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Human Growth Hormone


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get Deca Durabolin from Boots (I kid you not

Hi, could you just clarify that - you can obtain Deca from Boots? is that with a prescription or not? How much does it cost? It's news to me but I just wanted to make sure before I go and make a complete idiot of myself at Boots.

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get Deca Durabolin from Boots (I kid you not

Hi, could you just clarify that - you can obtain Deca from Boots? is that with a prescription or not? How much does it cost? It's news to me but I just wanted to make sure before I go and make a complete idiot of myself at Boots.

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) is category "S"which means prescription only. Such drugs are generally only available fro hospital pharmacies.

OTC sale illegal.

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  • 3 weeks later...
get Deca Durabolin from Boots (I kid you not

Hi, could you just clarify that - you can obtain Deca from Boots? is that with a prescription or not? How much does it cost? It's news to me but I just wanted to make sure before I go and make a complete idiot of myself at Boots.

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) is category "S"which means prescription only. Such drugs are generally only available fro hospital pharmacies.

OTC sale illegal.


its not a natural compound in your body. for keeping health take ONLY naturally occurinones that your body has.

and please mention that your testicles will shut down by taking testosterone.

do NOT listen to these people in here in this forum and just play around with your hormone system. its dangerous.

HGH is safe in small quantities.

testosterone should be taken along with docters advice. and ONLY in its natural form. make blood tests. be serious and do NOT play with this.

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I have used a low dose of Hgh for years. I have seen it work for a lot of people and where it seems to cause the most problems is with the bodybuilding community....they will take a much larger dose and most will combine it with insulin. In a 1 to 2 iu dose 5 to 6 days a week one can hope to see a much leaner body in about 3 to 6 months But you will still need to exercise and eat right to see the gains.....There are reports of Hgh causing diabetes I read some studies where Hgh was used to prevent wasting in people with HIV...And there were a few cases reported....It has also been proven time after time to increase the strenth of the immune system by causing a stimulation to the thymus gland and thus causuing an increase in CD4 production, somthing that would be helpful to a lot of people.

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  • 1 month later...

Very interested in this subject and am hoping someone can help me. I've had intramuscular injections of tetosterone before (about a decade ago) in both my thighs and my butt. The problem was I couldn't walk properly for a couple of days after each as the muscle where it was injected tightened up so much (like I had done 10,000 squats). As I am in a physical job (don't sit at a desk) it was a nightmare. I eventually stopped and have been reluctant to have the injections again. Anyone else heard of this/can suggest something?

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LoriG is spot on about the info she has given. The problem with taking any hormone especially testosterone and estrogen in pill form is that it will pass thru the liver and can overload it. The best and safest way is to use bioidentical hormones usually applied in gel form.

many people but not all can treat high colesterol by using HRT. Colesterol is a precurser for many hormones including testostrone, and estrogen. Colesterol increases, as the levels of these hormones decrease, trying to make more of these important hormones.

Also just adding zinc can raise your testosterone levels as it blocks the amrotese enzyme which converts testosterone to estrogen.

Do your reserch, get a blood test, and donot become discouraged by the many no nothing doctors, remember while in medical school they may have had just a few hours devoted to this important subject. Check out LEF.org and go to male or female hormone modulation therapy some good info on how to increase and control your hormones by many natural means. Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been following this thread and done a bit of my own research its all very interesting. I have always enjoyed regular exercise but for many years suffered from poor sleep and often feel very sleepy and lack energy in the afternoons. I have also recently undergone surgery and I am contemplating HGH to assist my recovery and perhaps improve the results of my workouts when I am able to train properly again. Of course I have to be able to get the stuff, being based in Samui perhaps MARTIN 1971 can offer some help or advice.

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Once again posters are reminded that discussion of illegal activities is against forum rules. A number of posts have been deleted accordingly. In Thailand HGH is a restricted drug legally available only from a doctor.

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Apologies to the moderator.

Let me re-phrase my question.

Has anybody had cause to use the services of an internet based company called Thai-meds.com?

If so I would be interested to hear your opinion (no specifics) of their service.


