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All Tt&t Lines Are Open To Asdl


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Ji-Net was down for me all night. Died at around 2200 last night, called their helpdesk (0-2831-7000) but they didn't even answer it, just a prerecorded message (Thai only, if you chosed English you'd just be hung up) something about "mi benhaah - patcheet" ....

Seems it wasn't fixed until this morning, presumable when tech staff arrived at work. How can they run an operation like this without having capable tech staff if not on duty then at least on call for something like this. TiT :o:D:D

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I'm using ji-net (10 days), and up till now hasn't been down, works pretty much as they advertise (a slowdown of around 20-30% during peakhours)

Maybe the problem was at the adsl exchange, there's two things giving you internet, first the adsl line/exchange(TT&T) linking you up with the ISP and second the ISP (Ji-net) linking you up with the internet...

ADSL signals are easily degraded by bad lines etc... Thailand isn't exactly known by the high standards of the phone wires!!!

I've noticed that sometimes I'm linked up badly with the isp, this I solve by logging out and back in (you can restart your router/modem or do it in the configuration screens of your router/modem)

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Monty, I know that and I've rebooted the router several times, I dont think thats the problem. My router has an option to check the line quality and it has been ok all the time;

Local Tx Power: 10.63 dB

Remote Tx Power: 12.45 dB

Local Line Atten.: 41.5 dB

Remote Line Atten.: 26.5 dB

Local SNR Margin: 25.5 dB

Remote SNR Margin: 31.0 dB

There must be another reason somewhere....

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I have absolutely no idea about the technical side of ADSL and would appreciate some very basic help from the experts.

I ‘signed up’ with TOT on Pattaya Klang back in mid-July. They advised me that their Engineer would not be able to visit my house to do whatever he has to do for at least two months, so I am not bleating about the delay. That said, I plan to call in tomorrow to check on the status as trying to get any sense by phone is a waste of time.

Provided they are eventually able to use my existing TOT line for ADSL, what are the next steps that I need to take? What sort of equipment do I need to buy etc? No doubt they will tell me what they think is best for me (or them), but I would like to hear from those who understand the alternatives/options.

Another basic question concerns the need for an ISP. Do I need to have a separate ISP or is all that handled as part of the TOT package?

I currently have a dial-up account with CSLoxinfo which gives me three e-mail addresses that I would ideally like to retain, although that is not a critical factor. I am currently on their Web 100 plan which costs me 900 baht per month for 120 hours connection time. From my uninformed way of thinking, that plan will no longer be appropriate as I will not be using dial-up once I have ADSL installed. Is there some alternative plan I need to switch to with CSLoxinfo (if I need to stay with them) and if so, what are the monthly charges?

Thanks very much for any help.

Phil, ADSL-challenged :o

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I am currently on their Web 100 plan which costs me 900 baht per month for 120 hours connection time. From my uninformed way of thinking, that plan will no longer be appropriate as I will not be using dial-up once I have ADSL installed. Is there some alternative plan I need to switch to with CSLoxinfo (if I need to stay with them) and if so, what are the monthly charges?

Just buy the 'sanook' red cards at 199 baht for 50 hours?

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Monty, I found the problem is the CAT/GBLX link. Anytime I go to sites using this route I have packet errors and timeouts. Unfortunately to get to my company's servers I am passing through this link. Will try sending Ji-Net helpdesk a note in the naive hope someone might, maybe by accident, forward it to CAT and that they, by similar accident actually will try to do something about it. Not waiting up for it.

I checked with TTT regarding their ISP's .. there are 3 available for 1500/month: Ji-Net, CSLox and ISSP. I asked what the difference was and they told me that CSLox share one line btwn 20 users, ISSP btwn 10. They didn't know about Ji-Net.

Phil Clark: You must understand that in Thailand it would ALWAYS be a waste of time to expect the telco to contact you for anything. You MUST push them again and again if you want anything done. Generally they should not take more than two weeks about this, anything more is daalah. You need to choose an ISP (See above for some price details) and a plan (256/128 is plenty) and buy a router ("adsl modem"). The telco will sell you one or you can buy it in any well equipped computer store. Any model will work but of course if you need help with it you need to either make sure the shop will help you or that you get a model that the telco is familiar with.

