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What Do You Like Most About Los

drunken monkey

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Some of you guys on here make me laugh.

There seems to be a lot of negative posts on Thailand by persons who I assume live there. I can understand negative posts by persons who envy the ex pat's lifestyle especially the UK ones who are probebly are working class living in a council house.

It must be ok otherwise why would you live there unless you are on the run from someone or some authority.

I think we stay here because basically we love the place. But coming from a more socially/economically/technologically advanced society (I'm waiting for the flaming) we do get a little frustrated at the way some things are done here and wish the Thais could learn from the West. We are also very glad that some of the West's ways of doing things (badly) have not yet reached Thailand. But, since we are here, you can bet that the good things here outweigh the bad things.

here, here :o

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One of my little anecdotes...

I was going through a grump period on Thailand as I was having red tape issues that were starting to make me think that I was really not welcome in Thailand (leave your money at the airport and go type of feelings that I am sure many have had)...

So I end up in Phuket Town and cause my girl had checked the movie times we inevitably ended up 5 mins after one showing had started and had 2 hours to kill until the next one.. So we walked down the road and ended up going into T2 down the road..

I was the only farang face in there with about 10 Thais at another table.. pretty quiet for the size of the club.. After 1/2 hour or so one of the managers came over smiling introduced himself and said stick around they had a band on soon.. So the band comes on, the place fills up a bit but not much.. they are doing thai cover songs and deffo need a bit of practice but were having real fun as was the audience, everyone horsing around and having a laugh...

Then the guitarist comes on the mike and says something in Thai that had my girl bouncing about in fits of joy and clapping and I could tell I was being talked about... Far from giving me any wind up he had just told her to apologize to me that he could not speak english well enough and want to say it was great to see a farang happy to come out to a Thai place and socialize and to say to her I was really welcome.. He then tried his best in broken engrish to say "herro wercome to Phuket, and wercome to T2 crub" which then got a cheer from the rest of the whole audience and he launched into the only English song he knew...

Loads of guys then proceeded to come over shake hands, smile and press whisky soda's etc on me..

Could you imagine anything happening like that to welcome a single foriegner into a locals club back home.. Probably get the shit kicked out of him for being with one of 'our' girls..

Totally restored my faith in the 'average' Thai.. the red tape and tea money can piss you off sometimes but when it comes down to it Thais are a really open friendly lot.. Treat them with a bit of respect and away from the worst of the tourist areas it is rewarded so well.

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One of my little anecdotes...

I was going through a grump period on Thailand as I was having red tape issues that were starting to make me think that I was really not welcome in Thailand (leave your money at the airport and go type of feelings that I am sure many have had)...

So I end up in Phuket Town and cause my girl had checked the movie times we inevitably ended up 5 mins after one showing had started and had 2 hours to kill until the next one.. So we walked down the road and ended up going into T2 down the road..

I was the only farang face in there with about 10 Thais at another table.. pretty quiet for the size of the club.. After 1/2 hour or so one of the managers came over smiling introduced himself and said stick around they had a band on soon.. So the band comes on, the place fills up a bit but not much.. they are doing thai cover songs and deffo need a bit of practice but were having real fun as was the audience, everyone horsing around and having a laugh...

Then the guitarist comes on the mike and says something in Thai that had my girl bouncing about in fits of joy and clapping and I could tell I was being talked about... Far from giving me any wind up he had just told her to apologize to me that he could not speak english well enough and want to say it was great to see a farang happy to come out to a Thai place and socialize and to say to her I was really welcome.. He then tried his best in broken engrish to say "herro wercome to Phuket, and wercome to T2 crub" which then got a cheer from the rest of the whole audience and he launched into the only English song he knew...

Loads of guys then proceeded to come over shake hands, smile and press whisky soda's etc on me..

Could you imagine anything happening like that to welcome a single foriegner into a locals club back home.. Probably get the shit kicked out of him for being with one of 'our' girls..

Totally restored my faith in the 'average' Thai.. the red tape and tea money can piss you off sometimes but when it comes down to it Thais are a really open friendly lot.. Treat them with a bit of respect and away from the worst of the tourist areas it is rewarded so well.

Lovely story......

What was the song????

And sorry to hear about your gf.... :o

the monkey

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One of my little anecdotes...

... it was great to see a farang happy to come out to a Thai place and socialize and to say to her I was really welcome.. He then tried his best in broken engrish to say "herro wercome to Phuket, and wercome to T2 crub" which then got a cheer from the rest of the whole audience and he launched into the only English song he knew...

Loads of guys then proceeded to come over shake hands, smile and press whisky soda's etc on me.. 

Smashing story :o

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Yep, a great story :o I think that as we are guests here, most Thais treat as such and are great hosts . I have always been made to feel more than welcome amongst Thais, shyness being the biggest problem but a few words of my shocking Thai and drinks always breaks the ice :D My wife always reminds me of an incident that happened to her when she was living and studying in Australia . Minding her own business, she was confronted by a group of drunken guys who got in her face with comments like " Why don't u go back home, slant eyes? " ect, scaring her to the point of tears. Luckily some kind people passing by came to her rescue .<deleted> like these are a minority, but can't ever imagine this kinda thing happening here in the kingdom .

The people are kind , sanook is part of life , beer is cheap and political correctness does not exist. A few reasons out of many what is good about living here :D

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I wouldn't take it too seriously on most of the postings. Good to have a rant and a whinge about nothing and everything sometimes, but the problem is you can't see the person that posts the message or goes against your reply and therefore it's very easy to get the wrong end of the stick, so to speak.

Agreed. :o

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