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Immigration Clarifies Cash Requirement Rule

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Hi guy's,

i dont understand your worries!

just do a yearly visa or better a permanent resident.

if you don't have problems in your home country in the paste :o and just a little more money than you need's for your reentries, you will get the permanent visa easely. just go to office #301 at suan plu and you get all information how to do it.

What a wonderful first post.

Maybe Chezandy would care to elaborate on this easily obtain permanent visa.

Do I need an Elite card first ?

Come on Chez we are all waiting for your reply.

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Hi guy's,

i dont understand your worries!

just do a yearly visa or better a permanent resident.

What a wonderful first post.

Maybe Chezandy would care to elaborate on this easily obtain permanent visa.

Come on Chez we are all waiting for your reply.

LOL..... my sentiments exactly :o

Guess I'll just pop around to good ol' Room 301 tomorrow morning.. and return in the afternoon for my permanent residency....

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When will you guys understand that your complaining and moaning does no good what so ever?

Mr. Ben

The point some of us make is that the system the government use to clean up Bangkok,Pattaya and Phuket for what they call "bad foreigners" make problems also for the " more neutral foreigners" who live here and have lived here for many years, support wife and children, the buffalo,the nabors child and the sick and drunk father in law.

Never have we been or will be a burden to the socaity, because most of us pay up front for whatever service we use and we also have insurance who cover eventually healt issues.

When the same government want us to set money in the bank so we can stay another few months under "consideration" we do that to.

But when the people who represent the government repeatedly over years(eks when apply for visa) talk shit about you, try to seduce your wife and on the top want some botles under the table, repeatedly.

Well then some of us feel we are in our right to complain and moan.

What i see in this demand of money when you arrive is just a twist from when I was here on "leave" a couple times as a UN soldier in Lebanon twenty years ago.

That time they sure "helped" you if you had a few dollars left when you depart.



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10.000 baht are about 200 euro.

About right and a single 500 Euro note would get you a brand new single Bt 25,000 note if and when they decide to issue them. :D

Might have a problem with change on the 116 bus but I am sure that the som tam lady would clear it for you..... its only a matter of time. :o

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Guess I'll just pop around to good ol' Room 301 tomorrow morning.. and return in the afternoon for my permanent residency....

Tell 'em Chezandy sent ya! :o

Will do.... and I got a printed copy of his post as all the documentation I'll need.


Sounds like you should be all set then. :D

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10,000 baht in Thailand is the same as 2 month's wages. The equivalent of this in America is having $10,000 in your pocket, plus change. 8 people per bus is almost $100,000, just for the taking. 20 or 30 buses a day...maybe half a million in cash, no armed guards, just "normal" people. Crossing in and out of Mexico evry day. Day after day.

Point made, this should put things in perspective.

How can this put things in perspective? You all can talk as much as you want about the 10,000 baht being the "equivalent of" $10,000 and $100,000 in a group BUT the whole point is that it isn't $10,000/£100,000 is it! It is merely $250/$2,500 in all. What is this if you are wanting to live in a country that is not yours as a tourist? If you dont have the money go home and earn some and then come back. Failing that, I suppose you all could rob some tourists with money now, just wait at the border crossings and join the Thai robbers that you all are so worried about!


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Did you read the List of Visas & their requirements at the start of this thread?

Your Type of Visa is NOT listed

BUT - you DO need a Re-entry permit OR you will lose your Retirement visa when you leave ...


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Firstly, just to GET into Thailand, a farang "unburdens" the Thai government considerably. The vast majority of farangs pay for a tourist visa. They pay the equivalent of one month's salary to do this. This is usually a 90 day visa. (or it might be a double entry). The clever Thais have a system, however. Upon seeing the visa for 90 days, they reduce it to 60 days with a rubber stamp. For you to get the other 30 days, you must pay again...1,900 baht, the equivalent of 2 weeks wages, for a Thai.


You are WRONG but don't worry many poeple are misled.

A Tourist Visa is for a STAY of 60 days.

The sticker does not say so - but that is how it is.

However the Visa Sticker which says it is valid for 90 days

means it is valid for ENTRY into The Kingdom within 90 days.


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The Immigration Officers are quoted as saying amounts in Baht

BUT - I thought Tourist Visa holders / Visa on Arrival travellers

had to show Foreign Currency ??

Does anybody know what the Original Law says?

Anyway - as usual - there is nothing new

The Rule has been there for Long Time

and we all know that the Officers have much discretion.


