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2nd. Airport For Samui

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Samui tourism operators urge Govt to build 2nd airport

Surat Thani - Tourism operators on the popular tourist-destination Koh Samui renewed their call for the government to build the second airport on the island.

Surat Thani governor Winai Buapradit said Saturday that the operators called on the provincial administration to carry out a feasibility study and push for the construction of the second airport on Samui.

The governor said the number of tourists visiting the island increased every year but it was inconvenient for the tourists to visit the island.

Winai said the tourism operators complained that the air fares at the privately-owned airport were too high, and thus affecting tourism.

The governor said he had instructed the office of the Tourism Authority of Thailand in the province to work with other government agencies concerned to prepare information to propose the project to the government.

The Nation

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here we go again...

every year after a new governor comes in they call on the goverment!!!

I had a meeting last week with the head of the provincial aministration office in Surathani. he is the one that is in charge of provinicial engineering and public works department. the subject of the aiport came up and he said there has been proposals in the past but it allways gets stuck on the same point.. to have a new airport they need to have someone buy a piece of land as a private investor or the goverment to seize land that can host an airport construction.

due to the fact that this can only be done in the southern part of the island they have untill this time not found land that answers all the reuirements.

he allso said that at this point of time the island development was so quick in the last few years that the basic inferstructure can not support more tourist arriving.

So private investors who developed new hotels at an histercial rate now realise that the small airport in samui can not supply the request of the hotels and they will end up in lower occupency then they expected.so what do they do??? They call on the goverment to build a new airport.

I think those tourist operators and hotel owners will be more wise in "calling on the goverment" to take measures and introduce supporting inferstructure (roads, cleanup, security, side walks, drains farbeage colection etc...) so when finally if and when when a new airport will be built the island will be able to handle the masses.

however he did have some good news and that was that the goverment has approved a multi billion baht project to conect Manam and lamai by a road through the centre of the island. this project is now in tender bids and should begin next year.

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"I think those tourist operators and hotel owners will be more wise in "calling on the goverment" to take measures and introduce supporting inferstructure (roads, cleanup, security, side walks, drains farbeage colection etc.."

totally agree, ya tend to forget them bits, but go outside Thailand its the first thing ya notice!

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here we go again...

every year after a new governor comes in they call on the goverment!!!

I had a meeting last week with the head of the provincial aministration office in Surathani. he is the one that is in charge of provinicial engineering and public works department. the subject of the aiport came up and he said there has been proposals in the past but it allways gets stuck on the same point.. to have a new airport they need to have someone buy a piece of land as a private investor or the goverment to seize land that can host an airport construction.

due to the fact that this can only be done in the southern part of the island they have untill this time not found land that answers all the reuirements.

he allso said that at this point of time the island development was so quick in the last few years that the basic inferstructure can not support more tourist arriving.

So private investors who developed new hotels at an histercial rate now realise that the small airport in samui can not supply the request of the hotels and they will end up in lower occupency then they expected.so what do they do??? They call on the goverment to build a new airport.

I think those tourist operators and hotel owners will be more wise in "calling on the goverment" to take measures and introduce supporting inferstructure (roads, cleanup, security, side walks, drains farbeage colection etc...) so when finally if and when when a new airport will be built the island will be able to handle the masses.

however he did have some good news and that was that the goverment has approved a multi billion baht project to conect Manam and lamai by a road through the centre of the island. this project is now in tender bids and should begin next year.

Part of the Manam/Lamai road has already been built. It extends inland from Lamai for about 10Kms, with a short stretch still unpaved.

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here we go again...

however he did have some good news and that was that the goverment has approved a multi billion baht project to conect Manam and lamai by a road through the centre of the island. this project is now in tender bids and should begin next year.

The mountains are the centre of this island... can you show a map where they want to build this multi billion baht (??) project?

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here we go again...

however he did have some good news and that was that the goverment has approved a multi billion baht project to conect Manam and lamai by a road through the centre of the island. this project is now in tender bids and should begin next year.

The mountains are the centre of this island... can you show a map where they want to build this multi billion baht (??) project?

i dont have htem map ayou can understand but if it realy intrest you the approved plan and map ar in the or- bor- jor office.

the road will go throuh the mountains.

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Samui tourism operators urge Govt to build 2nd airport

yes, one international for A380....if the island is big enough....

gee, all Bkk airways flights on march have empty seats on the web site.

two airports working only dec/jan/feb are really a good idea, the maintenance cost will double the ticket price :o .

