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Lost In Pattaya (looking For Apt Now, 2nd St., Pattayaland 2 & 3, Soi Yamato..?)


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hi again friends, thx in advance for all the help and advice so far w/ my queries here in the fora... after spending one night over at the Mosaik Day/Night 2 off of S. Pattaya rd we have re-evaluated our desire to be all that close to 'walking street', after a short amount of walking about today it looks like a great central location to stay would be an apartment/room off of 2nd street, seems central to most everything in town and not buried back in a nest of soi's.

any recommendations for clean/safe room or apt w/ internet and street-facing balconies on 2nd? last night after being out late walking back to the Mosaik revealed that area is a bit too deeply buried for our taste, coming from Patong this is a *much* larger city than i thought it was at first, a bit overwhelmed by the size and scope of the town but i think a week or months stay up here on 2nd would be nice.

even after walking about and seeing just thousands of what look like nice little apartments w/ balconies all up and down 2nd, there were little to no signs advertising rentals so we are really just a bit bewildered as to how to even find rooms to look at over here. being off 2nd between S. PattayaLand 2 & 3 and Post Office rd. would be welcome, but as i said we just are not having much luck even seeing signs about rentals (maybe we're blind??).

also, i've seen mention of Soi Yamato... my wife would really like a room that was furnished japanese-style that we could rent would be really welcome, is something like that available here perhaps? tatami mats and floor-sitting tables would be very homelike to us.

again, thx for all the information from those who helped here in the fora, and any pointers or advice would be most welcome, thx in advance my friends..!

ps: i guess there isn't a Pattaya expat IRC channel out there is there? would be nice to chat w/ others in real-time here. thx again friends..!

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Are you sure you want a balcony, if you're overlooking Second Road? It is non-stop traffic, 24/7.

There are few people who hang 'For Rent' signs out here. Most go through the real estate agents. On Second Road, in the area you are talking about, there is Northern Thai and East Coast realtors. Both deal with rentals.

Soi Yamoto - aaahhh. Nothing to do with things Japanese. This is a rather seedy soi between Second Road and Beach Road - must be Soi 11 or 12. Cheap accommodation there, but a lot of it is rented by the hour.

There is a big new development between Second Road and Beach Road, to the South of RGP (Royal Garden Plaza or LoYen to the locals). Look for a couple of small roads through to Beach Road, near a large Chinese restaurant with lots of sharks fin outside.

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thx for your reply Humphrey Bear, i actually enjoy being able to see the city move by from my balcony, after living in Patong for 6 years near Bangla i am no stranger to traffic and its nice to view the wildlife from a nice elevated deerrun on the 2nd-3rd story.

to be honest, what i am trying to avoid is these huge condo buildings that are 10+ stories up. i could care less about ocean views, i like human views... the main problem i am running into w/ most of the Pattaya rentals websites so far is the fact that many units just seem to be condos in massive sprawling hotel-style buildings. i want to be in the center of things, w/ a street of real thai living going on underneath, street food, the works.

thx again, any input would be great..!

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To make it really interesting you should buy an air-rifle.

Great fun!!

lol, duly noted... a bucket on a rope to lower the occasional "roofie-colada" down to a passing looker might be welcome as well. cheers friend, currently looking at this firm called "FairProperties" and thinking of giving them a call and letting them know what i am looking for to see if they have anything to offer. basically it comes down to my wife and myself don't want to be in one of these so-called "modern" western developments, we want an apartment in a thai building, preferably that was built many, many years ago but isn't decrepit.

i've been looking longlingly at these many apartments up and down 2nd, and also along PattayaLand 2 & 3 w/ their balconies overflowing w/ flowers and terraces, i could be very comfortable up there w/ my laptop close at hand..!

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Check out these soi's between 2nd road and beach road, Soi 13 and soi 13/1,

lots of smaller hotels there and very handy location.

P.S. I figured you were lost when you asked for hotels on walking street. :o


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On many of the sois connecting 2nd road with soi buakow there are many brand

new apartments of the type you described. 3rd road and the sois connecting soi

buakow with 3rd road also. this central area is a lot more friendly. South pattaya

at first seems convenient but you soon realize there are way too many young

kids constantly fighting and getting into all kinds of trouble, not a safe area. It's not

really far from anything, a quick walk and you can grab a songtaew to anywhere.

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1. Forget about estate agents, your price will be twice the going rate. Just check the notice board on Carrefour or Foodland, plenty available.

2. Get a bike and move out to Nirun Ville. At least check it out and make your own mind up.

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