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Im trying to quit coffee, but the withdrawal headache is unbearable. I did it years ago and it took 3 weeks of agony. Anyone know an easier way?

PS paracetamol didnt do a thing.


Hang in there. I find a bit of black tea to mellow the withdrawal and a bit of walking and eating really healthy - vegetables, a bit of protein, little fat. You will feel so much better in a few days without the effects of caffeine constantly attacking your serenity. Remember the upside is huge!


I'm a coffee addict too but have mostly given it up now because once I start having it daily it becomes a cycle of drinking/wanting it all the time.

Drink loads of water...absolute minimum 2 litres a day. This will flush your system out and should decrease your headaches. Maybe start the day with a green tea, loads of benefits and seems to help me. Good luck!

I'm a coffee addict too but have mostly given it up now because once I start having it daily it becomes a cycle of drinking/wanting it all the time.

Drink loads of water...absolute minimum 2 litres a day. This will flush your system out and should decrease your headaches. Maybe start the day with a green tea, loads of benefits and seems to help me. Good luck!

I thought the caffeine content in green tea was as high or higher than coffee???

I'm a coffee addict too but have mostly given it up now because once I start having it daily it becomes a cycle of drinking/wanting it all the time.

Drink loads of water...absolute minimum 2 litres a day. This will flush your system out and should decrease your headaches. Maybe start the day with a green tea, loads of benefits and seems to help me. Good luck!

I thought the caffeine content in green tea was as high or higher than coffee???

The amount of caffeine in Green Tea is less than coffee.

Green Tea might be a good way to reduce to withdrawal and side-effects, as you body adjusts to not getting the caffeine.


Gradual withdrawal is a lot easier on the body and on the mind.

Begin by diluting your coffee with decaf in any gradual addition of decaf that makes sense to you. Over time, the gradual reduction of caffeine will work and the headaches should be less severe or not at all.


Caffeine upsets the bodies natural water balance. A cup of coffee takes out more water than it puts into the body, so you become dehydrated (esp in hot climes). When you go cold turkey, your body has to deal with the lack of caffeine keeping you perky AND the change in water balance.

Green Tea & Herbal infusion teas / Water / Fruit will help stop the headaches.

Heres a thought; when some get a headache they reach for the paracetamol and a glass of water - it is usually the glass of water that cures their headache (dehydration)! We all should drink more water than we do but it is not practical to be going to the loo every hour.


In some ways, it is as hard to quit as herion or ciggies. I have been addicted to coffee since age 18.

I quit three times in my life. It was hel_l.

After a while after I totally got over the withdrawal (about 3 months). I got cocky and figured I could handle one coffee drink. I think I once ordered a 1/2 decaf. 1/2 caf Starbucks latte once, how embarassing. Once you get the first taste, you may be back on it (as I am).

I have made an adjustment in Thailand though. I still drink a large mug in the morning. But my afternoon fix is either oolong or green tea, and I feel less wired this way, and not quite as much of a coffeehead. BTW, I love coffee, and now don't ever want to quit unless its a life and death order from a doctor.

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