed one of the Amari hotels for a while and was a sales executive at Mercedes Bangkok.

On a few occassions when this situation has come up, although she started out gently as the bozo insisted on double charging me or insinuating that she was a bar girl...

My wife proceeded to tear that induvidual a new "A" hole wide enough to cruise the Queen Mary through, in high volume, finger pointing in the face grinding them to cinders. :D

If money is involved she would often throw or slam it on the counter and give them a few more words to regret the day they were born.

I've seen some big Thai dudes shrink down to nothing, you know like in the cartoons. :o

I love laughing at them, shaking my finger and ask, "Loose face Krap?"

Stick it in and break it off!!! I get a real kick out of it being an ex New Yorker 220 pound Italian consrtuction dude. Although now I practice medicine.

Man I'm glad she is a doll with me and on my side. :D


Don't assume that Thailand is unique to this. My Thai wife and I went to Bali for a holiday last year and stayed in a medium sized hotel. The check in during the day was a breeze, no questions asked. We showed our passports to the reception guy and signed in. Keep in mind that during our whole trip people thought she was Indonesian. One night we came in to the hotel late together after a night out. The first thing the reception guy says (It's the same guy as the first day) is, "She must

show ID and you must pay money." I'll be the first to admit that my wife has a red hot temper, but only gets angry when someone is really bollocking her. She says to the guy in English, "I am not lady f@@@ing for money! I am Thai lady! This is my husband; why you don't remember us when we come here first day. F@@K

you man!" I didn't have to say a single word. He was scared sh#tless and shriveled

back under his desk.

Clearly, this topic only applies to you guys who have Thai GFs/wives who are NOT BGs!

Just a thought from a bystander with a non-BG thai fiance' ...

Not that I like these kinds of occurrences one bit, but couldn't these sorts of problems be alleviated with a little proactivity?

IOW, when checking in, not only register as Mr & Mrs so & so, make sure to get two keys, verify with the manager that there will be no trouble, and so on.

This may be a bit inconvenient during the initial check-in, but it would seem a sure path to being about to relax without hassle during the rest of the stay.


actually, it's not the matter if the gf being bg or not

if they were treated like this rubbish,

not only 'non' bg gf would feel pissed

but the 'career' bg gf also would feel double shited

i don't know about others

but for me, it seemed to be big conflict alerted in my head

when i was going out with my 'farang' bf (still boyfriend by that time --now up grade to husband) in thailand

we are 2yrs gap --late 20's

sometimes, i couldn't help feeling myself like 'the pro'

which i AM NOT --HOW COME ??

he NEVER pays (for) me for any single of satang --luv me? --take me!! --marry me?? --NO DOWRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? :D:D

(right, no dowry when he married me)

and actually, MY family even GOTTA extra 'presented' him &me

for f.u.c.k. 's sake

even the pro, they got 'cost'

me.. far worsen :D

we took 'experimental' from 5(f.u.c.kin) stars apartment service to alternative 'inn' at ksr --on basically 'long stay'

and these are all the souvenir

2 'star' inn = extremely pissed off; be requested copy of id/ be 'watch' from head to toe plus 'gossip' in front of my stunted face

3 'star' hotel = REAL pissed off; be 'asked' to pay B500 to stay night out with my (bloody) bf otherwise please 'leave' notice , be 'spied' by 'extra anonymous room service' in front of the room door

5 'star' apt service = (seemed) less pissed except some strange 'unreadable' eyes

dang sad but bloody true..

once walking with my bf on street, this word hit my ears and suddenly knocked me out dead on ground (TKO) --eh just another one of 'madame hooker' and glimpsed at 'me'

there seems to have huge sterotyped prejudice or judgement when seeing farangman with thai girl couple


Clearly, this topic only applies to you guys who have Thai GFs/wives who are NOT BGs!

Just a thought from a bystander with a non-BG thai fiance' ...

Not that I like these kinds of occurrences one bit, but couldn't these sorts of problems be alleviated with a little proactivity?

IOW, when checking in, not only register as Mr & Mrs so & so, make sure to get two keys, verify with the manager that there will be no trouble, and so on.

This may be a bit inconvenient during the initial check-in, but it would seem a sure path to being about to relax without hassle during the rest of the stay.

We have always checked in as Mr and Mrs and she uses my Italian surname on her US passport! :o


I agree with Girlfrombar. It should not matter whether a woman is a bargirl, ex-bargirl or never was a bar girl; ignorant assumptions hurt everybody.

I think it was the Ambassodor Hotel in Bangkok when my wife and I were stopped very rudely and publicly on the way to our room.  "Have to pay to take lady to the loom" he said holding his hand out, "this is my wife" i said whilst we showed him our matching wedding rings, with a stupid smirk on his face (obviously thought we were bullsihtting) "you pay money and she give ID card"

Seems like a Thai matter and no reflection on you as a Farang.

