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Prices Of Land


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I am looking to buy 1-2 rai around pattaya, it may be east pattaya, bang saray, huay yai. I have been driving around a few times but my time was too short and it's also a large area to cover.

I have visited a few real estate agents but they are not a real help either.

I am looking for a price between 1M to 3 M per rai depends location.

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Hey folks, I got the pm and will make a call before I visit the area.

I have spent days looking at many websites dealing with pattaya properties but the info they gave on their sites is far from complete and I didn't have the time to visit all those agents, besides some of them took me to places I really didn't want to see, it was they were pushing me to visit properties they wanted to sell although I made my requirements very clear.

I have given up looking at websites and will visit the area for an extended time, maybe rent a room for a week or so and drive around every day.

thanks for the help, rono

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Doesn't matter what land title it is he cannot own it !

I forgot, you can put it in a potentially illegal company setup with Thai shareholders who cannot prove where they got the money to buy 51% of the company or in the OP's case, cannot prove if they have paid tax on the near Bt3m which they are supposed to have invested.

But there are solutions. Number one is putting it in the name of last night's conquest. Not joking, thousands do every year.

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Hey folks, I got the pm and will make a call before I visit the area.

I have spent days looking at many websites dealing with pattaya properties but the info they gave on their sites is far from complete and I didn't have the time to visit all those agents, besides some of them took me to places I really didn't want to see, it was they were pushing me to visit properties they wanted to sell although I made my requirements very clear.

I have given up looking at websites and will visit the area for an extended time, maybe rent a room for a week or so and drive around every day.

thanks for the help, rono

i believe a lot of thais do not put there land for sale at estate agencies.......a lot use word of mouth to generate interest.i have looked at many websites and found them lacking in the land dept and have little to offer.i also spent many hours looking around and seeing land plots but not knowing whats for sale as many places dont have a sign up saying"for sale" and is quite difficult to find the owners number and also a lot of land for sale has no proper road so is difficult to find in the first place.i wish you luck in this endeavor.i have been shown many land plots also that arent wide enough to build a normal house or are such a funny shape that is not possible to do much with it.most of the bargain priced land is sold now or you have to buy a minimum amount of rais to get it at a good price.a lot of people want way too much for even a small plot of 60 tw or thereabouts.

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Doesn't matter what land title it is he cannot own it !

I forgot, you can put it in a potentially illegal company setup with Thai shareholders who cannot prove where they got the money to buy 51% of the company or in the OP's case, cannot prove if they have paid tax on the near Bt3m which they are supposed to have invested.

But there are solutions. Number one is putting it in the name of last night's conquest. Not joking, thousands do every year.

So what about all the bar/restaurant etc falang business owners that are here in Thailand ? Do they all have to have a 51% Thai shareholding of the business for the falang to be in business here ? I work here but have thought of opening a business should the situation ever arise where I would need another reason to stay but if the any or all types of business has to be 51 % Thai then <deleted> that <deleted>, there are not many Thais I would trust with that much money invested in a business venture. Sounds like there are a lot of falang out here on very dodgy ground pardon the pun.

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So what about all the bar/restaurant etc falang business owners that are here in Thailand ? Do they all have to have a 51% Thai shareholding of the business for the falang to be in business here ? I work here but have thought of opening a business should the situation ever arise where I would need another reason to stay but if the any or all types of business has to be 51 % Thai then <deleted> that <deleted>, there are not many Thais I would trust with that much money invested in a business venture. Sounds like there are a lot of falang out here on very dodgy ground pardon the pun.

51% Thai-owned - everything. Unless you go the BoI route for opening a car factory or similar.

Land is 100% Thai-owned. But the OP obviously knows that - his original post indicated that he was aware of Thai land reg's and had other holdings already. Or was I reading too much into it?

And now the authorities want the 51% to be active participants, not just sleeping partners. (Pun intended). So foreign investment is not going to rush to Thailand - Malaysia and Indonesia offer more attractive opportunities.

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Thanks for the replies.

I live here for 15 years, I am married with TW and have 13 year child with her. I have a thai company since 97 and I have bought several houses and have a guest house. All bought in my wifes name.

