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Do Thais Visit This Site?


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If a Thai, someone out in the burbs without any farang friends stumbled across this site and started reading the threads, what would they would make of it all? Would they think we are nuts or just a bunch of normal people?

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If a Thai, someone out in the burbs without any farang friends stumbled across this site and started reading the threads, what would they would make of it all? Would they think we are nuts or just a bunch of normal people?

Hang on, Zorro; where did you get this "normal people" idea from? :o

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If a Thai, someone out in the burbs without any farang friends stumbled across this site and started reading the threads, what would they would make of it all? Would they think we are nuts or just a bunch of normal people?

Rather depends on whose posts they started reading - if mine, for instance, undoubtedly normal. If the Emperor's, for instance........................ :o

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If a Thai, someone out in the burbs without any farang friends stumbled across this site and started reading the threads, what would they would make of it all? Would they think we are nuts or just a bunch of normal people?

Well they might wonder what " what would they would make of it all " means? :o Then they would wonder why when people post question, often people start argueing amongst themselves without answering the question???? They would then promise never to move to the city where all the crazy Farangs live.

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There are many Thais on this forum.

However, they are fluent in English. This fluency did not randomly descend from the sky. It probably results from having spent all or a large chunk of their formative years in an English-speaking country. Their world view will have diverged markedly from that of the "average" Thai national.

I presume your question means what would the average Thai make of these forum threads if they were translated into Thai and thus were accessible to the mass population.

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There are many Thais on this forum.

However, they are fluent in English. This fluency did not randomly descend from the sky. It probably results from having spent all or a large chunk of their formative years in an English-speaking country. Their world view will have diverged markedly from that of the "average" Thai national.

I presume your question means what would the average Thai make of these forum threads if they were translated into Thai and thus were accessible to the mass population.

I said a Thai without Farang friends. No i don't think you could translate it into Thai it would just be mumbo jumbo... however it was meant to be an imaginative question, like picture this?

See 5 posts into this thread and they would be thinking nutz nutz nutz

Try translating that into Thai

Edited by zorro1
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A Thai may take the view that there are many nutty people who use this forum.

Nuts in the way that they came to Thailand by choice, then complain about how a 3rd world country operates, yet they have a passport to go anywhere they want.

To an average Thai who has no such opportunity, many Farangs here may well seem nuts.


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A Thai may take the view that there are many nutty people who use this forum.

Nuts in the way that they came to Thailand by choice, then complain about how a 3rd world country operates, yet they have a passport to go anywhere they want.

To an average Thai who has no such opportunity, many Farangs here may well seem nuts.


Alternativelt it may give him/her a deep and meaningful insight into the mysteries of farangness and why we are so different from the Thais.

Shortly after they'd probably die laughing.

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Generally I care as much for what they think and say as they care for what I think and say,...pretty much zero!

I care a lot about what other people say, that's how i managed to get success in work and in life,.... by using the ideas from others that are better than anything I could come up with.

Fortunately, in your case, it sounds like you take the opposite case. Will be nice to learn how successful someone doing the opposite thing is going to be, maybe I've been doing it round the wrong way!!!! :o

In answer to the original question, I all depends. The majority of Bangkok would probably have something better to do online than read through thread after thread on pointless sin sot questions; all the same debates on politics etc already exist in Thai and you'd be surprised how similar some thoughts are (both sides).

Upcountry, not sure how many of them even have access to the net, and some have some pretty low skills in thinking for themselves due to poor education. Those are some of the people with major preconceptions about 'all farang like dark skin girls, all farang so rich, all dogs are one of 3 breeds - mah Thai mah ju mah an-sae-chun' type mindsets.

I bet the main question would be, why so much whinging for the sake of whinging; that is a unique trait here, as an example to complain non stop about plastic bags say, and then complain that it will never improve, but never to actually get in touch with Tops, 7:11 or anyone else to do anything about it. And then when other people do, to whinge about how they shouldn't as it won't change.

