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Alan Smart Aged 30 From Ireland Found Dead


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On meds from what PCN was suggesting, so prob an overdose combined with alcohol. (irish so I'm sure he drinks)

Please don't stereotype Brit. I have just been the victim of this by my company. He's a Brit so he must be a piss head type syndrome.

Blood tests etc. Not funny. Maybe he did not drink. RIP

Cheers Rick

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Fair enuf Rick, but the irish I know are well - lets say love their alcohol!! :D:o

True Brit, but we seem to have to carry the stigma with us at all times. Almost anyone in the world can drink unnoticed but as soon as a Brit drinks he is a typical Brit, thug, hooligan etc. Not cricket as we say.

Very sad ending for a very young man it seems.

Anyway how are you doing nowadays?

Cheers, Rick

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On meds from what PCN was suggesting, so prob an overdose combined with alcohol. (irish so I'm sure he drinks)

Please don't stereotype Brit. I have just been the victim of this by my company. He's a Brit so he must be a piss head type syndrome.

Blood tests etc. Not funny. Maybe he did not drink. RIP

Cheers Rick

Of course nobody knows as this stage...


"...Evidence of an acute illness prior to his death were found around the bed, however the exact cause of his death is unknown at this time."

........and on one of the photos it shows a bottle on the floor, next to the bed and next to his shoes (if those shoes were his, of course and if the bottle was an 'alcohol' one).

I mean, normally one wouldn't leave a bottle in such a place, but again: we don't know for sure what happened.

Maybe a combination of medication and alcohol ?

But what they mean with an acute illness is a puzzle to me... :o

May he RIP... :D


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Yes - I'm a hooligan, well refined one these days mate. Doing quite well ta for asking. :D Acute illness comment, well I am assuming they found some meds - that most likely pointed to this.

We are all guilty of drinking more on holiday, so as I stated previously I think it was combo alcohol/drugs mixture which did this lad in, but we never get follow-ups on PCN news for the most part, so doubt we will ever know. :o

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Whenever a foreigner passes away under somewhat mysterious circumstances,

there often seems to be allegations of chronic illness, or disease, terminal

conditions etc. If there is any face saving going on it certainly is not on the

deceased's behalf. Not a very classy was to treat folks who have met their end.

I've often thought the publishing of the final photos was extremely disrespectful.

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On meds from what PCN was suggesting, so prob an overdose combined with alcohol. (irish so I'm sure he drinks)

Please don't stereotype Brit. I have just been the victim of this by my company. He's a Brit so he must be a piss head type syndrome.

Blood tests etc. Not funny. Maybe he did not drink. RIP

Cheers Rick

<deleted>. A Brit ? If he is from the Republic he is not a Brit ! ( and he would turn in his grave for calling him that )

He had an acute illness ,so cause of death must have been related ,but still the police should investigate .

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Wondering why you want to know this information>?

I agree and I am wondering why your asking me Chris.

Thanks everyone!

sorry bert, was asking you in particular to see if you could find anything out, as all the posts have said, no-one seems to know anything including his background!

that bottle on floor could be coke but maybe vodka, all a bit vague really to us an his family for sure!

All i know is, that he & I are related by the way of second cusons son, i have never met this chap or heard of his name as far as i can remember, im trying to find out anything for his family back in Ireland!

if anything is posted that might be of interest to his family i will send a link for this thread back home, explaining that its peoples views etc unless covered by a news article etc.

so on that i would be grateful if anything his family would not want to hear please do not post it!

Many Thanks to all


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All you people NEED to know is that this guy is a close friend of mine. If you are family like you say you are you would know the cause of death. Please do not hang around here speculating that my friend is a drunk drug addict. He was one of the top guys you could want to have in your life. Its been devastating enough without speculation on his untimely death and publishing the pictures on the net - this man had one thing with him in that room - his dignity and pride - and it was robbed by blood thirsty paparazzi.

This is a very difficult and emotional time for anyone that knew him. A very sudden and tragic loss.

