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All Tt&t Lines Are Open To Asdl


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No extra money to be paid when you reach the quota, they just cut your access speed to 25kbps :o

Anyway 10Gb on the 512/256 package is quite a lot, in Belgium we only get 5Gb when subscribed to cable internet...

For regular use it is waay faster then anything else (modem, sattelite), see the reaction of bartender a bit above :D

It seems the problem of Madsere had something to do with connecting to a certain server and being forced through the CAT international link, plus on top some wrongly configured routers at Ji-net...

I have had exactly 1 outage of around 8 hours, which I guess was because of a heavy thunderstorm messing up some network...

Good luck...

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I thought that was a promotion they ran during the summer.

Yes you could well be right I did sign up about 3 months ago.

The strange thing is the picture I posted for the T speed /Hi-net came with this months phone bill, so I asumed it was still available.

I thought the promotion was... free set up fee and free ADSL modem


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Finallly after more than 4 Weeks waiting my TT&T Tel in Jomtien got connected to Ji-Net ADSL yesterday.

So far the connection is running fine, and feels quite fast.

I have a 512 / 256 Speed, unlimited hours and transfer, for around 2600 Bt a month.

I think the bandwith is shared is some way, have not found the details yet.

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I have jNet as well.

The service is good.

When you receive your first bill, it will not note that they have already received one month's payment from you. The billing will start a couple fo days after you connected the ADSL for the first time.

The Bill will include the time period from a couple fo days after you started using the service until the end of the month, and then the follwoing month as well. There will also be a 7% tax.

They will not tell you and of this, and do not waste your time with the TT & T office in CF even though the Jasmine bill has TT & T written in the item-line.

For example.

I paid for my service on Sept 3. 2450 plus tax = 2621 for one month

The technician got me hooked up on the Sept 22

I got my bill on October 10. The bill was for 2866 or so which was the combination of the month of October 1-31, and Sept 28 - 30. Don't ask.

After trying to get someone at TT & T to tell me why I was being billed for time that I had already paid for, they decided to call Jasmine.

First my gf called Jasmine. Enough said. The next time, I will have my ex-wife call, and possibly get free service out of them.

Next, I spoke with Jasmine. The lady explained to me that the 245 baht was for the last three days of Sept. as the bill stated and that the 2621 was for October. Fine enough. I could read the bill. There was no explanation as to why the billing period started on the 28th when my service started on the 22. Th was no explanation as to why I needed to pay until the end of the month of October - they may simply have a billing system which requires 1st - 31st payments. I could live with that. There was no explanation as to why the 2621 that I had already deposited was not included in the bill, and that the bill stated that I must pay for the services that I had already paid for. The lady simply told me that I had already paid the 2621 and that I needed to pay only the 245 baht for the three days, regardless of the bill.

Let's see.

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Check this page to find out on which date your service started (according to ji-net)

You can check your usage and total download amount, as well as your billing...

Log in using [email protected] as log in name and your regular password.

username@ji-compax (as required on your modem/router) won't work! Strangely

enough I everytime have to try twice before thet let me in!

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There always is a difference between when they think you started your service and when it actually went online. This seems however to be caused by TT&T as in my case they were 2 days late activating the ADSL signal. The second my adsl network was up I was able to log on with JI-net so they had activated already...

I for sure won't lose sleep over 1 or two days :o

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I had trouble with Ji-Net billing first when I wanted to change packages

they "forgot" to stop the old package so I had two running along side each other :o they did refund me for that mistake.

Now the real fun starts when you whan to cancell the subscription :D

Monty or bartender100 can you check if this banlist is still on the Ji-Net servers


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Can not get to the blacklist site :D

Even not by clicking on the links Ji-net provides when you hit a blocked site!


You were denied access because of, at least, one of the following reasons:

* this page is in blacklist. (For more information, please refer to http://www.cattelecom.net/watch-dog/)

* this page is hosting outside domestic region. Your account is permitted to access only in demestic region. (Type: Domestic-ONLY)

Eventhough CAT puts this link on their own website (http://www.cat.net.th/ , under watchdog) www.cattelecom.net doesn't even exist :o

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Hi Guys..

Finally got the pricelist for various providers from tt&t at Carrefour.

Jinet offers 512/256 shared by 10 ppl at 2450.

Is that the one everyone uses?

The lady at tt&t told me to get the adslmodem at the new compstore on 3:rd road.

Does any1 have a clue as to where that is? Went 3:rd road up and down.. didnt find anything.


