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Only In Britain

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Being British is about driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, and then travelling home, grabbing an

Indian curry or a Turkish kebab on the way, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on a Japanese TV.

And the most British thing of all? Suspicion of all things foreign!

Only in Britain can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.

Only in Britain do supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the shop to get their prescriptions while

healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.

Only in Britain do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a DIET coke.

Only in Britain do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to the counters.

Only in Britain do we leave cars worth thousands of pounds on the drive and lock our junk and cheap lawn mower in the


Only in Britain do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from

someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place.

Only in Britain are there disabled parking places in front of a skating rink.

Can anyone add to this............?

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only in Britain when you go to the DofE (department of employment) and you are white english with some dosh in the bank will you be told "No you cannot have any money to live on,get to an interview until All your savings are gone!"

but if you are Polish you can get an allowance for a suit for the interview,claim job seekers allowance to get there get accommodated for free claim child support for their kids back in poland at UK rates get free english lessons drive around in an uninsured vehicle with no Uk road tax and no mot just go home once a year in it and no problem you dont have to comply with uk regs

and if you are arab or muslim god help the firm that turns you down at the interview the failed interviewee can easily get legal aid to sue the firm for racial discrimination

Only in England are the white English the ethnic minority with NO support from the government or the EU

Not racist but the UK and EU governments are turning a lot of people against all those immigrants that get financial and legal support for nothing

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only in Britain when you go to the DofE (department of employment) and you are white english with some dosh in the bank will you be told "No you cannot have any money to live on,get to an interview until All your savings are gone!"

but if you are Polish you can get an allowance for a suit for the interview,claim job seekers allowance to get there get accommodated for free claim child support for their kids back in poland at UK rates get free english lessons drive around in an uninsured vehicle with no Uk road tax and no mot just go home once a year in it and no problem you dont have to comply with uk regs

and if you are arab or muslim god help the firm that turns you down at the interview the failed interviewee can easily get legal aid to sue the firm for racial discrimination

Only in England are the white English the ethnic minority with NO support from the government or the EU

Not racist but the UK and EU governments are turning a lot of people against all those immigrants that get financial and legal support for nothing

I think this is a little un-fair and typical of a 'Daily Mail' attitude! :o

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only in Britain when you go to the DofE (department of employment) and you are white english with some dosh in the bank will you be told "No you cannot have any money to live on,get to an interview until All your savings are gone!"

but if you are Polish you can get an allowance for a suit for the interview,claim job seekers allowance to get there get accommodated for free claim child support for their kids back in poland at UK rates get free english lessons drive around in an uninsured vehicle with no Uk road tax and no mot just go home once a year in it and no problem you dont have to comply with uk regs

and if you are arab or muslim god help the firm that turns you down at the interview the failed interviewee can easily get legal aid to sue the firm for racial discrimination

Only in England are the white English the ethnic minority with NO support from the government or the EU

Not racist but the UK and EU governments are turning a lot of people against all those immigrants that get financial and legal support for nothing

I think this is a little un-fair and typical of a 'Daily Mail' attitude! :o

I agree with you suegha but the last sentence is becoming increasingly true. I find thinly veiled racism to be on the rise in the UK driven partially by the gutter press like the Mail and the Express (I'll omit the Sun and the Mirror as I class those as childrens comics) but in the main it's the PC correct looney brigade that are fuelling the hatred. Many of the ethnic minorities disagree with the stuff they come up with, like banning Xmas cards from classrooms, but they are powerless against these non-elected busybody ngo's.

btw I have no experience with immigrant's rights but can say that you are only prevented from claiming jobseeker's allowance if your savings exceed £7000, once you are below that level you can claim all you are entitled to. It is not unreasonable to expect healthy, work able people to invest some of their own money in their own future. The benefits system is set up to be a safety net for those that, for whatever reason, find themselves without funds, it is not a savings bank where you can withdraw what you have put in. Similar to insurance, you don't get back all your premiums just because you have never made a claim but if you do need to make a claim the money you receive may well exceed your premiums.

It is truly amazing how many people rant against benefit fraud when the money involved is peanuts when compared against tax fraud. Anyone remember the outcry when Lester Piggott had to do time for tax fraud? Tax fraud, like benefit fraud, is theft but it is acceptable as it is perceived as a strike against the SYSTEM.

Rant mode off.

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I live part time in California. We also have a immagration problem from Mexico. The Los Angles Mayor who is Latino, durring his speech that the "CRACKERS and REDNECKS" (white people) where raceist because we wanted to uphold the laws of the land and not give illegal aliens benifits. They want open boarders They want spanish as the lanuage. It would not be so bad but we only get the POOR and UNEDUCATED people from mexico. The Mexican President said where ever there is a Mexican, that is Mexico. Our culture is dieing.

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To go one stage further I found this on the BBC news website this morning.

Please read down to the bottom.

I am 63 and I remember the original Lolita film and the book and also Lady Chatterly's lover which somebody at the school had but the is un-elected PC people gone crazy.

Woolworths withdraws 'Lolita' bed

Dominique Swain played the young girl in the film, Lolita

A film adaptation of the novel also met with controversy

Bedroom furniture for young girls with the brand name Lolita has been withdrawn by Woolworths following complaints from parents.

A parenting website said it was in "unbelievably bad taste" to give the bed the same name as a novel about a sexually precocious young girl.

Woolworths said the £395 Lolita Midsleeper Combi was withdrawn when the matter was brought to its attention.

Vladimir Nabokov's 1955 novel became famous for its controversial subject.

The story of a stepfather's sexual obsession with a 12-year-old girl has been adapted for film twice: first by Stanley Kubrick in 1962 and later in 1997 when Jeremy Irons played the lead part of Humbert Humbert.

It has become a name that is synonymous with sexual precocity and the fact that it is tied to a girl's bed - it literally couldn't be worse taste

Catherine Hanly, parenting website editor

Catherine Hanly, editor of parenting website raisingkids.co.uk, was among the parents to complain about the furniture advertised on the Woolworths website.

She said a Woolworths press officer had told her staff running the website "had no idea" of the word's connotations.

"I expect a company like Woolworths to actually know what it means and the connotations and stuff," she told BBC Radio Five Live Breakfast.

"It has become a name that is synonymous with sexual precocity and the fact that it is tied to a girl's bed - it literally couldn't be worse taste."

A Woolworths spokeswoman said: "Now this has been brought to our attention, the product has been removed from sale with immediate effect."

She said the suppliers, who advertise the product on the Woolworths' website, would be asked how the branding came about.

I wonder who gave this person the right to promote her own views as the most important in the way that in international company runs its own business.

She may not even have been alive in 1962 which by my adding of fingers and toes a couple of time came out as 46 years ago this year.


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