Rudness in Thailand is a very common occurance, probably more a part of Thai culture than one would suspect.


I sympathize with you Simon 43.

Stayed at the Radisson last time in Los and Gf said she did not want to stay there anymore, asked why and at the time she refused to say, took me nearly a month to get it out of her. One of the staff refused her entry into the lift accusing her of being a BG.There followed a heated argument and apparently the manager was called. On shoeing her card key and my passport which she insisted I always carry and for safety sakes I put in her bag she was allowed to go to room.

If I had known at the time in hindsight all ###### would have broken out. I know now she was probably right not to tell me.

thai people look suspiciously when they see a foreign man in the company of a thai woman. this is particularly true when the man is in his sixties, and the woman is quite young... a description of davethailand & madame davethailand perhaps  :D

<deleted>. :o

I noticed an old Thai lady started at me when I went out with my super ex - the Viking. From head to toe, and made her way up to my head again. We both were young and good looking. I was wearing T-shirt and jeans. It still happened.

With the Ex File - the Canuck.. we went out together one night and had a great time. Then, he went to the loo. And a drunken idiot appeared from God knew where, blocked my way and harassed me. He was trying to take me home. When I pointed out I was with my man (and he actually knew it), he still insisted. So, I said I wasn't that type, but he wouldn't listen to me. He licked my face and touched me. Still tried to talk me into leaving my man and going with him. And I was wearing a pretty nice dress.

Idiots/<deleted> come in all shapes and forms. I'm afraid we can even name one in teacher form. Don't you agree, Palmer? :D

And by the way, I've met Dave and his missus. No where near what you described.


LC, if you was me goil at the time, I woulda pounded that bloody fookin face licker's head inta a bloody, messy pulp. Hopefully your Johnny did a right good jobber on his little head.

actually, it's not the matter if the gf being bg or not

if they were treated like this rubbish,

not only 'non' bg gf would feel pissed

but the 'career' bg gf also would feel double shited

i don't know about others

but for me, it seemed to be big conflict alerted in my head

when i was going out with my 'farang' bf (still boyfriend by that time --now up grade to husband) in thailand

we are 2yrs gap --late 20's

sometimes, i couldn't  help feeling myself like 'the pro'

which i AM NOT --HOW COME ??

he NEVER pays (for) me for any single of satang --luv me? --take me!! --marry me?? --NO DOWRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? ;)  :ph34r:

(right, no dowry when he married me)

and actually, MY family even GOTTA extra 'presented' him &me

for f.u.c.k. 's sake

even the pro, they got 'cost'

me.. far worsen  :unsure:

we took 'experimental' from 5(f.u.c.kin) stars apartment service to alternative 'inn' at ksr --on basically 'long stay'

and these are all the souvenir

2 'star' inn = extremely pissed off; be requested copy of id/ be 'watch' from head to toe plus 'gossip' in front of my stunted face

3 'star' hotel = REAL pissed off; be 'asked' to pay B500 to stay night out with my (bloody) bf otherwise please 'leave' notice , be 'spied' by 'extra anonymous room service' in front of the room door

5 'star' apt service = (seemed) less pissed except some strange 'unreadable' eyes

dang sad but bloody true..

once walking with my bf on street, this word hit my ears and suddenly knocked me out dead on ground (TKO) --eh just another one of 'madame hooker' and glimpsed at 'me'

there seems to have huge sterotyped prejudice or judgement when seeing farangman with thai girl couple

:(  <_<

Deadful staff behavior at these hotels. The only respectable place where I have never encounterd any trouble is the JW Marriott in BKK. There they treat you like adults.

One time at the BKK Shangri-la, we were stopped on our way to the suite. I ignored the request to come to the desk and told the porter to send the manager to see me in the morning if there was a problem.

At the Marriott in Pattaya my GF and I were stopped once. I just ignored ithe whole thingwhile my GF assisted the security guard to check his room list.Good thing that she does not get upset easily.


We have very few problems from Thais regarding respectful treatment of my wife. She demands and always get the level of respect from hotel staff that we are paying for.

The main problem we have is also from Farang men who appear to believe that my wife would find them attractive and irresistable. Their arrogance is unbelievable.


My way of dealing with the hotel problem is risky and therefore not recommended but it works great for me.

When returning to the hotel, invariably my wife is asked for her ID card and I am asked to pay the usual fee (even though we checked in as a couple, if only they'd check their records). I approach the reception desk and with a completely straight face, ask the lady receptionist if she would like to come to our room for sex and name a price. When the initial shock wears off her face, I tell her that that's what it feels like to be assumed a prostitue.

We never get hassled again.

The main problem we have is also from Farang men who appear to believe that my wife would find them attractive and irresistable. Their arrogance is unbelievable.


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