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Thailand and other S.E. Asian nations are by far much more racist than America.

Americans are, bar none, the most violent about their brand of racism. Good movie regarding same is, "American History X". I highly recommend you watch, if you haven't.

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Thailand and other S.E. Asian nations are by far much more racist than America.

Americans are, bar none, the most violent about their brand of racism. Good movie regarding same is, "American History X". I highly recommend you watch, if you haven't.

That kinda stuff is glamorized by Hollywood. Agree w/Kat that Asians are far more racist than Americans could ever hope to be.


Sriracha John, spare me with your one movie reference, alright?

I am a mixed-race person of color, did not have white friends until I was in my early 20s, and studied African-American history as well as mainstream history.

I have also studied the history of other nations as pertains to people of color, and the history of colonialism. In addition, I have discussed the issue of racism as a diaspora with other people of color from other nations.

I have also been working with migrant and ethnic minorities here in Asia. Please do not make such ridiculous claims that you cannot back up.

America had a Civil Rights Movement, which by no means made things perfect but did force the entire society into confrontation about said lack of rights. This has also contributed to the diverse multiculturalism of America today. Of course, this varies by demographics. I am not purporting America to be perfect by any means, just sick and tired of these ridiculous and baseless claims to superiority by other Western nations. These claims are not even made by many people of color of other Western countries.

So on what basis do you make these claims, Sriracha, do tell. Is it on the basis that you saw an American-produced movie on the topic?

these ridiculous and baseless claims to superiority by other Western nations.  And I say this as a person of color.  How do you make these claims, Sriracha, do tell.

From the point of view of a world traveler (27 countries to date). As someone that was raised and actually lived in America and didn't "study" about it from a book. As the father of mixed race children raised in America.

There's nothing ridiculous about claiming America is the most violent country in regards to just about any issue. They have 1,000,000 persons locked up in prisons nation-wide. No other country comes close, in numbers or percentages. A simple trip to any prison there will enlighten you or anyone about the realities of racism in America, be it from folks like the Aryan Brotherhood or any black

gang-banger. America has how many members in the Klan? To give you an idea of the magnitude, I dare say their numbers alone are greater than all the hill tribes of Thailand added together. America is where the phrase "hate crime" was coined.

Does Thailand have racism? Yes. Do other countries have racism? Yes. But in it's ever-present desire to be world leaders in all arenas, America is by far the most violent in it's racism. Sorry to burst yours and Boon Mee's bubble, but that's the reality. If you doubt it, talk to just about any "person of color" IN america.

...that Asians are far more racist than Americans could ever hope to be.

...could ever hope to be.

Is this a Freudian slip?


Sriracha John:

Let me clarify a couple of things before we go on. Number one: I am definitely not absolving any of America's supposed crimes or faults when it comes to race or anything else. I am a white-skinned mixed-race person, from a low-income family of black and Puerto-Ricans from the S. Bronx.

Therefore, let me make something else perfectly clear: My knowledge on this comes first of all from my life, AND then books. Therefore, I don't need to take a short trip to any prison, I'm from an area that fills prisons, and graveyards. Not to mention one that staffs the American military around the globe. So please, spare me on your attempt to school me on reality.

But you are wrong to make a general sweep about America on a multitude of issues. You sound like you are now talking about public policies and diverting to the war, rather than talking about actual comparative facts about both historical and current racism in Western societies. You say you LIVED in America, and didn't study about it from a book, but that doesn't answer where you are from. Being a world traveller doesn't make you an expert on racism. Many people travel to Thailand and believe it is the land of smiles.

You bring up the example of the Klan. Do you really believe for a second that Arayan brotherhoods do not exist in other European nations? Dream on my friend. It is way more than the Klan because after the fall of the Berlin Wall this became a hugh and DOCUMENTED problem in Western Europe when East German Nazis started to network again. Right after the wall came down Berlin also experienced racial bashings where in some instances the police did nothing. Germany is also not the only place. There have been racially-motivated bashings all over Europe. I was in East Berlin in the early 1990s with a group of women that were visible women of color and we had to leave East Berlin before nightfall.

