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Two Foreigners Found Executed In Thailand


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Two foreigners have been found executed in Thailand.

The bodies of a man and a woman were discovered in Khao Yai national park.

They had been dead for up to three weeks.

Police could not identify the victims who were found face down on a jungle track.

The man had a bullet wound in the back of his head. The woman had been shot in the back.

-- dailyrecord.co.uk 2004-09-20


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3 foreigners found dead, two were shot

Bodies dumped in Khao Yai park

KHAO YAI: -- The bodies of three foreigners have been found in two different places, two of them suspected murder victims.

Two decayed and tattooed bodies of a foreign man and a woman were found in Khao Yai National Park by villagers on Friday night.

The naked bodies were laid one metre apart on a dirt road about 200 metres from kilometre 80 on highway 304 (Nadi-Nakhon Ratchasima) in tambon Bu Phram, Nadi district.

The body of a female, about 160cm tall, was lying face down. She was shot once in the back. The body of a heavily built man, about 180cm tall, was also lying face down. He was shot in the back of the head.

There were no traces of fighting. Police believe they were killed elsewhere and dumped in Khao Yai.

Dr Anyamas Nantatraidej of Nadi hospital said the two died about three weeks ago. The bodies would be sent to the Forensic Medicine Institute at the Police Hospital for examination.

In Chiang Rai, a British man was found dead in a hotel room in Muang district yesterday morning.

Pol Lt-Col Dusit Srichan, a duty officer at the Muang police station, said police were sent to Chiang Rai Condotel after being informed by hotel staff of a bad smell from a room on the eighth floor.

The police broke into the room and found the man lying dead on the bed. His passport identified him as William MacLenan, 40, from Northern Ireland. There were no traces of fighting or anything poisonous in the room.

--Bangkok Post

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BANGKOK: -- The bodies of two people have been found stripped and dumped at one of Thailand's best-known national parks, police said yesterday.

The pair, believed to be Asian visitors, were found by the side of the road on Friday at Khao Yai National Park, near the capital Bangkok. One of them had been shot in the chest.

The discovery came as the search continued for a policeman accused of shooting dead two British tourists in western Thailand 10 days ago.

-- AFP 2004-09-20

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I hate to see all this violence happening here and yes in the long run it will affect the tourism sector within Thailand and yes it will certainly make our currencies worth a lot more here. Thailands stands to loose in two ways. The Police have to act fast and effeciently to control this outburst of violence. :o

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Seems to be a trend starting in LOS.

At least when they die with a bag over their head and their hands tied, they can call it suicide.....

There is a terrible pattern developing and I hope SOMEBODY gets busy before they totally screw-up the country.

For everyone's sake........


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But let me ask the question, do you think this is a recent outburst, or just a spike in what has been going on for awhile?

The Nation published a list of British tourists that have been killed since 1996, including one rape and murder by an ex-convict monk.

There are the endless stream of foreigners that "commit suicide" in Pattaya. There was the spate of taxi violence last year that did not result in murder only by chance.

There is constant killing and raping, of Thais, Burmese and other foreigners. I don't know, this all doesn't seem new to me.

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i have a friend that works for uk police as a council for people who are put in jail he told me the amount of things you don't hear about in the uk would have you just as worried to live here

i live in brixton london and the amount of police signs you see in this town for murder or mugging stabbings etc its enough to make you feel sick and i bet its the same all round the world in capitals or suburbs of them

any way i will come back to thailand soon and my says she has just got life insurance on us both

yours sincerely

parinod pete :o

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There indeed seems to be a surge in the killing of foreigners.

Sad to say that politics and the media is to blame for it.

The name Thai Rak Thai is a name similar to other parties' names in europe that want to get rid of foreigners in the country. By using and promoting that name instead of saying "thais like thais" you also make it clear to the population that "thais do not like foreigners". I think this is a very bad direction, not only for tourism but for investments and all other activities going on over here.

Just two days ago I was watching what I believe was thai 3 tv. I don't speak thai fluently so I cannot tell for sure but from what I've seen: a white foreigner was depicted as stealing from other 'farang', gambling, whoring and at the end being kicked karate style by the program's main thai character. This is just promoting violence and racism.

I think some farangs give most of us a bad rep at times but it's a dangerous precendent to see a show like the one on thai 3 as it is typical of putting the blame at an external factor instead of looking at the real problems in the country.

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Yes. I stayed in Thailand for one month with my fiance(e) (mostly Phitsanulok, but also Sukhothai, Mu Koh Surin park, and Bangkok), and I noticed that on TV and the movies, the 'farang' were portrayed as bumbling fools or bad guys in general. I was stared at everywhere I went, and I could have swore that some young punk looking kids wuld have attacked me if I wasn't with my fiance(e) and in broad daylight. I was scared a few times with people staring at me non-stop, but for the most part, I was very happy and safe with her, her friends and family. Still, these stories have me worried, because our fiance(e) visa is very close to our passing, and although we'll live mostly in the USA, we'll travel to Thailand as much as we can in the future and the violence angainst farang there has me a little uneasy. :o:D


PS- As a side story, she and I met on the internet two years ago, chatted every day before I flew there and spent a month with her. I'm not one of these people who fly to the Thail bar scene to party and be rowdy in gereral, does that make me more or less of a target for violence?