After all these years together and having a child together I guess I know where I stand.

By the way I came here with just my clothes and my wife knew I was a poor guy so she didn't take me for the money.

I do know the pitfalls when looking for properties, have learned my lessons......I hope.


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Thanks for the replies.

I live here for 15 years, I am married with TW and have 13 year child with her. I have a thai company since 97 and I have bought several houses and have a guest house. All bought in my wifes name.

After all these years together and having a child together I guess I know where I stand.

By the way I came here with just my clothes and my wife knew I was a poor guy so she didn't take me for the money.

I do know the pitfalls when looking for properties, have learned my lessons......I hope.


wow.....u will have to tell us your secret.......im sure many will want to know how you can come here with nothing and end up with a small empire :o

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Thanks for the replies.

I live here for 15 years, I am married with TW and have 13 year child with her. I have a thai company since 97 and I have bought several houses and have a guest house. All bought in my wifes name.

After all these years together and having a child together I guess I know where I stand.

By the way I came here with just my clothes and my wife knew I was a poor guy so she didn't take me for the money.

I do know the pitfalls when looking for properties, have learned my lessons......I hope.


I really envy you and your wife and also your kid. This is a true example of true love and not of utopian love. I wonder how many cases like you in Pataya or even in Bangkok. I also admire your TW for making the marriage successful since, like many others, she could also run away when you are getting richer. I wonder whether it was because of your company route or really teamwork.

As to the land, another route is to ask your TW to scout around the Thai press and all the lamp posts with various notices which have more potential than this forum or even the English press.

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Drive around with your wife and check the signs on the trees next to the roads. Often the best source of land is the locals working in their field and more often the local village shop where there is often a very clued up lady with a bag full of chanuts. She will take you out and show you what is available in her area. I would much sooner deal with these guys than with the agent in town, you get direct answers from the owners and see the land straight away. Land transfer is not a problem to do yourself at the land office. I think you know how the system works already :o

I know the Ban Ampur area if you need help around there.

Edited by Rimmer
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we were looking to buy a piece of land a couple of yrs ago so we went around the area near the phonex golf course, as we used to own a house on ban budsaba previously.

anyways we found a land for sale sign on a lamp post, so after phoning the number a young Thai girl met us from a office in Patters and showed us this bit of land she said the price just under 900,000 baht.

i thought it was a bit expensive so we decided to carry on looking, long story short we finaly met an old couple who had a small house on the same soi, my wife asked them if they new anyone selling any land they said they did and took us to the very same piece of land we had seen earlier that day.

the only difference was the price was 300,000 baht lower!.

in my opinion its always best to drive around and find your own land and try to speek to the actual owner.

by doing this you could save yourself a small fortune, on this occasion we didnt buy the land but if we had of that 300,000 would have suplemented the building of the property vastly.

just my twopeneth.

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Find the land in conjunction with your wife, then you stay home and let her go find out how much the land is. When they see a farang, the price sometimes doubles.

We got a couple of rai ouside Udorn but they never knew a farang was involved until it was too late.

Congratulations on your success story.

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Thats also a good piece of advice from Chuckd, the Thais seem to think us farangs are just walking ATMs!.

I would also like to point out the prices of land in los are unrealistic especialy to us foriegners.

how do they put such an high value on mosi infected pools or paddy fields!.

lets be honest if you buy land or property in blighty you can be assured within 5 to 7 years it will double in los with the ecomomy the way it is, its a bloody lottery.

plus the fact that as a farang you cant own it, it kinda takes the shine of it for me.

just imagine how Toxin would feel if he came to blighty and couldnt own part of Man city or property. if he had to have a load of people he didnt know controling his till how do you think he'd feel!.

fact is Thailand is still third world and has third world policy and stratagy.

its no wonder they are falling behind places like China, Vietnam, and even Cambodia will superseed them if they dont get thier acts together.

the only thing that makes it easier for me is the fact that im married to a Thai national and she will own it and my son will have benifit when he's older.

Edited by Aikido
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