I have also heard stories from Australia and England from other people of color about harrassment and racial incidents. Many West-Indian Brits have told me that America is in many ways more comfortable for them, including the model Naomi Campbell, who stated this publicly.

Again, this is not to assert the untrue and ridiculous statement that America is above criticism or guilt in this regard, but merely to point out the ridiculous and too oft assertion that everyone else is somehow pure as the driven snow.



I do recognize that we both care about these issues and are most likely more alike than different poltically, but on the same side - I'm not on anyone's side, only the side of the truth as I can humbly see it.

I think sometimes people have hidden agendas, such as to prove that one place is not so bad by demonizing another. I think we both can agree about America's faults, the problem I have is with people who think we are the only source of the world's faults. My response is: If you live in glass houses don't throw stones, especially if I see you :o

Hey, cheers, man, wherever you may be from. You can't be all that bad if you care about racism in America.


I do like this thread, it's a funny one.

I think basically anyone who experiences this kind of hotel reception problem must be a bit tolerant and try to have a sense of humour.

It seems it's only the classier hotels that really give you a problem, because they charge you extra for bringing a BG back to the room, so sometimes they mistakenly assume that your dear wife is a BG. Never had the problem myself, probably because, dare i say it, my thai chinese wife is a class act, well educated, well dressed, etc. But i have taken BG's back to my room and have had lady friends stay over with me.

Long time ago (25 years), a wealthy business mate of mine, stayed in Royal Cliff in Pattaya on his honeymoon. When he came back to UK, he said "golly gosh what a place thailand is, the girls were even pestering me at my lunch table at the Royal Cliff even though my wife was with me !" It was not much later than that when many high class hotels banned BG's from their premises.

However, you can bring a BG back to ur room for a price. Interesting question, who get's the money, does it go to the hotel or is it extra earnings for the night duty staff ?

Funny story at the Asia Pattaya, again quite long ago. Two Israeli soldiers were on vacation at the hotel (as i was). Around 1 am in the lobby, one soldier was arguing with the reception because they were asking for the 500 baht charge for the BG he brought back with him. He was a newbie and didnt know about this kind of charge, anyway he paid it. Next night, more arguments, but this time he brought 2 BG's with him. The reception were charging him 1,000 baht because 2 girls. He was arguing that it should only be 500 baht for the extra "sex" charge, he'd thought it was 500 baht however many girls he brought to the room! Some people only learn the hard way. Just hope it was worth it.

As for slagging of Thai's in general, there's good and bad points wherever you go in this world, so let's face it, for all the rudeness and problems you might encounter in Thailand, for me and a lot of you, it's a very sanook place to be and Thais are a great people (we just cant always agree with their attitudes).


The Atlanta is on Soi 2, not 4. It sure sounds like them; thought so right off, think I know the staff member you mention.

I stopped recommending them because my rooms were always dirty, some staff unfriendly, ownership arrogant with its "like it or lump it" policies, not half as good as they thought they were.

I liked it because of the coffee shop, the interesting guests, some of the staff, the Saturday night cultural interlude plus the dichotomy of the 'no sex tourist rules" and the crazy location. I'm going to be taking my gf there for lunch but will only stay if I'm in town and she can't join me.

However, you can bring a BG back to ur room for a price. Interesting question, who get's the money, does it go to the hotel or is it extra earnings for the night duty staff ?

If you get a receipt, it goes to the hotel. If you don't, then I guess it is a bonus to the staff


Never had it happen to myself with my gf. Maybe it is sort of hotel you frequent? (no problems in the Mariott, Sheraton, Hilton) I even stayed at some local hotels such as the Majestic Suites.


Quite right NewGuy, The Atlanta is on Soi 2 - my mistake.

I think part of our problem this time was that the German owner has died. I'm sure reception were telling me that. The manageress of the coffee shop, who's been there for a million years, has obviously taken it upon herself to arbitrarily enforce the house rules the original owner laid down.

Was there once with my ex and reception were trying to get the extra money out of me. The lady at the travel agency desk stood up for us as she had met the ex on many previous occasions.