For dialup, if you feel like burning money keep using CSLox, but frankly, you might as well save your money and get one of the Ji-Net O2 packages at 500 baht for 88 hours - or Ji-Net Shark Byte at 150 for 15 days unlimited (But needs to go through 1222 which is often busy)

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Many times CAT has single handedly been responsible for virtually closing down all internet access throughout Thailand...

Had some problems a couple of days ago of not being able to access my e-mail through my Ji-net adsl, eventhough the rest of the web worked normally. I left for BKK shortly after, when I arrived I went straight to the first internet cafe where I was unable to access my e-mail as well (they were using a CSloxinfo adsl package)

Got back home in the evening and all was well again :o

Guess it went true that same cat/gblx link :D

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Did you get connected ok? How is your speed? Who are you with.

I take back my post on HINET from CAT total rubbish the past week or so, they tell me know that they are allowing 50 users per port which means even if it were true 2mbs you would still be connecting at 50k the same as a dial up.

If anyone can reccomend a decent ADSL in pattaya about 3500 baht a month I would be grateful.

been sailing in phuket for 8 days, just got back, same as when i left, a dialtone but it won't connect. Bastards :o

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Did you get connected ok?  How is your speed?  Who are you with.

I take back my post on HINET from CAT total rubbish the past week or so, they tell me know that they are allowing 50 users per port which means even if it were true 2mbs you would still be connecting at 50k the same as a dial up.

If anyone can reccomend a decent ADSL in pattaya about 3500 baht a month I would be grateful.

been sailing in phuket for 8 days, just got back, same as when i left, a dialtone but it won't connect. Bastards :o


They put in my line on Saturday,also have a dial tone,said it would be working monday,not sure if he meant asdl or just telephone line.

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ADSL doesn't use the dial tone in a traditional sense so just because you have one doesn't mean it works.

Monty, after having worked on the problem for two hours with the network specialist of my US company we found that the router at IP address is the problem. It will only allow packets of 1470 bytes and less and does not allow fragmentation. As the standard packet size on the internet is 1500 bytes/packet you see the problem. As normal HTTP traffic goes through Ji-Net's seamless caching proxy server, you will only notice this if you use HTTPS (SSL) websites or other protocols such as SCP/SSH ... which I rely heavy upon.

Try calling Ji-Net's helpdesk at 0-2831-7000, then choose 2 (English) and 1 (ADSL problem) and you get a short Thai notice and get hung up. If you try 1-1 instead (Thai - ADSL problem) you will get message in Thai that they have a big problem and they are working on it. That message has been on since Friday. If you wait you will eventually get a Thai, but try to speak English and they'll just hang up on you.

I have subsequently cancelled my Ji-Net subscription. I am not so naive I think they care about me, but if enough people read this and consequently go elsewhere perhaps one day they will improve their "service".

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Phil Clark: You must understand that in Thailand it would ALWAYS be a waste of time to expect the telco to contact you for anything. You MUST push them again and again if you want anything done.  Generally they should not take more than two weeks about this, anything more is daalah.  You need to choose an ISP (See above for some price details) and a plan (256/128 is plenty) and buy a router ("adsl modem"). The telco will sell you one or you can buy it in any well equipped computer store.  Any model will work but of course if you need help with it you need to either make sure the shop will help you or that you get a model that the telco is familiar with.


Thanks very much for your advice as I am sure it was well-intentioned.

However, when a senior member of staff at a “Telco” specifically and ostensibly knowledgeably states a piece of information as fact, I see absolutely no point in pushing them in the manner you suggest. All that does is cause friction and even if they were fobbing me off (they were not in the case, or so I now believe), all that would do is cause the member of staff to lose face with consequent barriers being raised. It may work with a junior, but not necessarily with a more senior member of staff.

As I previously stated, they told me after much discussion that nothing would happen until at least two months.