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Yes it is very sad. Thailand unfortunately to me is the only and first country I ever travelled, where children look suspicious at me and don`t dare to reply a smile. I was told that is due to their education that one has to be aware and cautious with foreigners. Sometimes the word "farang" sounds like an invective word to me.

Still. I love this country with all its good and not so good sides. Once you get to know the people and the people get to know me we do get along very well together.

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Yes it is very sad. Thailand unfortunately to me is the only and first country I ever travelled, where children look suspicious at me and don`t dare to reply a smile. I was told that is due to their education that one has to be aware and cautious with foreigners. Sometimes the word "farang" sounds like an invective word to me.

Still. I love this country with all its good and not so good sides. Once you get to know the people and the people get to know me we do get along very well together.

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It is getting a bit worrying all these foreigners being killed in Thailand from gun shot wounds over the last 2 weeks.

Still it will hurt Thailand where it matters most, and that is in the tourism, maybe then they will learn to police their country properly, although it has been speculated that it was a policeman that murdered the young couple at the bridge over the river Kwai, OH well, it probably will not make any differance in the way Thais think, they quite happily accepted thaskins mandate of street executions for a few thousand drug dealers, so i feel sure they have no interest in a few farangs being executed..

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I was stared at everywhere I went, and I could have swore that some young punk looking kids wuld have attacked me if I wasn't with my fiance(e) and in broad daylight. I was scared a few times with people staring at me non-stop, but for the most part, I was very happy and safe with her, her friends and family. Still, these stories have me worried, because our fiance(e) visa is very close to our passing, and although we'll live mostly in the USA, we'll travel to Thailand as much as we can in the future and the violence angainst farang there has me a little uneasy. :o:D


Well Chris I have to say that I would feel a lot safer in Bangkok than I would in the USA.

I know you can be unlucky but I feel very safe in Bangkok. Maybe I stick to the main tourist areas but would you wander round every part of New York and feel safe? I would not.

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It is shocking news, with so many Farangs getting murdered in the Kingdom of Thailand. I just wonder with so many Americans living and even visiting the Kingdom, if the "wild west" has now caught up with many asian countries especially with the Kingdom of Thailand (sic). My wife and I just bought a plot of land to build our retirement home, I am now having second thoughts.

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Here's a leaf from my book!

Don't worry Huahin!

Try to put things into perspective.

My wife and I are planning the same thing of retiring to Thailand in a few years' time.

I have heard that there is more to the two murdered in Kanchanaburi last week. For instance, the girl was 'apparently' seeing the Thai policeman in a social capacity, even spending evenings with him and his family. Her male companion apparently was 'nowhere to be seen' at the time.

I know this sounds all rather far-fetched, but it does come from a 'high-ranking' policeman.

The key thing with this particular case is this:

If visitors sleep with Thai men, they assume that that person is 'exclusive' to them, and get very jealous with anyone who says otherwise. It is a cultural issue.

Of course, this in no way reduces the CRIME of murder for which this Thai policeman is accused. He apparently is now hiding in Burma, and unlikely to return.

Finally, one other point. When with the Thai Government make it illegal for any Thai policeman or military person to have any outside business interests, and to pay them all a proper salary, like most European and North American Police Forces?

Wishful thinking.......

Laulen :o

My Webpage

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I have heard that there is more to the two murdered in Kanchanaburi last week. For instance, the girl was 'apparently' seeing the Thai policeman in a social capacity, even spending evenings with him and his family. Her male companion apparently was 'nowhere to be seen' at the time.

I know this sounds all rather far-fetched, but it does come from a 'high-ranking' policeman.

This sounds very much like what was being provided by a member of the accused family so I would be very careful in what I believe. We do not know everything but that is for a court. What seems to be known is that two unarmed people were murdered and that the suspect has decided to flee.

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Not American by any chance are you snapper1?

nope english but living in thailand :o but h.ell who wants to end up a victim?? maybe if one of the 4 ppl recently executed did have a gun they may still be alive today, albeit in jail but alive :D although if the couple at the river kwai had killed the cop then other cops would have executed them, hmmmm maybe guns aint such a good idea...

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I have heard that there is more to the two murdered in Kanchanaburi last week. For instance, the girl was 'apparently' seeing the Thai policeman in a social capacity, even spending evenings with him and his family. Her male companion apparently was 'nowhere to be seen' at the time.

And where did you get these "facts" from Laulen???

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It's just like fanclubcm says isnt it? there is so much violence in so many places in the world including at home and most of it doesn't get reported and certainly not sensationalized in the way that the 'Thai murders' have been...murders are happening all the time for all sorts of reasons all over the world, it's just that Thailand isn't an exception, that's all...

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I just wonder with so many Americans living and even visiting the Kingdom, if the "wild west" has now caught up with many asian countries especially with the Kingdom of Thailand (sic).

I'm not sure what you mean by this comment. Are you associating the rise in crimes in Thailand with Americans and crime in America?

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