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here we go again... however he did have some good news and that was that the goverment has approved a multi billion baht project to conect Manam and lamai by a road through the centre of the island. this project is now in tender bids and should begin next year.
The mountains are the centre of this island... can you show a map where they want to build this multi billion baht (??) project?

...maybe this route over the island?



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Where does this road start in Lamai, please, Eric1949?

Opposite the Buddy Bar complex is a sign for Tamarind Springs(there is also a Family Mart on that corner) follow the road past Tamarind, and just keep on going. I did it on my Yamaha 110cc last year, never again though. If you have a 4 x 4 it should be OK. You come outnot far from the Police Box in Manam. :o

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Where does this road start in Lamai, please, Eric1949?

Opposite the Buddy Bar complex is a sign for Tamarind Springs(there is also a Family Mart on that corner) follow the road past Tamarind, and just keep on going. I did it on my Yamaha 110cc last year, never again though. If you have a 4 x 4 it should be OK. You come outnot far from the Police Box in Manam. :o

Thanks for the info Eric.

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I would have thought the money would be better spent upgrading and widening existing roads 1st.

actually it is... the ban rak brach road is now going an extensive work to widen it. the long awaited gohst road is also getting widened and properly concrete.

I think its the coming elections that got everyone in a hurry to show they did something.. :o

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Where does this road start in Lamai, please, Eric1949?

Opposite the Buddy Bar complex is a sign for Tamarind Springs(there is also a Family Mart on that corner) follow the road past Tamarind, and just keep on going. I did it on my Yamaha 110cc last year, never again though. If you have a 4 x 4 it should be OK. You come outnot far from the Police Box in Manam. :o

I dont want to see heavy overloaded trucks passing through Samui mountains and pesting the whole area.

IMHO there are four short but large roads to be done:

- Bypass Hua Thanon

- Bypass Maenam

- Bypass Nathon

- Bypass Lamai

...like they build the lake road in Chaweng to have a bypass road around Chaweng Beach..

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I would have thought the money would be better spent upgrading and widening existing roads 1st.

actually it is... the ban rak brach road is now going an extensive work to widen it. the long awaited gohst road is also getting widened and properly concrete.

I think its the coming elections that got everyone in a hurry to show they did something.. :o

or NOTHING ! until now - Lets hope that THEY are replaced by , from what I have heard , a much better team , who have the interests of Samui and its residents rather than themselves .

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Thanks Rooo !

Finally a face to the beloved Surat Thani Governor, the man who does so much for Samui, Phangan and Tao....


"Surat Thani governor Winai Buapradit said the proposal was not new as he had been urged by people operating local tourism businesses in the past to build a second airport. The idea was floated during the Thaksin Shinawatra government, but was rejected. He said the original plan should be dusted off and looked at again."

And where is all the money the lovely mainland province of Surat Thani is taking (that's another word for stealing) from it's islands ?

Hmmmm...a 2nd airport...and what about the fabulous infrastructure ?

Maybe it's better to destroy the first airport and give the islands a bit of fresh air..... :o


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Controversy over second Samui airport


Renewed calls for a second airport on Koh Samui have raised a serious question about whether it's really needed.

The Tourism Promotion Association wants a second airport built on the island using taxpayers' funds, but the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) questions the plan and Bangkok Airways, which runs the existing airport, opposes it.

DCA director-general Chaisak Angkasuwan said there was probably no need to build another airport. It doubts the association's claims that the existing airport's capacity was not enough to cope with rising air traffic demand.

Mr Chaisak said the Feb 15 introduction of Thai Airways International's twice-daily services between Bangkok and Samui should have eased local political pressures and criticism of Bangkok Airways' monopoly over the lucrative route.


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Controversy over second Samui airport


Renewed calls for a second airport on Koh Samui have raised a serious question about whether it's really needed.

The Tourism Promotion Association wants a second airport built on the island using taxpayers' funds, but the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) questions the plan and Bangkok Airways, which runs the existing airport, opposes it.

DCA director-general Chaisak Angkasuwan said there was probably no need to build another airport. It doubts the association's claims that the existing airport's capacity was not enough to cope with rising air traffic demand.

Mr Chaisak said the Feb 15 introduction of Thai Airways International's twice-daily services between Bangkok and Samui should have eased local political pressures and criticism of Bangkok Airways' monopoly over the lucrative route.


"Taxpayers funds" There are not even enough taxpayers to fund the repairing of the appalling roads here. The best road on Samui has got the be the sport stadium, near radio station. As soon as a crack appears, the workers come and replace huge sections of it!!!

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