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Thinking About Getting Braces...


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ya well it cost $5000 US dollars to get braces in America, so its cheaper to do it in thailand, like 40k Baht, so Ive been seriously considering getting them, but not sure whats holding me back, Im 27 and I have 2 problems that I notice on my teeth , and over-bite and 1 bottom tooth is slightly pushed in-ward. I spoke to my mom and shes says its ok to get them, Now I know they are a fashion statement in Thailand but Im not getting them for fashion, just to fix a few minor problems, but in the long run will it be worth it? am I too old? will I look 5 years younger? A billion questions run through my mind right now I need some advice on this forum, thanks.

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ya well it cost $5000 US dollars to get braces in America, so its cheaper to do it in thailand, like 40k Baht, so Ive been seriously considering getting them, but not sure whats holding me back, Im 27 and I have 2 problems that I notice on my teeth , and over-bite and 1 bottom tooth is slightly pushed in-ward. I spoke to my mom and shes says its ok to get them, Now I know they are a fashion statement in Thailand but Im not getting them for fashion, just to fix a few minor problems, but in the long run will it be worth it? am I too old? will I look 5 years younger? A billion questions run through my mind right now I need some advice on this forum, thanks.

Please clarify something if you will.

You're 27 years old?

You've asked your mother?

She said "It's Ok"

For you to get braces ???????

I must say that I think the least of your worries in life should be your "over bite and 1 bottom tooth slightly pushed inward".

Please ..................

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thank you for all the positive comments, Has anyone gotten dental braces in thailand? and what was your experience and how much was the payment plan? another thing that im curious about is that you have wear retainers for life indefinetly is this true? even if 1-5 days per week when i sleep??? I have an abnormal swallow and a powerful tongue, which can lead me to a relapse after Im done with braces if I dont wear the retainers, I just want to know how to keep perfect teeth for the rest of my life and how do Other members cope with that.

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thank you for all the positive comments, Has anyone gotten dental braces in thailand? and what was your experience and how much was the payment plan? another thing that im curious about is that you have wear retainers for life indefinetly is this true? even if 1-5 days per week when i sleep??? I have an abnormal swallow and a powerful tongue, which can lead me to a relapse after Im done with braces if I dont wear the retainers, I just want to know how to keep perfect teeth for the rest of my life and how do Other members cope with that.

Most people don't have perfect teeth. My best advice is to keep what you have got in routine good order, and that's that. I mean when you smile do people see just a normal guy with a normal set of teeth or do you have some specific problem here ?

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No, just those two minor problems that i mentioned about, but If I dont fix those problems now they could get worst in the future, isnt that why everyone else gets braces? My problem is not serious if thats what your asking, but I actually FEEL shifting and CROWDING in my lower teeth, sensitivity too, so I would hope it solves the problems.

Edited by DragonQuest
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No, just those two minor problems that i mentioned about, but If I dont fix those problems now they could get worst in the future, isnt that why everyone else gets braces? My problem is not serious if thats what your asking, but I actually FEEL shifting and CROWDING in my lower teeth, sensitivity too, so I would hope it solves the problems.

I think many of us have similar issues. I'm 47 for a long while I used to feel the same in my upper teeth, now in my lower teeth, and come to think of it at various times in my molars too. I suppose it's an issue. What did your dentist in USA say? Trouble is out here they'll be in for the bucks, you won't get honest advice.

Also remember positive advice doesn't make it best advice.

I'd take a step back if I were you. You could be just a bit over conscious about this. Not saying don't do it but look at the need and then the pros and cons.

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Had braces 2X. First time was ages 13-17. Not a great job. Crappy orthodontist. Wore them again 23-27 and they worked. Don't have perfect Hollywood teeth now but they are straight enough & properly spaced. What counts is that I have no dental problems whatsoever. Badly aligned teeth give rise to stress on the teeth and resultant cracks, wear & tear etc. Think of it as an investment so you can minimize the potential for jaw problems, cracked teeth, root canals, that shows up in your 40's and onwards. Do it while you can. Don't hesitate.

Edited by geriatrickid
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thank you for all the positive comments, Has anyone gotten dental braces in thailand? and what was your experience and how much was the payment plan? another thing that im curious about is that you have wear retainers for life indefinetly is this true? even if 1-5 days per week when i sleep??? I have an abnormal swallow and a powerful tongue, which can lead me to a relapse after Im done with braces if I dont wear the retainers, I just want to know how to keep perfect teeth for the rest of my life and how do Other members cope with that.

I would say be very careful where you go.

My GF went to Thantakit approx 2.5 years ago. The price for these coloured braces was 70000, deposit of 30000

The payment was monthly 2500 baht.,

with no discount for cash upfront

This was a 'guaranteed' price with no extras.

Then about 1 yr ago she was told that there was a more advanced piece of equipment that would shorten the time and do a better job.........result an extra 20000.

Now she has just been told she will have to have 3 implants etc etc.....another 145000!!!!!!!

Add to that constant charges for cleaning and other misc charges, it will have cost so far over 250,000 baht, and who knows what the next BS story will be :D

I would steer well clear of Thantakit :o

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Hi DragonQuest,

I am 28 and in middle of my orthodontic treatment here. I started it at 27 and had my braces fitted in Thailand. Like you, I have an overbite (and a few other problems). My teeth were not that crooked when I smiled - not straight but not noticeably bad, you know? For what its worth, here's my experience....