You state that anything over two weeks is “daalah”.

I can just imagine me going back in day after day or week after week once your quoted two week “daalah” period had expired only to be asked: “Now which part of nothing can happen within two months did you not understand?’

I have lived in Thailand many years; I am not just off the boat.

Rather than go through the rest of your comments blow by blow, I will just point out that I was, as stated in my post, referring specifically to TOT, not T.T.T.

There are clearly fundamental differences as far as ISP options, modem sales and support, costs etc are concerned between the two organisations. Perhaps that is where some confusion has arisen?

Sorry to have troubled you, I will leave you to wrestle with your own T.T.T., C.A.T./GBLX problems and wish you success in solving them. I will carry on with my own quest with TOT in Pattaya and hope I get there in the end. I will not be holding my breath, despite the excellent progress in terms of contacts made and information received when I spoke with the Branch Manager of TOT at Pattaya Klang at length today.

I suspect there may be a long road to travel down yet! :o

Chok dee!.


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I went to carrefour again today as they said the line would work today,now they say tomorrow(tues).

When I asked about the asdl,she said 10 days,

I mentioned that they told me 10 days 2 weeks ago,then she explained its 10 days from the installation of the new line,so maybe you are in the same sittuation.

When I asked about the rerouter box,she told me to buy one from Wattana,have not checked out the prices yet,I might be off to BKK in a couple of days,so I could get one there cheaper.

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Might be correct

I had the phoneline already when I applied for the adsl

It went active after 11 days (they promised 10)

I was able to by a router at the TT&T office with the advantage that all settings were programmed by TT&T already. Just plugged the router in the phoneline and after 11 days the WAN light went from blinking (searching for adsl carrier) to steady on (adsl carrier present)

Then I just had to punch in my Ji-net username and password(as supplied when subscribing) and I was online!

Works a dream for me....

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I went to carrefour again today as they said the line would work today,now they say tomorrow(tues).

When I asked about the asdl,she said 10 days,

I mentioned that they told me 10 days 2 weeks ago,then she explained its 10 days from the installation of the new line,so maybe you are in the same sittuation.

When I asked about the rerouter box,she told me to buy one from Wattana,have not checked out the prices yet,I might be off to BKK in a couple of days,so I could get one there cheaper.

That was what they told me too. I pushed, ever so slightly, and had the line open in 3-4 days. shrug. :o

Wattana is not bad actually. The price is not that much higher than anywhere else and they are very good with replacement/guarantee issues (unlike TOT|TTT|most other shops around here). You can get a decent router/switch combo for about 5k from Wattana.

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Hey I was just trying to help.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink"

Suit yourself.

shrug.  :D

I will suit myself, thanks for the guidance. :o

You are right with your analogy to horses, especially when there is no water at the prescribed destination, only: “daalah”. The horses tend to sense a bull a mile off and shun their droppings, so I have been told.

I may have wrongly assumed that by: “daalah” you were transliterating the Thai slang for ‘BS’?

No offence intended, but are you from a Southern State of the United variety?

Drawl could explain the ‘interesting’ transliteration and there is nothing wrong with that (apart from my interpretation perhaps, which is doubtless equally wrong to a different ear).

Subject closed as far as I am concerned.

Just to make a general point to all, when one is not knowledgeable on a certain subject, it is probably wise to exercise restraint in the advice field as others may end up wasting their time etc. Erroneous advice, however well-intended, is best left unsaid in my view unless supported by some semblance of factual personal experience. Even then it does not necessarily mean that others will be treated the same.

I will wait and see as to how I get on with my quest with TOT to the end before I make it known as to how it went. If it all goes pear-shaped or I succeed, either way I will post my findings so that others can benefit from a real experience, not conjecture based on what a similar experience with a different organisation suggested should be the case. I hope that others also share what happened in their own real experiences, detailing all that actually happened.

Beware the Barroom Barristers!

[shrug] [sigh] [grin] :D

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Hey I was just trying to help.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink"

Suit yourself.

shrug.   :D

I will suit myself, thanks for the guidance. :o

You are right with your analogy to horses, especially when there is no water at the prescribed destination, only: “daalah”. The horses tend to sense a bull a mile off and shun their droppings, so I have been told.

