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Does He Deserve A Jail Sentence?


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For all that think the guy is a "scumbag" (which happens to be a old nickname for a condom F.Y.I.)

If she was 1 year older on the arm of some 60+ y/o farang, then what would you have to say. Yes the guy should have done the right thing, but there was only a 2 year gap between the couple. And how many of you men out there can say that you have used protection every time you had sex? Not many I bet, especially the ones who came of age before HIV/AIDS.

Is what he did irresponsible? You bet. But how many 19 year olds you know that are bastions of responsibility and virtue.


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Well, presumably you would have put a stop to your 14 y/o daughter having a 19 y/o boyfriend in the first place TheDon.

That wouldnt be a problem as my daughter wont be allowed out of the house until she is 25.

Right, another BS answer. When I was in high school ( a few years ago) nobody thought anything of a 14-15 yr old girl with a 19 yr old guy. Now it's a major crime with jail time required. Sure looks like we have become a much more moral society in the past few decades.

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19 + 17 + pregnant = 6 months jail

Don't you just love this culture?

Don't knock Thailnd, in USA it would be a lot more than 6 months. Local "Hot Dog" prosecutors love this stuff. Might get them on the road to higher office someday. Looks like one got bit in the butt with hypocritical moralizing today, ie the gov of NY.

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Jail? Not for the consensual love making. But it does appear something else happened and if they were trying to interfere with the Judge's decision, maybe that swayed the Judge to jail him.

Surely any parent should pay towards the upkeep of a child? He had his way, the pleasure of deflowering her and yes -in Thai society - he should pay something towards the cost.

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I don't think that he deserves a jail sentence, but what is the law?

If the law is broken then...

I can't bring my own values here. They are not the same. I might believe that the majority of my values are more reasonable and socially fair than Thai values and laws, but that's irrelevant. This country has laws which should be respected. The fact that everyone ignores so many laws does not make it right for me (or this boy, or anyone else) to break laws too.

If she's younger than 18 (according to my colleagues) then he is putting himself in a potentially law breaking position. I say potentially, as the law may change according to the girls / parents views, even after the event.

By my standards learnt in England he should not go to prison. Under Thai law, I'm told, that if the parents agree to a marriage then the prosecuters will drop the case. If they don't then he will go to prison. So, he should... that's Thai law.

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In reality unless she was raped, which apparently she wasnt, she shares half the responsibility for the act and use of contraceptives, or do we still live in a world where women have no responsibilities because their brains are too small or they are mentally weak or however its justified?

She has a life sentence caring for a baby .. he walks free. He should pay and pay dearly :o

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Right, another BS answer. When I was in high school ( a few years ago) nobody thought anything of a 14-15 yr old girl with a 19 yr old guy. Now it's a major crime with jail time required. Sure looks like we have become a much more moral society in the past few decades.

Hmm. I graduated in 1987 and it was completely unacceptable in those days. 14 and 19?! Maybe 16 and 19 would have been barely acceptable, but not 14. Different generations I guess.

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Right, another BS answer. When I was in high school ( a few years ago) nobody thought anything of a 14-15 yr old girl with a 19 yr old guy. Now it's a major crime with jail time required. Sure looks like we have become a much more moral society in the past few decades.

Hmm. I graduated in 1987 and it was completely unacceptable in those days. 14 and 19?!! Maybe 16 and 19 would have been barely acceptable, but not 14. Different generations I guess.

14 and 19 is not acceptable now either

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This whole story is pretty "fuzzy-wuzzy" with any fact & details. No one really knows what the legal issue was for the jail time. Age, pregnancy or what? If you are a schoolgirl does that alter the age of consent rules? I don't think so.

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Today, the 19 year old guy, who got my 17 year old sister-in-law pregnant, started a 6 month jail sentence.

He was given about 6 months to find the cash asked for but couldn't, or rather refused to find it. His family are pretty wealthy.

Happy to say that the judge ordered his father to pay a monthly allowance for the baby too.

I can't help feeling a little sory for the guy - jail is a bit harsh I think. My father in law wanted worse!

They had sex by mutual consent but she wsa a schoolgirl.

If he comes up with the cash, he gets out of jail. I have a feeling that they wil find the money somewhere.

There was a big legal battle involving "poo yai" from both sides trying to influence the judge.


Unfortunately I think they are both over the age of consent by Thai law. So I don't see how consensual sex can be a crime...at least in a legal sense.

I,however, am glad that the judge did make him contribute to the childs upbrining. Certainly the young man should be responsible for the consequences of his action, even if there was no criminal activity involved. He should have known better.

Perhaps the six months in jail was for the refusal to pay the original amount the court ordered him to pay as compensation?

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No, he doesn't deserve jail.

He deserves a swift kick in the butt for failing to carry (or go fetch) morning after pills. Or condoms, of course.

It was the girl's choice to have the baby, so I don't see why this would require any child support payments. Well perhaps he could have paid to sew her back up afterwards. Good as new.

another ... "have you been to Thailand"? question ... "It was the girl's choice"? Abortion is illegal in Thailand so there is no 'choice' involved in having the baby. Culturally there is no choice in keeping it.