What finally inspired me to make the sacrifice of wearing braces as an adult;

1. Overbite - Even with your lips closed, an overbite is obvious. Take a look around you at others with overbites and see for yourself if you think its enough of an aesthetic problem to warrant correction.

2. The increasing number of adults getting orthodontic treatment. Its not just a Thai trend, everytime I go home (Europe) I see more and more of my friends getting braces in search of a perfect Hollywood smile. This makes me feel more comfortable about having them. I think it also speaks to how things will be in the future and I'd hate to end up getting them in my 40s or 50s. Might as well get it knocked out now.

I went to DC One clinic. The owner/Director of DC One is the person who will perform orthodontic treatment as this is her particular field of expertise. She offers a variety of brace options including Invisalign (let me warn you now, with an overbite you'll probably not be a good candidate for Invisalign). DC One - by her own admission, is the most expensive orthodontic treatment in the country. She goes so far as to say, in the SE Asian region. I kid you not. Its costing me $3k plus, although my particular treatment is longer and more complex than typical treatments so bear that in mind. She offers a payment plan, superb service and the most advanced equipment. This price does not include cleanings though. Its still cheaper than I would have to pay in the US or Europe. There ARE cheaper options in Bangkok so shop around for the level where you will feel most comfortable.

As to having braces, its a huge pain in the arse. I cannot WAIT to get the stupid things off (and eat toffee, Doritos, corn on the cob etc). Its painful at times but usually only for a day or two after an adjustment. But I keep reminding myself of the goal and checking out the moviestars' smiles and imagining my very own. If I had a child with my teeth, I would absolutely insist that they get braces, even if they didn't want them so that's my litmus test. If I'd make them, I should make me.

I hope this helps. Good luck!

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good thx guys, just got them on today, hurts like hel_l, cant wait for my hollywood smile in the future, now i look at peolpe with messed up teeth on the street Im very happy with my decision.(I can relate to peolpe with braces, can have something to talk about now lol)

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thank you for all the positive comments, Has anyone gotten dental braces in thailand? and what was your experience and how much was the payment plan? another thing that im curious about is that you have wear retainers for life indefinetly is this true? even if 1-5 days per week when i sleep??? I have an abnormal swallow and a powerful tongue, which can lead me to a relapse after Im done with braces if I dont wear the retainers, I just want to know how to keep perfect teeth for the rest of my life and how do Other members cope with that.

I would say be very careful where you go.

My GF went to Thantakit approx 2.5 years ago. The price for these coloured braces was 70000, deposit of 30000

The payment was monthly 2500 baht.,

with no discount for cash upfront

This was a 'guaranteed' price with no extras.

Then about 1 yr ago she was told that there was a more advanced piece of equipment that would shorten the time and do a better job.........result an extra 20000.

Now she has just been told she will have to have 3 implants etc etc.....another 145000!!!!!!!

Add to that constant charges for cleaning and other misc charges, it will have cost so far over 250,000 baht, and who knows what the next BS story will be :D

I would steer well clear of Thantakit :o

Question?: Is your Thai GF paying directly for her braces? Does the Orthodontist think a farang is paying for them? Is there the possibility that you via her are being overcharged and the difference in price is either being put into the orthodontist and/or her pocket?

This is an all too common practice amongst Thai's who can even arrange a bogus invoice to be produced as "proof".

If you go to private dentists figure on about 1/3 the price of US Dentist for dental work and if you go to a province hospital dentist about 1/10th - 1/5th the cost of a US Dentist.... i.e.


a ceramic/cosmetic/veneer cap US: $1,000 per tooth Private Thai Dentist: $230.00 per tooth Province Hospital: Not available

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  • 3 weeks later...

At 27 I got braces – It was the best choice I’d made. I can’t remember the cost but a correction was necessary for dental treatment I’d received as a child in the UK.

I had a gap between my upper two front teeth and one of them stuck out a little further than the other. Also the two teeth next the front upper middle two had a gap and were a little small.

After the braces came off (after approximately 10 months) I waited for a year for my teeth to stabilise (to be sure they were going to stay straight) and had veneers (Cost B50,000).

It’s the best money I’ve spend. I now have very straight and normal teeth, not the bright while Hollywood smile, but a good set of teeth that look natural and aid a good smile. The veneers I'm told should last a life time if looked after, I've forgotten I have mine and often bite into ice, rock hard chocolate etc.. Its possible one will crack and I'll need a replacement but I'll have to deal with that at the time.

Its pure vanity by the way, but what the heck, in the Land of smiles it makes it easier to smile.

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  • 2 years later...

Did any of you get told by the orthodontist that orthognatic surgery might be needed?

I was told that it might be a possibility, but I doubt if I will even consider it - detest unneeded surgeries.

So I will go for a second opinion if he keeps insisting - strangely though this ortho seems very reluctant to work on my teeth as he has been pointing out all the cons only (long treatment time, difficulties speaking, possible surgery, lots of pain, complication with the tooth occlusion, etc.)

Think I should drop this one and go somewhere else?

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