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Ok here we go again.

This is the nextt part of my predicament and the old topic “My Thai Wife”


I rang the home office they advised me to write to them and withdraw sponsorship, send a letter to her and she will have to go user her own steam back to Thailand.

Well I was too soft and waited till December and brought her back.

The situation was really bad at this time she was recruiting friend and old men for marriage with Thai girls.

We returned to Khon Kaen and I walked out but still having some time in Thailand I took a holiday.

However she contacted me and begged for forgiveness and would I please come to see her I did yes woke in the morning to find I had swollen head and all my papers had been rifled and copied, then she produced tapes recordings she had made of me before our marriage and after for what ever reasons and photos of my house and anything she could get her hands on even my children’s work addresses and history.

The recordings were a setup she would play the innocent and then record me.

I left and stayed in a hotel waiting to come back to UK I found she was a very rich lady well connected and had been running the underground lottery for years and during her stay in UK with people working for her.

The money she gets cant go in the bank so she is now paying a Thai to do the work for her 10,000 per month lending money and she has got her Aunty in Norway to sponsor her and is now hitched up in Kristiansand Norway with a another chap.

She is loaded a very wealth lady she showed me more that 50,000 pound in her pocket before she left and that was nothing to what she has

The house I rebuild for her she creamed 20,00 pound from me, is being used to entertain the unsuspecting falang that she and her friend invite over the one falang has no idea of the other as they come over and are entertained some from UK some from Aussi who are getting them visas for visits there.

The phone conversations are darling when you come to see me that would be Australia then the same chat line to UK guy the to some poor chaps mother who thinks her son has met a darling woman in Thailand.

Soon they will be coming in from Norway.

She rang me to tell me all this she was happy with the Norway chap however this is the question

We cant divorce for a year under UK law but

1 She intends to marry him in Norway and Thailand without the divorce.

2 She has Genital Herpes and has not told him.

The poor chap in Norway has no idea what he is getting into

What should I now do about it

This really should be stopped, how do i contact her new partner to warn him

I put this to the forum I am in hiding as I have had two strange accidents and my new bike was tampered with

I also have a web page with all the story on bout I dont know of the forum would allow this link

You could always register her name as a domain name and make a website warning people about her. :o

Cheers for that as my job is working with the net teaching it since 1989 i may just do that however i have put some of the story together at


you put a smile on my face hel_l I need it

You should see the state of the car i was in that got pushed off the road while on a visa run lucky to be here.

If I am taken out here in thailand before my divorce she gets my house and property at £400,000


Why don't you hire an investigator to dig everything up about her activities? Also contact the police in the UK and let them know. Let her get married to the other guy then file charges. Get some professional help on this and fight. Should of stayed away from her, you knew she was poison, yet you went back for more, what's up?

Get some professional help on this and fight. Should of stayed away from her, you knew she was poison, yet you went back for more, what's up?

"Business" - Thai Style, mate -Grand scale Scam!... DO NOT come back to Thailand!

Make the website, inform the Norwegian Embassy, maybe the OZ Embassy in BKK as well... good advice has been given already, FOLLOW it!

Otherwise... it could go very, very wrong!

1 She intends to marry him in Norway and Thailand without the divorce.

2 She has Genital Herpes and has not told him.

The poor chap in Norway has no idea what he is getting into

You can say that again - he'll end up with no cash and no todger at this rate


oh my god !!!!!!!!!! you could not make that stuff up, just read the web site that is crazy, i feel bad for you thats just mad


Sadly a man is born with two heads and they do not work well together.

I have heard the same story and worse over the years.


1 She intends to marry him in Norway and Thailand without the divorce.

2 She has Genital Herpes and has not told him.

I think you mean syphilis because you've obviously gone nut's! :o



Hi, read the website and there are quite a lot of holes in the overall story (such as she would need a rather large handbag to get all those UK fifties in it and why bother even going to the UK when she is rolling in money...) BUT when this goes down the guy is actually often left in a state of post traumatic stress as his whole world explodes, so some incoherence mixed in with rage is to be expected. As is some paranoia, whether it is justified or not.

The really frightening thing about this kind of stuff, the woman could quite easily have stashed a few bags of heroin in his suitcase and walked away innocent if they were caught in Heathrow - totally impossible to say how far down she has gone.

Again, if she has ripped off her mafia mates then it may well be a case of getting the farang husband to pay, so Thailand is probably not a very safe place.

And last, and a bit nastily, that photo of the wife, run a mile on first sight I would have thought!

Hi, read the website and there are quite a lot of holes in the overall story (such as she would need a rather large handbag to get all those UK fifties in it and why bother even going to the UK when she is rolling in money...) BUT when this goes down the guy is actually often left in a state of post traumatic stress as his whole world explodes, so some incoherence mixed in with rage is to be expected. As is some paranoia, whether it is justified or not.

The really frightening thing about this kind of stuff, the woman could quite easily have stashed a few bags of heroin in his suitcase and walked away innocent if they were caught in Heathrow - totally impossible to say how far down she has gone.

Again, if she has ripped off her mafia mates then it may well be a case of getting the farang husband to pay, so Thailand is probably not a very safe place.

And last, and a bit nastily, that photo of the wife, run a mile on first sight I would have thought!

Hi thanks for all the positive advice however this will always attract some cynics.