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Will only work for me if I use a proxy,not directly from jnet

bartender100 : was the above meant for me ????? if you can see the list of banned sites at http://monitor.ji-net.com/global/www-blacklist.txt

Would you be so kind as to post the it somewhere, so we can all see what sites are being censored/blocked.

Can't access it now with my proxy,Yor the site is down,you have propably seen these to site's,but I will post them again,related



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yep, thats the one we're talking about (although I only have the 256/128 at 1658/month :o )

Still happy with it!

Get your modem anywhere you want, the best is to drive down to sriracha(TukCom). Otherwise Wattana on central Pattaya stocks them. Just be sure to get an adsl router and not the usb modem, only a little bit more expensive but you can do with it what you want (like hook up a second pc, or a wireless access point)

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on the routers set up screen its all up and running, it just says page can't be displayed.


thanks i will try .

I had a friend come over and got the drivers downloaded and installed but eventually we had to call jinet tech support. Surprisingly helpful!

Had to change my username and password and ended up with username@jicompax as my log-on to get connected. Very satisfied with the result.


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Phil Clark: You must understand that in Thailand it would ALWAYS be a waste of time to expect the telco to contact you for anything. You MUST push them again and again if you want anything done.  Generally they should not take more than two weeks about this, anything more is daalah.  You need to choose an ISP (See above for some price details) and a plan (256/128 is plenty) and buy a router ("adsl modem"). The telco will sell you one or you can buy it in any well equipped computer store.  Any model will work but of course if you need help with it you need to either make sure the shop will help you or that you get a model that the telco is familiar with.


Thanks very much for your advice as I am sure it was well-intentioned.

However, when a senior member of staff at a “Telco” specifically and ostensibly knowledgeably states a piece of information as fact, I see absolutely no point in pushing them in the manner you suggest. All that does is cause friction and even if they were fobbing me off (they were not in the case, or so I now believe), all that would do is cause the member of staff to lose face with consequent barriers being raised. It may work with a junior, but not necessarily with a more senior member of staff.

As I previously stated, they told me after much discussion that nothing would happen until at least two months.

You state that anything over two weeks is “daalah”.

I can just imagine me going back in day after day or week after week once your quoted two week “daalah” period had expired only to be asked: “Now which part of nothing can happen within two months did you not understand?’

I have lived in Thailand many years; I am not just off the boat.

Rather than go through the rest of your comments blow by blow, I will just point out that I was, as stated in my post, referring specifically to TOT, not T.T.T.

There are clearly fundamental differences as far as ISP options, modem sales and support, costs etc are concerned between the two organisations. Perhaps that is where some confusion has arisen?

Sorry to have troubled you, I will leave you to wrestle with your own T.T.T., C.A.T./GBLX problems and wish you success in solving them. I will carry on with my own quest with TOT in Pattaya and hope I get there in the end. I will not be holding my breath, despite the excellent progress in terms of contacts made and information received when I spoke with the Branch Manager of TOT at Pattaya Klang at length today.

I suspect there may be a long road to travel down yet! :o

Chok dee!.


You obviously have made up your mind how things works here so just skip this reply, it is mostly for everybody else.

Two weeks ago I went myself to TOT to inquire about the possibility of getting ADSL on the TOT line in my new house. I was told "Pot full, maybe in 2-3 months. We will contact you. Chin Chin" (I don't know what a Pot is but whatever it is it was full. )

Went there again today, two weeks later. Asked same again. Was told ok, will check line this week. QED, if you want anything done, keep trying.

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Two weeks ago I went myself to TOT to inquire about the possibility of getting ADSL on the TOT line in my new house. I was told "Pot full, maybe in 2-3 months.  We will contact you. Chin Chin" (I don't know what a Pot is but whatever it is it was full. )

Went there again today, two weeks later. Asked same again. Was told ok, will check line this week.  QED, if you want anything done, keep trying.

I got told the same story, may be a month ago. "Pot full, we call you." Pot means Port, which is the connection for your line in the switch, here one of their ADSL capable switches.

Sounds like they got another ADSL capable switch installed. I'm on the waiting list, but of course nobody called :o

Did you go (2 weeks ago) and give your ADSL application, and register for the waiting list? Or did you just ask, and now asked again?

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Funny that,you can go to TT@T,who rent their lines from TOT,and if you live mostly anywhere in Pattaya they will connect you to ADSL in 10 days.

If however you are are unfortunate to have your line directly from TOT,they have a big problem to give you ADSL.

My personal view is,that if you go to carrefour to tt@t the girls there will go out of their way to help you,but if you go to the tot office they don't give a monkey's.

Point being,government employees against free enterprise.

Feel free to flame away.

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