I mean <deleted>???!

The same question, incidentally, would be asked by many other races as well.

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Thai's are no more, or less normal, than Westeners - and as far as forums go, Thai ex-pats use them as well in the USA (are is a big online forum in LA for the Thai ex-pat community, and another in SF), on which much the same issues (like visa, wp and business questions) are raised.

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Generally I care as much for what they think and say as they care for what I think and say,...pretty much zero!

I care a lot about what other people say, that's how i managed to get success in work and in life,.... by using the ideas from others that are better than anything I could come up with.

Fortunately, in your case, it sounds like you take the opposite case. Will be nice to learn how successful someone doing the opposite thing is going to be, maybe I've been doing it round the wrong way!!!! :o

In answer to the original question, I all depends. The majority of Bangkok would probably have something better to do online than read through thread after thread on pointless sin sot questions; all the same debates on politics etc already exist in Thai and you'd be surprised how similar some thoughts are (both sides).

Upcountry, not sure how many of them even have access to the net, and some have some pretty low skills in thinking for themselves due to poor education. Those are some of the people with major preconceptions about 'all farang like dark skin girls, all farang so rich, all dogs are one of 3 breeds - mah Thai mah ju mah an-sae-chun' type mindsets.

I bet the main question would be, why so much whinging for the sake of whinging; that is a unique trait here, as an example to complain non stop about plastic bags say, and then complain that it will never improve, but never to actually get in touch with Tops, 7:11 or anyone else to do anything about it. And then when other people do, to whinge about how they shouldn't as it won't change.

I mean <deleted>???!

The same question, incidentally, would be asked by many other races as well.

I think you meant unfortunately. My post came across more negatively than intended.

It wasn't meant to be taken so litterally. I was just too lazy to provide a long explanation.

There are a "few" people that I care what they think about me. I pick and choose my friends very carefully. Do I really care what the passing tuk tuk driver, ubiquitous bar girl, or sex tout on Silom Road thinks? No, not a jot. Generally most Thais have a low regard for westeners anyhow. We are stereotyped, and I can't change that. Lifes too short and I'm not going to try. I've got more important things to do. And I have nothing to do with the negative perception that Thais have of most westeners. I belive they did that all by themselves for their own reasons, oh, and helped along by the bad behaviour of some of my race that I find embarrassing.

I keep to myself. Mind my own business, and don't look for trouble. I treat all people with respect. And I absolutely expect the same in return.

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I bet the main question would be, why so much whinging for the sake of whinging; that is a unique trait here, as an example to complain non stop about plastic bags say, and then complain that it will never improve, but never to actually get in touch with Tops, 7:11 or anyone else to do anything about it. And then when other people do, to whinge about how they shouldn't as it won't change.

I mean <deleted>???!

Steve, I find your posts of a very high quality, and now I just grab a small part of a recent post, about plastic bags, to push a point of my own. I am sure you will agree. It is the plastic bag issue. I have started to carry my own canvas bags to the store. Not every time, I need to educate myself to remember to bring the bags into the store. But hey, it is so easy, and I am getting better every day.

So why don't all us TV brain surgeons and rocket scientists and treehuggers and save the worldres, just stop using plastic bags? OK, I will use a few for the time being for the garbage, but I can overnite cut out 90 % of my usage. Easily. I am no saint or hero, but can some others join me? Please?

Edit: While I am on my soap box, I might as well mention the use of proper drinking water filters, to avoid all the plastic water bottles. OK, this is an investment much above a couple of canvas bags for sure, but it also helps you having to lug home hundreds of liters of waters, and later dispose of the bottles.

And finally, why not sort your garbage, so someone (e.g. your maid) can take home and sell newspapers, tin cans, and whatever else of recyclables? We all win by this.

Now tell me how you can help do this, NOT how difficult it is OK?

And yes, I guess I am starting to sound like Weho. I can live with that.