I did not expos this to exaggerate when I first met her around the 17 the each month I was shocked to see the amount of money on the floor of her house 1000 b notes near on a half a yard wide by a half yard loads of it, she said it was the takings from her shop.

I soon found out that it was lottery money a man on a bike would arrive and that was it. Sure i should have left then

As to the cash she showed me before she left for Norway she did have a big bag two in fact one she showed me full of money her hip purse that she used to tape me with and a carry bag opened it and said I told you I was getting big money. Why did she want to come to UK when she was loaded well her words she cant live in Thailand any more she has people working for her lending money and wants a new man to take care of her basically she had no English at the time and no visa.

She called me last night to say she is happy in Norway and has a new man and is also on some dating page looking for another chap her friend in Scotland did that for her she is now running a few men some in London she happily told me, they will becoming to see her in Norway at her aunts house I suspect to help her get what she can from her divorce from me and will soon have a sponsor for Oz as she has some men that have seen her profile there and want to meet her. She pays her friend well.

She is sociopath and I think I have said enough here as she was recording me in my home for ages and will use anything against me if I expose her. Oh and she reminded me that she carries the recordings with her everywhere.

What a F&$£ g hole to be in.

I recorded the conversation


As PT Barnum said "There's a sucker born every minute"

Your website reads like a diary of a masochist. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. If she was 19 and gorgeous and a great shag maybe I would give her a second chance, but a third, forth, and so on, and with a 48 y/o scam artist who wouldn't shag you until you threatened to annul the marriage. Danger Danger Will Robinson!


:o Sorry to heard about your story, everywhere have good and bad person, I'm Thai also and I don't want anyone will have problem like you. You are get into badluck this time, I hope you will be lucky soon. I will be your advisor best friend.

Sorry about my English is not so well.

Cheer UP!!!!!!


:D Sorry to heard about your story, everywhere have good and bad person, I'm Thai also and I don't want anyone will have problem like you. You are get into badluck this time, I hope you will be lucky soon. I will be your advisor best friend.

Sorry about my English is not so well.

Cheer UP!!!!!!


If OP is single, perhaps you might be an ideal selection for him? :o Mind you if you two connect that is. :D

Do these recordings hold much weight. In some countries they don't!

Not sure, but I would think that most countries with decent legal systems would hold a dim view of someone doing hidden recordings, and I would think they would be inadmissible in any court due to this. I think it's illegal in the UK to record someone on the phone without telling them, hence companies informing you at the start of calls when you phone their call centres.

Ok here we go again.

This is the nextt part of my predicament and the old topic “My Thai Wife”


I rang the home office they advised me to write to them and withdraw sponsorship, send a letter to her and she will have to go user her own steam back to Thailand.

Well I was too soft and waited till December and brought her back.

The situation was really bad at this time she was recruiting friend and old men for marriage with Thai girls.

We returned to Khon Kaen and I walked out but still having some time in Thailand I took a holiday.

However she contacted me and begged for forgiveness and would I please come to see her I did yes woke in the morning to find I had swollen head and all my papers had been rifled and copied, then she produced tapes recordings she had made of me before our marriage and after for what ever reasons and photos of my house and anything she could get her hands on even my children’s work addresses and history.

The recordings were a setup she would play the innocent and then record me.

I left and stayed in a hotel waiting to come back to UK I found she was a very rich lady well connected and had been running the underground lottery for years and during her stay in UK with people working for her.

The money she gets cant go in the bank so she is now paying a Thai to do the work for her 10,000 per month lending money and she has got her Aunty in Norway to sponsor her and is now hitched up in Kristiansand Norway with a another chap.

She is loaded a very wealth lady she showed me more that 50,000 pound in her pocket before she left and that was nothing to what she has

The house I rebuild for her she creamed 20,00 pound from me, is being used to entertain the unsuspecting falang that she and her friend invite over the one falang has no idea of the other as they come over and are entertained some from UK some from Aussi who are getting them visas for visits there.

The phone conversations are darling when you come to see me that would be Australia then the same chat line to UK guy the to some poor chaps mother who thinks her son has met a darling woman in Thailand.

Soon they will be coming in from Norway.

She rang me to tell me all this she was happy with the Norway chap however this is the question

We cant divorce for a year under UK law but

1 She intends to marry him in Norway and Thailand without the divorce.

2 She has Genital Herpes and has not told him.

The poor chap in Norway has no idea what he is getting into

What should I now do about it

This really should be stopped, how do i contact her new partner to warn him

I put this to the forum I am in hiding as I have had two strange accidents and my new bike was tampered with

I also have a web page with all the story on bout I dont know of the forum would allow this link

Darwin...only the strongest survive...sorry, you got taken out mate. The fundamental rules of nature win again.


Tape recordings that are recorded without the knowledge of the other party are unlikely to be admitted as evidence in any UK court.

See the European Convention on Human Rights (article 8) - the right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence

Case law also supports this so she can record all the wants till the cows come home and send it the the entire government/police force. It's not admissible in court.

Only the Police can record without giving notice which requires judicial approval as well.


I would like you to finish your story and go back to stay happy in England. sometime have friend is better to have bad wife. Good luck.

PS. Norvin is my good friend from England and I hope good man will pass this situation soon ka... :o

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