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Hello all, I'm a hypothyroid suffering in the UK - due to the NHS not recognising my symptoms I am self medicating with the help of a uk based natrupath using the relevent blood testing (all being paid by my own pocket)

I use a Thyroid med called 'Armour' - this is a natural version, opposed to the synthetic Thyroxine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desiccated_thyroid_extract

As I don't have a prescription for this medication.

a.[\b] Will I have issues if customs were to find a 2 week supply on me (i know rare, but just if)

b.[\b] I can take my last dose before the trip to BKK and track down the following alternative 'Thyroid-S'


My question then is - has anyone living with this condition been able to locate any Thyroid-S in BKK?

I hope someone can help, thankyou.

Edited by Leed
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Armour is niot available in Thailand. .Thyroid-S is approved for use in Thailand and locally manufactured by Sriprasit Pharma, so it should be cheap.

How easy it is to find, tho, I have no idea. The other issue is whether or not "Thyroid-S" will work as well for you asd the Armour you are taking. There are some differences in formulation which may or may not make a difference.

Since the active ingrediant in Armour (natural thyroid extract) is approved for use in Thailand the only risk you face in bringing it in with you is being suspected of it being something else. So if you decide to do that be sure to bring it in its original bottle/package along with any packaging in serts that make clear what it is.

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