I might even start a new thread to promote the stuff I have been pushing here. Lets wait and see...

Edited by MeaMaximaCulpa
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This site is good for a laugh sometimes

It certainly is pampal, it certainly is.

Now what else was the purpose of your post?

Are you willing to stand up and do something about say plastic pollution?

Please, PLEASE, do not come back with a lame response. If you want to contribute, great. If not, please do not speak. Your non-contribution will just add to the wast black hole of ignorance.

To all the other nice and upstanding people on the site, I feel we are onto a good thing. Just wait and see...

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I know of a few Thais who read this site. Theystarted reading it as a way to improve their english and as far as I know they never joined as members.

Initially they were upset at how some posters had a very negative attitude to Thai people and Thailand in general.

As time went by and they became more familiar with posters and their styles they mentioned how it wasn’t as bad as they initially thought or as negative as some of the posts on Thai language web boards.

Macb’s Buriram thread was required reading amongst them for a few months until he finished posting. I had the impression it was a bit like them watching a Thai soap opera.

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I might even start a new thread to promote the stuff I have been pushing here. Lets wait and see...

That's probably a good idea rather than hi-jacking someone else's thread.

Yes Endure, you are so right. I shall go forth and multiply my ideas, and will soon start a new thread.

Thank you for your kind suggestion and encouragement.

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If a Thai, someone out in the burbs without any farang friends stumbled across this site and started reading the threads, what would they would make of it all? Would they think we are nuts or just a bunch of normal people?

They probably get upset, why do these farangs alway complaining, whining, about thailand and thai people.

They probably wonder why these farangs still living in thailand. Why don't they go back home.

They will think that you whining farangs make thailand and thai people look bad to new farangs, especially when they don't live here long enough to know good things about thailand. Also, you whining farangs put a bad impression on other farangs that don't complain and like thailand.

Thais already know that farangs complain & whin even without TV forum. They figured out how to solve that problems they charge farangs interest, you pay farang prices with the smile. :D

That's why most TV members don't have profile for our safety. :o

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Macb’s Buriram thread was required reading amongst them for a few months until he finished posting. I had the impression it was a bit like them watching a Thai soap opera.

Would you mind posting a link to that thread. I can't find it, and am in the mood for a good read.

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I would say there is alot of putting Thai's down in the forum and alot would be offfended, but at the same time my wife goes to a thai forum and some of the topics about farangs are nearly same same here. Here the general feel is that farangs think all Thai's are stupid, on the Thai forum they say all farangs are stupid.

Please dont ask me for a link because I dont want to start a forum war were we go there and they come here abusing each other

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If a Thai, someone out in the burbs without any farang friends stumbled across this site and started reading the threads, what would they would make of it all? Would they think we are nuts or just a bunch of normal people?

They probably get upset, why do these farangs alway complaining, whining, about thailand and thai people.

They probably wonder why these farangs still living in thailand. Why don't they go back home.

They will think that you whining farangs make thailand and thai people look bad to new farangs, especially when they don't live here long enough to know good things about thailand. Also, you whining farangs put a bad impression on other farangs that don't complain and like thailand.

Thais already know that farangs complain & whin even without TV forum. They figured out how to solve that problems they charge farangs interest, you pay farang prices with the smile. :D

That's why most TV members don't have profile for our safety. :o

Hi Aries74, nice to see that you are given the Buddhists a day off today and focusing your assaults on farangs in general. :D

Edited by garro
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There are many Thais on this forum.

However, they are fluent in English. This fluency did not randomly descend from the sky. It probably results from having spent all or a large chunk of their formative years in an English-speaking country. Their world view will have diverged markedly from that of the "average" Thai national.

I presume your question means what would the average Thai make of these forum threads if they were translated into Thai and thus were accessible to the mass population.

That was very presumptuous of you.

I would assume that you had a comment about average Thais? Average in what way? Age? Education? Income? Health?

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