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Crackdown On Thai Loggers Exploiting Burmese Forests

Jai Dee

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Crackdown on Thai loggers

Mae Hong Son _ Burmese soldiers are set to arrest Thai loggers reported to be illegally taking timber in forests along the border area opposite this province. The clampdown is said to follow an inspection trip by Brig-Gen Thein Aung, the Burmese minister for forests, to Lanma Sone village of Kayah state.

His visit was to verify reports of wholesale loggiong of teak forests in the area adjacent to the Huay Ton Noon border pass and opposite tambon Khun Yuam of Khun Yuam district. After the minister's visit, six battalions of Burmese troops were ordered to move against the illegal loggers.

Burmese and Karen soldiers stationed in the area were questioned and Burmese authorities are reportedly preparing to arrest Thai loggers exploiting the Burmese forests.

More from the Bangkok Post here.

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