The rooms are still crummy and there are plenty of other places to stay in the vicinity.


Why do your guys really need to go to 5stars hotel to get this kind of treament and pay huge sum of money,just check in Khao San rd and will can even can do orgies in loom!!.

Why do your guys really need to go to 5stars hotel to get this kind of treament and pay huge sum of money,just check in Khao San rd and will can even can do orgies in loom!!.

if taken as "loom":

sounds uncomfortable, but would that orgy include the weaving lady? :o

if taken as "room":

I'd be afraid of most guest house floors there collapsing.... :D


re: britmaveric

I thought the OP referenced an incident at Novotel (similiar status as Sheraton & Marriott?). Others have mentioned Shangri-La, Montien, Ambassador, and the Radisson (hardly bargain-basement hoteliers) and it seems that those are the kind of places where most people are running into this problem.


I'd just ask whoever it was at the hotel whether they were calling my wife a whore.

Then I'd ask them to come real close and ask me again. :o

Actually, I haven't been bothered and wouldn't kidglove them if I was. It would be, in this order;

(1) This is my wife.

(2) <deleted> you!

Probably we've never had a problem because my wife books the hotels so they're already expecting her. She also has my western surname, so they know she's married to a farang already...

I'd suggest getting your wife or girlfriend to book the room-less hassles later and probably a discount at some places to boot (as we get)...



Hey, Alex- nice to see ya again!

When someone sees me walking around with a (slightly :o ) younger Thai man, it's fairly obvious to them what's going on, I suppose- at least that we're dating. I don't know if the Thais assume it's also a money thing.

I've never been challenged in any hotel in the Kingdom, back when I was a tourist- and had no problems with my apartments the last few years either.

Then again, in general I'm not dating the dodgiest, obvious-money-boy types [they have to be more subtle to trick me now!]



sriracha john- dunno I dare say I travel alot on business- might have something to do with the frequencies of my trips, but I've never experienced any issues what so ever with bringing my gf with me. Of course we check in together and her name is also on the room. It seems to me it must be based on personal opinions of the hotel staff rather than general policy.

Regardless shouldn't have this treatment period- not their job to judge who you bring with you in your own hotel room.

Regardless shouldn't have this treatment period- not their job to judge who you bring with you in your own hotel room.

I certainly agree with you there...it's not their business. I've not experienced it myself either. I also agree that it's a subjective personal issue whenever it's raised.

Clearly, this topic only applies to you guys who have Thai GFs/wives who are NOT BGs! (And apologies for those guys with BG GFs who are offended by this topic :o )

On 2 recent occasions when visiting hotels, my GF has been mistaken for a BG, and this has upset her (and angered me).

Both events happened in Phuket.

On the 1st occasion, we stayed together for 2 nights at the Novotel, Kalim Bay. On the 3rd day, she had to fly to BKK for business, whilst I stayed on for a further day for Phuket business. The receptionist therefore advised me (in full hearing of my GF and all other guests), that I would have to pay 1000 baht to bring a different woman back to my room that night!

Great customer service Novotel! - Thanks

On the 2nd occasion, we stayed together at another Phuket hotel, and walked down to the beach one evening for a meal. On our return, the security guard refused to let either of us into the hotel grounds, with the excuse that sex tourists were not allowed in the hotel. After a heated discussion, and calls to the manager, we were both finally allowed back to our rooms.

Although I was angered on both occasions, I think the worse effect was on my GF, who was greatly upset (and angry), for being assumed to be a BG. Like it or not, BGs do not feature high on the social ladder in Thai society. My GF is not 'big-faced', but being mistaken for a prostitute is not likely to put smiles on her face.

Have other members had similar problems? And what did you do at the time? And how did your GF/wife react?

And for those of you with BG GFs, was your GF ever mistaken for a hi-so girl? Were you/her angry, upset etc :D (Sorry! couldn't resist to ask this question!)

I'm a Thai girl and it normally does not happen. And if it happens, why should I care? They know nothing.

It helps if they are wearing a university uniform then they don't get bothered!!