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Hi guy's,

i dont understand your worries!

just do a yearly visa or better a permanent resident.

if you don't have problems in your home country in the paste :o and just a little more money than you need's for your reentries, you will get the permanent visa easely. just go to office #301 at suan plu and you get all information how to do it.

Which country are you living in??

Why are we not all however many tens of thousands of expats doing this?

What drugs do you take?

I'm got a year visa, but I was a government employee...*gov't school.

Yours curiously

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Most Thais and a lot of other nationalities dont have access to obtaining credit cards to use and have to rely on the more reliable stuff that the people in US have forgotten about long ago and arre now terrified of (CASH money)

I'd heavily disagree. It's like saying Thais don't have access to mobile phones, every man and his dog's got one!

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How can this put things in perspective?  You all can talk as much as you want about the 10,000 baht being the "equivalent of" $10,000 and $100,000 in a group BUT the whole point is that it isn't $10,000/£100,000 is it! It is merely $250/$2,500 in all. What is this if you are wanting to live in a country that is not yours as a tourist?  If you dont have the money go home and earn some and then come back. Failing that, I suppose you all could rob some tourists with money now, just wait at the border crossings and join the Thai robbers that you all are so worried about!


Lets say this very slowly and careful so you finally get the point.

Yes it is ONLY 10000B to us ( 1 person ) but it is A MONTHS WAGES to potential robbers.

Multiply that up for a minivan, 8 people - 80,000B. That can be an entire familys' income for a YEAR Imagine the incentive for some country bumpkin to get rich quick.

Now do you see why people are reluctant to carry that amount of cash? It is not the problem of having the money it is the increased risk involved of carrying it.

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How can this put things in perspective?  You all can talk as much as you want about the 10,000 baht being the "equivalent of" $10,000 and $100,000 in a group BUT the whole point is that it isn't $10,000/£100,000 is it! It is merely $250/$2,500 in all. What is this if you are wanting to live in a country that is not yours as a tourist?  If you dont have the money go home and earn some and then come back. Failing that, I suppose you all could rob some tourists with money now, just wait at the border crossings and join the Thai robbers that you all are so worried about!


Lets say this very slowly and careful so you finally get the point.

Yes it is ONLY 10000B to us ( 1 person ) but it is A MONTHS WAGES to potential robbers.

Multiply that up for a minivan, 8 people - 80,000B. That can be an entire familys' income for a YEAR Imagine the incentive for some country bumpkin to get rich quick.

Now do you see why people are reluctant to carry that amount of cash? It is not the problem of having the money it is the increased risk involved of carrying it.

ok, so you think its not a lot of money. but are we supposed to carry all of our money with us at all times too, just like our passports????

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Guess I'll just pop around to good ol' Room 301 tomorrow morning.. and return in the afternoon for my permanent residency....

Tell 'em Chezandy sent ya! :o

Will do.... and I got a printed copy of his post as all the documentation I'll need.


Sounds like you should be all set then. :D

WOW!..... what a shock! Just returned from Room 301 with my NEW permanent resident paperwork. Chezandy was RIGHT!... it WAS easy!... what a relief... no more problems...... EVER!

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How can this put things in perspective?  You all can talk as much as you want about the 10,000 baht being the "equivalent of" $10,000 and $100,000 in a group BUT the whole point is that it isn't $10,000/£100,000 is it! It is merely $250/$2,500 in all. What is this if you are wanting to live in a country that is not yours as a tourist?  If you dont have the money go home and earn some and then come back. Failing that, I suppose you all could rob some tourists with money now, just wait at the border crossings and join the Thai robbers that you all are so worried about!


Lets say this very slowly and careful so you finally get the point.

Yes it is ONLY 10000B to us ( 1 person ) but it is A MONTHS WAGES to potential robbers.

Multiply that up for a minivan, 8 people - 80,000B. That can be an entire familys' income for a YEAR Imagine the incentive for some country bumpkin to get rich quick.

Now do you see why people are reluctant to carry that amount of cash? It is not the problem of having the money it is the increased risk involved of carrying it.

let's not lose ourselves here. just b/c it may be a months pay for some thais does not make it a lot of cash. 10,000 bt is a bottle of wine to others so keep perspective

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By enforcing such a law, all they are trying to say is "GET A WORK PERMIT AND EXTEND YOUR VISA." I'm not sure what everyone is bitching about. Is it because you are working in Thailand illegally? Or is it because you are not paying taxes? Why don't you extend your visa to one year, then this problem goes away.