This guy loved thailand and travelled there for many years.......never once would he speak badly of any locals


have some respect and show some compassion for his family and his very large circle of friends( who may be currently travelling and this is what they find on the Net)


May he rest in peace.

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All you people NEED to know is that this guy is a close friend of mine. If you are family like you say you are you would know the cause of death. Please do not hang around here speculating that my friend is a drunk drug addict. He was one of the top guys you could want to have in your life. Its been devastating enough without speculation on his untimely death and publishing the pictures on the net - this man had one thing with him in that room - his dignity and pride - and it was robbed by blood thirsty paparazzi.

This is a very difficult and emotional time for anyone that knew him. A very sudden and tragic loss.

This guy loved thailand and travelled there for many years.......never once would he speak badly of any locals


have some respect and show some compassion for his family and his very large circle of friends( who may be currently travelling and this is what they find on the Net)


May he rest in peace.

My sentiments entirely. I feel for his family and friends.

Cheers Rick

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All you people NEED to know is that this guy is a close friend of mine. If you are family like you say you are you would know the cause of death. Please do not hang around here speculating that my friend is a drunk drug addict. He was one of the top guys you could want to have in your life. Its been devastating enough without speculation on his untimely death and publishing the pictures on the net - this man had one thing with him in that room - his dignity and pride - and it was robbed by blood thirsty paparazzi.

This is a very difficult and emotional time for anyone that knew him. A very sudden and tragic loss.

This guy loved thailand and travelled there for many years.......never once would he speak badly of any locals


have some respect and show some compassion for his family and his very large circle of friends( who may be currently travelling and this is what they find on the Net)


May he rest in peace.

Very well said....R.I.P

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Spacehopper - clear the mystery up mate. Then speculation will end. :o

No one said he was a drug user or drunkard.... just said possibility of accidental overdose in combo with alcohol can be lethal. The reason we speculate as you might already guess, you never get the entire answer with the thai media.

Anyways RIP for the young lad - sounds like he was well liked both from his mates/family.

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All you people NEED to know is that this guy is a close friend of mine

Sorry mate, the rest of your post was very heartfelt and saddening, but you lost mine and many others respect on the first line.

All we NEED to know are a few more details, what was it all about?

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Wondering why you want to know this information>?

I agree and I am wondering why your asking me Chris.

Thanks everyone!

sorry bert, was asking you in particular to see if you could find anything out, as all the posts have said, no-one seems to know anything including his background!

that bottle on floor could be coke but maybe vodka, all a bit vague really to us an his family for sure!

All i know is, that he & I are related by the way of second cusons son, i have never met this chap or heard of his name as far as i can remember, im trying to find out anything for his family back in Ireland!

if anything is posted that might be of interest to his family i will send a link for this thread back home, explaining that its peoples views etc unless covered by a news article etc.

so on that i would be grateful if anything his family would not want to hear please do not post it!

Many Thanks to all


OK Chris, now we know the reason your asking but in future I suggest you post that first, I am sure you would have got a lot more response and help.If he is Irish from whatever side of the border the UK Consulate here may be involved, suggest you give him a call Monday morning and explain your related.

Sorry for your Loss


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i agree, i used to share a house with smartie.He was one of the nicest guys i have ever met, and i think

its a discrace to see the photos that were posted online.The last photos took of smarts should have been of him full of life and enjoying a hoilday he worked hard to pay for.And no he was not a drug addict and only drank socially.(like the rest of us)

i Smile everyday when i think of the fun we all had together in Dublin.

Smartie will be missed by everybody who ever had the plesure of meeting him,and will never be forgotten.

R.I.P :D:o:D:D:D

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Unfortunately everyone knows - you die in Thailand - photos will be on the tele and in the newspapers and web. Just the way it is. Smth to ponder - however if I am to die - I'm dead I think I would have more things on my mind then well worrying about some pics. :o

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Unfortunately everyone knows - you die in Thailand - photos will be on the tele and in the newspapers and web. Just the way it is. Smth to ponder - however if I am to die - I'm dead I think I would have more things on my mind then well worrying about some pics. :o

Please edit, change Thailand to Pattaya.

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