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Right, another BS answer. When I was in high school ( a few years ago) nobody thought anything of a 14-15 yr old girl with a 19 yr old guy. Now it's a major crime with jail time required. Sure looks like we have become a much more moral society in the past few decades.

Hmm. I graduated in 1987 and it was completely unacceptable in those days. 14 and 19?!! Maybe 16 and 19 would have been barely acceptable, but not 14. Different generations I guess.

14 and 19 is not acceptable now either

In some states in USA, the womans age of consent was 14, until most raised the age to 16 or 18, some time ago.

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I am at a loss here as to what law he has broken. She is above the legal age for consentual sex so there can be no statutory rape or other charge of that nature. According to the OP, there was a period of 6 months given for the father to find the cash. What cash ?

Without further information, I can only assume that the court made an order for him to provide maintenance and now he is in breach of whatever agreement he made and thus has been prosecuted not for the act of sex but for failing to make the payments under the said agreement. I can then understand why he would go to jail and also why he would be straight out if he comes up with the cash.

hel_l, my missus got pregnant without us planning it. We are in our 20's and 30's. It is ou responsibility and if I wanted nothing to do with the baby then I would still be financially responsible. However, responsibility and Thais as not good bedfellows in many circumstances. Parenthood and provision is certainly one of these.

Given the greed that some parents hold with the concept of sinsot, then I can see a situation where her parents feel they have lost out on the chance to sell their daughter. Perhaps she will be on the next bus to Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket etc.

In a society where rich Thais mow people down in their Mercedes and expect to be let off and where you have politicians whose offspring are little more than hoodlums, is it any surprise that a relatively well off family seeks to take advantage of a poor family by dragging it out to the last minute in the hope that it will either go away or the wronged family will accept less just because they have nothing to begin with and are desperate ?

Whilst I think she will get little from this family or this poor excuse of a young man, I hope they can stick it out to achieve a payout which would allow their grandchild to have the same standard of living that it would have received had this guy married the mother and taken her into his family.

From another more controversial stance, she did have the opportunity to terminate the pregnancy and did not. That she was dating this guy and the fact that the pregnancy was allowed to progress to full term, one could make an argument that the faily thought they had hooked the big fish and secured a lottery sized payout either by cash or marriage. Not a nice thing to consider but it would not be the first time it happened in Thailand and it will not be the last her and elsewhere, including in the west.

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Right, another BS answer. When I was in high school ( a few years ago) nobody thought anything of a 14-15 yr old girl with a 19 yr old guy. Now it's a major crime with jail time required. Sure looks like we have become a much more moral society in the past few decades.

Hmm. I graduated in 1987 and it was completely unacceptable in those days. 14 and 19?!! Maybe 16 and 19 would have been barely acceptable, but not 14. Different generations I guess.

14 and 19 is not acceptable now either

In some states in USA, the womans age of consent was 14, until most raised the age to 16 or 18, some time ago.

Who the hel_l even knows where the USA is, I dont think many people even pay attention to them anyways.

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In reality unless she was raped, which apparently she wasnt, she shares half the responsibility for the act and use of contraceptives, or do we still live in a world where women have no responsibilities because their brains are too small or they are mentally weak or however its justified?

edit: misread ages involved, comment moot

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No, he doesn't deserve jail time. Some sort of lesson, but jail is very harsh and could even turn him into a real criminal.

19 + 17 + pregnant = 6 months jail Don't you just love this culture?

Not only Thailand, jail time for people in a lot of different countries.

Its the girls responsibility to use contraceptives.. she should have taken the pill or made him use a condom.

It's highly likely she had no idea she could get pregnant with the state of sex ed in Thailand. Perhaps he told her she couldn't get pregnant the first time... you never know. And why on earth is it only her responsibility anyway?

It was the girl's choice to have the baby, so I don't see why this would require any child support payments. Well perhaps he could have paid to sew her back up afterwards. Good as new.

It's actually probably not her choice at all to have the baby. As someone else already stated, abortion is illegal here and going to someone's dodgy aunt to get rid of it could kill her.

In Australia

Male 17 + Female 17 + sex + caught = Female raped the male and may be in jail as the male is still underage

You sure about that? In most states it's 16 for males and females.. I haven't seen anything that distinguishes between the sexes re age.

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No, he doesn't deserve jail.

He deserves a swift kick in the butt for failing to carry (or go fetch) morning after pills. Or condoms, of course.

It was the girl's choice to have the baby, so I don't see why this would require any child support payments. Well perhaps he could have paid to sew her back up afterwards. Good as new.

another ... "have you been to Thailand"? question ... "It was the girl's choice"? Abortion is illegal in Thailand so there is no 'choice' involved in having the baby. Culturally there is no choice in keeping it.

Well said--neither is there the opportunity to have a safe back street job--not that the vast majority of Thais would ever dream of this no matter how desperate yhey were- in their eyes killing= sin [ Baap]

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Haybilly - I didn't mean this as a slur on your parenting. The comment was addressed to TheDon. When you said step-daughter I just assumed circumstances were such that you weren't acting in a parental role. Sorry for the misunderstanding....