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This thread is absolutely amazing.... :o

I hate to impose bluebear, but can you re-write your last response even MORE slowly (perhaps focusing on the last paragraph), so that unbiasbob and daveh can fathom what this is all about as evidently they still don't get it. Perhaps repitition (for the 10th time in this thread) is what they need.

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...Thais are hung up on appearance, the single most important thing is the first impression, and that happens in a Thais brain before any words are spoken. Trust me it works, its a proven method. IMHO. Good Luck to all and keep up the entertainment.

Dman in Chiang Rai

Not just a Thai's brain :o

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How can this put things in perspective?  You all can talk as much as you want about the 10,000 baht being the "equivalent of" $10,000 and $100,000 in a group BUT the whole point is that it isn't $10,000/£100,000 is it! It is merely $250/$2,500 in all. What is this if you are wanting to live in a country that is not yours as a tourist?  If you dont have the money go home and earn some and then come back. Failing that, I suppose you all could rob some tourists with money now, just wait at the border crossings and join the Thai robbers that you all are so worried about!


Lets say this very slowly and careful so you finally get the point.

Yes it is ONLY 10000B to us ( 1 person ) but it is A MONTHS WAGES to potential robbers.

Multiply that up for a minivan, 8 people - 80,000B. That can be an entire familys' income for a YEAR Imagine the incentive for some country bumpkin to get rich quick.

Now do you see why people are reluctant to carry that amount of cash? It is not the problem of having the money it is the increased risk involved of carrying it.

Life can be frustrating some times…… like I have been following this thread for some time and I seem to hear the music to “Take me home mountain mama, take me home West Virginia…… Now I don’t want to impugn the good folks of W. Va. or even or even imply that they are slow learners but some of the good folks there are starting to look rather smart……compared to the slow learners who seem to be posting here.

Lets start another tact for the thinking impaired…..

Maybe we can agree that 10,000. baht may or may not be a lot of money for a Thai or Cambodian…

Maybe we can agree that 10,000 Baht may or may not be a lot of money for a Westerner..

But I would hope that everyone would feel that whether or not one, anyone, Thai, Cambodian, Laotian or Westerner, would commit a crime depends largely with what the individual perceives the possibility of being caught and the penalty that would incur, vs. what this same person perceives to be the reward possibly gained.

An example might be someone, no matter what nationality or where they came from, that was earning $5,000. per month, and $100. would equate to less than a half days wages, probably would not commit a crime that may net him a $100., [or half days wages] and jail time if he/she were caught.

However on the other hand someone who earned the sum of, maybe $75. in a months period, no matter the nationality, or where they came from may look at the chance to rob someone of $100. as a very risk worthy opportunity.

So whether 10,000 baht is a lot of money would depend on to whom you were asking and what their personal financial means were. [and maybe personal values] I hope we could all agree on this.

Now lets agree to exclude the spur-of-the-moment druggie, or the yaba’d up wacko, and just concentrate on the individual who does not have the moral turpitude or what we in the West may term “proper upbringing” . They may or may not have a job, they may or may not have a home, and may be living under a bridge somewhere. Along comes John Doe, who this mental deficient has been told has 10, 000 baht in his pocket, it may be a good possibility that this person would pick up a knife or 2X4 and wait for just the right moment and attempt to rob the unsuspecting 10,000 baht holder.

He/She may only intend to steal the money, but many times things do get out of hand and the victim may have his throat cut or his head bashed in for the sake of 10,000 baht that some would say is little money and some would say is a fortune…

Whether there is a proverbial “kataut” or the robber gets away or doesn’t and is put in jail, really doesn’t matter to the victim who may now be worm food, does it now.

Now just some basic numbers and common sense….. There are a lot more people who may elect to rob you if you have 10,000 as opposed if you have 1,000. And if you have one nice little chicken coop of a van with 100,000 baht in it the numbers of those who do not have 100,000 and would feel the risk is worth it would greatly increase….

Try to think the following through…. If you are killed or maimed in a the commission of a crime, what difference does it make to the dead or maimed person if he lost 1,000 baht or 100,000 baht.. Sometimes it is difficult for truly norom type of persons to comprehend

Just maybe this will open the eyes of some posters, as to the serious concern of those who do the border runs and would have a possibility of becoming a victim.

If you got this far, at least I thank you for your time in reading this and hope it has been some simplistic help

Falcon give my best to the snowman ..

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Thanks for this clarifiation ,George. Although it is slightly disconcerting to be wandering around with 10,000 bht on my person whilst going,and coming back,from the usual border crossings.