I may have wrongly assumed that by: “daalah” you were transliterating the Thai slang for ‘BS’?

No offence intended, but are you from a Southern State of the United variety?

Drawl could explain the ‘interesting’ transliteration and there is nothing wrong with that (apart from my interpretation perhaps, which is doubtless equally wrong to a different ear).

Subject closed as far as I am concerned.

Just to make a general point to all, when one is not knowledgeable on a certain subject, it is probably wise to exercise restraint in the advice field as others may end up wasting their time etc. Erroneous advice, however well-intended, is best left unsaid in my view unless supported by some semblance of factual personal experience. Even then it does not necessarily mean that others will be treated the same.

I will wait and see as to how I get on with my quest with TOT to the end before I make it known as to how it went. If it all goes pear-shaped or I succeed, either way I will post my findings so that others can benefit from a real experience, not conjecture based on what a similar experience with a different organisation suggested should be the case. I hope that others also share what happened in their own real experiences, detailing all that actually happened.

Beware the Barroom Barristers!

[shrug] [sigh] [grin] :D

No, I'm European, and as I think should be clear from my other posts in this thread I have recently been through the same story that you are facing now. Add to that 20 years experience in the subject matter (computers, networks, internet) so I think whether you like it or not I actually know what I am talking about. If you don't want any advise why did you ask in the first place? (Rhetorical question btw, I am not going to hang around for your answer, so don't bother).

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blimey phil clark, madsere was only trying to help! :D

he's right though, i got a load of bull of ji net amd tt&t on the phone so i went to carrefour and nagged them, 2 hours later, it's working.

i think you'll find that TOT and TT&T are in some way connected, i think TOT are the same as BT in the UK, all the lines belong to them. My sign up reciept is from TOT.

anyway have fun waiting :D

(calm down, go for a massage, ease the tension) :o

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Had my first real failure with ji-net adsl.

According to my router the adsl link was normal, but I couldn't establish the PPoE link to ji-net.

Definately ji-net's problem...

Lasted all day till around 9pm

Not sure if it had something to do with the huge thunderstorm early morning but the link went down right during this storm...

Was however unable to get customer support on the line :o

Still not complaining however as I spend half the amount for a connection as fast and more responsive then what I had before (iptv, which went down everytime it rained hard!)

As long as every ugrade I do is an improvement for less money, I'm happy :D

I guess there's people spending more on dial up (phone and ISP together) then we pay for adsl :D

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I Went to carrefour 2 weeks back and got the pricelists for ADSL.

The ones i saw at 512/256 went for 7500/month.

Is there something im missing here?

Got the IPSTAR 512/128 for 5000/month and i'm happy with it. Thanx monty :o

Where i live (soi bongkot) we get powershortages whenever it rains heavily and that takes me offline at times. Apart from that i've experienced a drop in my connection once. And that lasted 5 minutes.

It works just fine, even when it rains and the power doesn't go out.

The 1.5 GB bandwidth limit/month sucks however.

And for that sake i would be interested in getting ADSL.

But im not interested in sharing a 512 connection with 5 ppl at 7500.

It's pretty lame even at 2500.

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Hi nobuzz,

They probably didn't show you all the isp's they have on offer. The so-called sharing doesn't affect your speed very much, I get maybe a 20% drop in speed during peakhours. But I would only know if I do a speedtest (mcafee or the likes) because you absolutly don't notice it while surfing.

They do have a downloadquota on the adsl line but 5Gb for the 256/128 connection is plenty for me (512/256 gives you 10Gb/month) I guess 10Gb would be a tad expensive on ipstar :o

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Hi Johng.

I thought that was a promotion they ran during the summer.

I asked about promotions last time i was there and they replied they didn't have any.


I guess i'll go tomorrow and see if i can get the 512/256.

What do you pay once you reach the quota?

I'm a bit worried reading the experiences of Madsere, but i guess it's worth a try.



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