No worries, man--no offence.

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I've just been reading up on abortion in Thailand. Evidently abortion is legal in the case of rape, incest, or when allowing the baby to come to term may harm the mother physically or mentally. It is the last clause which allows hospitals like Bamrungrad to perform abortions virtually at will. Mental harm is such a vague and open statement, and this determination is entirely up to the licensed doctor. Many private hospitals and clinics will perform the service.

I am not suggesting that the young man is somehow not financially responsible for the child on a 50% basis. The intent of this post is only to clarify abortion law and abortion practice in Thailand.

Regarding the young man. He does not deserve jail, even if he doesn't ever pay a satang to the unfortunate girl or her family.

Debtor's prisons were abolished long ago in many countries, and for good reason. Fraudulent or other criminal debt is one thing, but most debt is not of this type. There should be a civil legal process for recovering money from borrowers who default, or from 'deadbeat dads'.

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Well, presumably you would have put a stop to your 14 y/o daughter having a 19 y/o boyfriend in the first place TheDon.

That wouldnt be a problem as my daughter wont be allowed out of the house until she is 25.

You have kids?

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In Australia

Male 17 + Female 17 + sex + caught = Female raped the male and may be in jail as the male is still underage

Wrong TheDon


Australia ACT 16 16 16

Australia NSW & Norfolk Is. 16 16 16

Australia NT 16 16 16

Australia Queensland1 16/18 18 16

Australia SA 17 17 17

Australia Tasmania 17 17 17

Australia Victoria 16 16 16

Australia WA 16 16 16

This info from HERE!

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In reality unless she was raped, which apparently she wasnt, she shares half the responsibility for the act and use of contraceptives, or do we still live in a world where women have no responsibilities because their brains are too small or they are mentally weak or however its justified?

She has a life sentence caring for a baby .. he walks free. He should pay and pay dearly :o

who says she has to care for the baby, i would love to see the look on laughing boys face, if on delivery day the mother drops the little bundle of joy off at the proud fathers house, and wishes him and his family all the best with rearing the new born.

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19 + 17 + pregnant = 6 months jail

Don't you just love this culture?

Don't knock Thailnd, in USA it would be a lot more than 6 months. Local "Hot Dog" prosecutors love this stuff. Might get them on the road to higher office someday. Looks like one got bit in the butt with hypocritical moralizing today, ie the gov of NY.

Let's not just knock Thailand than shall we, but also the USA!

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I've just been reading up on abortion in Thailand. Evidently abortion is legal in the case of rape, incest, or when allowing the baby to come to term may harm the mother physically or mentally. It is the last clause which allows hospitals like Bamrungrad to perform abortions virtually at will. Mental harm is such a vague and open statement, and this determination is entirely up to the licensed doctor. Many private hospitals and clinics will perform the service.

I am not suggesting that the young man is somehow not financially responsible for the child on a 50% basis. The intent of this post is only to clarify abortion law and abortion practice in Thailand.

Regarding the young man. He does not deserve jail, even if he doesn't ever pay a satang to the unfortunate girl or her family.

Debtor's prisons were abolished long ago in many countries, and for good reason. Fraudulent or other criminal debt is one thing, but most debt is not of this type. There should be a civil legal process for recovering money from borrowers who default, or from 'deadbeat dads'.

LOL ...

Please do clarify abortion law here because what you have stated above is sketchy to say the least. Abortion on demand is ILLEGAL in Thailand. Citing that some prominant hospital has a policy allowing for this would certainly lead one into murky water and likely a defamation case.

You fail to take into account anything regarding Thai culture in this post at all. This is a case involving (apparently) 2 locally prominant families (at least I recall the OP using PhuuYai).

as for going to jail? my stance is clear, what is not clear here is why he is in jail. Contempt of court? Failure to follow a lawful order? could be numerous issues! I am not familiar at all with Thai law regarding debt OR Thai Family Law.

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Well, presumably you would have put a stop to your 14 y/o daughter having a 19 y/o boyfriend in the first place TheDon.

That wouldnt be a problem as my daughter wont be allowed out of the house until she is 25.

i've seen a cup!

on this cup it say's

"best father in the world"

cant see you getting it,

why dont you keep her in till shes 65?

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What I said was that it was up to the doctor to determine what qualified as physical or mental harm. I then went on to indicate that the language of the law is vague, so that hospitals can interpret 'mental harm' is the see fit. There is another thread on TV site that discusses the issue. Feel free to look it up.

What are you talking about Thai culture and Puu Yai's for? I thought I went out of my way to indicate that the portion of my post discussing abortion had nothing to do with the case of this young man and woman specifically.

Funfun - to whom are you making the snide comments regarding fatherhood and parenting? You quoted from two posters. I think most fathers in the world would object to their 14 y/o daughter dating a 19 y/o man, as would most governments. In TheDon's defense, I am pretty sure he was being sarcastic in regards to locking his daughter up until she was 26. That is ridiculous and you know it.

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