As I know there are mini buses wth their logos "visa run" ,going to borders with up to eight person .This means 80.000 Bht per Minibus, a good target for robbers. It does not have to happen at the border, it can happen on the way form/to border. I feel this is very dangerous.

Come on guys, this is rediculous! You all want to stay here in Thailand but dont want (or have maybe) to walk around with 10,000 baht?? ######, you all talk like this is $10,000. Look, this is ONLY $250 If you wer ein your own countries, would you not have this amount in your pocket, especially if you were going out of the country for some reason. Lets get this in to perspective, we all choose to live here and we all must have money to stay, this is the same all over the world. If we dont have money in our pockets we starve, have no where to live, rely on others for everything or die, this is the plain and simple truth of the matter.

Let me ask you guys this, If a Thai went to your country, they get to the immigration post and, after giving their passport, they are asked how long they are staying in the country and for the reason that they are travelling to the country (this is mainly the question asked when entering the US). If they then ask the Thai, "ok, you are requesting leave to enter the country for a period of 30 days, how much money do you have to support yourself"? Do you think that $250 is sufficient for them to show the immigration officer for this period of time? that is a definite NO!!

Every country you enter you must have money to support yourself, the same way anyone and everyoine has to have money to support themselves in a foreign country. In my opinion, if you guys dont have $250 in your pockets then you should stay in your own countries and not want to stay in any one elses country.

I for one make sure that both I and my (Thai) Wife have at least this amount of money in our pockets at all times, not for immigration reasons, just for common sense. What if you want to buy something? Do you not have to go out of the house with the money in your pockets?

Honestly, you guys want everything given to you on a plate and want to go to other countries and for them to conform to your own wishes and likes/dislikes.

Some of you are just Unbelievable!!!


What the ###### is wrong with you, well I suppose the 'just 250 dollars' comment gives us a fair idea. I too live here with my wife and baby , and it is my wife rather than I that has to go over the border every month. If you are stupid enough to think this is a fair deal, why is that? Do you walk around with 10000 baht in your pocket at anytime? quite possibly as you clearly don't know the value of money, but I sure as ###### don't.

Am I prepared to put my wife to the additional risk of allowing her to cross into another country where every down-and-out she walks past knows she is carrying 'only 250 dollars' no I'd rather live somewhere thanks. So we can carry travellers checks well that is great I am sure any assailant will be extra pleased after he has beaten the shit out of my wife to discover that in actual fact he did it for nothing.

And on top of all this what the ###### does it prove anyway? 10000 baht isn't exactly enough money to live on for a month is it? If a person doesn't have enough money what do they do? Go home or go begging to the embassy, do we get anything free from the government, no nothing.

Do me a favor take your head out of your arse and say something sensible.

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• 60 day tourist visa or non-immigrant visa: 20,000 baht (40,000 baht per family);
“Real tourists do not have to worry about this, but people who repeatedly enter Thailand on 30-day or 60-day visas will come under scrutiny.

If you enter Thailand with a multiple Non Imm visa and are alone

you will need to show 20000, - Baht. Non-immigrant visa is valid for 90 days!

So for this 90 days I need only 20000, - Baht.

For a yearly extension of Non "O" visa you need 400.000, - Baht in the bank or prove that you earn 40000, - Baht a month.

Where is the calculator? :o

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By enforcing such a law, all they are trying to say is "GET A WORK PERMIT AND EXTEND YOUR VISA." I'm not sure what everyone is bitching about. Is it because you are working in Thailand illegally? Or is it because you are not paying taxes? Why don't you extend your visa to one year, then this problem goes away.

Go blue in the face... Count to 10.. breate...

OK let me write this once more... If your not working (retired under 50) you dont get a work permit.. You dont have any visa options open to you.. All you can get is tourist visa's and visa's on entry. I refuse to marry someone just to get my right to stay here...

I am not working illegaly.. I am not working !!! I bring >1 mil a year into Thailand and simply spend it into the local economy.. Any other country in the world welcomes me with open arms (Oz / USA / Europe / etc) after one look at my bank book.

Personally this rule doesn't bother me.. I carry 10k baht quite often and dont do visa runs with others, however I can see no method or thought behind a cash rule as it does nothing to prove money being brought into Thailand. On the other hand if we had to prove 10 or 20k baht per month being brought in from overseas it would clear out so many people working illegally. Applying the rule backwards seems very much 'this is Thailand' !!

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