Usually one needs to take these gals to Peep Inn, Seven Holidays, 99 Hotel as many universities have a "no hotel" dress code policy. Over zealous ajarns sometimes create problems for kids that don't adhere to the dress code.

Rangsit, ABAC, Bangkok U, Hua Chiew... blue blooded girls of independent means...(and lower IQs). It was a very good year.....



Wow!! It's been a while since I read this thread.

I can understand some hotels having a perceived security issue with prostitutes in general. Asking for ID is for the protection of the guest (ever fall asleep afterwards and awake to find that you're 'date' was gone and you hadn't paid her yet? and so was your wallet? and have no idea who she was? No recourse whatsoever?) similar to a bank asking for ID even if you are a regular customer. Once it is established that there is no security problem then the issue should disapear.

As I said earlier, when my Thai GF and I go to a Hotel we check in together. She is a registered guest, exactly the same as me. Occasionally we will be stopped by security guard (I'm old and ugly she's young and beautiful) but easily overcome with a trip to reception.

Many many hotels outide the US charge by the number of guests not by the room capacity. It is not unusual to be charged extra for the extra person, wife or not.

Racism and elitism are are kissing cousins. I am from the southern USA, and I can assure you, racism is alive and well. I say this not meaning that only WASPs are racists, noooo, it comes from all varieties of people. I also don't mean to indicate that I think all or even most people are racist (though it could well be that over half are). Some blacks have a problem accepting people who are non blacks. Some Vietnamese immigrants have a problem with non Vietnamese. Some non Americans have a problem with Americans. Elitism.. Some rich people have a problem with non rich people. Some poor people have a problem with someone less challenged. Some people of a certain class have a problem with people of a different class. ON and On and On and On. But guess what. This kind of narrow minded small world thinking doesn't stop at any borders, be that border a river, an ocean, or a culture it is all over the world. Have to get used to it but do our best not to perpetuate it and teach our children well. I don't think it will go away in our lifetime.

:o Coffee!!! :D


I showed the missus this thread and asked for her opinion.

She said that it depends on how the g/f conduct themselves with the farang b/f.



If your are walking into a small Hotel...then this could happen.if you are staying at

a well known international hotel, then they have no excuse.

I'm not one for creating a scene, but I would definatly put the person(s) in there place if it happend to me.If enough people complain about a particular hotel, then hopefully it will effect their business.To say nothing is to let them get away with it and let somebody else suffer.


I think the hotels charge a joiner fee for two reasons. The lower end hotels do it as a way simply to make more money. But there are some hotels that charge a large joiner fee in order to discourage sex tourists from staying at their hotel. They want to keep their hotel's family friendly. Whether this is a good business practice or not it up to them.

In general, I haven't had the problem of my Thai-GF being mistaken for a prostitute. I think this is because I don't hang out in the sex tourist areas of Thailand with my GF. Sure if I checked into the Ambassador Hotel with her, I wouldn't be the least surprised if the guard made some comment about her being a BG. That is because 99% of the Thai girls that stay there are in fact prostitutes.

Recently, we went to Phuket and stayed in a nice place at Kata Beach. She was the only Thai person staying at the hotel. We never had any problems. In fact, it seemed the hotel staff really enjoyed talking with her because she was the only Thai staying there. Although, I was wondering what the other guests were thinking. Seeing a farang with a Thai women, they may have thought she was was prostitute.

Right now, I am planning a trip and am currently trying to decide which hotels to stay in. And her being thought a prostitute is on my list of considerations.


I haven't had any problems, we are both too old and beyond suspicion.(smilie)

Different thing when I travelled with the daughter, school uniform or not.

One receptionist suggested the 'honeymoon suite', another thought we'd just had a row and tried to mediate when we asked for 2 seperate rooms.

Different thing when I travelled with the daughter, school uniform or not.

One receptionist suggested the 'honeymoon suite', another thought we'd just had a row and tried to mediate when we asked for 2 seperate rooms.

Another proof if need be that they know nothing.

Prejudice is the reasoning of fools.

Did it make you angry or proud? :o

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