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Came across a guy named Rob Faigin he has a website called Natural Hormone Enhancement his premiss is to enhance the natural hormones of the body by correct diet and exercise. The diet is the Atkins diet with Robs adjustments for hormone enhancement have been on it for about a week and feel great. I have never been a big fan of the low fat and high carb crazyness and he explains why, why high carbs kill.

Even if you supplement hormones you need to watch the starchy carbs as high insulin levels interfer with getting the most out of your natural and supplemented hormones.

Good health and long life to all.

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  • 1 month later...
Ahh..the pursuit of the fountain of youth amuses me. Everybody wants to go to heaven ...just not right now :)

The search for the alchemists stone - making gold from base metals, and the search for the fountain of youth. We know how to make gold now; just not cost effective - you need a nuclear reactor of some kind.

The fountain of youth looks to be more viable - rHGH looks to be a close candidate. HGH production in the human body falls off as we age, to about 20% of 20yr old levels at age 60. Restoring this to youthful levels looks like it can improve the quality of life of the aged a lot.

rHGH is US FDA approved for adults with low hGH .. is an approved treatment for low HGH & the medical conditions associated with low HGH.

concise web site: http://www.csmngt.com/human_growth_hormone.htm

US HHS / FDA web site: http://www.hhs.gov/asl/testify/2007/04/t20070326a.html

Disclaimer: You need a doctors prescription to use HGH in most places, and many people don't like needles.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes HGH is a controlled substance not because of dangers or bad side effects but because of the Olympic Committee mandate, if you have a valid reason to use it your doctor can schedule you for a routine treatment or prescribe the injection therapy on a 2 week basis.

There are many new studies regarding HGH used for youth, weigh loss, personal appearance and hormone deficiencies. All are valid studies and done by University hospitals in the US. UK and Canada.

I have quite allot to say so I will post about 4 times on this topic.

First the Atkins diet is what is called a fad diet it is with or without modifications mostly BS. As with the jenny craig and the rest.

Diet for weight loss, energy, body building has 2 main components.

1. Fat free foods, plenty of veggies and fruit and a good source of Protein, either vegetable or fish. Soy, Whey or Casien proteins are the best, Tuna, Salmon and Lobster are the fat burning natural sources of protein.

2. Exercise daily with 3 days of intense cardio exercise and wight lifting.

Note: See your doctor for advise ALWAYS

Next HGH Side effects

Edited by meelousee
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Why so expensive, "Controlled Drug" This label in Thailand means 300% percent more than Say in Sweden, Germany where they simply sign and waver stating they are not a professional athlete and their name and ID numbers are registered with the state athletic commissions.

The danger of HGH? None known with exception of existing diseases that are exaggerated by GH hormones :jap:

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it's best to have some sort of doctor/professional supervision because blood tests are involved and if your going to spend so much then make sure your Insulin Growth Hormone (IGF) levels are responding.

Some people find cycling is best or also using SERMORELIN which is a pituitary stimulating 29 peptide subset of rHGH. It costs less also.

The key is what is producing results. If it's not boosting your levels then HGH is expensive and would be a wasteful.

Makes the most sense to get Pregnenalone, DHEA, LH and Free testosterone levels up and Estriadol, SHBG, homocysteine down first because the supplements, pro hormones and aromatase inhibitors, HRT drugs etc are much cheaper.

I know DHEA can be found OTC in Thailand. Not sure about Pregnenolone. I get mine from the US which is just supplement OTC status and very cheap.

Also take advantage of Saw Palmetto (OTC) thailand and DIM (Diindolylmethane). OTC US. It's an extract of cruciferous vegetables and disables SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which often monopolizes Testosterone in men and Progesterone in women.. Can also eat lots of Broccoli and Cauliflower but less effective.

For some people HGH can stop working after several months... Using good blood testing and Dr consulting can help maximize the expense of using HGH, rIGF and SERMORELIN etc.

There is health gold in using hormone restoration and management but it's not just about HGH.

Sheryl has it right about carbs. They destroy your bodies IGF (insulin Growth Factor) levels... Consider giving up all grains like wheat , rice etc. I did that a while back and my levels really improved and fat dropped quickly. Stick to low sugar fruits, low starch vegetables and quality proteins... Much cheaper than HGH and still very enjoyable way to eat.

Good luck

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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