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Hi guys, I appreciate this may be a silly question but my friend and I are travelling to Bangkok in September. She absolutely adores Orangutans. Getting up close and actually getting her picture with one would probably be the highlight of her trip. Any suggestions as to the best place for this?

Hi guys, I appreciate this may be a silly question but my friend and I are travelling to Bangkok in September. She absolutely adores Orangutans. Getting up close and actually getting her picture with one would probably be the highlight of her trip. Any suggestions as to the best place for this?

Sabah in Indonesia?

The orangutang Ah Meng that was the symbol of Singapore Zoo died recently and 4000 Singaporeans turned up to her funeral - they must have been giving something away free for them to turn up and I bet only Harry Lee will beat that amount.


They want her daughter to take over the mantle as the Zoo's symbol

Try parliament house, bring a plate of food and ask if the orang-utan named "Samak" is wandering the premises. :o

sorry, couldn't resist !

Now that made me laugh out loud! :D:D

Hi guys, I appreciate this may be a silly question but my friend and I are travelling to Bangkok in September. She absolutely adores Orangutans. Getting up close and actually getting her picture with one would probably be the highlight of her trip. Any suggestions as to the best place for this?

:o There are some zoos and some wildlife parks around BKK, but I doubt any have Orangutans in them.

I know there are some parks in Indonesia and places like Sabah in Malysia where Orangutans are reconditioned to learn to be more independent so they can be released into the wild. They need to be re-educated to learn not to rely on humans and learn how to be Orangutans after being raised by humans.

You have to understand, Orangutans are a highly intelligent animal and should not ever be kept in captivity.


Chiang Mai Zoo has one. Although its not kept in a jungle environment. It just sits in the middle of its grass enclosure. Actually if your friend likes Orang Utans ("jungle man" in malay) keep her away from Chiang Mai Zoo, the primate/monkey section is depressing!!


Safari World in the North East of Bangkok in the Khanna Yao district has over hundred orang-utans allegedly smuggled from Indonesia/Sumatra.

If you are not Thai, you will need to pay the more expensive foreigner's admission fee.


PLease do NOT under any circumstances go to Safari World to see them. Safari World was recently caught with a very large number of the poor apes that they most definately should not have had. These are highly endangered. The place is making money out of imprisoning them and making them perform in boxing rings.

Go to Medan in Sumatra and see them in the wild. It's beautiful (the place) and cheap as chips.


There used to be one you could have your photo taken with in that awful Pata Department store at Pingklao. Right on top of the building it was :o


Last year they had an adult female Orangatan called Cindy at Nong Nooch gardens in South Pattaya. I dont rate the zoo part but you can have your photo taken with her. Koew Kheo open zoo has a fantastic new enclosure for chimps on one side and orangatans on the other. This is better as they look more content as of course you are viewing from a distance but you can throw bananas and ranbutams for them to catch and eat. :o


Also next time you are in Singapore come to the Singapore zoo for breakfast with the orangatans. They sit right by the tables and you can have your photo taken with them all too. Really cool way to take your brekkie!


the story is not new and had make the round in the internet few month ago, but nobody make mention of here, so it's maybe not so well known.

Meet Pony. She is an orangutan from a small village in Borneo, where they cut down the rain forest to render the palm oil that gets sold abroad and made into lip salve, ice cream, chocolates, and cheese crackers.

Pony is an orangutan from a prostitute village in Borneo. We found her chained to a wall, lying on a mattress. She had been shaved all over her body.

If a man walked near her, she would turn herself around, present herself, and start gyrating and going through the motions. She was being used as a sex slave.....

read full story on www.viceland.com

sounds unbelievable but seems to be true. on that video

about the Orang-utan Survival Foundation you can see the rescue of the orang utan (starts at 12:45)

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