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Bkk Or Buriram


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Got to know a BG who was previously working in Phuket, but had gone back home to buriram. Will be meeting her in BKK somewhere around the last week of October for about 4days. She did ask me to visit buriram coz her family wants to see me and was wondering should i just hang around in BKK or go down to buriram with her.

If I were to follow her, would it be safe. Care to offer any opinion or any tips to handle the family if i were to go?? Need some pointers. Thanks..

Good day,

Dermarko.. :o

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bring along a bottle of insect repellent. and one of those portable mosquito nets that people use when they go camping.

also, keep in mind that there might not be air conditioning in the house that you are going to.

a will is good to have available too just in case the worst happens. ..you wouldn't want your love ones to worry about what to do with you belongings if you were not coming back, would you?

do you have a bio cheat sheet? ..an encrypted listing of all your important numbers like credit card info, emergency numbers, passport info, etc. something to refer to if you lost a credit card, passport, airplane ticket, etc.

last, but not least, I always leave notice with someone before I go on a journey somewhere. providing them with data as to where I'll be going, for how long, how, contact phone numbers, etc., etc., etc.

no joke.

..you did ask for people's feedback, didn't you?

the above is my routine travel procedure.

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Don't worry about Burirum in its'self. Burirum is a nice small town and had alot of Farangs there. Most eat breakfast and hang out at a place called Bamboo Club or bar and its only 100 meters from there to a book store where you can get the Bangkok Post or other international newpapers and about 150 meters to a bank.

When you go for the first time they (Family) will throw a party for you (You Expected to help Pay) but only about 2-3,000 Baht so dont worry. Like someone else posted be polite and respectful and most of all dont flaunt any money around...Don't be scared to say no when you are asked by your girlfriend or her family for money...If you say yes then they will always think yes from you...

I live between Burirum and Surin and have been here for over three years now. I love it here and have alot of Thai friends and most know me as the Farang Fishing Man or KHUNDAN.... I learnt after about a year of just throwing money away that if your smart JUST SAY NO!

Hope this helps...If nothing else just go to see something other than Bangkok.


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        Got to know a BG who was previously working in Phuket, but had gone back home to buriram.


Care to offer any opinion or any tips to handle the family if i were to go?? Need some pointers. Thanks..

  Good day,

  Dermarko.. :D

Opinion Requested.... opinion offered;

Remember the Karl Malden American Express commercial....... "Don't leave home without It "

Advice : forget that advert; leave it at home, also leave at home all but enough for return ticket and food.

When they say the family wants to meet you, it may translate to family would like to meet and visit with your money, only one of which will be making the return trip.

Keep your upper head in contact with reality and exercise caution


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing wrong with Buriram - nice small provincial town.

When the girl says 'Buriram' though, she probably means a village outside Buriram - in the Province. There will probably be water - cold. There will probably be electricity. Thailand has put these basic utilities into most places in the past few years. If you are in a village - do not expect much more. Probably sleeping on a very thin mattress on the floor. Mosquito nets are useful - spray it with insect repellant before going inside.

The family will probably want to show you off. Be prepared for many visitors, be prepared to finance a few bottles and basic meals.

Be prepared for little or no nooky :o Mama will be sleeping within feet of you.

Make the trip - it is well worth while. You will meet the people who form the mass of the population of Thailand and still keep a lot of the old values, whether they be the things you think are good, or not, it is really up to you.

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Just my two penneth:

I agree with the majority of positive replies particularly the probability of a village party when you arrive. It is normal for you to provide/pay for the majority of the booze and the meat (they will provide the rice :o ). My advice would be not to stay overnight in the village but check in at a Buriram hotel (although there aren't many) and just visit daytime. Be polite, remember Thai customs and smile, smile, smile. Keep the wallet under wraps.

From my knowledge of Buriram, it does appear that there is little to do there following the 'compulsory' visit to Phnom Rung (you'll probably have to hire a pick-up and take the family etc. with you).

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1. Bring pills for the sick kawai

2. Leave wallet at home

When you go for the first time they (Family) will throw a party for THEMSELVES ON YOUR MONEY (You Expected to help Pay) but only about 2-3,000 Baht so dont worry. EVEN THOUGH THE FAMILY'S INCOME IS 30K A YEAR, THEY TOSS A PARTY FOR 'YOU' FOR B5000 ;-)

Like someone else posted be polite and respectful and most of all DONT flaunt ANY money around...DON'T be scared to say NO when you are asked by your girlfriend or her family for money -INDEED

Dude -she is only 'bringing home the bacon' -literally. Stay where you are. If you want to go see temples DIY. It will just be enormously full of hassle and complIcation.

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